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It is what it's supposed to be C+
17 July 2021
Wait, y'all actually acting like #spacejam isn't a kids movie?

AND y'all acting like the first one wasn't poorly received trash. Don't do this revisionist history. For the long form commercials that both space jam movies are- they're good for what they are. Solid C+ mindless entertainment. It's a movie about cartoons and y'all acting like it's supposed to be giving the secret to curing world hunger.
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Without Remorse (II) (2021)
So the only reason yall hate this movie is becasue...
9 May 2021
I find it quite odd that the main reason for negative reviews is NOT because of it being a bad movie (it is not), but because it doesn't follow the book exactly? Do you know how foolish this sounds? It doesn't follow the book from the 90s. It isn't the 90s.

Also, many of you are showing your st*pidity by blaming "wokeness" because there is a woman in it. Do you people realize all of this is fake? It is a MOVIE. Actors. People doing multiple takes. Filming scenes. Whats really up with yall? If you hate seeing women - take that up with your mom.

Just enjoy the movie for what it is: A decent story, that we all have seen before, being acted very well, with some great stunt scenes. The story as a whole isn't new, so sticking to the book 100% wouldn't have changed much - but it is good entertainment for a lazy evening.
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Cognitive Dissonance
12 April 2021
To decolonize the mind is a tough thing to do. It is ironic that the people who don't like it, merely don't like it because it doesn't show whiteness (not white people, but whiteness) in a bad light. That should tell you all you need to know. As for the documentary itsel, parts are hard to watch. He makes you sit with your feelings and endure the cognitive dissonance within you. Even paused a few times to "research" only to find out, what was just said/presented was factual. The narrative around a lot of what we know and was taught is torn down and that is extremely hard for some. Like finding out the Easter bunny, tooth fairy, and Santa clause aren't real. The documentary does a great job of humanizing the people while showing how whiteness (not white people) developed a sense of being in this country. It is worth a watch and when you get over the emotions of it, you should watch it again. I can not lie- I did wonder how this snuck by to be on such a large platform like HBOMax. But it was well worth discovering.

Disregard the sensitive cancel culture firebrand of those who just want to call anything that doesn't say "white is right, regardless" political drivel or propaganda - as if the status quo isn't propaganda in the worst form.
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Forrest Gump (1994)
One of the greatest
18 August 2020
Jenny is one of the greatest movie supervillains of all time. This movie has aged fairly decent and is worth watching at least once. It does have some of the best acting from Tom Hanks in a movie. The mannerisms and such, give him playing an autistic man are top notch. There is some suspect stuff in The movie, but it's about suspending belief. Oh and did I say that Jenny was one of the greatest supervillains in cinematic history?
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Living Single (1993–1998)
The originator - Friends has nothing on Living Single
22 April 2020
Watching this it is clear that Friends was stolen from this format. But what's worse is this is much more naturally funny and flows better . It's a must watch.
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Gravity (2013)
A Movie to make you appreciate Gravity (and this movie)
23 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
There have been quite a few movies in the past that utilized a "one main actor" setup to carry a movie. From Castaway with Tom Hanks, to "I am Legend" with Will Smith, and Buried with Ryan Reynolds. If you notice the trend, these movies are mostly Lead by Men. All great actors carrying great movies, but where are the women? In comes Gravity. Gravity stars Sandra Bullock and George Clooney, but Spoiler alert... This is all Sandra Bullocks movie.

Sandra Bullock has been great throughout her acting career with her all around charm, girl next door beauty and best friend sense of humor; but never has she embarked on a role such as this.

You have seen the previews by now so you know exactly what Gravity is about; a catastrophic event happens to crew of astronauts while in space. From there, it's a great ride on the edge of your seat action thriller that seems to hold you with its intense drama and "what could go wrong" happenings at every turn!

Gravity begins quickly. There is very little to the opening sequence other than a brief introductory paragraph, and then you are thrust into a beautifully constructed view of space and the earth. It is breathtaking and Space itself seems to be the true lead character of the movie. You are introduced to the characters quickly and like any great movie, you are quickly ushered into a tense situation (you know, from the commercials again). There is the necessary amount of time to establish who is who, but the movie and its short run time do not drag on with forced character development. I love a movie that doesn't give away each part of the plot in its previews; and in this one, the previews only told about the first 20 minutes of the movie! This left you in total suspense and made you eager to see what was going to happen.

Gravity is fairly short at just under an hour and a half. This is perfect for a movie like this. The obvious comparisons would be to Avatar, but I think this is what Avatar should have been. The pace was quick and intense and just the right length. Sandra Bullock (In my opinion) easily handles the role and makes you feel her anguish and pain throughout. This is an Oscar worthy role and performance. She took on the challenge to overcome. Not only her personal demons, but the beautiful, yet unforgiving character of space, and the force often taken for granted.... Gravity.

Throughout the movie, a lot happens. During these multiple series of unfortunate events, you're held captive and an in awe of her resolve. She doesn't have it figured out or know what to do, and that is a good thing. She is a real person in an unreal situation. You root for her. You feel her stress, her pain, and her hurt. The caveat is the vastness of her circumstances and Ms Bullock brazenly takes on the challenges

The visuals of this movie are so stunning that you get tricked into the beauty of space and forget that it is a truly harsh environment. Sandra Bullock showcases her acting chops, and you get a real sense of her suffocation while in space. The grandness of the Earth is even alluring. You'll find yourself trying to guess what earthly locale you are looking at!

While On the surface it would seem that this is a self apocalyptic conquest of "Sandra Bullock versus the universe", it is so much more... But that alone is enough! I can't speak highly enough about how great Gravity looks. Sandra Bullock not being in consideration for Oscar, People's choice awards, MTV, or any other awards would be a travesty.

Gravity deserves to go down in the annuls of great epic movies, and worthy of two views. I can't wait for the Bluray to see the extra scenes!

Smush rating SMUSH - a must see!

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The Family (I) (2013)
Low expectations but high Hopes. Exceeded both!
12 September 2013
When I received the premier passes to see "The Family", I was really expecting with such great actors/actresses, that this movie would be good; but more-so expecting it to fall flat like so many before it. I was greatly surprised.

The Movie is based on the French author Tonino Benacquista's novel Malavita, which is know as Badfellas in America. And "BadFellas" is an interesting way to view this film. It does have all the wonderful elements of the great Mobster movies, but with a touch more humor. The family dynamic is a refreshing one that invokes what a modern mob family would probably be going through. You found yourself "going" for the family as a whole and not singling out one for their idiocy.

The movie starts off fast to quickly usher you thorough the character introductions and development, which is a good thing, because it allows you to experience their personality and growth throughout the film. You watch the stupid mistakes of a teenage girl, a boy who's intuitive yet still flawed. A mother who's trying to do the best she can to hold her family together, and a remorseful (somewhat) father.

If you are wanting Goodfellas or Casino, this isn't it. What this IS is DEFINITELY what "Analyze This" could have been if it was a better movie. There is plenty of action, and the previews don't give away the best of the movie. It is definitely a must see and Smush Approved.
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