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Better than the film
19 December 2021
I found this TV series better than the original film on which it is based on, which is unusual. The actors fitted their parts better and the scripts had more substance and imagination. Each episode is quite short (about 20 mins give or take) which is a bonus as there is not enough time to start getting bored.
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Bad Girls (1999–2006)
Started well but gradually deteriorated
19 December 2021
The series started well enough but as at series progressed the story lines began to get more incredulous and far fetched. Eight series was far too many and I for one was bored of it after 3 series.
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The Tunnel (2013–2018)
Weird and often confusing
8 March 2020
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Story lines in all three series are often disjointed and confusing and to put it mildly, weird. Having said that however, it is entertaining and the acting, especially by the girl playing Elise is very good. In my opinion, the first series was the best, going downhill a bit in series two and three, though the last episode of the last series brought a surprise that I think most people would not have suspected!
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Extremely silly but enchanting
23 April 2018
This is a very silly fantasy, but also a very enchanting view of the early fifties not as they really were but as we wish they were. In reality, the early post war years in Britain were austere and bleak, and films such as this would have cheered people up just by it's absurdness and innocence. It is very well acted and all of the cast seem to have entered into the spirit of taking part in this film just for the fun of taking part.
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Borstal (2017)
Unrealistic and unconvincing portrayal of borstal life
18 September 2017
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Anybody who had been to borstal in the period this is set in would not recognise this portrayal of borstal life, it is much too sanitised and fails to convincingly give an insight into the often brutality and realities of life in a young offenders institute in the early 1970's. Whoever was in charge of the props for this film has made numerous cock-ups, e.g. the stripes on the shirts of the inmates of this film were quite wide and the blue too dark in comparison with a real borstal boys shirt which was very narrow lightish blue stripes, in the film the boys were seen mostly wandering around in dark blue dungarees, in reality, although these were worn for work, the strict rules of a borstal regime required an inmate to change when work has finished into grey flannel trousers and a blue battledress jacket. The "dorms" in the film looked more like a dormitory in a girls boarding school, real borstal "dorms" were modelled on army barracks and no way would untidy beds in the middle of the day be tolerated. Obviously, the exterior shots of the borstal I do not need to comment on, as it would be obvious to anyone, that no real borstal would bear any resemblance. Props and location aside, the story line was a rambling incoherent shambles, lurching from one boring scene to the next, the acting was third rate and the direction and camera work reminded me of a project undertaken by a 6th form college. I really do not understand what the makers of this film were hoping to achieve, as a social history lesson on punishment in years long past, it failed miserably because of it's glaring inaccurateness, I realise that now, in the 21st Century political correctness forbids giving a 100% accuracy, things were very different then, but in real life both racism and homophobia were rife in penal establishments and violence was always a real and present danger, mainly from fellow inmates though occasionally by staff, who were mainly ex servicemen, many who had served in WW11, who didn't take any crap from leery prisoners. I could forgive all the inaccuracies of this film if it had a decent plot or story line, it doesn't, I found the most interesting part of the film the end credits!
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Hasn't worn well with age
3 July 2017
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I saw this film as a 13 year old when it was first released, seeing it through the eyes of a teenager living in London I thought it was great, the title song was catchy and it seemed a bright and breezy fun movie, however, watching it again on DVD recently for the first time in over 50 years I wasn't too impressed, I found that unlike some other films released from that period, time had not been kind to it. Although nostalgic in the sense that it showed London as I remember it being like as a kid growing up there, it didn't have much to hold my attention. This was a film to showcase Joe Brown, who was a big star back then, but he was overshadowed by Marty Wilde, who in my opinion stole the show. This film may appeal to people of my generation for reasons of nostalgia, but other than that it has little going for it and I can't see the younger generations wanting to sit through it.
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Boring, slow moving and predictable.
3 July 2017
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Alistair Sim was one of Britains finest comedy character actors, however even his talent could not raise this abysmal piece of cinema above the level of boring and tedious.There were some great British films made in the post war years, unfortunately this was not one of them, the story line was flimsy and predictable, the acting was wooden and the characters were stereotypes of middle class 50's middle England (with a stereotype labour politician thrown in for good measure).
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Brighton Rock (2010)
Why did they bother?
9 August 2015
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I was never a fan of re-makes of classic films, but that said, some are better than others, The Richard Thomas re-make of "All Quiet on the Western Front" was quite a good and entertaining, as was the Martin Clunes version of "Goodbye Mr Chips", but this remake of "Brighton Rock" was an abysmal rip off of a classic British film. The lead character, Pinkie, was portrayed to perfection by Richard Attenborough in the original 1947 version of this film, he personified evil, the actor who played Pinkie in this new version was just a pale imitation and not very believable as a psychotic killer. The direction and photography of the newer version just cannot be compared to the 1947 version and the deviation from the original plot seems contrived. I realise that actors such as Richard Attenborough and a director like John Boulting are very hard acts to follow, but this film does not even get near to conveying the sense of menace of men like Pinkie Brown and the atmosphere of the under belly of society that the old black and white version did. The only other remake of a classic film I have seen that is marginally worse than this one is the Tom Hanks version of "The Ladykillers", why do they bother?
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Simple but charming
18 April 2015
I have just seen this film on TV last night, it is the first time I have seen it, and although not a classic, it does have a certain amount of charm and given that it was a cheaply made 'B' movie I thought it was well acted and well directed. It certainly held my attention and kept me entertained for the 90 minutes or so that it was on for. I would certainly like to watch more films like this one than the majority of the films that are made now. I notice that several reviewers have stated that it is not historically accurate in a few details, maybe that is so, I couldn't say, but whether it was accurate historically or not is of small consequence to me, I watch a film to be entertained not to have a lesson in factual history. Others have said that it is too much like an episode of "Gunsmoke" and uses the same sets, as "Gunsmoke" was one of the longest running and best western series ever aired on TV I would have thought that was not a bad thing and a plus rather than a negative.
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badly researched film
1 January 2014
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I have to agree with the review by Alan Baker as to the factual errors in the episode entitled "A Coppers Tale". I am a nephew of the late Chief Supt Tommy Butler, and although only a young boy at the time of the robbery, I remember distinctly that the car he used during that investigation was a Wolsey that he used to drive himself, I lived en route from Central London to Buckinghamshire (just off of the old A40) and Uncle Tom used to call in for a cup of tea frequently on his way back to London, and i never once saw him being driven by another police officer and definitely not in a Jaguar. Another factual error was that his home as shown in the film looked like a nice suburban semi detached private house, when in reality he lived with my grandmother in a rather shabby terraced council house in Barnes.
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British comedy at its very best
17 November 2011
The Carry on genre of films was in the late fifties, sixties and early seventies a British institution. I have a special soft spot for Carry on Regardless, as the exterior scenes of the Employment Exchange were filmed at Yiewsley Town Hall (Middlesex), just a couple or so miles up the road from Pinewood Studios, and more importantly for me just a few hundred yards from my school. Myself and several of my class mates bunked off school to watch the shooting, and although we were not allowed to get anywhere near the actors, the film crew let us watch from across the road, which was very exciting for an eleven year old. We got caned the next day for bunking off school, but in hindsight it was worth it. Apart from my personal bias, I do think that Regardless was one of the funnier Carry On's, it had moved on from the rather twee Carry On Sergeant, rather silly Carry On Teacher, and showed the beginnings of saucy postcard humour which were to become the films trademark. Sadly, the Carry On films lost their way in the mid 70's, Carry on England being painful to watch and Carry on Emmanuel being more a porn film than a classic British comedy.
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A very enjoyable film
17 November 2011
I had never heard of this film, it was shown on TV on one of the lower end movie channels in the early hours. Because of the nature of the movie channel I was expecting a low budget, badly dubbed, foreign film, I could not have been more pleasantly surprised .... it was a high quality, English language film with good acting and expert directing. How historically accurate it is I would not know, and to be honest do not really care, it entertained me from beginning to end, which at the end of the day, is really all a film is supposed to do. It told a good story in an intelligent and watchable way and did not have to rely on expensive computer generated special effects or lashings violence and/or sex scenes to keep ones attention throughout.
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Ruby and Oswald (1978 TV Movie)
watchable and entertaining but a naive portrayal of Ruby
23 July 2011
Being in England, the Kennedy assassination did not have the same impact on me or my contemporaries, than it would have had to the American people. For that reason I think we English can view the events of that day in November 1963 from a more detached viewpoint. Whether the conspiracy theories have any credence to them I couldn't say, maybe they do and maybe they don't, I keep an open mind on that. However, I do find the motives put forward in this film for Jack Ruby killing Oswald somewhat implausible and hard to believe. I watched this film earlier this evening on one of the movie channels, and I must admit I did find it entertaining and worth watching, but I think one has to be selective in what one takes for gospel and what is supposition, in my opinion it was too simplistic and naive in parts. I thought the acting was good though, both of the actors that played the lead parts were very good and dealt with a sometimes 'iffy' script admirably.
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Boring 1970's attempt to shock
4 July 2011
I watched this film on its original release, I also watched it a few days ago, I was hoping that with age it may have appealed to me more, but unfortunately it failed to hold my attention now, just as it failed to hold my attention way back then. The director has chosen to use graphic sex and violence to gloss over a bad script, feeble plot and mediocre acting. This film is remembered today for all of the wrong reasons. If looking at full frontal nudity is your thing, or unrealistic violence turns you on, then this film would probably appeal, but if you like a movie to entertain or to be thought provoking, I should give it a miss.
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Still as funny in 2011 as in 1938
15 June 2011
I have just watched this movie on BBC television, it is fantastic, the acting is charming, not only from Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn, but all of the supporting cast as well. Most films from the pre-war years do not wear well with age, but this one does, it is so fresh,lively and entertaining, that one tends to forget it was made 73 years ago. This film shows that a film to be extremely funny and engaging does not have to resort to swearing, nudity or sex, something the modern day directors and actors could do with learning. The plot is very simple and does not really contribute much, but the acting and direction is so superb that one does not really care. It is a silly film and unpretentious, just the sort of film to watch when one needs cheering up or a good laugh for a good laugh's sake. I watched it today and laughed pretty much non stop all through.
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True Grit (2010)
Good ....... but not good enough
14 June 2011
A good entertaining film, and for those that have not seen the original John Wayne/Kim Darby/Glenn Campbell version, it would probably tick all the boxes. However, although a good actor, Jeff Bridges cannot command the screen presence that John Wayne could. I also thought Kim Darby made a better and more believable Mattie Ross. I'll leave the jury out on Glenn Campbells acting capabilities. In the original the character of Rooster Cogburn was more rounded, he had sense of humour and friends, a Chinese man and a cat. I personally have not got much time for re-makes, all of the ones I have seen have invariably fallen short of the original, and this film is no exception.
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Far superior to the re-make
5 March 2011
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I have just watched the 2004 version of this film, although entertaining and by no means a bad film, it lacks the realism and grittiness of this 1965 original. I found the 2004 film to be a sanitised version, it failed to convey to the viewer the intolerable heat of the desert and the desperate fatigue and water and food deprivation suffered by the crash victims. This original version also has minor sub plots and the characters are more complex and dare I say, better acted? This film was made at the tail end of when Hollywood still produced class films and used talented actors, who were masters of their craft and not just 'celebrities'.
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On the Buses (1969–1973)
Better than the moon landings anyday
4 August 2010
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21st August 1969, the BBC was running a whole evening covering the landing on the moon by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin earlier that day, ITV was showing the most recent episode of 'On The Buses', I was in borstal at the time, and this was long before the days of prisoners having TV in cells, we had one television (black and white) in the recreation room, which we were allowed to watch for half an hour hour each night, there were only 3 channels to choose from, BBC, ITV and BBC2, and the 'screws' used to ask for a show of hands to see which channel we would watch on any particular evening. You may have thought, that because of the importance of the event, we would overwhelmingly vote to watch the moon landing ... you would be wrong, we voted almost unanimously to watch 'On The Buses' .. that was the popularity of the programme back then. Now, over 40 years later and watching it on re-runs, I can still see why we voted as we did. It was so ludicrous that it was brilliant, the characters were all of the seaside comic postcard variety, even back in the late 60's/early 70's, the idea of a 40 year old man living with his mother and dysfunctional sister/brother-in-law would be considered suspicious, and the notion that 2 middle aged and not particularly good looking men at that, would be able to 'pull clippies' young enough to be their daughters is the basic joke the series revolved around. It is good old fashioned, bawdy, slapstick fun, not meant to be taken seriously, and all the better for not being fettered by being made before the political correct brigade ruined entertainment as we knew it.
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Over sentimental
28 January 2010
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It would seem that I am in the minority, but I found this film to be neither entertaining nor successful at getting its anti war message across. The underlying message is that war is bad, especially for children ..... do we really need a Hollywood director to tell us that? Its one and only redeeming factor is the quality of acting by a very young Dean Stockwell, that cannot be faulted, but the content I found boring and terribly condescending. It could be that this film was made in America for an American audience, I believe that in the UK we are not as sentimental as our friends across the pond. A film should be to entertain, but too many directors seem to have a penchant for jumping on the band wagon to voice left wing views, if not against war it is against capital punishment. I watched this film a few days ago and I would say that it has not worn well with age.
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Tries hard but could do better
23 January 2010
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The premise of an innocent man setting himself up to be executed in order to make the point that innocent people do sometimes get executed, is on the whole a clever idea and the writer deserves full credit for his contribution to this film, however I found the direction to be sloppy and jerky and biased too much towards the anti capital punishment brigade. Although Kevin Spacey is no doubt a fine actor, I found his portrayal of David Gale to be of a man obsessed with himself and his own importance, bordering between arrogance and martyrdom. I for one, was quite pleased when he finally was served his last meal. This film is clearly another of Hollywoods left wing biased anti death penalty offerings, but not as successful at getting that message across as some others have been, although a fantasy film, I found the Green Mile delivered a much stronger message in that direction. I have to admit that I am Pro death penalty, but I do not think that has biased my review, I think that this film COULD have been very good if directed with more skill and less left wing leanings.
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A fictional view of how England never was ..... but should have been
21 January 2010
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To love this film (which I do), one has to accept that it is pure fantasy, even back in the 1950's rural English life was never like it is portrayed in this film, that said, it is a wonderful piece of nostalgia for those who yearn for a picture postcard England that never was. The photography is masterful, as is the direction and acting. To sit down and watch this film is a pleasure for both the eye and the soul. It is wistful, innocent, and above all has that peculiar English quaintness that has somehow been lost in the years since it was made. Ealing Studios had the unique ability to make the whimsical seem believable, (e.g. Passport to Pimlico, Kind Hearts and Coronets, The Ladykillers, The Lavender Hill Mob), and as such should be applauded, especially as these films were made in the austerity of post war Britain. I personally think that this film is the quaintest of all the Ealing Comedies, and also the best. For entertainment value it is faultless and can be watched and enjoyed by any age group, and whether or not one likes trains, to see a 100 + year old locomotive steaming along the tracks is indeed a wonderful sight.
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A happy little film and great nostalgia
20 January 2010
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Joe Brown was a pop star of the early 60's, he was also quite a good actor, although the plot of this film is rather flimsy, an Italian heiress on holiday in the London of the swinging 60's who is obsessed with collecting hats, the pace and energy and catchy little songs (Three Hats for Lisa, Two Cockney Kids), make it an entertaining little romp, and for those of us who grew up in 60's London a nostalgic look back to London when it was a great city. Joe Brown, Una Stubbs, Sid James make a good team and work well together. This film was made in the days when musical films starring British pop stars of the day were the norm (Cliff Richards with 'The Young Ones', 'Summer Holiday', etc. Tommy Steele with 'The Duke wore Jeans', 'Tommy the Toreadore', etc. Billy Fury with 'I got a Horse', The Beatles with 'Hard Days Night', 'Help', Dave Clarke Five with 'Catch us if you can', Hermans Hermits with 'Mrs Brown you have a lovely daughter' and etc etc etc), and as such were never meant to be taken seriously. Joe Brown also had a previous film 'What a crazy world', and as far as these pop films go, Three hats has to be rated as one of the better ones.
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Shane (1953)
They don't make westerns any better than this one
20 January 2010
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I first saw this western as a boy, and fifty odd years and many viewings later, it still holds my attention. It is a tale of courage, loyalty, friendship and morality, but told in a non sentimental way,as seen through the eyes of a young boy. The acting is superb, Alan Ladd plays to perfection the hero in an understated way and the supporting cast play their parts with perfection. Although the basic plot is simple, the good guys are being driven off their land by the bad guys, a stranger rides in and takes up their cause, eventually vanquishing the bad guys, the sub plot goes much deeper, even to the extent that it is shown that even the bad guys have a point, if not justification, for trying to regain the land that the homesteaders have cultivated. They just do not make movies like this anymore, if this film were to be remade now, no doubt we would see Shane in bed with his friends wife, graphic violence, digital special effects and a proliferation of four letter words.
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a film that shows Norman Wisdon can act in a straight role
20 January 2010
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A fine piece of acting from Norman Wisdom. In this film his character makes a complete fool of himself without resulting to slapstick. The plot which centres around a middle aged man being infatuated with a girl young enough to be his daughter, should evoke sympathy and understanding from any man of a certain age, it is a story of mid life crisis, the realisation that one is getting old and stuck in a rut, but the reluctance of accepting it. The premise of a young girl having an affair with an old(er) man, was not as absurd at the time this film was made as it may seem now, back in the 60's it was more sociably acceptable as it is now, just as nowadays it is common and accepted for older women to lust after much younger men. When I first saw this film, when it was released in cinemas back in 1969, I did not like it much, like most people I was expecting a typical Norman Wisdom knockabout farce, but since seeing it again recently, I can relate to the poignancy and futility of the a man trying desperately to regain a long lost youth.
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The Producers (1967)
A masterpiece of bad taste
19 January 2010
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Only Mel Brooks could produce a hilarious film centred around a musical about Nazi's. It is in such bad taste that it is side splittingly funny because of the ridiculousness of the subject matter. The casting is superb, Zero Mostel is on top form ably assisted by a young Gene Wilder. The music and songs are catchy and rattle around in your head for days after seeing the film, especially 'Springtime for Hitler'. I have watched the more recent version that was released, and although for a remake it was surprisingly good, it cannot compare to the original. Mel Brookes has made many very funny films, 'Blazing Saddles', 'Young Frankenstein', amongst the best, but 'The Producers' has to be the one that will ensure his name goes down in cinema history. No one else has the ability of taking a taboo subject (i.e fascism, racism) and making it look absolutely ridiculous. This film is a must for any comedy fan.
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