
5 Reviews
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They tried, but...
25 June 2022
It was at some times an honest comedy, resembling some Chevy Chasey-comedies from 80s, but the Netflix overwhelming preoccupation with the political correctness, BLM-enthusiasthic pandering and "do not offend no one" politics is really tiresome. And that reflects directly on the quality of the plot. Drops of uneccessary wokism all around (when it was neccessary after all?) left a stench of overweight blue-haired woketard dirty underpants on a movie that should be so much more fun. A pity, really. It had potential, the story wasn't too bad, the acting is very nice and well tuned for comedy by the cast, but it is poorly written, and the development is cluttered by the netflixian omnipresent wokism.
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Isn't it frustrating
25 March 2019
I normally have a good place in my heart for movies that criticize some genre of hollywoodian productions. Even when the genres involved aren't my preferred ones, I usually give it a shot, for irony, sarcasm and autocritic's sake.

At the beginning, the premise here was OK. You get a comedienne to criticize the romcom ridiculous and absurd clichés and tropes that became so popular into the style. And the actress is someone that you don't doubt that have enough chutzpah to accomplish the mission. Nothing could go wrong, right? Wrong!

The sad side of the story is, as long as the movie stands in the position of tongue-in-cheek criticism towards the romcom genre, its flaws are easily forgiven. But from the moment it all starts to get confused between the humouristic satire, passing on to respectfully nodding and ends transforming in a romcom exactly the same as it was criticizing minutes ago, everything goes burning down in flames.

You can't avoid feeling somewhat doublecrossed by the script towards the end of it all. With a couple of cringeworthy musical numbers to complete the package, this film could be far, far better. But it all ended as just another corny, diabethic-killing, saccharose-dripping, intelligence-insulting, stupid romcom with nothing to add.
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Widows (2018)
Technically good, politically awful.
22 March 2019
I wouldn't really mind so much about another movie about woman power. As long as the movie depicts woman power in a straightforward and honest fashion.

I wouldn't really mind so much about another movie about black power. As long as the movie talks about black power in terms of real empowerment and don't indulge itself on the cheap "we started from petty crime, let's go dominate the politics now" narrative.

I wouldn't really mind so much about another movie depicting racist old white men. As long as the movie didn't use it as a embarassing, overused trope with a strong sense of paranoia and almost none plot immagination involved in the character.

I wouldn't really mind so much about another movie depicting corrupt politicians, as long as they were served to the public with a minimum of consideration on means of adressing the problem, and not as (another) overused trope.

I wouldn't really mind so much about another movie with husband-wife issues. As long as doing that, they don't underestimate the public intelligence by putting the morals of women that chose to live, to marry and to have children with guys that are criminals by choice of trade above aparently anything for the sake of an dumbly used empowering stance.

The movie suffers from the bipolarity of having a technically irreprehensible filmmaker at the same time as struggles to deliver a nice viewing experience that becomes harder and harder to achieve towards the end. The last 20 minutes are so prolific in horribly bad scripted moments that you sometimes think "THIS is the same movie i started to watch?". Bottomline, another otherwise excellent movie goes down in flames torched by the complete subservience of hollywood to the SJWism above intelligence.
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Colossal (2016)
Colossal but didn't grown up enough
15 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A disappointment. They tried to market this film as something far better than it really is. even though the original premise had some real potential, the awful character development (mainly Gloria and Oscar) managed to empty all that potential to a point that's almost nothing left.

Gloria and Oscar are a pretty unlikable pair of human beings. They appear as hard-to- connect-with and with non-adequately presented trajectories, at least to the point one could really identify with and care about what happens or not to them, or merely understand more clearly why they are as they are.

Gloria's character tries to gain some sympathy through the charisma of her actress, but instead of succeeding on this, she makes you think something like "What's about this girl, anyway?"... And Oscar lacks a serious lot of depth, at least something to make more clearer why he starts to show from a certain point so many strange an widely incoherent attitudes with the character's own trajectory in the film until that point.

What you see for a good part of the movie: two adult human beings with jerky attitudes (childish in most parts, in other just plain jerky) towards life, without knowing exactly why. That can be pretty annoying. Even with a (very, very, weak) explanation ahead in the story,it fails in stop the damage.

What could be a far better movie ends as a cheap metaphor about the huge incapacity of a whole generation of adults in behave as well, clinging to an somewhat ridiculous immaturity. The final product, albeit well produced and with technical and direction in the right places, is something with a narrative depth as closer as a SNL sketch than a proper motion picture.

In the end, it resumes itself as an whining generation movie of the sort "I suffered bullying from a mean boy at school and now, 25 years after that, I'm a loser adult woman that cannot stand my life unless I drunk my sorry ass out in a daily basis. Just because the boy stomped all over my school project!"
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Hell on Wheels (2011–2016)
Could a few more dollars make any difference?
19 December 2011
As a fan of a wide variety of western-related material, ranging from Sergio Leone's 60's "Spaghetti Western" style to recent attempts like 3:10 to Yuma and True Grit, i got seriously attracted to give this AMC's Hell on Wheels a chance. By watching the teasers and trailers, the scenery, the premise, and the overall graphic treatment was attractive enough to get a western fan interested, at least it was in my opinion.

But, then the day came and the promise was not quite fulfilled. The good setting, the overall treatment was there, the beautiful scenery too, but it keeps feeling like something just wasn't there. The main character, the guy all the attentions would be over, looked good,was decently portrayed by Mr. Mount, but has the empathy of a frying pan. The main villain seemed so evil, so disgustingly corrupt, that even well played by Mr. Meaney, kept leaving a recurrent impression of a cartoonish, too- easy-to-get personality.

As the show progress, you start to figure out where the problem is: although all the decent setting, technique, and stuff, there's something wrong with the script. You just can't feel empathy for the "good" guys or ladies, you just can't hate the villains enough, you just see persons kind of scattered after a war and don't feel any interest for their stories. For a pilot episode, it started quite slow, both in the rhythm and in the character introduction, and the script leaves too few interesting hangs to the next episode, and fails miserably in creating interest in the overall story as a whole.

I just give them the 3 of 10 for the beautiful production, but be certain that is not enough to make a good western-themed show.
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