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Holiday Road Trip (2013 TV Movie)
I noticed the stars from the past were in here
21 December 2013
Ashley Scott plays an executive for a company that produces pet supplies. Just after getting into a fight with her boyfriend about their relationship status, she takes up with the company's mascot and the company president's son on a road trip across America at Christmastime in an effort to get home for the holiday season.

Susan Olson, Donna Pescow, and Mindy Cohn also played roles in this film, which, when I stumbled across the names, piqued my interest, so when I found out it was on TV, I hunkered down for the evening with the movie. It's not bad, but a bit clichéd. If you have a couple of hours during the holiday season and it airs in your area, go for it! But don't break up any holiday plans to sit down for'll be disappointed.
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Was it just me, or did it feel like all the actors were just going through the motions?
3 October 2010
To be totally honest, I never was a really big fan of Vince Vaughn, but I guess he's an "all-right guy." But I would only put that title on his ability to act, because he sure fell short in his ability to write comedy. Given the setting that he and his fellow writers put themselves in, the plot fell way short of spectacular and ended up somewhere between boring and snoring (I really did almost fall asleep during this film).

But given the lead having called in his part (the film might have been better if he HAD called it in), I can get a better understanding of how an actor can "play" off another actor, which the rest of the cast accomplished in doing. Bottom line: in this film, Vince Vaughn pulled out all the stops in achieving NOTHING! 3 out of 10 stars in this film is a gift!
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Weird Science (1985)
Better in its own time...
2 March 2009
A couple of nerdy teenagers get the idea to use a computer to create a woman who will give in to their every whim. Little did they count on whims of her creating men out of them.

Kelly LeBrock's big break comes in this film and becomes every red blooded young man's fantasy, and her antics throughout this film are quite for its time, but computers have come a long way since then and with cloning...

All right! Enough of that. The bottom line is that this film was good for its time, and it's not bad now, but it has faded over the years and the only time I pull out the DVD is when I'm in the mood for some comedy from the 80's (but "The Breakfast Club" is a lot better). The interaction between the characters is not bad, and the chemistry is a bit intriguing.

7 out of 10 stars.
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Miss All-American Beauty (1982 TV Movie)
Lane is nothing more than eye candy...
2 March 2009
When beauty pageant contestant Diane Lane wins the state title, she had no idea what lay in waiting for her when she wins the national title and the public demands mount as she carries her title across the country.

To my knowledge, I've never seen this film until today, which might be a good thing, because otherwise I would have had to SUFFER through this movie more than one time. Aside from the fluff, like "Ooh! Ain't I pretty?!?!?" and the stereotypical ideas that this show represents, the only other point I would have about this film is that it is B-O-R-I-N-G!The only thing that Lane has going for her in this film (other than her beautiful looks and obvious grace and charm) is that this film is over twenty-five years old and no one will, hopefully, stumble across this film like I did on Netflix and waste their stamp to return it.

3 out of 10 stars.
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Standing on the outside...looking in.
23 February 2009
During the 1800's Britain, a somewhat younger boy finds love with a girl who, as a young princess, manipulates her older suitors. But he finds, instead, a game of deceit played by the most shocking suitors of all.

Nick Stahl and Kirsten Dunst hold their own very well in this film. I'll be the first to admit that I'm not a fan of time pieces such as this, but once I gave the plot a chance (I had to re-start the movie twice), I found myself wanting to see the end of it and find out what happens to the main characters. Based on two other short stories, the two are combined by the director to keep one's interest, as long as they're in the mood for a film such as this.

5 out of 10 stars.
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See the original...
21 February 2009
Jessica Simpson stars in this film released direct to video about a movie starlet who goes from bombing in the movie industry to bombing in the Army, First Sergeant Fox on her case every inch of the way.

Bomb! Bomb! Bomb! This film is so awful that I can't believe I made it all the way through. The surprising thing about this film is how bad it seems after Goldie Hawn did it almost thirty years ago. Save yourself the money, and the embarrassment of someone you know seeing this under your arm when you walk through Walmart, buying this DVD, and watch the original, "Private Benjamin."

1 out of 10 stars.
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Anaconda (1997)
In a word...cheesy!
16 February 2009
Documentary film crew, headed up by Jennifer Lopez, unknowingly takes on a stranger who is hunting a huge killer snake, but the question is who is the hunter and who is the hunter? This film, in my mind, was kind of like "Jaws" of the Amazon. The snakes in question obviously exist, and, there might be a few with such mammoth proportions, but the first time you watch this film, you know what it's all about (hence, the title). Although the special effects are way better than "Jaws," the film, itself, could have used a little more work in the writing department, because I felt it played like a bad, one hundred minute soap opera/Flash Gordon type sci-fi movie.

I think, overall, it was an okay movie for Lopez to debut as the star, but it sure doesn't show any promise in her range (which, over the years, proves any theories of her acting ability right). I think the one who really "stole the show" in this film, was Jon Voight as the crazy old man who steers the others away from what they want, even though they all know they're ending up in mortal danger. Overall, it's not a bad movie, because, even seeing it for a third time, I still find myself sitting on the edge of my seat in certain parts of this film.

6 out of 10 stars.
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Good thing this was only 4 min long, otherwise I'd REALLY feel ripped off...
9 February 2009
The zany characters created by Bud Abbott and Lou Costello get an update in animated fashion, where the "Who's on first?" is played.

I don't think this would be so bad if it weren't so predictable. The animation attempt on the film was there, but with only four minutes to present (of which 1:08 was saved for credits at the end), made this a film short that goes quicker than it's taking me to write this review. Maybe someone a little older than me can find some humor in it, but it definitely was not my cup of tea, so to speak. But the other thing I found familiar was the voice inflection displayed by Gil palmer as the voice of Bud Abbott.

2 out of 10 stars.
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One of the few film subjects where it's hard to be unbiased...
9 February 2009
"Generations" follows what appears to be the end of Capt. James T. Kirk, only to find him still alive about eighty years later, where Capt. Jean-Luc Picard finds him existing in an anomaly in space and attempts to convince him to leave this protective haven to help stop a madman whose own attempts to join with this anomaly have included blowing up stars and suns to influence it's travel through space.

It's hard for me to give an unbiased comment on this film, due, not so much, to my familiarity of the series, but, rather, because I'm such a fan of Capt. Kirk, his time, and the Star Trek series, as a whole. Some comments include some knowledge of what they know about this film and I find myself wanting to do the same: In the first scene of what was, then, the latest starship to be called Enterprise, where Kirk, Scotty, and Chekov were on hand to send her off on her maiden voyage. Director David Carson had a "dry run" of the scene with the extras, was happy with what he saw, then brought in the film's stars and shot the scene. When the stars left after filming the shot, he went off on the extras for totally blowing the scene, where one of the extras remarked something about "being hard to focus when you're on the bridge of the Enterprise with Captain Kirk." I will say that this is one of my favorite in the series of films because we find out what actually happened to Capt. Kirk after all the years of "Star Trek: The Next Generation" and brief mentions of him and his time throughout the syndicated series. I think that this film is, perhaps, only topped out on my list of favorites in the film series by "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home." 9 out of 10 stars.
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Texas will never be the same...
6 February 2009
When a teenage beauty queen from a small town in Texas has big dreams of anchoring "Good Morning America," it comes with an agenda that includes taking in a foreign exchange student from France, but what she wasn't counting on was all the mayhem that followed her across the Atlantic Ocean.

This movie is a farce! First of all, let's be real! What teenager would go to such lengths to try and pull something like this off? And who would have those kind of resources at her age to put a plan like this into action? Too many questions, and no answers! The only reason this film caught my attention was that I saw a scene while channel surfing and Piper Perabo was "doing her thing" in the film and it caught my attention, to where I looked ahead in the program guide and planned accordingly to watch it, but just because I liked Perabo in "Coyote Ugly" and tolerated her in "The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle" does not mean she's my favorite, but I was very glad when the film was over. Funny parts in the film, but not a funny film, itself.

5 out of 10 stars.
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A bit over the top...
5 February 2009
Jim Sturgess and Evan Rachel Wood star as a pair of young adults from two different countries in, for lack of a better term, star-crossed lovers syndrome, who fight for what they believe in and end up fighting each other.

I'm sorry, but this is definitely not my kind of movie, but I made it through, anyway. I got about half-way through the film when the phone rang, and I normally pause it for such things, but I found this film so BORING that I let it play through, only to rewind it to find out what happened in the end, anyway, so my hat's off to director Julie Taymor for capturing my attention, anyway. Does anyone else feel like Sadie and Jo-Jo were tasteless copies of Mama Cass and Jimi Hendrix? 4 out of 10 stars.
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Atonement (2007)
This film is messed up...
2 February 2009
Keira Knightley stars as a spoiled young woman in 1930's England who tries to deny her feelings for the family's housekeepers son (James McAvoy). But when she finally gives in to her feelings, she spawns jealousy in her little sister (Saoirse Ronan), leading to false accusations.

I guess it's just not my day for movies set in a different time, as this one has left me wanting more, but definitely NOT anymore like this one. I found myself watching this with only half-interest when the film kept going in reverse and setting up what the younger sister saw, then finding myself more interested as McAvoy found himself in the war, trying to safely get home. Although the plot was, finally, understandable, this film was all over the place and didn't spend any time setting anything up! 4 out of 10 stars.
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Not my cup of tea...
2 February 2009
Hilary Swank stars as the 18th century French countess who, having been stripped by the crown, schemes her revenge by obtaining a necklace worth millions.

The only reason I watched this film was because I'm a fan of Swank. I've seen her in several films and I am occasionally impressed by her work, although I regret to say I was much less than impressed in this one. Christopher Walken is another favorite of mine, but his work here, I felt was overpowered by Swank's rather lacking performance, and I really never DID care for Adrien Brody.

I'm not an expert of the time, and I know this film is based on factual events, the only part of this particular time in history is Marie Antoinette's part in it..."Let them eat cake." So, hence, I really don't feel right on commenting on the events, themselves. The part that stood out in my mind, though, was that all the actors in this film gave more of an English accent, than they did a French one...or was I just imagining that?

3 out of 10 stars.
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Death Race (2008)
What a movie!
2 February 2009
Jason Statham stars as an ex-race car driver framed for the murder of his wife in a time where the economy in the world is shot and people in prison are being shot at—legally—in a prison where the ultimate winner is the one who can walk away from the track alive.

This is one "kick-a**" movie! It's been so long since I've seen the original that I can't even remember it (review on that film sometime in the future). I found myself glued to the screen, waiting for the next sequence to evolve, and I didn't have to wait long, either, as this film kept moving—all 89 minutes of it! The only thing I have to say about the film is to cite the lead, Jason Statham. I think he's a little overdue to show some of his acting talent, as his main big-time films feature a car alongside him ("Crank" and the "Transporter" films in particular), but it's time to feature more than just his ability to beat someone up or beat them out using a car.

8 out of 10 stars.
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The Arrival (1996)
In a word...cheesy!
1 February 2009
Charlie Sheen stars as a scientist who discovers that there really is "life out there." The only problem is that it's not out there—it's here, and they're covering up his discovery in hopes of remaining incognito.

This movie plays like a cheap sci-fi movie of the 30's. The only difference is that there are better special effects in the 90's. It wasn't a bad film, but I find that it WAS worth waiting 13 years to see it. I have seen some thrillers before and I didn't find myself holding my breath, sitting on the edge of my seat, or anything like that. I'm a fan of Charlie Sheen and I think Teri Polo is cute, but that's about as far as this movie goes.

3 out of 10 stars (and that's a gift).
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Almost Famous (2000)
Good movie, but a bit unbelievable...
1 February 2009
15 yr old Fugit gets the job of a lifetime, following a band for Rolling Stone magazine and intertwining with everyone involved with the band, including groupie Hudson.

All right, the movie, itself is fantastic, but when you think about it, a kid getting a job as a writer for a major magazine? And they pick up his bill as he goes on tour with the band? Come on! The other question I have is that if this movie is about the kid and his experience on the road, how is that Kate Hudson ends up on the cover of the movie poster? I can't speak on the reality of being behind the scenes with the band, because I've never been behind the scenes, myself, but it makes for a good movie and the actors blend very well to bring characters to life. If you watch this for its cinematic value, then you are in for a great time! 7 out of 10 stars.
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A movie set in a time where only a subject like this could work...
1 February 2009
When a family spends the summer of '69 in the Catskills, both mother and daughter find new love interests. Diane Lane stars as a wife and mother who turns to the "blouse man" for affection when her husband can't get out of the city and spend any time with his family. Anna Paquin plays her teenage daughter who comes into her own during this time and needs her mother's emotional stability, which isn't there.

The first thing I ask myself is the reality behind this film. Could this really happen? Yes. Could I believe something like this could happen in Lane's character? Not with her mother-in-law living in the bungalow, as well. It's a nice film based on a time when things were a little simpler, but I don't think the director gave very much opportunity for any of the stars to "give it their all," especially co-star Viggo Mortensen. Bottom line: good plot, great actors, bad fit.

7 out of 10 stars.
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The Toy (1982)
Went totally in the wrong direction...
1 February 2009
Richard Pryor stars as a down and out writer who ends up as a human toy for multi-billionaire Jackie Gleason's son. The combination results in comedy that only a man like Richard Pryor could take and make even funnier.

Shades of his stand up act stand out when the focus is on Pryor and some of the situations he gets himself into and he uses this time to shine. Jackie Gleason played well, too, as the straight man, but I don't think this was his forte, although, come to think of it, this role isn't that much different from the "straight guy" kind of role he played in the "Smokey and the Bandit" films, but he was a LOT funnier in those films than here.

The only problem I have with this film is that it starts to go for the throat of comedy, but ends up being a piece trying to deal with the issues at the time...almost like changing boats in the middle of the stream. The comedy continues throughout, but it changes its content, which distracted me a little.

7 out of 10 stars.
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Marley & Me (2008)
What a movie!
28 January 2009
Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston star as a recently married couple who decide that starting their family is the right thing to getting a very rambunctious, Yellow Lab pup.

I grew up with a dog. He wasn't quite like THIS dog, but some of the issues that the stars encountered were things I could relate to and the writer of the book that encountered this dog in real life stumbled onto a gold mine when it led to his job (I noticed that Owen Wilson's character has the same name as the author of the book this movie was based on). Keeping up with a dog is worse than keeping up with a baby, because this BABY can learn to walk a lot sooner than an actual human baby can.

My hat's off to the writer of this book, and the animal trainers of this film, who I thought did an exceptional job bringing this animal to life.

8 out of 10 stars.
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Nim's Island (2008)
Oh, come on!
26 January 2009
Breslin is a little girl who's lived on a paradise-like island in the South Pacific all of her life. When her father goes on a trip and leaves her behind, a storm strands her father in the middle of the ocean and Breslin is forced to turn to the outside world on the internet in the form of her favorite author (Foster).

Who's got the over-active imagination here? The little girl or the people who actually got involved in writing this? What more do I have to say? This is one of the cheesiest movies of 2008! Did it win any razzies? In my book, it would have taken just about every category it could. Remember the movie back in the 60's starring Haley Mills called "Pollyanna"...? In the film, she's always looking on the bright side of everything and finding the good in something no matter how bad it seems? OK, then, if I were to play that game here, then the one thing I was thankful for was that the movie was over! 2 out of 10 stars.
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Youngblood (1986)
I can't explain why, but I just like this film!
25 January 2009
Rob Lowe stars as a teenager who gets the call to go north of the border to play junior hockey for the Mustangs. Along the way, he's done everything to get on the bad side of the coach (Ed Lauter), which includes dating his daughter (Cynthia Gibb).

This film has nothing but potential stars involved, featuring not only the stars mentioned above, but the likes of Patrick Swayze and the debut of Keanu Reeves. To me, it seems like Swayze and Lowe struggle through some of the scenes, and it just never seemed to find the chemistry that a movie like this should have (maybe it's just that some of the film was shot in Minnesota and passed off as Canadian territory, but maybe it's just me). I've never cared for Lowe, but this is one of his better roles and I'm happy to have this film in my collection.

8 out of 10 stars.
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Kickboxer (1989)
Great for its time, but losing luster after 20 years.
25 January 2009
Van Damme stars as a kick-boxer who follows his brother, who's a champion. When they go to Asia to find new competition, they stumble across a strange form of the martial arts and competition in the ring leaves his brother paralyzed, whereas Van Damme swears vengeance on the man who put him in a wheel chair. The only problem is that he's not good enough to fulfill his vow and there's only one man who stands the chance of training him properly.

This film was very good for it's time, but I've heard that it's lost its luster over the years. A lot of people don't think much of Van Damme anymore, but this film was made at a time when all the kungfu theater movies were dying out in the US and Chuck Norris just wasn't getting the job done. Enter Van Damme, a decent looking kid, a feeble, awkward ability to act, and what do you get? This! I remember first watching this movie on HBO when it originally came out, and I was residing in a household with several roommates and this movie was on the tube every time it came up, and yours truly was right there, watching it with everyone else. I feel Van Damme has lost some of his luster over the years, either due to bad roles or just a personal choice to sit out, but the man put out some decent movies in the 80's and 90's and this was definitely one of them! As far as the sequels, though, skip it, unless you find yourself wanting to fill your time with nothing in particular, which is what the sequels, basically, amount to.

8 out of 10 stars.
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Encino Man (1992)
Fraser steals the show...
25 January 2009
Pauly Shore and Sean Astin star as a couple of nerdy geeks who find a frozen caveman (Brendan Fraser) in Astin's backyard while attempting to put in a swimming pool. After thawing him out, things REALLY heat up! Between school and time at the mall, Fraser gets a crash course in today's world.

If you're a fan of Pauly Shore, then get "Son-In-Law." In my mind, the real star of this movie was Fraser, but, if you're interested in him as an actor, then you'd better be prepared to WATCH this film and not just listen to it, as Fraser's gags and gimmicks are all sight gags. But, because of him, the two dorks are worth putting up with (not like they were to the rest of their classmates in the film).

I like Shore! I loved him in "Son-In-Law," but this side of him, to me, got a tired after the first five minutes of the film. I never was a big fan of Astin, but he's tolerable as the one who wants to use Fraser as the rungs in climbing the social ladder at school.

7 out of 10 stars.
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25 January 2009
Goldie Hawn teams up with George Segal in this comedy western about a card shark and a dance hall girl who end up on the trail together, chasing a valise with $40,000 hidden in the bottom of it. The trouble is that the guys that Segal stole it from while they were in the process of stealing it want it back and are hot on their trail.

When this movie first came out, I was only about 12 years old, so, for obvious reasons, my parents never let me see this show when it first came out. But I feel like I can get on the phone, call my mother and thank her for not letting me waste my time in watching this. I'm a fan of Hawn, but not that big of a fan.

There's no chemistry between the stars. In fact, I think Segal had more chemistry with the horse in this film. Maybe BLACKJACK should have gotten top billing over Hawn, because all she ended up being was fluff and a bit of eye candy (very little bit, that is).

3 out of 10 stars.
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A comedy?!?!?! SERIOUSLY!!!!
24 January 2009
Holly Hunter stars as a woman who finds out she's not quite making it just before she heads home to Baltimore for Thanksgiving, where an overbearing mother, slightly whacked-out father are waiting for their children to return home to the nest, including her homosexual brother who's very well known for his antics and escapades.

I'm not sure where to begin, except that the genres for this film are seriously backwards. Don't get me wrong...I like the movie, but I found more drama than comedy in it. And there's that old saying about, "Look in the dictionary under (insert word here) and you'll find my family picture as the illustration," and dysfunctional is DEFINITELY Hunter's family in this case.

It's not stupid comedy, and it's not a stupid movie, but it's not really that funny, either.

3 out of 10 stars.
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