
18 Reviews
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Kindred (2022)
Octavia is turning in her grave
7 June 2024
I haven't read the book in a long while. But I remember loving it, despite it taking place in the 1970s.

But, this "adaptation" (thus far) left me feeling hollow. The character of Dana is a shadow of the character in the book. Had it been a movie, I'd (maybe) understand not having ample time for character development. But it's a series.

And a disappointing one. Because I'd been looking forward to an adaptation for so long & it's...not great, I'm pretty irritated about. The direction is all over the place. The writing isn't great--it's sloppy. The acting is so-so. The music is annoying. The scenarios presented by the characters and some scenes are just... ridiculous and/or make no sense. And, who cast this? The male lead is a miss (and his voice makes me want to smack him.) There's no chemistry between the characters.

I'm going to watch all the episodes, but I can't see this muddled mess get much better.
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Madame Web (2024)
Where's a black widow when one needs get?
26 May 2024
Was pet-sitting at my neighbor's and originally put this movie on to keep their pet company. Decided to give it a watch, because the trailers intrigued me.

It was just not good. The script was garbage, the acting wooden, the direction nonexistent, pacing off. It could've been so much more. Perhaps it should've been written as a mini-series, just for character-developmemt sake? Also, I'm unsure if it was my imagination, but the lead antagonist's dialogue was dubbed. The "technology" being used in the movie, *by one person* and the results are deeply stupid and completely impossible. And as a lifelong Marvel girl, I'm well-versed in suspension of disbelief. Ugh.
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Bramwell: Our Brave Boys (1998)
Season 4, Episode 1
Ruining of a good run
28 December 2023
This episode--only 1 of 2 episodes for the season, as it was cancelled--and what a mess it was. Title character unrecognizable in manner and temperament, miscasting (or just bad actors) for the secondary roles, awful direction & filming, & the music was jarring & totally out of place. The original writer had an interesting idea & character...but I wonder if the writer took a vacation, because this episode felt VERY off-key (the last episode of the 3rd season was only marginally better), except for the scene when Bramwell confronts a Sergeant Major in his office--both actors did a wonderful turn. Lastly, there wasn't any natural development of plot, of which there were multiple ones, when a single well-developed one would have sufficed.

This episode had a bit too much going on, & unfortunately most of it wasn't good. Disappointing mess.
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Medium (2005–2011)
19 June 2023
The characters are mostly realistic, despite the premise of the show. (Yes, the main character is loosely based on a real person; I mean secondary characters.) Some of the acting was quite good at times. (And no, I don't mean the nepotistic casting of Dinardo, the blonde woman who played Lee Scanlon's girlfriend/fiancée/wife. She was wooden, terrible with few moments of growth. Bro cringey performances from her. But she's Glen Gordon Caron's real-life wife. It's the only reason she was cast & nothing can convince me otherwise.)

The family dynamic was believable & heart-warming; it was nice to see such a strong, loving husband/wife relationship. (Plus, Jake Weber was One Hot Daddy. And he made a great Joe Dubois...the ending pissed me off, but at least it wasn't a true "Hollywood happy-ending".) The kids were all fantastic.

The writing was often sloppy. Not the overall plots, but the dialogue, which was abysmal at times. (I'm convinced if viewers were flies on the wall during rehearsals, they'd have seen eyerolls, heavy sighs, & possibly vocal objections & suggestions to the script-writers, from the actors. Esp the seasoned ones.) Sometimes the performances were uneven, but I chalk it up to directors chosen for certain episodes and the awful dialogue.

Also, why the dressing of the main actress (Patricia Arquette, who doesn't receive enough credit as an actress and did what she could with the material. The only exception was when she cried in the show. It was...laughable) swung wildly btwn fabulous & sloppy (this seems to be an overriding theme on the show) is a mystery. Budget? Terrible costumers? The actress wanted comfort in certain filming days? Did appreciate her various haircuts over the span of the series though.

I recently re-watched the series and overall, it was an enjoyable show, but def needed polishing & better writers. For those who are intolerant to imperfection, this show should be avoided.
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The Snowman (2017)
Snow Job
18 June 2022
The dialogue was wanting, a mishmash of ideas & unnecessary moments, almost as if deliberately trying to stretch out a script that was lacking. Jø Nesbø must've been disappointed, but has made enough money on his bestselling books to probably not mind (and any comparisons to the book would weigh positively in his favor.) Actors were not given enough to chew on. I don't need to "care" about the characters, but I need more than brief character development of character to understand their role in the narrative. Many of these mountainous white landscapes/regions, serve as a strong character, with a sense of hardscrabble isolation & an attempt to flourish despite the cold & dreariness. It was nice to see Val Kilmer, though he was unable to use his real voice (??) because of cancer. (Who chose the vice actor who was filming in for Val?? Not a good choice.) And why didn't they know what to do with Rebecca Ferguson?? She's a really good actor & underutilized. One of my favorite intense actors, Fassbinder, turned in a believable performance, but I've seen him better. This could've been a compelling, dark Scandi-noir thriller in better hands.
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Candyman (2021)
Make sure you turn the lights off
14 May 2022
I think this is best watched in the late fall, with the wind Raymond the windows & tossing the leaves--right before Halloween.

Despite some reviews (I didn't read them), it's actually not only a very good sequel, but a good movie on its own. The direction was good, sets/locations looked authentic, script was well done (covering the backstory to the original film, embellishing the origin story, use some contemporary themes (gentrification, the upwardly mobile, Gen Z, historical racism, how each of us contribute to the perpetuation of myths in our community to deal with violence, ETC.), the acting is believable & in a short time you come to care about the characters enough to empathize with each of their personal experiences (living life while being subjectef to prejudice, love + relstionships, the cult of personality we are too familiar with in this day & age of IG & TikTok and what harm it can do/really causes, forging our own paths/making our own futures, dreams withheld, fear/terror, feeling out of control, balancing anger with within our daily existence, ETC.) The only parts that didn't jive with me were the very last minute (the CGI was *meh* & it was heavy-handed in a way) and the performance of Colman Domingo who plays William. It pains me to mention this 2nd reason, because I adore Colman Domingo & he's an excellent actor. When he acts, it reminds me of seeing a mint condition Bugatti type 57SC Atlantic: you can't but help stop & stare--it's sexy as hell. I felt the direction he was given for his character arc was wrong, & his performance suffered for it. The cinematography was muy bueno.

I really enjoyed it (esp having grown up with the original), Def one of my favorite horror films of all time.
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Horizon Line (2020)
The plane should've crashed
6 May 2022
Why does Allison Williams continue to get parts? She cannot act. She's wooden--there is no modulation to her voice, vague facial expressions, nothing. (And yes, I've caught the odd episode of "Girls"; felt mostly "meh" about that too.) The male lead isn't great, but not as bad as Williams. (He is tasty to look at, I'll give him that.) I think he had little to work with, in script, co-star, and direction.

The movie required its audience to be comatose, stupid, or bored, because there is no way a scenario like that, populated by the main characters and given the circumstances, would happen. (There's a moment in the last 1/3 of the movie that is so unbelievable, I wonder if it's bad editing, bad direction, or both. Strangely, Williams *finally* injects a bit of life into her role right afterward.) Even though it was playing in the background while I was doing other tasks for the first 3rd of the movie, the remaining 2/3 I actually watched, were ridiculous. I've given it 3 stars for the beautiful water, pretty island views, and the rest of the cast.

There is a *lot* wrong with this movie, no more so than the producers wasting money on a stinker. Really, it could've been put to better use on another indie with a cast of unknowns.
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Australia (2008)
Shush, haters 🙄
29 April 2022
Self-indulgent? Yes.

A bit messy? Yep.

Melodramatic & thoroughly overwrought (at times)? Are you kidding... it's an *epic*.

Wonderful? Absolutely. 🙂

Visually, "Australia" is like a shiny, new toy on one's birthday. Some themes are handled in a clunky way, valid as they may be. If ever there was a love letter created & dedicated to a time and place, this is it. What I don't understand are the opinions of those who are familiar with Baz Luhrman, but express derision at his excesses. This is who he is as a filmaker, even with his lesser-known/smaller films. He shows ordinary people experiencing an extraordinary moment in their lives, recounting the adventure as if they just woke from a fever dream, in a state of excitation, needing to spill their story to others. Luhrman's films aren't pieces of stuffy, contemplative character studies. I've always thought of his films as grand, colorful childhood experiences one recalls in adulthood--immersive stories that slingshot a watcher to the time/place.

Luhrman isn't subtle--that's his style. I don't believe he wants to be an "auteur"; I think he wants to entertain & sweep viewers away with his storytelling. If reality is what a viewer wants, all they need to do is step outside their door or turn on the news.

Luhrman attempts to show the good, the bad, & the ugly early 20th century history of his beloved Australia, in a capsule. And I think he does a spectacular job.
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Succession: DC (2019)
Season 2, Episode 9
22 January 2022

This was a masterclass in acting, directing, and scripting. It was amazing. Bravo! The previous episode was also...just...EVERYTHING.

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Doogie Kamealoha, M.D. (2021–2023)
Nope. It's a pass for me.
9 November 2021
It's unnecessary to be mean, so I'll refrain from what others are doing: trashing a re-telling because it's "not as good" as the original. (I's not filmed or even set in the same *century* heaven's sake.)

The use of TikTok is clever & helps set the "action" in the present-day. The location, of course, is beautiful. The lead actress is adorable & can act within the scope of the plot/premise.

  • The best friend is too much. There's nothing wrong with subtlety, even in planned over-the-top sitcoms (knowing nod, wink, & finger guns to "Scrubs"...because the writing, acting, & direction are/were excellent.) The directors need to pull it back, because the best friend comes off as a loud *haole* braggart with a possible narcissistic streak.

  • I'm sure, despite being a billion dollar behemoth that Disney is, they have a production budget (which, no doubt, is being spent on location & the bright wardrobe & sets) which includes the salaries of all the actors & crew. But, they couldn't throw in some non-essential believable background people for a 3 minute fishbone removal surgery, so it doesn't look stupid that ONLY the lead, her mom, & 2 "BFF colleagues" are in the room? And that it looks like an actual minor local outpatient surgery suite instead of a storage room? Where are the nurses? Heart monitor? Anesthesiologist?

  • The mother is a doc too (Chief of Medicine), and it's supposed to be 2020...but her 17 year old can't find flour in a small kitchen, doesn't know what canola oil is (as if any teenager would even care), & her husband can't find his body lotion (who I'll assume has been in her life for so least 20 yrs... experiencing having/raising 3 children & going thru med school, has his own would understand the demands of *everything* their life is...)??? Silliness is okay, but they need to stop the onslaught of complete ridiculousness.

I had no expectations that the scripting & dialogue would be more than it is: canned, twee Tweenspeak. But...sitcoms, even for Disney, don't have to be terrible. And, it's teetering on the edge of The Abyss of Awful. Frankly, the show is...kind of a mess. And that's too bad, because it has good moments (occasional good actor performances, music, Hawaiian culture, island shots, that Randall Park/Magic Johnson scene.)

Writers/directors/producers/DISNEY, dial it back & do better, or the eyerolling from tweens, teens (if they'd even be caught dead watching it), & adults...will translate to low viewership & cancellation.
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Spiral (2021)
Thank the universe for crazy gore
5 November 2021
Otherwise, this movie would be an absolute fail. Uneven directing, bad script, & I don't know if what I saw was...acting. I was going to say Chris Rock can't act & should stick to comedy; but he just can't act *well*. (However, his makeup & hair was well done.) Max Minghella's acting was mostly NOT. But he's always been like that. It's as if someone told him emoting is a liability. I've seen better acting from people without his familial pedigree who have never acted (for money) before. And, while I don't expect the script to win awards, it could've been better. Even the gore was not compelling, as in previous "Saw" movies. I wasn't on the edge of my seat with anticipation, but I did cringe at some of the they entertained, sort of. It's an okay movie as maybe...part of a "Saw"-themed binge party. But on its own, it's not worth the time.
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25 October 2021
Pretty much most of, if not all, SciFi films require 2 things (obtusely): imagination & suspension of disbelief. Well, anyone watching this movie will need an extra helping of at least the 2nd requirement. Direction was alright, fair editing, solid CGI/FX--the aliens were fun & gory(ish)--like a cross btwn a giant tick, squid tentacles, Venus flytrap, & the hind legs of a panther, women & POC in lead positions, relatable characters, strong performances (considering the script/dialogue/premise), a bit of comic relief, action, & 2 dramatic connections. Obviously, budget impacted the finished release, there are "plot holes" (& frankly, some lazy choices: main characters not wearing helmets despite heavy combat scenarios & all other background folks wearing helmets, timeline, *riDICulous* character "developments", etc.--like...they couldn't give a female colonel a *decent* sports bra?? (eyeroll) sure, funny thing to point out, but painfully true) & no real exploration of characters' background (but that's expected.) Performances by Strahovsky, Richardson, J. K. Simmons--all very good. They threw away the talents of Betty Gilpin & a sedate Chris Pratt kinda just...faded it background. So, overall, a light & fluffy SciFi offering, but not an awful way to pass a couple of hours. (Bonus, for those concerned: no real profanity, no sex, only upper-male nudity, & no other major objectionable elements. May not be for kids under 7 yrs old, both for scary aliens, violence, & gun usage.)
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Chaos Walking (2021)
Can we get a remake?
18 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I was only released recently, but it lacked necessary development, and therefore lacked the richness of the book series. It books would've been better served as a limited series, so the characters could be fleshed out and the one of the 2 major plots could not be ignored. With finishing/re-shoots/etc. It took "forever" to be released. And then, it was a bit of a letdown. It's a shame too, because the origin is interesting. (I've read the series more than once.) The actors were sadly under-utilized, but put in a good effort.


Yes, some idiot decided the dog should be killed. I hate when they do that.
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Fun, if not the best show I've ever watched
29 April 2021
BIt heavy-handed with the "racism everywhere we turn", but excellent cast, decent direction, & fantastic costuming/production design saves it from becoming fully maudlin. I don't really understand other reviewers completely trashing a vehicle like this, when a show like "Ratched" (which was okay, though usually over-the-top in dialogue, direction, acting) gets fair reviews, since they both have equal pros/cons, I thought it was fun & somewhat campy, but entertaining nonetheless.
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Kindred (I) (2020)
The acting = good; the plot =, what plot
7 February 2021
Okay, there's a plot, but not much of one.

The movie is like one of those rides at the carnival where people are hoisted several stories slowly, to then be dropped at an alarming speed, which I assume is meant to terrify all participants. Except in this case, it's a broken ride. So, some tension builds, a tad of excitement, somewhat slow (and you'd think they take this time of meandering "storyline" to actually provide much more background on the characters, so a viewer will come to care about character...but no, they don't)...and then! *THEN!* It goes nowhere.

I love Fiona Shaw. The men of the cast are pretty hot. Lead actress Tamara Lawrance (who I recently watch on public television's "The Long Song) is good. But with no performance could save this indie.
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It was 3:00 a.m.
27 January 2021
And that's my excuse. I was scrolling through possible movies to stream--anything that would make enough background noise to lull me to sleep. (I have sleep issues.) I had seen the title before, but it both made me laugh and irritated me. (Yeah...because who likes to pay for a channel that would even option a piece of garbage like this?) So, it was the middle of the night, and I needed to sleep. Going in, I *KNEW* it would be terrible; I just wanted it to amuse me while it was bad. And it did make me laugh AND put me to sleep. It gets a star for each of those things...and I'm being generous.

Who knows? Maybe it will become some sort of cult classic where people gather to recite the lines or create a drinking game around it.

It was hysterically bad. I recommend it for anyone who wants to laugh or get some rest.
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Deadlocked (I) (2020)
12 January 2021
Low-budget doesn't have to mean bad.

But this ain't good. Maybe it's a student film? (There is an actress, who plays "Olivia" and she's been in a few films. She was okay...not great, but good enough.)

Scripting/dialogue *really* needed work--stilted and unbelievable. The acting was wooden. The premise was promising, combining the tenseness of a zombie outbreak with the claustrophobic atmosphere of being stuck in an elevator. (I've actually experienced being stuck in an elevator with several other people during the height of summer, for a few hours...coincidentally, in a similar type of building. We didn't win any awards either :-D )

It's entertaining in the same sense as watching a newscast covering a riot is--you're shocked it's happening, wonder what *will* happen because it looks pretty bad, but can still wander away from watching it to do other things...and you may peek back just to see how it all ends.

It makes decent background noise, but not much else. Don't think I will be finishing it.
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Better acted, sad ending
17 March 2004
Warning: Spoilers
**Spoilers** I haven't seen this movie in 15 years, and I remember it meaning so much to me, as I was around that age. My head was stuck firmly in the clouds, and I hoped I would find a boy like Paul, just to take me away from my life (well, he seemed quite the nice chap, no?) In any case, saw "Friends" and "Paul et Michelle" once again today (3/17/2004) back to back. I must say, the acting improved (well, at least for Anicee Alvina...Sean Bury was fairly decent in the first movie). Some of the scenes in both movies gave me quite a chuckle...they seemed so forced! But I suppose it is pretty hard to act that depth of emotion when you hardly know one another and having to take your clothes off. Overall, I marvelled at the subject matter...that *puppy love* would be seen as commonplace now.

The saddest part of both films is the end, of course, especially in the second one. *SPOILER* You know they will never see each other again. *sigh*

I wonder what ever happened to Sean Bury....? Looked all over the net, and came up with nothing.

All in all, watching these films was nicely escapist...
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