
17 Reviews
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Dog (I) (2022)
16 March 2022
The pacing is off, it spends too much time on the journey and rushes the final act. It doesn't do a good enough job on developing the bond and I really didn't care about Tatums character. Its easily forgettable, just give me a week.
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OK as long as you don't mind plot holes
15 March 2022
Walker Scobell is going to go far, such a great little actor. He really pulls of the Reynoldisms. The action is well shot and the comedy element is ok-ish. Unfortunately it all got let down at the end by several gapping holes in its own lore.
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Red Dwarf: Back to Earth (Part Three) (2009)
Season 9, Episode 3
Saved the 3 parter.
8 March 2022
I actually think this wrapped it up quite nicely in the end. Definately think the nerdy collecter that the comic book store guy phoned should have turned out to be Holly/Norm. But still good to get a cameo from Chloe Annett who ages like fine wine, always had a crush on her in the 90s.
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Z Nation: Back From the Undead (2017)
Season 4, Episode 6
Slow but good
2 March 2022
This 1 actually hit me in the feels a bit. Ignore Bobcobb, Allan acted this really well. Other than the sad part the episode seemed to move slow even though it was pivotal plotwise.
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Z Nation: A New Mission: Keep Moving (2017)
Season 4, Episode 4
Junk, you'll get the pun.
1 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I'm almost used to the lack of continuity of this show. It's annoying but the show is often entertaining enough not to care so much. But Lucy getting tazed unconscious, when just a few episodes ago (or last season if you're not binge watching) she was a kid begging to be tazed again, laughing away as if it was tickling her. That really did bug me.
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Fun and action packed with great pacing.
10 February 2022
I personally think this is the best installment so far. It's an intricate tale that incorporates real history, told over the span of many years. Yet it maintains excellent pacing and does its best not to completely bastardise the history books for the sack of storyline. There's a few things you won't see coming and some great performances, in particular Rhys Ifans. There are some brilliant action sequences but lacks the humour of the first movie. Overall I would recommend this which in and of itself is a surprise to me considering the 2nd movie.
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Burn Notice: Official Business (2012)
Season 6, Episode 9
More commercials
27 January 2022
Gave this one a one star purely because of the egregious Hyundai ad. The Saab wasn't too bad but obvious. A previous episode tried making out the Hyundai is some super car but I could get passed it. But this episode took the biscuit. They insult our intelligence.
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Burn Notice (2007–2013)
Don't drive but want to buy a Saab 9-3 for some reason
21 January 2022
Good show, shameless product placing. Suppose it kept the show going. You learn a lot through the narrations, I'm actually a fully qualified international man of mystery now. Toppled a fascist regime just yesterday, fun times. Donovan is awesome as are Anwar and Campbell.
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Mortal Kombat (2021)
Overall a good movie but had some problems.
28 April 2021
Firstly if you're not a diehard fan of the game, you will probably like this movie for the most part. It does lack some character development emotionally but develops them skill wise. It has some great humour mostly coming from Kano. If you're kind of a fan you'll love the fatalities. What some don't like is the underdeveloped Nitara who as a character in the game was only in a handful and mainly re-releases. She is not a prominent character. And Reiko, who again is only in a couple of games then appears as cameos. There are 64 playable characters in the game, if they were going to focus purely on character development they'd only get a few in the first movie and it would take at least 10 movies to get them all in. This is good fun to watch and makes just as much sense as the games storyline so watch it without the game in the forefront of your brain.
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Daybreak (I) (2019)
Just watch it
18 February 2021
I'll keep this short and sweet, this is awesome. Don't be put of by there only being 1 season, although left open, it does rap up quite nicely.
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Crazyhead (2016)
I'm done with tv
16 February 2021
They've finally done it, I am now too weary of investing in a show for it to be cancelled. I'm sticking to movies and music from now on.

This is a great show that deserved at least 3 seasons. In fact minimum contracts should be 3 seasons. They either put it on and let it run or don't show it at all.
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22 January 2021
I going to give this review as much thought as the creators of this garbage did to their creation. It's utter trash, move on.
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My Spy (2020)
I spat my drink everywhere at one point
19 April 2020
Keeping it short - this seems formulaic but is hilarious enough to ignore, lil miss Coleman is amazing and adorable and Bautista is Bautista, guy barely has to try to be funny. I gave it an 8 because there are moments that I found REALLY funny.
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The First (2018)
Spoiler alert, not set on Mars
27 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I've read the reviews saying how intelliegent and stunning and blah, blah, blah. Sanctimonious and pretentious people will tell you that you are dumb if you don't like it, just like The Arrival. Well my IQ is well above average and I hated it. Around episode 3 it felt like I was near the end of the season and by 6 I felt now closer to the end. I skipped ahead and they're just blasting off. There is absolutely no sci-fi component to this apart from google glasses. The drama in it is good, I suppose, you just need to go into this knowing what your in for. I knew what I was in for with Hounting of Hill House and absolutely love that show but right now I want escapism, not junky daughter angst or binned astronaught hiding the fact that she's still on the pill from her hubby. Even if this was more about the selection and the trials of making it as an astronaught. But alas this is simply family drama, if you liked the OC or Beverly Hills 90210, you'll probably get on great with this. I for one hope it's canned to make room for shows that actually help escape reality, way too many reality shows, police procedurals, family dramas and soaps out there already. I don't get the fixation of living real life only to watch inflated real life on tele. 4/10 for what it is, the 6/10 that it lost is for what it tried to be but isn't.
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Superstition (2017–2018)
stupid for several reasons
20 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly Glycon, like all serpent deities was a god of fertility and healing. He was derived from Asclepius ffs whose symbol is seen on paramedics. JC himself was derived in part from asclepius hence Christian snake handlers. Typical Christian bs to demonise anything that came before JC, but Glycon did not. He's believed to be a 2nd century creation, he even mentions that in the pilot.

Secondly, the father has his severed head reattached by the mother who for reasons unknown could not save her son.

There's more but I just come off a nightshift, night, night.
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Taken (2017–2018)
Just another FBI show
28 February 2017
They keep making these movies into films and all but lethal weapon IMO is the same. Apart from that these FBI action/thrillers are the same. This fits the mold of Blindspot to a tee. BS Kung po fighting (Sorry I am a martial artist)... (A real one). The "recruitment", always so formulaic which is weird as that seems to be the part they really try to distinguish but you always see it coming a mile away. Later comes the "We traced a cell to a local abadoned warehouse, I did it by triangulating his tevo, through the infraweb, then I cross wired the service breakers and rerouted the primary axiom to the internal mainframe"..... At least that what I get from all that blaahhhh! I actually thought for one moment that this might actually follow the first movies story but bulk it out. I mean, lets face it... 2 and 3 were blah... Hell 1 was but it had the "I WILL find you", and that's what got people. They knew this but instead of going with the winner (the first movie)they revamped it as the new Blindspot. Has that been cancelled yet? I'm guessing this is its replacement for those that like blah. Who is the Simon Cowell that keeps trying to polute minds with this manufatured mesh of unoriginal rehashed concepts? Is it really because the bulk of us enjoy this is it really just down to what they offer us?
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Beyond (I) (2016–2018)
A short description of the show to help decide
4 January 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It's a teen drama dressed as sci-fi. Each episode, all the way up to 8, which is where I left it, gives around 5 minutes of actual sci-fi. The rest of course being teen angst. Most cliff hangers centre around how conflicted the protagonist is having to choose which girl he wants to be with.

I will give 1 spoiler just to show how teen drama-ish this is. So, he's supposed to be essentially a 13 year old awakened into a 25 year old body. Has missed puberty and the magical 'first time'. As such he is fumbly around girls... But then he gets his memories back of spending all that time in another world - with a girl. But serious sci-fi component be damned, if we make him Don Juan we can't make him angsty and nervous.
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