
14 Reviews
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Moebius (2013)
Don't Waste Your Time
1 January 2015
I always try to be open minded about the cinema and movies. This one goes way way over the line. This movie has absolutely no value for the public viewer. The wife catches her husband having an affair with another woman. I understand a wife could go insane and she does here but to do what she does to her son is above the pail. This movie would have maybe been better if there was some dialog. Though I don't know if anything written for dialog would really help decipher what transpires in this sorry movie. I don't know why the director/producer of this movie would make it this way other than to "impress" a few deranged movie goers who will call this art when its nothing but sadomasochism in the extreme. I should have shut this movie down after the first 15 minutes. I advise the rest of you to not waste your time. Having a face-to-face talk with your mother-in-law is better than polluting your mind with this trash dumpster of a movie.
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Enjoyed this Movie
27 September 2014
I guess some did not think much of this movie. I disagree. I thought this movie was very well done. The family and their livestock are forced to move to where water is available since their well is running dry in the desert. The trials and tribulations they go through finding water to live on is quite a story. The family pays a terrible price traveling in this harsh desert land. They run into ruthless characters and have to pay a horrendous price making their way through the desert. I felt the story was told well and the actors did a great job portraying the characters, especially the father and daughter. I thought the daughter's performance was eye opening. The photography was outstanding. I recommend this movie to all peoples. The movie is happy, sad and quite emotional. See it.
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Interesting Film
31 March 2014
Hey I'm a sucker for these mid-20th century British films. This is a good one especially the last half of the film. The film starts out a little slow in the beginning, especially if you're not a classical music fan (as I'm really not), but keep watching, don't give up on it. It builds to a nice crescendo in the end. The boy (Guido) really does an impressive acting job, as does the lady who is there guiding Guido's career musical path. Not to say that the film doesn't have an issue. The producers of the film obviously enjoyed classical music (an perhaps spent a little more time on the music than some may like) but this music was very popular during the time period when the movie was released. if you like British films made in the 1950s, give this one a look. It's not a long movie at just 87 minutes and I think well worth watching.
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Aaton (2007)
Early Man Film
12 January 2013
I enjoyed this little film. What a world early man had to deal with. He had to kill to provide food for his tribe. Nomads roaming the land, finding shelter wherever he could. Before man could speak, he communicated with only a look or stare and a gesture. Not all men are made out to be hunters. A man discovers more to life than the others are capable of seeing. Can he make others understand what he has discovered?? Oh how hard it must have been to survive in these times. This is a well thought out and produced film that deserves to be viewed. This film is well worth your time to be looked at and appreciated. Take a look and see what you think.
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What Happened in this Movie
13 February 2007
This movie sounded like it might be entertaining and interesting from its description. But to me it was a bit of a let down. Very slow and hard to follow and see what was happening. It was as if the filmmaker took individual pieces of film and threw them in the air and had them spliced together whichever way they landed (definitely not in sequential order). Also, nothing of any consequence was being filmed. I have viewed quite a few different Korean films and have noticed that a good portion are well made and require some thinking on the viewer's part, which is different from the typical Hollywood film. But this one befuddled me to no end. I viewed the film a second and third time and it still didn't do anything for me. I still don't really understand what the filmmaker was trying to convey. If it was to just show a typical mundane portion of a person's life, I guess he succeeded. But I was looking for more. Needless to say, I can't recommend this movie to anyone.
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Dead End (I) (2003)
Cut Rate Horror Flick
27 January 2007
I wasn't expecting much and unfortunately thats what I got with this stupid movie. If you like your horror with a heavy splash of comedy then this is for you. I thought the comedy came off in this movie so cheap and cheesy. A victim gets killed one moment and the next minute someone tries to be funny...I don't know it just didn't work for me. The idea (a shortcut through the dark woods on lonely highway) was interesting. The atmosphere and general creepiness was a plus in the movie. Its too bad there was not more thought put into the structure of the film. Mom, Dad and Daughter did a respectable acting job here. Really, I thought Mom performed the best of the trio. Overall, a low budget, low rent horror with gobs of cheese thrown in. Undoubtedly, some liked it but not my cup of tea.
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An unbelievable musician...a Legend, a good documentary
6 May 2006
This documentary from old Dick Cavett programs shows the man Jimi Hendrix as a rather shy meek person being interviewed. I noticed a bit of a difference in the two episodes of the program shown here when Hendrix is interviewed by Cavett. In the first interview, Hendrix appears a lot more relaxed than in the second program interview. He seemed much more troubled in that second interview. Everyone around him (record execs, manager, etc.) demanded so much from this virtuoso that in the end it drove him over the edge. But as soon as he picked up his guitar you could see he left our world and went into another dimension somewhere else that was beautiful to see and more so to hear. I highly recommend everyone who is a fan of Hendrix to see this one of a kind Hendrix experience on network TV.
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A smart , funny, little movie on a shoe string budget
6 December 2005
After viewing the first 25 minutes of this nerdy little movie I was thinking of shutting it down, thinking I had better things to do with my time. But, I kept watching and wow it was something. Its really a neat story plot. If you don't mind the low budget production and view with an open mind, I think you might get a kick out of this movie, like I did. I found out that a lot of what happens in the movie actually did happen to the writer/director Daniel Yoon. Yoon stars as part of a corporate team that goes to other companies helping them to trim their manpower. A life changing event happens to this man and thats when this movie takes off. Most of the other first time actors are interesting and rather convincing in their roles helping to pull this off. It's not a Hollywood blockbuster type movie that's for sure, but to me thats what makes this good. Recommended.
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Lila (1968)
60's Style Sexploitation Movie
16 July 2005
This "sexploitation" film has got it all if your into this genre. There is skin, LSD/hallucinations, sex, horror, blood, irritating theme music and its share of bad acting. The dialog is very dated, but quite amusing at times (yeah, groovy man!), and as usual, when watching these types of movies, frequently the bad acting takes over the movie and it can be hilarious to watch. Lila (Susan Stewart) actually does a decent (not good though) job as the stripper/killer. I agree with the earlier comment that Pat Barrington (belly dancer hussy) is something to watch and must be seen. I'm not a big fan of this type of film. After watching this I felt the need to take a shower and clean myself up. I can't recommend it. But to each his own.
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Avalanche (1978)
Typical '70s Disaster Movie Ripoff
12 March 2005
The 1970s were full of these type of movies. This minor disaster movie took me back to those times. It's far from a disaster classic, but you know I kind of enjoyed the little movie. It was kind of campy. Sub par acting for the most part. Rock Hudson is way over the top in most of the movie, at least until the avalanche. Mia Farrow didn't do it for me, seemed kind of wooden. Forester had the best lines and acted them out pretty decently as the Environmentalist trying to tell Rock about the dangers of possible avalanche. I gave the movie a 6 rating, which might be a bit high, but as I said I kind of got a kick out of the thing. If you were around in the '70s you might want to take a look at this you're you're bored with not much to do. Minor recommendation.
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Never Again (2001)
Funny film for the Over 40 Crowd
24 June 2004
It was refreshing to see a funny movie for the 40+ crowd. If profuse profanity and graphic sex conversations bother you, don't see this movie. No doubt some of the scenes are over the top. Mother's vulgar language was way out of line. In fact, it should have been cut and laid out on the editor's floor. But the midlife relationship crisis', I thought, were pretty accurate for the most part. Things look and are so different in ones mind when you reach 50 yrs on God's green earth. But I want a comedy to be first, funny in a real life way, which this is, and secondly entertaining, which this definitely was. After all was said and done, I came away from this movie feeling good and that's what its all about.
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A ho-hum affair, with Shatner in the leading role.
28 February 2004
This movie looked like it was rushed to release for some reason. Definitely not a well made movie. So unbelievable. The scenes where the President (Holbrook) were downtown and walking among the people were a farce. There would not be a chance for the common folk to be within 30 yards of the President in that situation in real life. If it wasn't for the blood and profanity, this was shot like a TV movie. It could have been decent if it was done differently. Holbrook's (President) talents were never realized in this movie. Shatner's acting is okay. The production values in this movie leave a lot to be desired. Overall, I think most people would be better off not wasting time to watch this affair.
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A silent movie GEM
12 January 2004
I had just seen Cooper's movie "The Most Dangerous Game" and really liked it. A friend of mine suggested this film also by Cooper (&Schoendack) "Chang". I'm not one who normally rents silent movies but glad I did this one. Explores family life in the jungles of Siam (Thailand)in 1925. The way the family interacts with an unbelieveable assortment of animals is astounding. The scenes with tigers, leopards, bears, snakes etc are not to be missed. I venture to say that the elephant (Chang) stampede scene in this movie has never been done the way its done in this film--simply fantastic.
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A keeper, the movie stands up to the hands of time.
7 December 2003
An early horror/action movie. It may be over 70 years old, but there's not a better sinister, suspenseful, action movie better made and more enjoyed than this one, and all said and done in 63 minutes. If you can find this movie to rent grab your kid, pop some corn, turn lights out in the TV/Video room and hold on for the ride. Better yet buy the DVD, I'm going to.
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