
6 Reviews
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Prey (I) (2022)
I can't disbelieve enough that a 97lb woman can beat a Predator in hand to hand.
23 March 2023
The Predator can kill a Grillzly bear with one punch, take out essentially a small army and were supposed to believe a 97lb woman can beat it in a fight?

That's just too much to ask, she could barely hold her own in an earlier fight with someone from her tribe and even that was a stretch. It like actual physics were thrown out the window for that final fight which ruined the movie.

Even if the protagonist was a man, the final fight was still too unbelievable when we've seen how strong the Predators are in comparison to humans. Also it was stupid that she eats a plant and some how the Predator can't see her body temperature, unless she's a walking corpse that was a stupid take.
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Black Adam (2022)
Mediocre but need more Dr. Fate.
17 December 2022
The movie started ok, especially since most people don't even know much about Black Adam. I especially liked that it established the fact that this is a much darker type of superhero movie and Dwayne Johnson is good for the role.

Unfortunately this is quickly ruined with the annoying kid, he feels so out of place and this movie would be so much better without him. What makes things even worse is the fact that the kid is so prominent in the movie when it could be used to to show more of the other heroes in the movie.

Dr. Fate is awesome and not used nearly enough, Pierce Brosnan was good in the role but more is needed. Atom Smasher was funny and I really liked him when on screen, and worked well with Cyclone.

Cyclone was very likable, her pairing with Atom Smasher was good and I actually wanted to see more of them. I wasn't sure about her when I first see the trailers but she presented an innocence that would be expected of a new hero called to action.

Hawkman was a toss up, I can see people either liking him or not depending on the individuals perspective. I'm more in the middle for the character but not someone that was grinding my nerves like the kid.

The script is another area where this fails, the basic story is not too bad but the dialogue is a lot of spots is just bad. There's a good amount of modern ideology bs that just takes you out of the movie. It wasn't overwhelming but it was enough that it had me rolling my eyes a few times.

Overall the movie is fine and hopefully they will fix the pretty obvious issues in the next installment if we get one.
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Great start, the rest was awful
14 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was a total let down, what a disrespectful way to Micheal Myers. Micheal was a beast in Halloween Kills and yet here he is more like an elderly person that needs his warm milk and medication before going to bed at 8 after his dinner at Dennys for the senior special.

Micheal was hardly in the film and was ineffective in every scene he was in, which by the way was less than 10 minutes of film time.

This movie was just a boring mess and lost me after having a really good beginning that was not expected. Once you hit the 30 minute mark you realized that we the audience were given a bait and switch when it comes to Micheal.
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To the Lake (I) (2019– )
Interesting, but mediocre writing
23 June 2022
I'll start of with the positive, the sound score is very good and there are a lot of scenes that the music really adds to the effect. An example is episode 2 at the end, the slow track sets the tone to what is being discussed over the walkie-talkies.

Scenery: this is another plus as I enjoy watching international productions because of how different they look to here in the U. S.. It's refreshing to see something new locations instead of the typical Hollywood choices.

Premise: although nothing really new in infected/zombie genre, the fact its Russian there is a different take on this.

Now the bad, mind you I rated this a 6/10 but that is me being very generous to which I will explain why.

Writing: mediocre at best, the production values are not bad but honestly they should have spent more on writers. Dialogue is bad but I do give them some leeway since this is being translated. I have seen Russian productions before and this one is no different, you'll know what I mean if your seen Russian movies/shows before.

Characters: Constantly making stupid, irrational decisions that can not be answered with people being under stress. The bad writing does play a huge factor into this, such as characters being attracted to each other even though they just literally met during an outbreak. People constantly giving away their position and basically putting themselves in dangerous situations that only escape because of plot armor.
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Superman: Red Son (2020 Video)
Got a refund from Apple
11 April 2020
This is the first time I ever asked for a refund for a movie being so crappy to say the least. As others have stated, the woke agenda is in full display here and I gave up halfway through the movie at how ridiculous it was.

Women are wonderful and men are evil, give me a freaking break. There's even a point where one characters says a trait is from humankind only to be told its exhibited by mankind, as if women can't be evil.

I love alternate universe takes, and I really liked this dark version of Batman but not enough to finish a movie like this. If this is what is to be expected than the end of DC and Marvel comics can't come soon enough. I don't want anyone to lose their job, if this is the crap they put out its all on them.
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Food Matters (2008)
Virtually total "BS"
14 January 2011
This movie is virtually full of crap and only the gullible will believe this garbage. Now not all of it is bad since the info on Spirulina is fairly accurate, so there is some truth. Unfortunately the rest of it is pure trash, "doctors don't believe in vitamins"?. I've never met a single colleague that has never taken vitamins and their prescription lightly.

What medical schools did these guys attend, one of the main things you learn is about vitamins and their benefits, not to mention in my board exams there were plenty of questions based on vitamins alone. We as health professionals don't ask about the persons diet? Again that is a sheer lie, anyone that is one of the first things you ask when trying to figure out the origin of a problem.

Watch this for what it is entertainment, but do not take it as truth because frankly this is one of the worst documentaries I've ever seen. This move is full of lies and cherry picking cases, because lets face it there are good (majority) and bad doctors. The film makers had an agenda and picked up nuts and liars.

Notice how there was at no point anyone to offer a counter point in the move, a key piece in serious documentaries. Everyone one they've picked all spout the same thing, not to mention the majority from the one man in his living that was flat out lying and distorting the truth from the beginning.

Sadly I see that a couple of the reviews actually believe this crap and I feel sorry for them. If you actually believe that the medical field is as bad as this movie says it is, then there is no hope for you. One of the few things they got right is that we are what we eat. Unfortunately unlike what the movie would have you believe, pharmaceutical company executives are not forcing people to eat McDonalds, Pizza Hut, KFC, etc at gun point. Obesity is a problem because people eat crap regardless whether you tell them to change their diet for good.
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