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Alias (2001–2006)
Best show from my teenage years
9 July 2022
I remember this show debuting when I was a teenager. I was so engrossed in it that I was considering one day becoming a government agent. Looking back at this, it still holds up. Between the clever story telling, and character development, it also shows a bit of the spy cliches that I fell in love with. It's also pretty crazy to see a young Bradley Cooper and where he would go from here. The gadgets and technology that is used in the show may look dated but I think it gave Alias its charm. I would love to see Abrams try to come back to this project and bring it to the modern day audiences.
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Murphy Brown (1988–2018)
Worst Revival Ever
30 November 2018
This show tries to capture the glory like Fuller House and Roseanne but fails to capture the right audience. They really hate the Republican Party. How about trying to appeal to a general audience because NOT everyone is Anti-Trump these days. Roseanne's revival was miles ahead of this. The jokes are lame, the dialogue is just fountains of false information, the plots are cringeworthy and the set is a recycled Winfred and Louder office set from the Drew Carey show. The cast is missing something, OH YEAH, actual TALENT! The only way this show will last another season is if they come up with a plot that will not piss off fans and the Republican Party. Seriously, these actors need to get a LIFE and stop badmouthing world leaders.
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Overboard (2018)
Actually pretty funny!
7 May 2018
Normally a remake of a classic comedy doesn't go over well but this was actually entertaining! I didn't mind the swapping of gender roles. What stuck in my craw, was the overwhelming abundance of Spanish dialect in the movie. We get it, the main character is Spanish but we really don't need this to develop into a Spanish telenovela. There were loads of laughs, the audience loved it! There was one subtle reference to the original. It was a line said by a minor character. I did enjoy a few scenes that they were able to recreate from the original. I was also surprised that they didn't get a cameo from Hawn or Russell. Don't listen to the critics, they don't know JACK!
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Red Sparrow (2018)
Just like I expected and I'm happy!
10 March 2018
I've been waiting to see this movie since it was announced and I got a chance to see this movie. You have to have read the book in order to understand what was going on. I'm happy they stuck to the material and followed a majority of the book but took some creative liberties with it. Did it ruin the movie? NO. I think it made it interesting. The only thing that grinds my gears is Nate Nash. In the book, he was 28! TWENTY EIGHT YEARS OLD. Here they make him like almost twenty years older. But I digress. I love the star power they got for this movie, J Law did a good job but, at times her Russian accent seems to fade in and out. Joel Edgerton did a good job as Nash, though not my first choice for the part. Jeremy Irons always stealing the spotlight whenever he can. Great work!! I don't want to go into details about everything that was changed or omitted. The bottom line is, I'm happy that a movie adaptation of a best seller stuck as close it can to the book. Brought a smile to my face, can't wait to see Palace of Treason to be brought to the screen next. Final score: 7/10
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Mr. Holmes (2015)
Fantastic and totally different look of Sherlock
19 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Wow! After hearing a lot about this movie, I finally gave it a shot and wow! This is unlike any Sherlock Holmes adaptation I ever saw, if you're expecting a super sleuth adventure like the RDJ ones, this isn't for you. This is more of a tale of Holmes in his later years and his only enemy is himself as he's struggling to remember a case that has long haunted him for ages. Ian McKellan did a phenomenal job portraying this famous detective. I'd rather give him the Oscar nomination for this great movie. Laura Linney did an amazing job as well, she totally played off and worked with McKellans Holmes perfectly and brilliantly. I'd definitely recommend for any casual Sherlock Holmes fans but if you're looking for the more adventure-esque super sleuth stuff, I'd say watch the RDJ movies or even the classic Basil Rathbone tales. Overall, I give this a 9 out of 10.
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Countdown (II) (2016)
Intense action movie
19 April 2016
For DZ's first feature film, I thought he did a pretty phenomenal job, though I felt some moments he kinda felt stoic and not portraying enough emotion. The emotional backdrop of Ray Thompson's loss of his son was one thing I thought he shined with. He's a bit of natural, he's got it there but just needs to improve and show that he can take up a serious role. The story was absolutely intense, from the chases to the brawls to the crazy explosive escape. Everything was top there! It's no masterpiece but it's another great cop film with a very tense premise and real life atmosphere. My only disappointment was the WWE Live event setting, i thought it was going to be the main setting of the entire movie kinda like Sudden Death with Van Damme. All of the live action was just within the first act but the last half of the movie was just as intense as the beginning. Countdown is great but far from any action set masterpieces such as Die Hard. I give this movie a 7 out of 10.
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RoboCop (2014)
RoboCop Revisited
5 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I'll admit that the original Robocop movie was a hit among fans but to me it was just an OK sci-fi superhero flick. Now, we flash forward to this reboot. Same elements but something to me just felt different. The whole world except the United States has accepted this project of Robotic Cops. Detroit has become a utopia instead of a dystopia like in the 80s flick and not to mention the whole Detroit going Bankrupt crap! Plus, the Robocop suit was different, it was black instead of the silver suit we all were familiar with.

Anyways, it was a decent reboot, I mean there were some moments that had me scratching my head. The cast was OK, the special effects were decent and the story was almost similar to the original. I kinda expected more for a reboot. I mean, not a shoot for shoot remake but it worked. What I didn't like was the suit, and the clichéd mobster villain. I think what would make this movie better is exposition like others have mentioned. Expand upon the villain, maybe take away the clichés and make him more like the original villain from the 80s. And maybe focus on the political background of why Robo-technology would not work in the United States of the Future? (Maybe Barack Apu Obama had something to do with it).

Overall, I give this movie a 6 out of 10. It could be better. I would recommend this to Robocop fans if they just give it a chance.
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Pirates of Silicon Valley (1999 TV Movie)
A good interpretation of 2 billionaires
30 May 2013
I remember watching this movie back in high school for a business class. While I paid good attention to this, everyone else couldn't give 2 shits about this movie. Now, I watched it again a few years later (as in this year), it still has a good story of how these 2 moguls rose to the top. Noah Wyle and Anthony Michael Hall did phenomenal jobs, playing Bill Gates and Steve Jobs respectively. I also liked the fact that most of the story was told from Steve Wozniak's POV. The big mind blow for me was that John DiMaggio played Steve Ballmer! Who would've thunk that DiMaggio, one of the best voice actors in the world, played a minor role in the story of Bill Gates. Anyway, the movie had its ups and downs. It's no Oscar winner by any means but a worthwhile tale. There was a moment that just had me scratching my head for some reason. Just that aside, this movie gets my overall score of 7 out of 10.
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Awesome Trek
25 May 2013
Before I dive into the movie, I just want to admit that I'm not that big of a Trek fan. I am familiar with the movies and to be honest, Wrath of Khan and Search for Spock were movies I remember watching and liked. I consider myself a sci-fi fan, a fan of just science fiction. Trek, Star Wars, and whatnot, I don't care. Anyway, when going into seeing this movie, for some reason, Wrath of Khan was stuck in my head. As the movie went on, I awed and laughed. The story was good, the cast did a phenomenal job, the effects were good and practically everything else was just solid. Of course, then came the moments where it finally dawned on me that this like a pseudo remake of Wrath of Khan. I was a little upset but putting that aside, this movie was in my opinion just as good as the other. Abrams did a phenomenal job of creating a stellar movie to add to the Star Trek Franchise. It is by far better than TNG saga (Generations, Insurrection, First Contact and Nemesis). Replay value is slightly above average if I want to see this again in theaters or wait until DVD release. Overall, I give this an 8 out of 10.
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A Rock Solid Action Flick
2 April 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Of all the action flicks this year so far, this and Die Hard 5 have to be tied for no. 1. Olympus has Fallen is pretty much a story that something Tom Clancy would have written. Yet, it wasn't something of Tom Clancy and this turned out pretty damn good. The story was interesting (considering the recent events in Korea). The cast was good and the action was pretty intense.This is pretty much the combination of Tom Clancy meets Die Hard in an OK way. There were moments where I laughed and when I awed. Yet there were 2 things that slipped my mind and made me question the movie. Number 1 SPOILER/PLOTHOLE: How is it possible for a ex Secret Serviceman to somehow know a combination to a safe hidden behind a portrait in the Oval Office? Number 2 PLOTHOLE: The Koreas have captured the President and the cabinet, they killed off the VP and SoD is let go which leaves the Treasurer and Attorney General. When they fake the deaths of the President and his cabinet in the getaway chopper, they cut back to the safe bunker and those 2 are nowhere to be seen, What the hell happened to them? Despite those 2 complaints, Olympus has Fallen is a rock solid action flick and I'd definitely recommend anyone to see this if they are into what I consider rock solid flicks. Overall 8 out of 10.
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Spaceballs (1987)
Best Comedy spoof EVER!!!
11 January 2013
Space balls is just one movie that has the laughable presence every time I watch it. The lines are memorable and the cast is great. Mel Brooks is a comic genius. He brings it every time to the silver screen. Blazing Saddles and Men in Tights are both laughable masterpieces and Brooks succeeds with Space Balls. What else can be said about this movie? The story is a spoof of Star Wars, the sets and effects are just outrageous and good. Everything about this movie is just a top notch sci- fi spoof. Funny lines are everywhere as well as any sci-fi tribute or spoof. Brooks himself does a good job playing duel roles as both a villain in Pres. Skroob and hero in Yogurt. Bill Pullman plays the Han Solo/Luke Skywalker role pretty good and his lines and dialogue with John Candy were just a good combination in putting this movie over the top. John Candy was another factor that made this movie great as it is. Anyway, this is one Mel Brooks movie that shouldn't be overlooked and a must have to anyone's movie collection. Overall, 8 out of 10.
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Titan A.E. (2000)
A great flick and my personal favorite
3 December 2012
At first when I heard about this movie, I was hesitant in going to see it. I wanted about a year and I finally got the confidence to sit down and watch this movie. Now, I love it! Despite how it did in theaters, I thought it was a masterpiece. Not the best animated flick but good all around. The story was good, the animation was amazing and the voice acting was pretty damn good. Matt Damon, Drew Barrymore and Bill Pullman all did great jobs bringing their characters to life in this post apocalyptic, beyond the stars adventure. What I really liked about this movie was the music. It was bad-ass! Music from LIT, and Powerman 5000 just put it over the top for me. I was a little disappointed like everyone else, no Creed was on the soundtrack nor Vertical Horizon. There were a few moments that I thought didn't fit or just didn't like but the presentation is great! My hats go to the Animators (even though the studio is no more) Overall, 8 out of 10.
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Skyfall (2012)
A very good Bond!
22 November 2012
I happened to catch Skyfall last night and all I kept thinking was that somehow this Bond would be inferior to QoS. I was totally wrong! It was actually pretty damn good.

The car chases were great, the story was good, the action crisp and the villain was just...something. Javier Bardem did a great job as a villain. There was just an interesting presence about him. It just made his character become more along the lines of a Super- Villain. He's no Blofeld, but hey he did a great job.

Daniel Craig with his stoic Bond behavior did a good job playing out the legendary agent. However, I felt he was getting tired of this role and the fact that this was it, the conclusion of the Bond saga. The bond women, I was questioning. The theory that the 1st girl usually dies but here, the bond theory is broken! That blew me away but what really made me happy, the Aston Martin DB5 is back! (Thank you Top Gear for that one)

All of those just blew my mind and I left the theater happy. All of these factors made this Bond a stunning conclusion to the 50 year saga. There were a few minor details that I didn't appreciate but overall, Skyfall gets my approval. Overall, 8 out of 10.
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An Average Action flick
22 September 2012
One in the Chamber, i can sum it up in a few ways. Its not that bad, its an average action flick with a few good and bad things. The things I liked about it was the good cast. Gooding Jr. and Lundgren make a somewhat good duo. The action sequences were good, I think they could have been slightly better. The story was a lil confusing to me but after a moment, I was able to figure it out. Its a mind-bending scenario. The things I didn't like about it was the clichés that I obviously saw coming. Like one point, I knew something unexpected was going to happen. Either a drive-by shooting or a car bombing. The love angle, I just didn't get. It was not thorough and poorly executed, in my opinion. Overall, Its a average action movie. With a few clichés here and there. I recommend this to anyone that just enjoys a lil action flick every once in a while. Replay value for me is moderate and I'd still enjoy it. Overall 6 out of 10.
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A Nolan Masterpiece
14 August 2012
OK, before I review this movie, I want to do a quick recap of Batman. The first Batman with Michael Keaton was a phenomenal movie that defined Burton's career. Batman Returns was an OK sequel despite having a dark setting. Batman Forever was a somewhat inferior addition to Batman, (That one I was on the fence between loving it or hating it), Batman and Robin was HORRIBLE. Suddenly, Nolan comes along and makes Batman Begins, The Dark Knight and this one. Somehow they all topped the other Batman films. This one was no exception. This has got to be the most greatest conclusion of the Nolan Batman trilogy. The story was great, the characters were good, and everything was just on par with the best formula for a Great Movie! Christian Bale still defined his role as Gotham's hero and billionaire n resident. Tom Hardy played Bane really well, although the voice just seemed a little out of tone and out of place. Anne Hathaway did a great job playing Catwoman, even though I felt she was an odd addition but hey, she's a great actress. Anyway, this was just a remarkable movie and possibly the best movie of 2012 so far!!! I felt wowed, I cheered a little and I almost came to tears because it was just so damn good. Nolan brought my favorite DC Hero to life in the 3 movies that were made. He deserves to be considered a Hollywood Icon. This movie gets my overall score of 10!
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Priest (2011)
A Sac-religious Action Flick
6 August 2012
It took me a while to finally sit down and say something about this movie. I actually liked it! The story was interesting, the acting was good and pretty much was better what some people would have expected. Now, let me clear things up, I'm a Catholic. I believe in God and all things established by the church but this movie just makes it so Sac-religious that it just kind of blows it out of proportion. A Futuristic Utopian Catholic society and a war against Vampires. OK, I like the representation, The Priests are the angels of God and the Vampires are minions of Satan. I'm not bashing this movie at all. i'm just concerned that any bible thumpers would look at this movie and say that this a bad representation of Religion and try to ban this movie. This movie was not meant to poke or make fun of Religion. It was just an idea to portray the classic Good v Evil archetype. Anyway, I recommend this movie to anyone who likes a good action flick and/or enjoys horror elements. Overall, 8 out of 10.
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School Spirits (2011– )
Similar to Paranormal Witness but Still Scary!
25 July 2012
School Spirits so far is unique in fact its just like Paranormal Witness but centered around various colleges across America. I like this show because I want to know what colleges out there has "spirits". I believe in ghosts, I attended a college that supposed had paranormal activity. So, just hearing and watching the reenactments of the actual stories that people have told. This show as well as Paranormal Activity is quite frankly the scariest show on TV. This show has me on edge just waiting to hear/see what happened next. This is true ghost stories come to life. I recommend this show to anyone that believes in ghosts and anyone who likes a good scare. Overall, 7 out of 10!
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Paranormal Witness (2011– )
So believable but scary
25 July 2012
I have watched some of these stories and I can't believe what they have to say. This is downright some of the scariest accounts of the paranormal. From a roadside apparition to a possession to anything. This is some scary $h!t!!! The reenactments are OK but I felt that they were exaggerated a little at sometimes almost breaking the realism. Each episode/story just had me on edge just waiting to hear what would happen next. That is how into the show I am, which is due to the fact that I had an encounter before that just made me believe that there are spirits among us. Anyway, this is a good show and I recommend this show to anyone that believes in ghosts and maybe get a good scare out of it. Overall, this gets my approval. 7 out of 10.
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Loads of Fun but falls a little short
8 July 2012
Ghostbusters, was great. It was something. Witty, funny and everything in between. Ghostbusters 2, just about loads of fun but it feel short in a few things I can sum up. 1) The Villain. Vigo I felt needed to have more of a better back-story. It was cool in the fact that he was supposed to be like Vlad the Impaler but a little more info on how it links him to the slime-related threat.

2) The jokes. The jokes and punchlines could have been made a little better that way the movie would be just as good as the first.

3) Bill Murray. I knew he wasn't too into making this movie and yet he made Peter Venkman famous and he's saying he's not too proud of that. WHAT THE HELL IS HIS PROBLEM?!

Overall, there were some kinks in this movie but I still say give it a chance, its just about good as the first. My final score 7 out of 10.
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Soul Surfer (2011)
A totally good story
11 June 2012
Soul Surfer, the story of Bethany Hamilton. I have seen this movie a few times and i cant see to recall how many times I came close to breaking into tears. The movie is good adaptation of the story told by Hamilton herself. The struggles she had in trying to get back to what she does, surfing. The story was great, the cast was phenomenal. Ann Sophia Robb did a good job portraying the role of Hamilton. She played it well with good grace, execution. I don't know what it is with her, she has some kind of eerie aura. Anyway, she was great. Dennis Quaid and Helen Hunt together made her parents look good. Quaid should've deserved an award for this movie. He did a great job. The Surfing scenes in this movie were great, it almost reminded me of Blue Crush. My guess the actors needed some big time surf lessons before trying to film those certain shots in the ocean. Overall, Its a damn fine movie and a real inspirational one. I recommend this to not just surfing lover but anyone who enjoys a truly good emotional tale of triumph and struggle. I give this 8 out of 10.
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A solid entry into the saga
18 May 2012
In my own words, I can say that this was a big improvement over Highlander 2. Its not as good as the first but a good solid entry into the Highlander saga. The story was OK, the cast was good, the special effects were still amazing and pretty much every way better than the previous crap movie. Christopher Lambert is back and he still has that glow for this character of Duncan Macleod. Now for the villain, Kane (not to be confused with the WWE superstar) he was a good villain but not as bad ass as Kurgan. Mario Van Peebles did a good job playing this relentless, cold-blooded, masochistic villain. Now for the female role, whoa! Deborah Unger! What can I say about her? Bold, Blonde, Beautiful and Banging! Now that's a major improvement over the other 2 female leads. (Not that it matters) Anyway, I do praise this movie for being a big improvement over the second film but its not as good as the original and others may not agree with me on this, but it is worth the time watching. This one was for the real highlander fans. Overall, 7 out of 10.
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Highlander (1986)
One of my all-time favorite movies
18 May 2012
What needs to be said about Highlander? A lot! What a masterpiece that Russell Mulcahy created. The story is amazing, the cast was awesome, the special effects were cool, the costumes were great as well. Music by Queen, amazing for this movie. Believe it or not, I was hooked onto this series during my last years of high school. My dad used to watch the show and read the comics (yes there were comics) and he told me about how cool Highlander was and that there was a movie. I finally got a chance to sit down and watch Highlander after he told me that and WOW! It was amazing. Christopher Lambert did a phenomenal job playing Duncan Macleod. His presence was just something. Sean Connery as Ramirez, what a great addition. That for me just sealed the moment and power that this movie created. Another thing that got me hooked was the opening scene, A PRO WRESTLING SHOW IN NEW JERSEY. Since, i'm a wrestling fan and that made the movie even more great in my book. Anyway, Highlander is a great masterpiece of sci-fi, fantasy, action and romance rolled into one. For those that haven't seen this movie, I say pick it up and give it a try. Overall, 9 out of 10.
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The Invisible (2007)
The most disturbing and chilling movie I ever seen
13 May 2012
This movie may be no masterpiece but I thought it was OK. I liked the story, the cast was OK, and everything I thought was just average. I will say after what I saw, this has got to be the most disturbing and chilling movie, I have ever watched. Not to give too much away, its a pseudo murder, ghostly thriller story. Thats what got me hooked to this movie. I was literally getting chills at every moment something big was going to happen and it just stuck with me until the ending. I will say, there were some moments that I felt were weak. Then there were moments where I felt sorry and connected with some of the characters. (Thats a total different story and I don't want to talk about it.) Anyway, I wouldn't recommend this to a horror fan but for anyone that just wants to get a good chill or enjoys something along the lines of a good ghost story. I find that karma since this movie is based off a book (sorry its not Stephen King). Overall, this gets a 6 out of 10.
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True Lies (1994)
Favorite Schwarzenegger Film
11 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
True Lies is an amazing movie. Believe it or not, this was my first Schwarzenegger movie that I ever watched. Arnold was amazing in this movie and that is what made it awesome. Anyway, what can I say about True Lies. Arnold plays a spy, his wife played by Jamie Lee Curtis gets entangled in some crazy stuff and wants to be a spy as well, the next thing we know, Arab terrorists are trying to create WW3 by smuggling warheads into the States. WOW! Anything more I have to say. The cast was great, the action was off the hook and there were some comic moments. The one thing that will stay in my mind when I think of this movie is the chase through DC between Arnold and Art Malik. From the streets to the Hotel roof, it was a blast. This movie I always recommend to any Schwarzenegger or action flick fan. Overall, this gets a 7 out of 10.
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The Avengers (2012)
Marvel's own Expendables team
8 May 2012
What a great action packed movie of Marvel's finest. It took me some time to finally get a chance to watch it and it is just phenomenal. What can I say about this movie. The acting was good, the story was OK, the special effects were nonetheless impressive and the Heroes' costumes were great. I agree with a friend of mine on this and that is The Avengers is Marvel's own Expendables. The All- Star team that everyone roots for. I also liked the ever comedic lines of Tony Stark as portrayed by Robert Downey Jr., he is quite the character. There were some other comedic spots of the movie that kind of fit and I just couldn't stop laughing even the audience was laughing with me. However there were some disappointments for me. Number One, Hulk wasn't played by Ed Norton, instead we got Mark Ruffalo. In my opinion, he just felt out of place. I mean, Evans, Downey, and Hemsworth are top-notch A-Listers and then you got Ruffalo who just doesn't fit in with them and Number Two, I was expecting Red Skull over Loki. (That's just me.) Loki was a good formidable villain for the Avengers but I think Red Skull would have made the movie even more kick ass. Overall, this gets a 9 out of 10.
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