
77 Reviews
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Dark Water (2005)
Incredibly underrated
31 October 2023
I personally can't say why it happened at the time, but this movie has ended up being one of the most underrated movies on IMDB. Don't let the rating fool you.

It is one of my all time favorite slow burn horror movies. And that is what it is. A very moody, slow paced movie, that is about a lot more than just the bit of horror it has.

As others have said Jennifer Connelly gives a great performance and the story is truly gripping and heartfelt.

If you like the above mentioned type of movie, don't avoid this because of the low rating, it is far better than that.

And also now i have to write 600 characters, so here is some more.
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The Flash (I) (2023)
Bit of a mess isn't it?
25 August 2023
At this point i have absolutely no idea what they want with the DC movie univers. Cause every movie is made in completely different styles.

This one is more or less DC meets Looney Toones for the most part.

Incredibly silly, overacted and with messy writing.

It is also entertaining and funny at times and all the cameos are always fun to see.

It do feel a lot like they didn't really know what to do with this project and just decided to go with the crazy/silly stuff that it ended up with.

I see a lot of people complaining about poor CGI. I don't really get that... sure it looks simple when they are in the "time bubbles", but i am pretty sure that was on purpose, to make it all seem a bit faded/unreal (i mean they even did it with actors that was in the movie).

First of all, it is no problem these days making it look a lot better and second it was only like that in those sequences.

Throw your brain in the dumpster and suck in the mindless entertainment for this one. Cause that's what it'll give you. Nothing more, nothing less.
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Just why...?
15 December 2022
Why has got to be the question. You have a long running franchise where the movies got slightly worse every time a new one came out.

Then new people decide to make an installment and thinks "how can we make it even worse?". Or at least that seems to be what they were thinking when making this turd of a movie.

Admittedly i didn't last longer than halfways through it, it was just pure torment to watch.

The script is terrible, the acting horrible and the editing is.... beyond words.

How on earth does something like this pass test screening? And why even have them if something like this passes anyway?

The Paul W. S. Anderson movies were masterpieces compared to this. That should say it all. Don't waste your time.
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Colossal (2016)
Misunderstood (not sure if spoilers or not)
30 September 2022
I am pretty sure people don't understand this movie seeing the low rating.

It is a story about battling trauma, abuse and addiction. And it is done in a very different and fantastical way, using a lot of metaphors and of course also "the monsters".

If you take what is happening in this movie literally as you see it, then it will be hard to understand, symphatize or identify with. I get that. But then you haven't understood what it is all about.

The movie is about the characters, mainly the lead, and what it feels like going through their battle.

The monsters destroying a city a merely a way to show how big this battle feels for them and how much damage they feel they are doing to their surroundings.

See it with and open mind, use your imagination and think about how your own struggles have felt if you had to put words or images on it.

It is a really good movie, with some good laughs on top of it.
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To keep it short..
21 August 2022
Movie looks great, acting is great, it is slow paced but builds up suspension great. The ending is a bit of a letdown though... With all that building suspense and being mysterious there was absolutely nothing special about the ending. To bad, i liked the rest of it.
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Lightyear (2022)
Reviews are a bit harsh on this one
15 August 2022
While this isn't another masterpiece from Pixar, it's certainly not a 5.8 either.

I think people must have had the wrong expectations, and i don't know if it is the trailers and other advertising that is to blame for that. But if you take this for what it is, good light entertainment, it is actually pretty well done, a fun watch and by no means a disaster.

Watched it with my 11 year old daughter and we both enjoyed it.

As characters go, the robot cat Sox definetely steals the show :)
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Raised by Wolves (2020–2022)
17 July 2022
I want the drugs the writers are on!!!

I don't know what is going on, i don't even think the writers know what is going on... but it is kinda entertaining anyway.

Only watch this (especially season 2) if you don't mind absolute weirdness.
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What did i just watch...
19 January 2022
An absolute turd of a movie is what.

Basically everything about this movie is bad. Bad writing, bad directing, bad pacing and as a result, bad acting from otherwise decent actors. How does something like this get past screenings?

And with all that said i haven't even mentioned that the movie has absolutely nothing to do with the fantastic four, except the use of the character names and abilities. Everything else is just rewritten into something utterly meaningless and uninteresting.

Probably the worst movie i've watched in a long time, and i watch a lot of mediocre stuff just for the sake of some easy entertainment to take my mind off things. This one certainly wasn't worth it.
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Allegiant (2016)
Bad writing all around
5 January 2022
I haven't read the books, so i can't say anything about them vs. The movies. But the movies just have terrible writing at times. I wanted to like it. It has potential and the world they have built could have been used to something interesting, but.... it seems like it wants to tell a whole lot of stories without going into debt with a single one of them. Leaving a lot of questions unanswered.

And then there is the plethora of incredible dumb scenes of people doing incredibly dumb things... i wont go into detail but wow some of them just makes you wonder why no one stopped it before it reached the big screen. No wonder it flopped.
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Don't Look Up (2021)
27 December 2021
While i get the satire and see where it is coming from (i mean half of USA have already proven that they are in fact that stupid) it just didn't really work for me. It was just a bit too much and i was kinda bored for the most part.

Halfways through i was just rooting for that damn comet to hit the planet and get it over with.
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As bad as i remembered
9 December 2021
This movie is an absolute sh!tshow of bad writing and obscure scenery. Easily the worst Alien movie ever made. I can't believe how close it is to Alien 3 rating wise. It is a masterpiece compared to this.

The only thing this movie has going for it, is the underwater scene which is pretty cool. Other than that it is just bad.
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Arcane (2021– )
6 December 2021
I can't believe in all the mediocre stuff to come out of Netflix lately that an animated show would surpass it all, but here we are.

This is great in all possible ways. The animation is beautiful, the voice acting is top notch and the story is as gripping as it gets and in no ways predictable, which i love. To top it off, it has a great soundtrack.

No matter if you are a fan of the game, fan of great series or fan of animation don't miss this. This is for everyone to enjoy (except maybe younger kids).

If they can keep this up i hope for many more seasons.
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17 November 2021
What a ride this movie is. For once i honestly had no idea where it would take me. And that ending... damn.

I wont say much else cause you need to watch it yourself, but if you like revenge movies and want one that is a little bit different, this is for you.

It can be a tough watch for some and it is an emotional rollercoaster, but i for one like when a movie really hits you and this one does.... hard.
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Malignant (I) (2021)
10 November 2021
But still reasonably entertaining. The action scenes in the end were pretty cool. And the soundtrack was great.

But as always with Wan, it brings nothing new to the table storywise. Just another vision of something done before.
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Reminiscence (2021)
Incredibly boring
8 November 2021
It looks good, it is well enough acted, but it is so boring and unengaging. More style than substance. I found my mind drifting to all sorts of other places and had a really hard time keeping my focus on the movie.
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Midnight Mass (2021)
Good, with a few flaws.
7 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Overall i really liked it. It is another good series from Flanagan, whos Netflix shows i enjoy far more than his movies.

The strongest part of the show is again the characters and their stories. Which is also why it is a big miss that we don't get Bevs background story. Why is she like she is, and why does she have that hard of a grasp on the town? She is a very important character and a very odd one at that.

Also the last episode is a bit of a letdown after a great 6th episode.

It is a slowburn so if your not into that and into a lot of dialogue (some of it religious ramblings), then it might not be for you.

It might also be the first vampire story i've ever seen, where the word vampire isn't used at all. Apparently none of the people on the island had ever heard about vampirism.

Despite these misses and oddities it still kept me interested and entertained. But i would have been at an 8, maybe even a 9 if they had been dealt with.

Morale of the story: Fanatic beliefs are baaaad. Think for yourselves.
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Peppermint (2018)
The critics are a joke
7 October 2021
Once again the movie critics show how useless they are at their job. A 29/100 average is just a joke.

Yes this is not an original story, no it isn't realistic in any way, but that isn't really what it is about and what people want from a movie like this.

It is a classic revenge story, where both her daughter and husband murdered. Giving her every incetament to go all in and not give a f..k.

The movie actually delivers when it comes to feeling the right things at the right moment and Garner does a great job as the lead. Generally it is just well executed. If you like revenge type movies, don't miss this one.
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Runaways (2017–2019)
It's ok..
8 September 2021
It is a difficult show to rate really. It has it's ups and downs. But it is definitely better than Cloak and Dagger and Inhumans, which admittely doesn't say much.

But we have more interesting characters and story here at least. There's a bit of humour to, and the first season had a fun soundtrack on top of it.

What bugs me is the traps it keeps falling in. For instance all the forced conflicts. For some reason certain characters just need to have a falling out every other episode, and then later make up. It becomes tiresome after a while.

Then there's the fact that some of the kids keep having positive relations with their parents, completely ignoring the face that they are psychotic mass murderers. That was pretty lame.

Still i'd give it 6.5/10 if IMDB allowed for half stars.
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Cruella (2021)
Somewhat disappointing
27 August 2021
I don't know... i expected more. More humour, more visual treats, a more interesting story, more interesting characters.

Instead it was just a tad too long and a little bit boring.

It's not terrible, but not really good either. It does have a great soundtrack though.
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (2013–2020)
Great show
26 August 2021
If you love sci-fi/adventure shows you wont find them much better than this. There is so much going on all the time, never a dull moment. The acting is also great, and especially the first season has great humour.

I also like how the show follows alongside the events of the MCU movies.

My biggest downside was losing Bobbi and Hunter only to keep the insufferable Mack in the general line-up. That guy is about as annoying as they get (i generally can't stand self-righteous, sanctimonious people and he is the very definition of that).
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Cloak & Dagger (2018–2019)
Marvel hits bottom
11 August 2021
This is easily the worst of all the Marvel shows so far. And yes i have seen Inhumans...

Bad writing, horrible editing and it is just so incredibly boring.

It feels like they didn't have an idea to begin with, and just decided to wing it. Should never have been made.

How this got 2 seasons and a 6.7 rating is a mystery i can't solve.
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I was entertained.
30 July 2021
First off i have to say that i love these over the top, super violent movies. I just think it is good fun.

Admittedly there is nothing original about the script, it has all been done before. But still it is good mindless entertainment, i got what i expected and nothing more. I also love Karen Gillan and think she did a fine job as the lead.

There is also a few good laughs along the way. My biggest complain really is that the soundtrack was way to loud during the action scenes. It almost drowned out the other sounds.

But i really can't see why this is worse than so many other of these movies, so i don't quite understand the hate. It is better than most of what Netflix delivers at the moment (movies that is).
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Inhumans (2017)
Tough to watch at times
30 July 2021
I'm working my way through the MCU and thus i have to watch this show also. Reading the reviews i went in with zero expectations and still... it is not good.

I agree that the acting for some is below par, but i could live with that if the rest was ok, but the writing... it is simply terrible. I would be embarrased if i had written this as an essay in the 5th grade. How on earth did someone not stop and say: No no, this is too stupid.

It is not all the way through, but it seems that almost every episode just have some mindnumbingly stupid behaviour.

Besides that i am not sure which side to be on when it comes to the inhumans. Most of them are behaving like a**holes. If i had a crazy b!tch like Medusa as a queen i would also revolt.

Even the soundtrack is pretty bad with a lot of overly dramatic music in not so dramatic scenes.

The best thing about the show is almost the location it is shot.
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An incoherent mess...
22 May 2021
Not all bad, but not very good either. For the most part i'm not sure they even knew what they wanted with this movie. The story is completely made up for the sake of the movie and hasn't got much to do with the comics.

It is filled to the brim with archetype characters and people acting stupid (why oh why do they keep shooting the hulk with regular ammo??) In general your classic brainless hollywood action movie. You know it is pretty average when the highlight is a crazy cab ride.

I liked the cameos and the few nodges towards the comics that were actually there.

I honestly think it is a travesty that Ang Lees Hulk has an 5,6 average and this has a 6,7. Ang Lees was way better. It isn't even close. Then again i never understood the hate for that movie.
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Easily the worst Snyder movie to date
21 May 2021
And i say that as a fan of many of his movies.

First of all it is just boring... nothing new, nothing out of the ordinary happening and the dialogue and the characters are either poorly written and/or poorly acted. Also most of them are so unlikeable that you actually sympathize with the zombies most of the time (maybe that was intended, i don't know).

All in all you don't really care about anyone and that only makes it more uninteresting.

Then there is all the usual WHY? Moments. There is a lot, but to take one: Why don't all the zombies just wear helmets (if they can make one..) and why does the one that has one, keep taking it off?

Seems whenever the big red Netflix logo comes on a movie it is just bad or boring.
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