
30 Reviews
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people relax...its a fun movie
23 January 2013
why is it people care so much how old Lucille ball and henry Fonda were in the movie. when i saw it i thought that they both looked awfully believable in their roles and thats that. fun movie with miss ball doing scenes that remind us of the classic i love Lucy.....and Mr. Fonda looking debonair and actually good in comedy. the kid who stole the show Eric is he natural and good and this also went on in the Poseidon adventure. wonder what became of him. the scenes are all cute and the dialogue really is the dialogue parents and kids would have. not a absolutely great film...but a honest fun one that i enjoyed very much.
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bomb.................I'm now a Bogart fan
8 December 2012
always put off watching this movie as the combination of Bogart and Hepburn didn't interest me. decided to watch it to night as there was nothing else on the screen. well...i loved the film and i was completely entranced by Mr. Bogart. too see him last and his drunk scenes were absolutely on track. sure the story line is a bit...exaggerated but it still is a poignant movie. Katherine Hepburn another one who never captured my heart is quite good in this one. she has an ability to feed the other actors right on with her replies and reactions. now I'm glad I've watched it and recommend it to all people who like good acting and a movie that has thrills....sentimentality....and humour.
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Christine (1983)
absolutely stunned
30 October 2012
For sure i thought i would hate this movie but decided to watch it on a late show last night...what the heck ill zap if its boring. Low and behold from the very beginning i was entranced. The story is fun.....the music is good...the actors are excellent....its scary...funny...sad. I just loved it and what a genial ending...the man walking with his radio behind the wreck.Alexandra was a true beauty and in that movie she had the whole package deal.....John Stockwell why isn't he around that was a sexy lad...not artificial like some actors of the day. And the actor who played the nerd....felt so dam sorry for him and his facial expressions were so real...i still cringe. Yes a good movie that i should have watched when it came out. OHand lets not forget CHRISTINE wow what a sexy lovely thing.
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fell off my chair
25 October 2012
One of the worst movies i have seen for a long time and made me worry about what the years two thousands would present.Luckily BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN AND LA VIE EST BELLE CAME ALONG.What is so entertaining about a guys urge to kill for two hours...women homeless animals...its surprising there were no scenes where children were killed. And to top it all the acting is terrible and Christian Bale is unattractive and does not come across as a psycho one bit. Reese Whitterspoon should have never accepted such an idiotic role. When i thin k about films like they made in the forties like...THE UNINVITED....BALL OF FIRE.....DOUBLE IDEMNITY....SO PROUDLY WE HAIL... Etc now those were movies that came across and were entertaining.....i so wish i had been old enough to see these films at the movies.....instead of enduring this kind of thrash. Don't buy it its gonna ruin your day.
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wow I'm dumbfounded
14 October 2012
Didn't think i would like this movie but i am a Gary Cooper fanatic since Meet John Doe. He certainly didn't deceive me here...what fantastic acting.....this guy is phenomenal. Never was a Theresa Wright fan until this movie. She played it with style and conviction. Good story that provided us with humour as well as sadness. Just happy Sam Wood chose not to show Lou Gherig dying. The scene where Lou meets little BILLY all grown up and the end.....had me in a turmoil. ELSA J ANNSEN would go on to play another mother in 1943 s blockbuster SO PROUDLY WE HAIL. She registers emotions so capably you just want to cuddle her. Walter Brennan is well Walter Brennan...he didn't received 3 Oscars for nothing. All and all a fast paced well made movie that will pull at your heart strings whether you like baseball or not.
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not that bad
18 September 2012
Just saw 7 seas movie. I did not hate it at all. the scenery is adequate and the color was alright. Some scenes were a little hard to swallow but the actors made the film believable. Was fun to see sexy John Payne is something else different from Twentieth Century Fox musicals. Mr.Payne can really show emotions when especially he is his forehead and his eyes.Donna reed i simply adore...she has a face that you cant forget. Reminds me a lot of my all time favorite MISS PAULETTE GODDARD. The supporting cast is all recommended and the plot is simple but effective. Really worth a watch. You no what.....todays movies may be advanced and up to rather see JOHN Payne as a pirate anytime compared to Johnny Depp who has everything handed to him on a silver platter. Yester years actors really worked and sweated to give the best performance ever...and they didn't have much help like the actors of today have.
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am upset....really
16 September 2012
Was the second time i tried to listen to this movie. Suddenly like gunpowder it exploaded. Would you believe that this film is now in my BEST TEN list. Cant believe it was made in 1930...the dialogue....the actors.....the atmosphere......simply magical. That film does pass the message easily7...that war is ugly. Notice how the sex scene was well need to show all.....PAULwas sexy just when he kissed the french girls hand...and then a still scene of the upstairs bedroom. That was enough to tell us that he finally had the presence of a woman. LEW AYRES did a very good job of acting and showd clearly his naive yet realistic side. O do i love this movie now....the butterfly scene in the end.....A GENUINE TOUR DE FORCE.
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Pat and Mike (1952)
found an unknown...i think
20 August 2012
I never realized how good an actress Katherine Hepburn is and in this movie as well as Adam's ribs she didn't deceive me. The movie is watchable although a little long on sports scenes and i didn't see the point of Aldo Rays role too much. Fun to see familiar faces in this film such as Charles Bronson......Chuck CONNORS.....Phylis Povah....and the next one though uncredited I'm proud of having discovered him....being french and a film buff was all excited to find....James Brown of RIN TIN TIN acting as a photographer...hope I'm not wrong I'm such a movie fanatic. All and all i enjoyed the movie and say you must see it at least once.
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The Outlaw (1943)
don't worry Mr. beutel did a great job
27 July 2012
This movie isn't a masterpiece but its rather fun and good to watch. Love the soundtrack when Billy has facial expressions and doesn't trust anyone. Jack buetel should have had a bigger popularity....sure he wasn't perfect but he was a kid then and i thought he rendered his role quite well. Very good looking and with charisma it is a mystery to me why his career didn't flourish. Walter Houston was admirable and we could feel his emotions easily..that is the result of a great actor. Thomas Mitchell equal to himself...never does a bad performance. The story line is simple but yet we are tempted to watch the film because of its fast pacing. There are lots of flaws but i liked it anyways...only Jane Russell didn't get to me....she is bland...has no dialogue...and had the stupidest facial expressions ever. Yes a fun movie that i urge you to see with the mentally of the 1943 era.
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Crash Dive (1943)
slow start.....but then good
30 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I nearly put the switch on off in the first five minutes then giving it an honest chance i found myself interested in CRASH DIVE. Special effects were awesome just as the ones in SO PROUDLY WE HAIL...that same year.The acting cant get any better Tyronne Power and DANA ANDREWS two top notch Fox actors. James Gleason true to himself a genuine pro. Unfortunately i don't feel anything for Anne Baxter...there is something about her wooden acting that bothers me..although she was great in ALL ABOUT EVE. I would have given the role of Jean to either Paulette Goddard....Gene Tierney or Gail Russell. The movie kept me captivated till the very end and i found myself wondering who would come back to Anne Baxter alive. And i don't care what people think.....Tyrone Powers looks has never been surpassed...not even todays Pitt..CRUISE....etc.
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Platte a Mort
25 June 2012
Bad acting especially the lead and scenes cutting so abruptly got on my nerves. Some scenes never seemed to have continuation and very often were were confused. Although the group coloc is quite dedicating a film to dedé fortin a real necessity......Na. The only Quebec's film that i adore is CRAZY....others are just plain passable or boring. Nothing about this movie...acting storyline scenery is exciting....really hated it. i think the best actor of the whole bunch was the guy who played Mike...he was real and quite for the female actresses they were plain bland and not worthy of being noticed. WONDER if the film was a hit...didn't hear much about it.
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I Am Sam (2001)
Sean new fan has come
16 June 2012
I never was a Sean PENN fan. In fact i promised myself i would never watch a movie with his name in the generics...its called Casualties of that movie made me hate that face. I even dismissed him being a good actor since i never watched his other film since that face and the subject of the film had hitting me so hard.Plus the fact that in real life he was an arrogant bleep. I AM SAM comes along. Ah Beatles songs think ill watch it. Suddenly 0mg..Sean PENN overwhelms me with his fabulous acting.He is actually awesome in this and had me rooting for him for an Oscar. Michelle Pheiffer plays her role to the hilt and all the actors are believable. nice story line not SEEN BEFORE...but done in a different way. Yes this film is a must see.....ALTHOUGH i was disappointed with the BEATLES remake. Should have use the real singers.....
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Back Street (1961)
a winner
16 April 2012
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Just saw back Street and i must say i liked it. Fun to see the cars and the styles then. Plot is predictable but so well arranged. Susan Hayward shines perfectly with these kind of roles. Her facial expressions are always in tune and her acting is awesome. Now I'm sick and tired of people saying John Gavin is a poor mans Rock HUDSON. Gavin could act just as good as Rock but he just didn't have the chance the good movie roles to strut his stuff. But all the roles Mr. Gavin encountered he did successfully. And his personal life is also to be commended. Miss Vera Miles blew me away also.....never thought she was such a great actress. Touching ending with the kids and the drawing in the frame........really a good movie...perhaps not a masterpiece but worth the time and look. IT will be on my shelf tomorrow.
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The Women (1939)
Goddard the Queen
29 March 2012
This film is an absolute delight and i find there are never a dull moment. SURE the coloured fashion scene might be long but it is a joy to see the fashion and styles women had then. Took a genius to have an all female cast and have only women being seen in the movie. Paulette Goddard is my idol and she doesn't deceive me here. What a women full of zest sexiness and beauty. Mary Boland nearly steals the show...her countess DE lave absolutely unique.Why wasn't Roslind Russell nominated for an Oscar...her performance here..a gem. The only actress i don't care for is Joan Fontaine who always seem to be so dull and bland.They dared make a remake one remembers it today....trashy and unbelievable. George kukor did a fine job....we have him to thank for this jewel of a movie.
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dam please stop it
26 March 2012
People please stop putting ugly controversy on everything really gets to be monotonous. black white...democratic straight..who the frig cares. This movie is a very good one to show how a little love can perhaps help and change a persons world. I helped a homeless boy a few years ago who was crying on a street corner and alone. within 4 years he went into therapy....found himself a job and has his own apartment. It could be done and this film did it genuinely. Miss bullock does a fantastic job....and the actor who plays Michael ORH was a revelation to me. Its a kind of story that makes us feel good and also makes us wish that other Leigh Ann's were present in this world. so please stop your black and white stuff........had it been a stout white football player...I'm sure you would not had criticized. THE actors...the story the ending........absolutely awesome.
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only disappointment....Cornell Wilde
24 March 2012
Twentieth century fox had Tyrone power.....Richard Green.......John Payne.........why give the role to Cornel Wilde. I never saw a good movie this actor made. Hes bland....boring and stiff. Too bad because this movie is a gem. By the way Miss Tierney is a knockout but let us not overlook Miss Jeanne Crain...watta living doll. Cinematography breathtaking and movie just plain terrific......but I'm not wild over Wilde. Wonder why Gene accepted to do such a cruel character but i guess it paid off since she garnered an academy award nomination. Joan Crawford accepted the golden boy for her role in Mildred Pierce. I must say i agree cause Crawford was sublime in her role. But Gene was way prettier in my opinion. They had faces then
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Leolo (1992)
get out the popcorn ..and us the bucket to puke in
16 March 2012
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young 12 year old boy masturbates in a piece of raw meat.....young nude girl bites an old mans toenails....young boys use a cat for sex.....mother falls in a tomato truck and gets pregnant by and mom watch son evacuate his bowels and clap when he does it. IS THAT ENUFF FOR YOU. and some say i didn't understand the film and it is a masterpiece. sorry but this movie is rotten to the core. and im french..and i don't betray my people because the movie C.R.A.Z.Y was a million times better. leolo is an absolute disaster. 1 point for cinematography though...and thats it. THOSE who loved it well.......good for you but you ain't no friend of mine
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Bataan (1943)
am a war film freak
14 March 2012
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i have a collection of war movies and last week i came across BATAAN and omg i don't want to badly judge the film....but it didn't completely amazed me. the dialogue was infantile.....Robert Taylor was wooden except for the very last of the movie. its rare that in a film i feel don't feel sympathy and sadness for a BATAAN...just didn't have feelings for any of them. the cinematography is fair but was was all this fog about and the rocks and boulders in some scenes seemed like they were chisel-ed and meticulously placed on right spot. Na i hate criticizing a war film but this one didn't capture my heart. still a 7 is not bad for......Robert walker writing to his mom....Desi arnaz overjoyed to hear tommy Dorsey and first scene of Japanese attack. I'm relieved favourite film SO PROUDLY WE HAIL more stars. oh i forgot good actor thomas mitchell not a role for him at all.
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viva the forties
11 March 2012
absolutely loved this movie. paramount is my favorite studio and to see all the stars in this film had me at the edge of my seat. its not an academy award film...but it is pure escapism and relaxing to watch. the music score...priceless. watch Paulette Goddard veronica lake and Dorothy L'Amour as they strut their stuff and mock their trademarks only to see sterling Holloway and 2 other guys imitating them. hilarious. you can also see Ellen drew...Walter Abel and many other stars in secondary roles. the movie is fast paced....well presented and really funny for now and for its time. i didn't live the forties but its my favorite era. had i lived then i WOULD HAVE MARRIED PAULETTE GODDARD.
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The Ten (2007)
common guys its all fun
9 March 2012
this is not a academy award winning was meant to make us laugh or at least smile. in my case it worked. the idea of the movie is well thought of and the actors and actresses are all good. sure its not serious material but the Adam Sander....Eddie Murphy.....will Farrell movies aren't either. i wouldn't see it too many times but i liked it. i think the people who hated it are either prudes or people with no sense of humour.......they prolly prefer pee wee Herman or Mr. bean. oh and i admire Paul Rudd....he can do anything. the sequence i like the least was WINONA RYDER part.....didn't make me laugh at all. did this movie do good at the box french and i don't think the movie ever made it where i live. thank you
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Billy Elliot (2000)
fell on my rear end
9 March 2012
couldn't sleep one night. whats on TV.....only one film....billy Elliot story of a ballet dancing boy. ugh ill watch it a bit and fall asleep. no frigging way...the movie turned out to be splendid. the story line the characters the music all simply divine. a little sex oriented but with no exaggeration. someone had to think of a theme like this and this director hit it on bull eye. the actor playing billy is not annoying at all he is talent with a grade A. the father plays his role with such heartfelt emotion it is too amazing. wasn't easy for him..trouble at work...son loving ballet instead of baseball. my favorite scene.....when billy and his teacher dance...i love too boogie by t Rex in the gym. i was off my chair in a second. truly a fun remarkable film that ill buy on DVD for sure.
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An Early Frost (1985 TV Movie)
the music still haunts me
19 April 2008
first the acting....Aidan Quinn was apre heath ledger winner...both tackled the gay roles with finesse and ability. Gena rowlands her eyes gave some of the best emotions of the film. and the gay dude in the hospital so real even my straight brother felt for him. what a great movie full of love and pain. while it teaches us to be safe with our sex makes us realize how much life is fragile. i saw it 10 years in intervals and i remembered how the music score had touched me and how much...for its time this movie was important to all and ahead of its time. miss Sidney also was a cool grandma...and Ben gazzara....really got our hearts pounding. never to be forgotten.
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Tyrone power never equalled or surpassed
19 April 2008
that Tyronne Power never got an Oscar or recognition is beyond me. he didn't have to open his mouth ....just the eyes demonstrated all emotions needed whether son of fury is a movie that captures our hearts from the beginning....the scenery....the music the acting flawless. gene Tierney she was a knock out..George Saunders you loved to hate him...harry davenport a granddad we want to cuddle. and of course Tyrone power in my opinion the handsomest actor to grace the screen....even today. Son of Fury is really worth grabs you from the start. think these actors have all passed away...its our lost.
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50 years later
5 April 2008
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it took 50 years until another movie could touch my heart strings as much as so proudly we hail1943 did.SCHINDLER S list absolutely grabbed me in every way.The movie made me realize that that could have been my mom or my dad....caught in these death camps....they were alive then and living peacefully in Canada. What a masterpiece...the black and white cinematography....the little red coat....etc.My favorite 2 scenes of many are....when Schindler sees the little red coat on the pile of dead Jews.....and the scene where the survivors offer him a ring with the gold of their teeth. touching...i shall never forget this film....only one captured me after that.....broke back mountain 2005. Lian was genial...and of course my heath ledger too....both great moments of acting in American cinema
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Stella Dallas (1937)
wake up people
23 March 2008
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whats wrong with clichés and tear jerker's. its 2008 and TV and movies are filled with them today....and not necessarily well made. this movie is tremendously effective. touching well acted and well made. Alan hale sublime.....Barbara o Neil touching just with facial expressions. AND OF COURSE MISS BARBARA STANWYCK..robbed of an Oscar. to this day i have in mind the scene where she is outside in the poring rain....looking at her daughter getting married. the eyes.....said it all...and her hand holding that hanky...priceless. so those who think this is syrupy and old fashioned...question yourselves on what you really want. sex sex sex. oh the only one i didn't care for in the movie was Anne Shirley...don't know why...i think she was too...cliché....loll
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