
24 Reviews
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Best movie Ive seen in a long time!!
14 February 2024
I saw this movie without any knowledge of the story. I went based solely off of Jeffrey Wright and Issa Raye. This movie and cast was superb!! I am now intrigued to read the book it is based off of and I NEVER go backwards. (Usually read before watching.)

This movie was intelligent, conscious, real, and surprisingly funny as hell!

I do feel that caregivers of Alz family members should be warned that the story does touch on this topic - so brace yourself if you have lived this.

I wish I could pre-order the DVD with streaming code (is that still a thing? If not, bring it back! I don't trust these platforms always changing rules for viewing.)
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Rap Sh!t (2022–2023)
Bad B!tch Renaissance
26 February 2023
This show is good!! Why must it be compared to anything? It's not. It is its own show. Black women do not fit into one box. This shows a new perspective. There has been mention of age in other reviews to justify bad ratings. But I think if you're of the Lil Kim era, you still can relate. Bad reviews are from people that don't want to see "BAPS" represented.

---------- I appreciate seeing the rebirth of an old friendship and the struggles that go along with it.

Representation matters and we need more voices of the Black woman's life experience.

Thanks for another gem, Issa

PS - I also love the throwback jams during the outro credits.
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The Devil You Know (III) (2022)
Better than I expected!! Great acting
25 February 2023
I saw this offered on Starz and since I had heard zilch about it, I assumed it would be a B movie.. but wuth Omar Epps, I'd take the risk (despite HATING that Netflix movie with him & Nia Long).

As the movie begins and I continue to see names and faces of actors that I love, I relax a bit and ride the ride.

Beautiful family portrayed!! Real life situations. I did not find myself being mad at anyone for being "stupid" or behaving unrealistic. I disagreed, but it was very believable.

The acting was superb! I was also (pleasantly) surprised to see my girl Keisha from Total, Who is now Mrs Keisha Epps for the last 20 years or so. Seeing how they (she & Omar) didn't react to each other in relationships with other folks in the movie was great. She also, independently, did a good job in her supporting role. She was a good wife, friend, daughter (-in-law) and sister-in-law and I believed it.

I do understand why some reviews are low and others are high. I'm somewhere in the middle. I was definitely effected by the drama and ky emotions responded accordingly. However, there was "something" missing. I can't put my hand on it.

The movie is roughly 90 min so I would 100% say give it a go if you're interested. It will not feel like you wasted your time and you might even thoroughly enjoy it.
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Seven Seconds (2018)
O. M. G!!
6 February 2023
Who edited this movie? Who did the character development? Fire them!! This 10 episode nonsense should have been 3 tops.

I cannot believe the writers wrote every single character to not only think dumb/irrational, but to actually act these things out. (recognizing as humans in emotional situations, our minds can wander. But most don't actually do these idiotic acts. Literally making everything worse.). Where the police are the only ones making (semi-) intelligent moves.

This movie/series had such great potential. Many great actors, addressing relevant topics, emotional turmoil. It just tried to do too much within one story. Where as previously stated, the characters were doing things that were just out right stupid to create more drama.

By episode 10, I can only stomach Fish, and the deceased boy's uncle & friend. The latter 2 had minimal roles so writers didn't have them doing dumb ish.
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It's Tyler Perry...
2 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I generally hate his movies (and plays). His best movie was "The Family That Prays" (TFTP). I do not watch his movies because I do not believe he has people at his table challenge him, therefore, his movies are all in his head with no perspective for the audience or a broader POV.

So when I am repeatedly told to watch this movie, even though I don't like him because"it's so good". I give it a try - he did make "TFTP"

Others have stated facts: great acting (esp by Bayou and Hattie Mae), cinematography, costumes (although I hate Bayou's pants/ankle cut), and dance. Great job Debbie Allen!

But as usual, TP does not follow through on storylines, exploits stereotypes, and writes his characters as dummies. I mean really, what "Negroe" from Georgia does not know about the racism that exists and how to be "smarter than that" by hiding out in the places where the racists don't go. Not being a headliner, writing letters with the location, and being out in public while "hiding". Come on!! The only characters I cared about were Bayou and Hattie Mae. Citsy was great in the "kitchen floor cleaning" scene, but other than that, also doing dumb ish.

Denzel, can you help Tyler out with some constructive criticism. Maybe he'll listen to you. *shrugs*
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17 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Shangela should have won the whole!! Darn!! Thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

Those eliminated queens were salty. Trixie made it to final 2 because she didn't eliminate anyone. Not to say she didn't deserve to be in top 2, but how she made it over Shangela.

Great live performance by the ladies. Clearly Shangela and Kennedy had way more complicated dance moves than Bebe and Trixie. I mean, Bebe basically vogues from a chair so....

I also liked the interviewing session. But again, many of those eliminated queens' egos were ginormous and they were delusional about their work/performances.
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Ready to Love (2018– )
Nothing Can Top Season 1
9 May 2022
The first season of RTL was absolutely great! I rate it as a 10. It felt genuine, and I liked the way the women were respectful to each other. That season, Tommy allowed the women to narrow it down to 3 men and then the men had control the rest of the season.

Tommy did not flip the script for Season 2 to allow the women control. That seems imbalanced and of course more male friendly. (Surprise-things are better for men than women.)

The season where everyone was on the resort together was also cool.

As a Washingtonian, the DC cast felt disrespectful because there were NO DC natives included and there are definitely singles in DC area that are native to the area.
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Effing Hilarious
9 March 2022
I see a lot of low ratings for this roast but I completely disagree. As a matter of fact, I enjoyed this one so much I came her for the sole purpose of rating it. I thought the non-comedians out-shined the actual comedians (with the exception of Nikki Glaser who killed it). Special shot out to Blake Griffin who had me in stitches.

IMO, this is arguably the best roast I've seen from Comedy Central.
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A Black Lady Sketch Show (2019–2023)
As a Black Woman...
12 February 2022
(Review based on Season 1.) I FREAKING LOVE THIS SHOW!! It feels so real to me and I believe it shows comedy and the world through the many variations of our POV (FINALLY). So many times we are forced to find humor through others' lenses, but here's a show by us. Black girls courtroom - we can only dream of for now.

There are a lot of low ratings and I'd like to step out on a limb and say unconscious biases MAY be at work here. Again, how often do we see anything strictly through the eyes of Black women consistently? It's about time we've been heard and have a voice in comedy on the small screen.

I'm noticing on S2E1 that Quinta B is missing and I'm scared because the original 4's magic was impeccable!
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David Makes Man: Gloria (2019)
Season 1, Episode 4
Gloria speaks for many
5 February 2022
This episode did something to me. I can relate to Gloria seeing a different life for herself but being trapped in her reality - still trying to smile through it.

PS - episode is also a reminder to why we the people need UNIONS BACK to protect workers!!
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I'm Here for Season 1
28 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
First and foremost, season 1 has always been special and the reunion was no exception. Coincidentally Becky showed up as Karen - a spoiled and entitled woman above constructive criticism and being open to an experience not hers. Her storming out like a spiked child only made it all worse. Her response, not an uncommon one from "progressive whites" who don't feel they are a part of a VERY large, deeply ingrained, problem; turned and made Kevin feel bad/question his POV. Black Americans, who were brought here as commerce, laws created to belittle and dehumanize, systems created to keep them underfoot, have NO reason to feel bad about speaking this truth where whites feel uncomfortable. Discomfort of a conversation does not trump lives being taken whether by cop, jail, or miseducation.

I was 14 years old when season 1 aired and watching clips in the reunion from the original show is now making me realize Kevin's impact on my youth and way of thinking about the progress and constant overachievements of those slave descendants who have made countless and invaluable impacts on this country that continues to disregard them and dehumanize them. When learning American history in school, the stories of Blacks never seemed to quite add up. Kevin validated those feelings and questions - inspiring to dig deeper and learn more. Thank you Kevin Powell and MTV for giving him a platform ... even if it was a mistake.
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Dexter: New Blood (2021–2022)
Good but could have been better
11 January 2022
I did appreciate Dexter:New Blood's story line. Episodes 2-3 were a bit slow for me and I was in the verge of getting bored but then they kicked up the gears. I would recommend New Blood and would tell others to skip the original.

Now, I LOVED Dexter (the original) while watching it live. However, my cousin heard about New Blood and said she'd never seen the original so I rewatched with her to get prepped for the new season. Binge watching the original I found way many holes and repeated stories and actually got irritated by Dexter and Debra's actions.

So with the new season, I appreciated a fresh scenario. Some eaters did not like the sheriff GF but I didn't find any issues with her police work. She always had good instincts and followed her gut - just not city savvy with all the technology of a major city.

I agree with many that both shows "finales" were less than amazing and we did expect more. If they comeback with a season 2, I will watch it out of curiosity of where they'll take us.
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Insecure (2016–2021)
5 Seasons was just not enough
8 January 2022
It was refreshing as hell to see real depictions of people I could relate to that looked like me. Not extremes, just regular folks with whom I went to school (grade-grad), are friends with, and know from affiliations. Seeing beautiful chocolate women being represented fully as 3 dimensional characters. Friendships. Romance. Finding themselves and evolving. I just really loved this show and will dearly miss it. May have to rewatch it again just to maintain.
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Bosch (2014–2021)
Great show... up until the end of season 4
27 July 2021
I did binge watch this show which could have totally affected my opinion. Season 1 was the BEST! I felt every season lost me a little until I got to season 5 and I watched the show while playing games. There were too many issues for me with the storyline (I.e. Rookie mistakes Bosch makes after 2 war tours and 20+ years on the force). I just didn't buy it. I did appreciate the real humanistic touch they gave characters and thoroughly enjoyed seeing "teal stuff" brought up. There were many episodes I'm the last few seasons that made me miss Law & Order (the original) and the Closer - two of my all time favorite crime shows. Bosch (the character) is a bit of an @sshole who tends to lean on the side of right, which then had me reminisce on House who has a similar "God" complex but good heart at the core.
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Without Remorse (II) (2021)
Writing from a diff perspective
26 June 2021
So ALL of the written reviews are trashing this movie. I'm going to give a review to offset. 1) I do not follow Tom Clancy books or movies so I'm ignorant to the comparisons. 2) I love MBJ since the Wire and did enjoy seeing his muscles. 3) Plot did not dive deep. I did suspect a bad guy but then thought I was wrong only to find I wasn't. (Which means the story threw me off which I consider good.)

All in all, I did not feel my time was wasted and I was entertained by what was a regular spy/action movie. There were parts of the movie that had me on edge in anticipation.

Someone posted a review titled "Affirmative Action", I opted not to read it because it comes off as racist. I know some ppl don't like to see traditional characters portrayed by Blacks. If this movie's rating changed for them because it was played by Zac Effron, then it means it wasn't bad. Michael played his part and so did his superior.
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Yes to LOL
26 June 2021
I will echo A few reviews I read. You should not expect an award for best story. You should expect laughter and it serves! There were a few times I had to pause and rewind to watch scenes because I missed the next line. We know Adam Sandler and David Spade are crass so what else do we expect from them. I would rewatch this to see what jokes I missed the first time.
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8 February 2021
I agree with most of the other reviews. It is very similar to Heat and Set It Off yet still entertaining. Some scenes could have been cut and trashed but I don't feel like my 2 hrs were lost.

Young & the Restless fans will get a kick out of Victor MFin Newman gracing is with a few minutes.
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Friendsgiving (2020)
Why, Just why
8 February 2021
Deon Cole made the only funny comment throughout the entire movie. I feel like this was made as an inside joke that most of us are not included in...
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Schitt's Creek: The Presidential Suite (2020)
Season 6, Episode 8
Great Episode
19 October 2020
I LOL'd and cried. This is the only individual episode that lead me to review it specifically

Great job Schitts. We miss you already
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John Hamm as LD Jr... PRICELESS!!!
11 April 2020
One of the best episodes to date! Larry is always catching a bad rap.
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Def Comedy Jam 25 (2017 TV Special)
A Show Honoring Those That Changed the Game
29 November 2019
It's more of a highlight of those comedians that changed the stand-up game and recognizing the show that out soooo many comics on the scene. You know, "giving people their flowers while they can still smell them". Now, when Dave Chappelle goes on his rant which is CLEARLY off script, IT. IS. PRICELESS!!! He even got Steve Harvey off his PC game.
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What Men Want (2019)
Entertaining Film
15 November 2019
I thoroughly enjoyed "What Women Want" and love Taraji & Tracy Morgan so thought I'd give it a go. My 17 year old and I watched and laughed quite a bit! It is "raunchier" than the original but our sense of humors can appreciate that kind of humor. Not to mention Mel was a bit crass with his thoughts in the original so some of the couch critics need to calm down. Also, only the "1" ratings wrote reviews; it has received an overall rating of "5" so others obviously have enjoyed it as well.
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The Last O.G. (2018–2021)
Great show!
14 September 2018
I love the storyline, the rawness, actors, and writing. My ONLY criticism is in the final episode regarding the job situation. It's real scenario, I just didn't like it personally. Oh, I'm season 2, will they start to string together some "unfinished business" from the season 1 episodes. Some of the stories I felt should have been revisited (I.e. "That Backslide" episode).
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Black Panther (2018)
Spoiler Alert!!
14 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Why did Kilmomger have to die?!?!! Only reason I took a star away.
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