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King Kong (1933)
a film before its time
16 December 2005
This movie is about a man that wants to make a movie. So he finds a girl and takes her to a special island. This island is not known to others, and it is not long afterwards he finds out why.He then ends up with more that he bargains for. He finds King Kong on an island and so history is made. This is got to be one of the best horror films ever made. The special effects that were done to make this movie were far advanced for its day. The acting and the story line may be out dated just a touch, but the whole concept of the movie glosses over that. All those prehistoric monsters killing each other and people getting killed and not one drop of blood! They definitely knew how to make horror stories then. Fay Wray is great but King Kong stole the movie.
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29 May 2004
There will never be a child star to match Shirley Temple. A born actress, dancer, and entertainer. In this movie she has an amazing support cast of Lionel Barrymore who plays the part of a crusty grandfather but Shirley with her cute and charming ways soon melts the heart of the old grandfather.

Hattie Mac Daniel plays the faithful servant and once again it made you realize just how much these beloved negroes sometimes knew more than " The white folks". The dancing down the steps with "Bojangles Bill Robinson" is something that can make you appreciate the talent of a young and not so young. The story line can be weak in places and the acting might be a bit corny to todays standards but if you need a feel good movie then drag out a Shirley Temple movie . You won't be disappointed.
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a movie for young and old
24 April 2004
This is one of the rare movies that you can watch time and time again and never tire of it.

The entertainment begins when Scott Beckett plays a young Jolson singing at the burlesque house instead of his fathers Synagogue. The Cantor and his wife reluctantly give in and there son is handed over to William Demarest to get his start in show Buisness. William Demarest not only becomes his manager, friend and the only one who can keep pace with the fast roller coaster life that Jolsen felt he had to live. Larry Parks plays the young Jolson who mimes Jolson's songs to perfection. The hand movement and the actions aren't as energetic as Jolson was in real life, but you cannot imagine anyone else playing the lead role. Jolson has a cameo role as he sings swanie and runs down the run way, you have to be quick to spot him but you can't help but reconise the old master. Evelyn Keys does a good job as portraying Jolsons wife Julie. Julie realises he is a workaholic and says" If ever he wants to sing more than he wants to be with me " their marriage would be over. Julie realises this when at the end of the movie he goes to a night club and sings one song for old time sake. That is when she realises what he was missing at home were the faces. So she walks out. this movie is loosely based on Jolsons life. He had more than one wife and could be a rogue when he chosed to be, but that is something you don't even think about when you watch this movie. When they made " Jolson sings again" they did a very rare thing which is seldom done when a sequel is made. They picked up where the first Jolson movie left of. In this movie you got to know more about the man, how he was the first entertainer to go overseas to entertain the troops even though his style of singing was long gone as other entertainers such as Bing Crosby etc pushed him from the charts. If you watch "The Jolson Story" you always have the urge to watch the sequel " Jolson sings Again" as it is the same cast playing tribute to one of the best entertainers who ever lived. The Jolson story revived Al Jolson's career.
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24 April 2004
One of the best musicals ever made. James Cagney plays George M Cohen perfectly. The whole cast blends so well together that you think they were a real family. The songs are simple, elegant,and quant. You can't help but hum along with them. The dancing is superb. I don't think any other actor could portray George M Cohans dancing style better than James Cagney. He dances with " stiff legs" yet looks like it comes so natural to him. The picture was made in black and white but that still adds to its charm. A must see for any movie buff.
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a movie made before it's time
24 April 2004
What can be said about this movie that hasn't already been said? Even the making of the movie was turned into a 2 hour documentry. The drama of this movie did not start on the screen nor with the finished picture. it started when they did a search for the perfect actress to play Scarlett. Though many auditioned there was only one scarlett and that was Vivien Leigh. Even the part of Rhett Butler could have been played by no one else than Clark Gable. Olivia De haviland as Melony, Leslie Howard as The weak Ashley only added more lustre to this superb movie. How these actors and actresses made a movie that had no official script, directors and producers that were changed regulary is a real credit to all the cast of this movie.

I say that this is the greatest movie of all time, for it has romance, drama, a battle of will between the sex's and so much more. Would we all have that fighting spirit that Scarlett had when her beloved south and way of life was destroyed? Could we all say those famous words " Tomorrow is another day" and survive. Some may say it is a bit corny and out dated, and that movies like Titanic and other blockbusters are far better with there elaborate sets, and special affects.

Gone With the Wind helped make movie making what it is today.
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22 April 2004
The cast is good the songs are so so and the story is simple but lacks depth. This isn't Doris Days best picture. The part she plays is still the wholesome girl next door that try's her best to save a circus that is run down due to her beloved pops who gambles.

Jimmy Durante plays Pops and between him and the elephant who played jumbo they steal the movie.

This is very similar to other movies they made towards the end of the great musical period. It just lacked that spectactular look and feel of earlier musicals.
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a good holiday movie
15 April 2004
It seems every Christmas this is one movie I must watch, and never tire of it. The cast I thought was mismatched, Danny Kaye was a poor substitute for Donald O'Connor, yet he makes the character he plays so likeable that you can't help but be drawn to his character. Danny Kaye and Bing Crosby dressed as girls has to be seen to be believed. They make the " sisters " song take on a whole other meaning.

This is a picture that shows the magic of Christmas. The last scene with the general brings a tear to the eye. Once again this proves that musicals leave you with that special feeling.
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Easter Parade (1948)
12 April 2004
A timeless classic musical that you never tired of watching. The pairing of Fred Astaire and Judy Garland is off beat but works. Here is a movie that not only shows what classical dancing should look like and feel like. Ann Miller and Fred Astaire are portrait in the beginning as a classical dance team. When they dance and sing to " It only happens when I dance with you", you can't help but be swept away. Then when Fred's character changes dancing partners, he does what only Fred Aistair could do and that is makes modern dancing look so simple. Fred and Judy Garland do a great routine called " We are a couple of swells " dressed as tramps and having a great time ! Peter Lawford as Judy Garlands other love interest also sings a witty song " I am just a fella with an umbrella" has charm, wit and allows his limited singing voice to suite the song quite well. The grand finale as Judy sings to Fred the tital song is Garland at her best. This is a film that never ages. Look out for the waiter in a cameo apperience mixing the salad a scene stealer for sure!
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10 April 2004
Frank Sinatra and his band of hoods make this a must see movie for all movie buffs. The Sinatra songs are great but Sammy Davis singing "Bang Bang and shooting the bottles as he does a dance routine is a joy to see. Bing Crosby does a great job of playing a snob and Dean Martin portraying a ladies man who can talk his way out of anything can't help but make you wonder if this was what he is like in real life. The movie is packed with stars. Pater Falk makes a superb ham gangster and Edward G Robinson in the early scenes of the movie shows he was the ultimate gangster. Barbara Billings as the villianess also plays a classy vixen with one thing on her mind. The only down fall was the wide screen which at times seem to make the movie seem out of focus. A scene where Barbara Billings sits at the table is so out of focus that not all the characters can be seen. All up an enjoyable movie experience that you can watch again and again
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High Society (1956)
9 April 2004
a top movie. I think this is even better than the original.

Louis Armstrong makes the movie. the cast blend well and the overall feeling of the movie is a must for everyone. The songs are great and the musical number at the bar between sinatra and crosby is a joyous experience. Who can forget songs like "true love " and " who wants to be a millionare" these type of movies made you feel happy and made you forget your troubles when you left the theatre. Bring back the old movies where boy meets girls and wins girl with a song!!

the only negative point about the movie is they have taken it word for word from the katherine Hephurn version. They should have added or replaced some of the diologe but they didn't.
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