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The Falklands Play (2002 TV Movie)
Jingoistic Nonsense
3 December 2020
It's impossible to like this badly written overplayed garbage unless perhaps you are a member of the Conservative party or a military minded flag waving imperialist. Having lived through the time of the Falklands war It's important to remember that not everyone living here in the UK supported this. I did not and still do not. The appalling waste of human life cannot be forgiven which was sanctioned by an inept Tory government hell-bent on the economic destruction of its own citizens. This 'war' is widely supported as the reason of saving their party at the election booths. The scenes where Thatcher is portrayed as openly weeping over the news of servicemen deaths simply never happened and are pure fabrications. The only time this woman ever wept was when she was ousted from power by her own party tired of her out of touch policies. These scenes really grate on the nerves of anyone that lived under her yoke. It's a remarkably poor production and if you need to see a party political broadcast for the Conservative party then this is the only reason to watch it. Utter garbage from start to end.
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Braveheart (1995)
A disgrace to Scotland and History
6 April 2019
As a Scot I can say without question this film is complete garbage. No historial accuracy. Atrocious acting from a small Aussie boy with a poor weegie accent. Portrayal of The Patriot which was another laughable movie made by Mel. Ashamed to be Scottish when I watch this. Disney could have made a better effort.
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Taggart (1983–2010)
Complete crap
21 January 2019
Mark McManus as a poor mans Weegie lad from the slums always fancied himself as an actor. Its a shame that no one else did. His one dimensional acting skills were there for all to see in this turgid nonsense set in a Through The Looking Glass version of Glasgow. This series ran for far too long in its time, probably due to lack of competitive TV channels and revolved around fantasy crime murders in the make believe environment the writers created to suit the fools that swallowed this tripe. If some reality had been applied here with some real actors, who knows this could have been good. There are plenty of real murders in Glasgow to base a fictional series on. As it strands its utter garbage from moment to end. Only for the brain dead. Avoid at all costs.
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Propaganda. Nothing more
26 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A really poor view of the events in North Africa during this time is presented in true Hollywood irrelevance. Rommel, of course was nothing like this portrayal given from Von Stroheim. The desert war was a remarkably clean one, given the period and executing hotel maids was not really one of Rommel's personal involvements at any given stage. The ludicrous plot centralizing on Tones spy role is more comedy than reality. Its a low score here for me as given the time, it would have been better to have portrayed some sense of fact than fiction. Flag waving manure as are so many for this period but this seems to be one that could have graduated above the rest. Had the effort been made. It failed.Avoid.
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Malta Story (1953)
Tally Ho Trash!
3 January 2007
Another British cinema flag waver. Real garbage on offer here once again. I cannot understand (and I am British) why this over the top, patriotic nonsense was ever made. EIGHT years mark you, from when the second world war had actually ended! Other commenter's here have remarked on the editing and apparent seamless use of archive footage. This is extremely poorly observed. The archive footage is in abundance. Model aircraft swing from wires in the 'action scenes' like so many children's kites in the wind. The usual map room sequences tattoo the movie to make us supposedly drawn into the whole Malta event. Guinness must have his worst acting performance ever. The shocking back drop dog fight scenes are laughable. Hawkins bores us all to death in the map room area. Ealing made many great movies. This clearly is not one of them. They should have stayed away from such unconvincing rot!
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Not All That Bad
15 October 2006
I don't see this film in as nearly a bad light as some of the other commentator's here. There is good performances from Van Heflin and Laughton is always a joy to watch. There are certainly some obvious Italian extras thrown into this movie but whats bad about that? I for one can give the thumbs up for the female actors. Great bodies on them even though its in black and white! Stock footage is used in abundance for the sinking of the ships but the actual guns firing and being uncovered on the German vessel looks like the real deal to me. So sure, its not a masterpiece but give it a chance and I am sure you will find it a time passer.
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Bath Tub Battle Dross
6 May 2006
I always laugh out loud at the comments that portray this film as good. It is awful and always has been. True, there are some good performances from Quayle and Finch but the loose plot, bath tub ships and mostly one sided British view makes it one to forget. The dire bath tub battle sequences have come straight from the comics. Best to read a good book on the subject and stay away from such overpowering rot! Only when the film moves to land sequences does it have any credibility and there are still plenty of cardboard backdrops to help the film become even more foolish. The dialog reeks of upper class English nonsense also. Utterly sicking all round.
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Flag Waving Tripe!!
6 May 2006
I am born and bred in Scotland and have always have hated this sort of warmongering cinematic slop. Most of the time you can accept the fact that if the film was made during the war then there was a morale boosting reason for making it. This tripe was made nine years after the war ended!! I cannot see the reason or excuse for such a load of nonsense ever being made. The comments I have read earlier on this site must have been made by heavy LSD users. Redgrave is a fine actor but made up to look like Father Time and waffling a load of rot he dies a death on screen. Richard Tods black dog is called "Nigger" which he shouts out with alarming irregularity!! How banal! The historical facts are that this entire military episode changed the wars outcome not one iota! The films effects are bathtub material, the acting pure starched shirt upper-class twaddle. The film is so bad it makes you want to wave on the German side instead of the so-called heroic allies! British cinema at its worst!!
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3 May 2004
No authentic German armour is used, little realism in the action sequences and some really ham acting make this one to miss. Had the film centered with some historical accuracy then it might have made it. Shaw shines as the only actor worth a damn in this pure fiction. Read a book on the subject instead. Telly Savalas is good but plays the same part he plays in most war films made around this time. Fonda strolls through the picture as if in a coma. Perhaps he was still suffering from reading his script out loud! I have read some of the other comments here and they give this tat way too much credit. There were many other good war films made around this time that did so by sticking to accurate events. This movie should have tried that too. Nonsense to the last.
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Brutal Crap!
18 March 2004
I lived through the Eighties as a teenager and this film tries to pass itself off as a "teen" movie. Believe me when I say that the Eighties were nothing like this trollop! The actors excel themselves as being inane morons. Adrian Zmed must be the worst actor ever his awful undressing scene is sickening rot. He even attempts singing in this movie! It is dire! Hanks was always rubbish but he really shines as true garbage here. The so-called "sex scenes" are laughable to the point of extreme. The clothing and hairstyles are Eighties all right. The comedy is pure gutter trash and totally unfunny. Every new scene is worst than the last. Give it a miss! You will feel better for it.
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