
75 Reviews
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Intrusion (II) (2021)
So Stupid
18 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Where do i start? The acting was horrendous, the story was extremely predictable, it had zero tension, and the characters' actions and lines were so stupid.

Examples: 1) Pinto's character needs to review some video footage on a camcorder, but she couldn't wait for a better time to do it, she had to do it in the middle of a house party while her husband (the bad guy) is at home! Oh she also seems to like sneaking around his office at night when she has to turn the light on, so that when hubby comes home he can see that she's in his office! And her character has the worst excuses for being in his office.

2) She discovers her husband is a serial killer and has a girl stashed in his secret basement. She tries to get her out of there but she doesn't grab any weapons in case she runs into her husband! There's a baseball bat right there!

3) When they try to escape they go for the doors, when the doors are locked they keep trying the doors! The house is built mostly of glass! Break the glass! I guess you could've smashed the glass if you had grabbed that honking big baseball bat in the secret basement, couldn't ya?

4) Also, when they finally stop the bad guy they don't make sure he's actually dead! When Pinto's character whacks him over the head with this metal ornament, he even falls into the chair where he tied up the girl! Why not strap him down so that there's almost no chance he can chase them when they escape?

This is just one of those movies that is poorly written and directed where characters make stupid decisions and you find yourself screaming at the screen and tearing your hair out. Absolutely terrible and a complete waste of time.
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The Marvels (2023)
22 January 2024
Definitely not a great movie by any means, but it's not nearly as bad as people say it is; as long as you turn off your brain and just go with the flow, there'll certainly be things to appreciate in this movie. The fight scenes were actually pretty cool (won't spoil anything) because of some kind of entanglement (not fully explained), and I liked how the three girls used this glitch to their advantage in coordinating their attacks on the big bad. Character development and depth was definitely an issue, story was really shallow, and some elements of the movie were just too weird and immature, such as the planet of Aladna; that place really made me cringe, I'm glad they didn't spend too long there. The Flerkens get more to do this time round and they end up being pretty damn useful. All in all, not a great movie, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would, I thought some parts were really creative, but there's some fundamental problems with the movie for sure.
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Avatar: Way of What the...
11 June 2023
Oh man, what an absolutely horrendous movie, I'm only rating 4/10 for the visuals. Zero story, terrible characters, horrendous dialogue, and inexplicably long. I actually felt so bored within the first 20 minutes. The messages were preachy and completely in your face. This was just a poor excuse for some legendary Cameron aggrandising; essentially just a vanity project. To be honest I had such a hard time telling who's who because none of the characters really stood out, they were all just this big blue (or turquoise) blob. I know people only watch this movie for the spectacle and the eye-candy, and that's all it is. However, not even the visuals were that great - I was expecting to be absolutely blown away, but they were just OK. The creature designs were also nothing special to be honest - for example there's these creatures called Tulkuns that are essentially humpback whales with a few more fins. The action set pieces aren't anything to write home about neither. Promises so much but delivers very little.
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What The? At the Cabin
11 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
What the heck did I just watch? Pretty disappointed to say the least, as I've seen so many reviews saying this is Shyamalan's long-awaited return to form. This couldn't be further from the truth; the movie felt like a remake of The Happening. The premise was super intriguing, but the execution was terrible. The story was a bit bland, not much actually happens, the acting wasn't particularly good; everybody was just sort of stuck in one mode so I didn't really care for them. I know that for the characters to not really know what's the truth is the whole point of the movie, but I do wish there was some kind of closure: who or what gave the strangers their visions and ultimately their mission? Why did they carry such peculiar weapons? Why did it have to be this particular family to sacrifice someone? Why did anyone have to be killed to stop the end of the world? So many questions unanswered that they didn't add to mystery but they were more infuriating instead. In the end, it seemed like "love" was the solution to everything. Lame lame lame.
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Terrible On All Levels
3 February 2023
Warning: Spoilers
First off, great performances from the actors; I've got no problem with that. Pretty much the five actors on the poster are always reliable. I also love a good historical action movie, so on the surface this ticks all the right boxes: history, action, drama, strong women. My issue is the movie itself. Now. I know next to nothing about the history so I won't comment too much on it, but I'm pretty sure there's a lot of embellishment and artistic licence going on here. Terrible plot, storyline, characters, dialogue, action, pacing, historical accuracy, you name it; it fails on all those levels. The story is light for what is supposedly a highly traumatic and sensitive time in African history. The plotting is very uneven and clumsy; one thing happens after another without much connective flow or narrative. The characters have no space or time to actually develop, it just jumps right in and you're supposed to accept that a simple, farm girl can just 'become' an elite warrior. Said farm girl has an attitude problem and she remains that way for the whole movie; her character doesn't develop or grow, so it seems like no time has passed at all. Same farm girl also falls in love with one of the half-white, half-black slave traders without rhyme or reason; they just do. Also that slave trader just decides to turn on his friend and his people; just like that. Essentially, the characters were one-dimensional caricatures; the formidable leader of course has a chip on her shoulder and it comes back to haunt her, don't they all? The loyal sidekick who sacrifices herself, don't they all? The wise sidekick is always on hand to offer sage advice, don't they all? The rebellious young buck who has a lot to learn ends up being pivotal in the course of events, don't they all? The action was uninspired; for a movie that sells itself on the battle scenes, they were surprisingly few, and when they did happen they were tame and lacking blood; not that I'm bloodthirsty, but a bit of blood and gore in fight scenes adds to the realism and emotional weight of the battle (see Braveheart). All in all, it's a very disappointing movie considering how many people recommended it. The movie just felt like one big re-enactment for a show about African history for the History Channel.
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Snake Eyes (2021)
Abandon Ego. Don't Watch This Movie.
18 January 2023
Wow, what a horrendous movie. I think this is quite possibly one of the worse movies I've seen in a while; it's not even so bad that it's good. Luckily I watched this on Netflix so I was able to skip parts; it was so bad I literally only watched maybe 30 minutes of it after all the skipping. I feel terribly for the people who actually paid good honest money to watch this tripe in the theatres.. The shallow and predictable story made zero sense, the actors were terrible - I've seen blocks of wood with more emotion and conviction, not to mention the dialogue was absolutely cringeworthy; it's as if the guy who writes fortune-cookie wisdom wrote the script. The action and fight scenes - which is the real reason why anybody would want to see this - were few and far between and when they did come, they were so random and really not anything we haven't seen before so basically just terrible. However, I do feel Iko Uwais was completely wasted, he basically had nothing to do, he barely got to use his martial arts skills. Other wasted actors include: Ursula Corbero who does amazing work outside of this movie, same with Samara Weaving. If this was supposed to be the origin story of Snake Eyes, it was also his ending; and why the hell did they change his backstory from the established canon? Were they trying to be clever or something? This POS of a movie made the Stephen Sommers G. I. Joe movies seem like works of art.
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Strange World (2022)
Not-So-Bad World
25 December 2022
I honestly don't get all the hate for this movie, I thoroughly enjoyed it. It's definitely not fantastic but it's not terrible neither, it's a better effort from Disney compared to recent outings. Yes the characters aren't as well developed as they could have been, the story is just a rehash of everything that's been done before, the ideas don't really go anywhere, and certain situations just conveniently resolve themselves without much effort. But what did you expect from Disney these days? Just turn off your brain and keep expectations low and you'll find there's a lot to like; I love the Star Trek vibe, the creatures in the strange world were pretty cool, the blue blob was a lot of fun, the three-legged dog was awesome, I'm not sure why he was there and why he had to be three-legged but what the heck, he's a good boy! Just like the movie, it's flawed and you're not sure why it's there, but it's enjoyable.
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Butchered It
10 September 2022
Very, very disappointed. Story was messy and didn't make much sense. Characters were one-dimensional. Too many jokes so you can't take any of it seriously, there's a joke every minute, and often the jokes really weren't that funny. Visuals lacked any subtlety, nuance, or sophistication - the colours were just too damned bright, my eyes hurt after about 10 minutes; it's like the film-makers only understand how to use primary colours. Also everything just looked cheap, bad, and plasticky. For example the 'armour' they wore just looked like the plastic toy viking/roman costume armour that you get from the Dollar Store. While these devices may have worked for Ragnarok, I just feel that they went too far this time, like they thought "oh, this worked on Ragnarok, let's crank it up to 11!" I guess the only saving grace is Christian Bale as Gorr, who is sadly and criminally under-used, which might actually be a good thing because the tone of his character really didn't fit in with the whole hokey-jokey tone of the movie. Overall, this was just a parody of a Thor movie.
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Prey (I) (2022)
Prey We Get More
6 August 2022
Finally, a decent Predator movie. Not since the first one have we had a truly great Predator movie - except maybe Predator 2 - all the other movies have been silly and gimmicky and just didn't play to the Predator's strengths. Prey goes back to basics with tangible tension and palpable atmosphere. Love the setting for this movie too; how would a more primitive version of us deal with a killer alien with superior technology? Great design of the Predator (probably best yet), and fantastic performances from the cast. Overall very happy with the end product.
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Resident Evil (2022)
Resident Banal
23 July 2022
I was really looking forward to this when it was first announced, not to mention I'm a huge fan of the videogame. But I had to stop watching this after the third episode; it was just too predictable, uninspired, unimaginative, and just plain boring. It was neither scary, exciting, thrilling, nor thought-provoking. I gave it three episodes in the vain hope it would get better, but it didn't. The source material is so rich with storylines and situations that they could've based an incredible series on, but they ended up choosing to preach the same old, tired, done-to-death, treatise on the evils of big pharma. I gave it two stars because of Lance Reddick and Paola Nunez, they were the two best things about the show. However, they're both sadly wasted on this nonsense. There are other better zombie flicks and series out there - avoid this one like the plague!
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Turning Red (2022)
Turned Bad
12 March 2022
Starts off really strong and promising, with some decent characters and relatable themes; extremely controlling migrant parents, the urge to rebel against them, the awkwardness of growing up, family and responsibility etc, are all themes that most of us have been through before. However, the movie spirals downwards real fast at around the halfway point and it just gets laughably ridiculous (like trying to get tickets for a hugely popular concert right before the gig!), by the end of it you'd think they switched movies on you and hoped you wouldn't notice. However, having said that the animation, character design, and overall production is amazing and topnotch as you would expect from Pixar.
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Shang Cheese
30 September 2021
Totally unpopular opinion here and I might be the only one, but I really didn't like it; even going into it with no expectations. I wasn't too keen on the movie in the first place, but I was swayed by everybody who watched it and said it was brilliant. What a mistake. I felt the movie was incredibly dull, generic, utterly cliched and stereotyped. Crap characters, formulaic plot, and not even all that funny. As soon as the movie opened with a Chinese battle banner and the twang of guzheng notes, I knew it would be bad. The action and fight scenes aren't even all that great: they relied way too much on CG. I feel like the action was nothing special: Jackie Chan (and Yuen Wah whom you'll see in Shang Chi) in his hey-day produced way better action and fights without CG. Back when The Matrix first came out, that was mind-blowing action that Western audiences haven't seen before. If you've seen any number of Hong Kong martial arts movies you'll know what I mean. The third act of the movie was a total rip-off of the last battle in How to Train Your Dragon. Also an absolute waste of great actors like Michelle Yeoh who was given nothing to do, she practically dialled in her part. Positives though: Tony Leung. He's the one redeeming grace of this terrible and lazy movie.
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Aquaman (2018)
Sharkboy and Lava Girl was Way Better!
28 June 2019
Oh man, what a waste of 2.5 hours! I'm really not understanding why this piece of tosh is getting so much hype. Zero story, non-sensical plot, one-dimensional characters, cringe-worthy dialogue, horrendous production design, costume design looked like they ripped-off the Power Rangers, and the visuals weren't even that great! The "young-ification" of Temeura Morrison and Nicole Kidman at the beginning of the movie was absolutely laughable. Manta's - actually all the costumes - looked so cheap and plastic-y it reminded me of those kids' costumes that you get at the Dollar Store. Momoa does his best impersonation of Thor, but ultimately fails to draw any laughs or garner any emotion. They absolutely ripped-off every sci-fi fantasy concept out there, mixed them together and hoped something would stick. It was just a loud, chaotic, brash, flashy, low-brow, seething mess. I think even Sharkboy and Lava Girl did a way better job! Just give up DCEU, you're no match for the MCU, the harder you try the worse you look.
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The Crap Tower
13 October 2018
I was really looking forward to this when it was first announced to be directed by Ron Howard. Then months and months of development fell through and in the end we have this mess. I admit that the source material - The Dark Tower series by Stephen King - was just too complex, grand and epic in scale to really manifest into a single movie. The movie really does try to focus on the key elements and use them to tell a cohesive story. And I feel that's where it falls apart, it just felt over-simplified and watered-down; the thing with The Dark Tower series is that everything is interconnected, so you can't just pick and choose elements and hope it all comes and holds together. I also feel that the writers really missed the point of the Dark Tower and Roland's obsession with the Man in Black. This would've worked out way better had it been either a mini-series or just a straight up series, because the source material is so rich that it can't be told in a single movie. However, negatives aside, I think they did a great job casting a bad-ass like Idris Elba to play Roland. Elba really has that presence, toughness, and world-weariness to perfectly portray the last Gunslinger. Also good job casting Matthew McConaughey as The Man in Black/Walter, he's got that perfect balance of charm and menace to really bring Walter to life. Except for that, I don't think I can think of more positives. Read the books instead and pray somebody turns this into a series with Idris Elba as Roland and Matthew McConaughey as The Man in Black.
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La La Land (2016)
Blah Blah Land
2 September 2017
I really don't know what the big fuss was about this film. Admittedly it was beautifully shot and produced, the music and little dance numbers were brilliant, and it was visually stunning; the whole thing reminded me of a Chagall painting. I would say that was my favourite thing about the movie; it's all very romantic looking and stylish. However, these things were all smoke and mirrors to me, to hide the fact that the story was shallow and pretentious. It just wasn't all that interesting and couldn't hold my attention. Is it just me or do Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling just seem to play the same people in every one of their movies? I feel like they're the same no matter what roles they play (it's the same with Ryan Reynolds) as though their acting spectrum is very limited so they can't take on a wide variety of diverse roles. In a nutshell: beautifully made and visually striking, but rather uninteresting story and uninspired acting. Totally not deserving of all the Oscars.
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Point Break (2015)
Pointless Break
13 June 2017
Wow, can anybody say "product placement"? Absolutely terrible. Just as I thought it would be. This poor take on the classic is a complete travesty in every way possible; essentially it's a shameless extended Red Bull or GoPro commercial. In every frame there's an outdoor equipment or extreme sports brand in full view, front and center. There's really no plot to speak of, I think there's something about an FBI agent trying catch some bad guys, and that's about it. Even the main character seems to forget WTF he's supposed to be doing. For a bit in the middle I really did forget what the hell he was supposed to be doing. It's really a poor excuse to film beautiful young people doing dangerous sports. The acting is nonexistent and even when there is some acting, it's horrific to say the least. Now I know why Edgar Ramirez doesn't get much to say in whatever movies he's in because the guy is just terrible, he's as stiff as the rock that he throws over the cliff. To be honest I don't understand the hype around the guy. The lead guy - I don't even know who TF he is - playing Utah is an insult to the great Keanu Reeves. The lines are completely laughable, they're like lines ripped straight from Robin Sharma's The Monk who Sold His Ferrari - just some voodoo, mystic mumbojumbo about being one with the earth or some BS like that. Which is sort of ironic because they spend most of the movie ripping the earth apart with motor bikes, guns, bombs and whatever they can get their tattooed hands on. Completely pointless, avoid at all costs, watch the infinitely superior original and forget this tosh ever existed.
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Iron Fist (2017–2018)
Prepare Yourself to be Fisted
31 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Hmmm, where to start? First of all, I would just like to point out that I hate that these martial arts TV shows think that Chinese and Japanese are interchangeable. The makers of Iron Fist is totally guilty of this sin; mixing Chinese, Japanese and any number of other Eastern cultures together as they see fit, and hoping the audience won't notice. What also irks me is that in these shows, anybody who dons a pair of boxing gloves and hits a bag (with terrible technique I might add) suddenly becomes super proficient in fighting and will be more than able to take out gangs of thugs. Or taking a couple of boxing lessons means that anybody can suddenly become capable of fighting the main character who's supposed to be a kung-fu master - who also happens to be terrible at fighting (more on that later). These are just some of the clichés that this show has in abundance. I'm not even going to talk about Finn Jones playing Iron Fist because that's just a stupid argument for why the show is crap because Iron Fist IS white. That brings me to another gripe: he spends the entire season saying he's the Iron Fist; so what the heck is the Iron Fist? So far it seems the Iron Fist is just Jones holding a light bulb and hitting people (again, with terrible technique) with it - I can't really tell to be honest because the Iron Fist only shows up a couple of times in the season. Jones' acting is terribly wooden (same as all the other actors) and his range of emotion seems to be dopey kid or kid throwing a tantrum. The character of Danny Rand is so unbelievably dim-witted, he spends the first few episodes trying to convince everyone he's really Danny, but he doesn't offer up any evidence to prove it. Also, he doesn't seem to get the hint who the bad guys are: if they're shooting at you or trying to cut you up with a bloody great big sword, there's a good chance they're the bad guys, but no, he takes a good few episodes to let it sink in, even by the end of the season I'm still not convinced that he really knows who the bad people are; this happens repeatedly. Other characters are also stuck in their own little loops, Colleen really has no use other than stepping in to fight every so often. Ward is repeatedly getting the rug pulled out from under him. Joy can't decide if she's good or bad. Harold is just a seething bag of revenge. Claire, well Claire she's just constantly getting herself into trouble. For some reason Claire in Iron Fist is very irritating, whereas the Claire in Daredevil was very likable. She keeps complaining about how she's tired of all the killing and violence, but then she always asks to tag along! The fight choreography is utter crap, I move better when I'm getting out of bed in the morning; instead of just simply punching or kicking someone, they'll do a flying double-somersault, triple-reverse, spinning back fist: completely unnecessary. I know Iron Fist is supposed to be a martial arts master but this is just taking the mick. Dialogue is clunky, clumsy, devoid of all emotion, and completely laughable. A lot of the lines spouted throughout the show sounds like the writers just downright ripped them off from Robin Sharma's "The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari". Bottom line: this is just poorly-produced, lazily-written, badly-acted, eastern- mystic, mumbo-jumbo, hocus-pocus, fortune-cookie nonsense. I'll probably still watch the next season though.
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Poopiter Descending
8 January 2017
Absolutely horrendous movie! Such a waste of talent. This movie could've been so much more: the ideas and concepts were really interesting and cool, but either the editing, directing, writing, perhaps all three were completely lacking. The concepts and ideas also play a part in the movie's downfall; there was just too much going on for any of it to really work together to form a coherent whole. The movie was good in parts but it suffered from a lack of cohesion and the need to make sense. The characters were flat and one-dimensional; I guess that's just how Channing Tatum is as per usual, so no change there, but Mila Kunis looks bored and almost embarrassed that she's a part of this movie. No wonder it bombed.
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The Average Dinosaur
10 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Pretty disappointed to say the least; it all felt so mediocre and pointless. This is very very substandard for Pixar, there's a complete lack of story, plot, characterisation, creativity and most crucially imagination. It doesn't really show us anything that we haven't seen before in other movies such as The Land Before Time or even Disney's Dinosaur from 2000; actually, those two movies were way better than this one. Heck, it doesn't even have the usual Pixar charm to win you over, all the characters were pretty annoying - including the main character - he's just this moany, whiny, spineless weakling who's scared of EVERYTHING, and it's his chicken sh*t antics that get his dad killed. Oh, and the dad is annoying too - he's self-righteous and condescending, the siblings are obnoxious, and so on. The only character who was of any interest was Spot - he had more charm and more character than anyone else - and he didn't even say anything!
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Ricki and the TRASH!
14 May 2016
I originally gave this 5 out of 10, but after careful consideration I settled on 1 out of 10 because it really was that bad. At first I didn't think it was all that bad, but then again I was at home sick with the flu, so I wasn't even in my right mind when I watched it. The characters were incredibly annoying and the story was predictable as taxes. Meryl Streep isn't even trying, Kevin Kline looks embarrassed to be in the movie, the girl who plays their daughter was annoying as hell - just whiny, immature and completely psychotic, same with the their eldest son, Sebastian Stan as the second son looked equally embarrassed as Kline, the girl who played Stan's fiancée was a whiny, stuck-up snob, and the woman that Kline's character married was condescending and self- righteous. The only redeeming feature of the movie was the eldest son's boyfriend and possibly Ricki's boyfriend, they were at least pleasant, particularly the son's boyfriend in the brief moment that he was on-screen. Oh, and they play the same two songs over and over and over again throughout the movie, so watch out for that.
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Not-So-Amazing Spiderman
10 December 2014
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Oh man, this was absolutely horrendous - even worse than the first one. The characters are paper-thin, the actors are terrible (except Jamie Foxx, more on that later), the lines are cringe-worthy and the story makes no sense at all. Oh, and it's also very, very clichéd; Peter finds his dad's secret lab in an abandoned subway line, he even needs a special coin to make it come up out of the train tracks! WTF??? The story has more holes than Spiderman's web, for example: how come Spiderman seems to be impervious to Electro's shocks? What does Peter actually do except for hanging around looking cool with his big hair and hipster style? What exactly was wrong with Harry? Peter's relationship with Harry Osborn is pretty random and rushed, but Harry somehow expects Peter to do everything in his power to help him. Dane DeHaan playing Harry is just a rehash of his character in Chronicle, but this time he's a spoilt rich kid who didn't get enough hugs as a child. Man, how I miss James Franco's Harry, I actually felt for Franco's Harry: he was likable and you totally felt his pain. Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone have absolutely no chemistry at all, despite them actually dating in real-life at the time the movie was made, if they're on-screen relationship is so flaccid, I can't imagine what their real one must be like! Their lines are probably the corniest, cheesiest tripe I've ever heard, every time they spoke I gagged! It's "I love you" every second word, they toss those words out so casually that they don't mean anything and lack impact. With Tobey Maguire's Peter Parker, you can actually feel his struggle precisely because he doesn't say he loves Mary Jane after every second word. This brings me to Peter Parker himself, Garfield plays him with such swagger, cockiness and bravado that I really don't like him, and I find it really difficult to root for him. Tobey's Peter was a fantastic balance of vulnerability, geekiness and determination that you can't help but cheer for him and you can relate to him. The one saving grace was Jamie Foxx's Electro character - we actually understand his plight and we feel for him; who hasn't ever been trampled on by everyone and wished you had the means to fight back? When he does become Electro, he's probably the coolest villain ever i.e; when he turns into pure electricity and disappears into a power socket. He's actually a very scary villain and I wish they kept him somehow instead of cooking up some bullsh*t way to kill him. Another note on cliché: the scientist who runs the institute for the criminally insane where they keep Electro is an over-the-top neo-nazi-scientist type, he's even German!
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Divergent (2014)
14 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Not as bad as I thought it would be, I kind of expected another Twilight or Hunger Games; although Divergence does have it's Twilight moments. The movie does actually make me think and is pretty smart in parts, especially the Tris vs Jeanine scene towards the end, despite it's predictability. To be honest, I rather enjoyed the movie until all the corny lovey-dovey scenes between Tris and Four; the movie minus the Tris and Four "romantic" parts would've raised the movie's stock in my book. Another thing that would've helped was to revise the completely lame ending, which doesn't quite make sense, is totally anti-climactic and is obviously screaming out: "SEQUEL!". Lastly,I was hoping there'd be some explanation as to why they had to live within the boundaries of the city, apart from Tris narrating at the beginning that there was a "war" - which I don't fully believe, so I hoped there'd be a twist ending, but it never came. Actually the more I think about it, the more I dislike it and the more critisicism i can think of. So in the end, yeah, I didn't like it.
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Under the Skin (I) (2013)
Under the Skin? Nothing
3 November 2014
Absolutely pish. I'm just so mad about how horrendous this movies is. I've waited a long time to see this because it was marketed as an alien movie set in Scotland - which i was thought was the best idea ever; and then this sh*t happened. A complete waste of time; I rented this on DVD (thank goodness I didn't see it at the cinema or buy it!) and I had to skip through all the chapters right to the end because it was THAT boring. The pace was so slow and the score was dull, the characters are merely there so the camera has something to focus on, so I was nearly falling asleep. Not to mention it shows the usually beautiful Scotland (my home) in a completely cold and dark light, so I don't appreciate that. Nothing actually happens plot-wise neither, we just see Scarlett Johansson driving around picking up guys and devouring them with this black liquid stuff. Absolutely terrible.
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Oblivion (I) (2013)
24 September 2013
Very disappointing. There were too many things going on at the beginning trying to set the scene; so you're starting to think that the plot is thickening, but ultimately amount to nothing more than a hill of beans. The production is beautiful though (as is Olga Kurylenko), but that's really it, it's all eye candy and nothing much else. There's not even that much acting to speak about neither. The plot is confusing and very very thin - in the back of your mind you're thinking of the most obvious resolution to the movie, but you're led to believe that there should be more to it than what you're thinking, by the end of the movie though, you'll discover that you were right all along. You'll be thinking: "Is THAT it?!" It's really really predictable. The characters are 2-dimensional and the dialogue is extremely clichéd and cheesy - Jack Harper (to Olga): "Dream of us" - really??? Come on guys! No wonder the prominently massive space station is shaped like a chunk of very-mature cheddar!
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Go Ahead and Die Already!
7 August 2013
Absolutely horrendous! How such sacrilegious tripe got green-lit is beyond me; the previous movie was bad enough. They really should have just stopped with Vengeance. The story (or lack thereof) is dull, formulaic and done to death, you can see the so-called "plot-twist" coming a mile away. The action is beyond ridiculous even for a Die Hard movie. Willis is a mere shadow of his former self; the wisecracks are tired, flat and watered-down, his lines are delivered without the same sarcastic energy, buzz and wit as 18 years ago (Die Hard with a Vengeance). Oh, and Jai Courtney has to be the worst actor ever, he's as wooden as a redwood forest - the aggression his character has for Willis' character is completely over the top, he seems to know only two expressions: angry and angrier - every line he spits out is pure aggression, even when it's not required in the scene. Damn, I wish they just left the franchise at Vengeance - I'm just going to forget that the last two movies were ever made.
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