
10 Reviews
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Snowpiercer (2020–2024)
Despite being able to ignore the lame idea, not good
19 May 2020
Why build a train to circle the earth instead of an underground town with fields of solar panels? The power and food would be easier why? OK. I was willing to look past that. Sorry. Not interesting enough to look past those simple facts.
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Good if you want a fun movie.
21 August 2016
So many negative reviews. If you want a fun watch and don't care about realism, this is fun. Don't listen to the the trolls. When I read the IMDb reviews I saw lots of negative comments. They are from trolls. Look at their hating history. I'm not going to bother to try and sell you on this movie. Watch it for fun and screw the haters. I'm babbling to fill the minimum sentences. I watch for fun and don't need realism. Sometimes I give a negative review because something is too far fetched but, this isn't that. Give it a try if you have the time. This might not be as good as the original but, it's not worse in my opinion. Take a chance and I think you won't be disappointed.
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Time Lapse (2014)
Could have been Better
13 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I will try to avoid spoilers but, beware, just in case. The method of capitalizing on the thing was just too stupid. There are so many other ways to make money, the method they chose was just too stupid and asking to be caught. I will say that the twist at the end was surprising and made a lot of things I thought were stupid make sense. I also found the future to be imposable and would never have happened if it weren't in the photo. That being said, I'll waste some more lines to make the minimum 10 lines required to make a drone happy with my review. Wow what a nonsense rule. WoW, still not enough. I don't need so many lines to review a movie. Is this still the 70's?
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Squatting over a hole
13 March 2014
So far, this is nothing but the current use of time manipulation to add drama. As I have pointed out in previous reviews, showing what happened and the rehashing it is both being an lazy and unimaginative writer. I automatically dock 5 stars since this has become the common fare of the untalented writers. It is also boring as we have to watch the same events replay twice. It's like watching a movie and a re-run at the same time. There is enough story change from the original that makes it interesting as a series but, if they keep to this format it's not worth your time. I didn't expect the acting to be on par with the movie and it wasn't. This is forgivable if they continue to improve. I'll watch one more to see if it's worth continuing but, I doubt it will be.
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Star-Crossed (2014)
Roswell revisited
26 February 2014
Nothing new here. Same tween character interaction, no new plot lines, no new characters. As I write this I have watched the first 2 episodes and will watch the third but, I think it will be "three strikes, you're out."

There were no unsurprising plot twists and I really don't expect any. This series is not going to last so don't waste your time unless you are 14 years old or under. In a season of mediocre new series this is near the bottom, even for CW. If you have nothing better to do then this might be for you. If you don't know how many fibers are in your carpet, you might better spend your time counting them.
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The After (2014 TV Movie)
Complete waste of time!
8 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
If you liked the Blair witch project than maybe you would like this. There is useless bickering, characters not getting along for no reason, etc. They try to get out of the garage as if it's critical with no reason.People mill about for no reason and attack the ambulance for no reason. The only reason I watched to the end was to see if they offered an explanation at the end. Nope. The gang bangers attack and everyone runs away with no reason. This could be the worst pilot of all time. Of course, many of you voted for Obama Care so, maybe this will become a long running series. God bless the stupid people because the rest of us wont. Long live stupid because you can't fix stupid so embrace it. This pilot is where pilots come to die. DIE. DIE!.
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Sons of Anarchy (2008–2014)
Season 7 should be the last
11 December 2013
This show has has fluctuated between predictable and good but, the end of season 6 was all predictable. I'm assuming the plot twists were meant to be unforeseen but, they were not. Weather this series ends next season or not, it will be the last season I watch. Shows like Breaking Bad and Dexter ended with self respect just as they were loosing appeal. That's how all shows should end. I hope this doesn't become a show like Nikita, that keep going due to a small fan base, who love the show out of loyalty and can't accept the show has run it's course. SOA will either take that course or become a full on soap opera if it continues. I hope season will be the last so the show ends strong.
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Revenge (2011–2015)
Lost interest November 2013
6 November 2013
I liked this series until lately. It had it's ups and downs but, held my interest. Without spoilers, the last few episodes made it clear this will never become more than a daytime soap opera. At first, the story had plot completions and small goals that were met or, at least resolved, for better or worse. That no longer happens. As I can see no possible way for the show to rekindle my interest, I am quitting now. If you enjoy flat out soap operas, and I am not criticizing you if you do, than this might be the show for you. If you want plot advancement and forward movement, than don't waste your time.

There is really nothing more to say to meet the arbitrary 10 line minimum of this site.
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Touch (2012–2013)
Spoiler!!! Read at own risk!
2 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Do not read if you have not seen up to episode 2-5!!!!

Overall I like this series despite the obvious flaws. It's fun. That said, this is the episode that may be the death throw. Amelia's mother threatened the brother of the man that abducted her daughter and she did so with water???? Who ever wrote this episode either doesn't have kids or doesn't care about them. She would have inserted the needle as soon as he entered the room. If you disagree, you are not a parent. She should have demanded the immediate release of Amelia. The end with her car attack is the only saving grace. Since the filming of this show is already done, I expect the next episode will disappoint me and I will quit watching. Sorry to see you go but, lame writers should not have jobs.
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The Firm (2012)
Entertaining but, not sustainable
25 March 2012
While I am entertained by this show, it suffers from 2 major flaws. First has become the Hollywood standard of showing an exciting scene in the future at the beginning and then going back and building toward that. Shows that do this, such as "Flashpoint" really disappoint me. You know from the beginning that the outcome showed at the beginning is unlikely or out of context. This is simply a way for lousy writers to entice us without the skill of proper storytelling to build suspense. This has become the norm in too many shows now, including CSI and NCIS.

The second problem is that you can't sustain this kind of story line for multiple seasons. "The Net" was one good example. The show will quickly become boring like "Nikita" where none of the major characters die. I get that, for the industry, the actors need a steady paycheck and that we as consumers need our favorite characters but, this story won't be worth watching by season 3.

I hope that this show will finish with a respectable ending before they start beating a dead horse.
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