
12 Reviews
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Little Deaths (2011)
Very good horror movie
10 December 2014
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I am watching this right now. Very interesting movie. The first story is awesome. I thought it was going to be the usual stupid, sadistic torture porn made popular by Saw and Hostel. The twist, however, is brilliant and very funny. That episode gave me impression of a very good EC horror comic. The second one has a Martyrslike premise with some elements of Stephen King (visions, etc). I thought it was a terrible let down in comparison with the first. Certainly a very disturbing torture porn notion about this drug enhanced fluid which is used for industry but quite frankly the acting and characters are so weak so it is hard to care for any of them. The ending or the story had no twist at all and the ending is pretty much nonsensical. At least it could have been elaborated what actually has happened. The third one has some very impressive bsdm. Good use of music as well. Very good description of a psychopath. Moreover, I could follow the emotions and transitions. I think the first and the third rely more on comedy. Anyway, very good movie.
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Ruining the short story
28 November 2014
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I am a big fan of Clive Barker's work but this movie seems to go out of its way to not tell the original story in a proper way. In the original story we have the Lovecraftian idea of a species predating mankind and they are responsible for what is going on in the subway. This has been virtually cut out of the movie in favor of a lot of other stuff that mostly resembles one of those so bad it is good movies. Although the ending does refer to the story why have we seen more than an hour of stuff that had nothing to do with it? Perhaps the movie would have worked better as a 30 minutes Creepshow or Twilight Zone episode. As it is many scenes in the movie just has nothing to do with the plot.
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18 October 2014
Pretty funny and trashy take on Miller's vision. The sex in this movie makes The Room love scenes to look like high art. For example the almost total absence of doggystyle position, I don't know if it was a censorship issue but it seems stupid to watch this Italian Stalion softcore sex over and over. The guy playing Miller does a rather awful job anyway. He might be an interesting person himself but he is no Henry Miller that is for sure! Anyway, the movie is oversexed in a silly way like if someone saw American Psycho as only being about physical violence for example. Thus in a way it is a weird take on Miller to make it about sex. Miller had a number of other interests such as philosophy.
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Pusher II (2004)
8 October 2014
Mads Mikkelsen is awesome, almost superhuman, in his acting here but the movie is quite disappointing. I had seen nr 1 and 3 and now saw this one. Unfortunately it follows the trend of pointless testosterone in Danish gangster movies. Milo only appears briefly. Bodnia does not appear at all. I love Refn as a director and it is not really his fault. The directing and script is great. The supporting actors are so weak as to almost ruin the movie. Mikkelsens dad looks more like Jørgen Leth than a gangster. The acting is so totally amateurish and indeed many of them are not professional actors, I guess. Anyway, this movie (and all of Refn's movies) is still worth seeing.
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Very disturbing
15 May 2014
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Im a horror fan and I really like good storytelling such as twilight zone, Lovecraft, etc. I don't mind hardcore horror either but there has to be a point to it. Many of these tales simply makes no sense. The ones I liked best were F, L and R probably. There is really not much to say about this movie except it is a sad development for horror to sacrifice wisdom and storytelling for pointless violence. Besides that if one wants to watch porn one could simply watch a porn movie. Moreover, mixing disturbing with disgusting is also pretty bad. Horror should be scary and disturbing, not disgusting. Probably these directors should have gone for storytelling but instead just went for shock value.
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Deadline (I) (2009)
Very bad
11 May 2014
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I don't mind bad movies if they are funny or make sense in some way but this movie is really bad storytelling. It really makes a mockery of everything a Hitchcock or a Poe stand for. I wanted to like this movie because of Brittany Murphy co-star of 8mile but the rest of the movie is just so bad that she has no chance of saving it. Especially the story within the story is a real insult to the intelligence of the viewer and the actors are playing it with strictly phony feelings. Moreover, the plot avoids all chances of a good plot twist and runs perfectly predictable and really tries not to be too scary or profound in any way. This movie is a good example of very bad storytelling.
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Devil's Pass (2013)
Not bad
8 May 2014
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This is a good horror movie but it has quite a few problems. I thought the travel aspect of the movie looked great but then when these guys get into the wild they don't really seem to care about anything at all. Even faced with their own death they seem indifferent. They seem more interested in the plot of the movie that refers to a number of other works, such as Vonnegut. Once they get inside the Russian bunker the whole thing looks like a type of FPS video game. Not really as being in a situation which they cannot survive but more like characters in a video game. However, I do think this is a good movie. Just don't expect a realistic travel movie because as I said these characters are acting as if they don't even care about surviving the trip.
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Gold of the Amazon Women (1979 TV Movie)
29 April 2014
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I tried watching this on my phone. It is pretty cool although a bit cheesy. I think some of the notions even if they are meant for fun are a bit outrageous, especially that these Amazon women supposedly kill their own male children. Anyway, however stupid the movie is it is still good fun and Anita Ekberg is a very beautiful, sexy woman. I haven't finished watching the entire movie maybe it is a bit long. 1.20 minutes might have been better than 1.40. This movie is not a good adventure movie, it is not Indiana Jones, but it is sort of good cheesy fun. Moreover, it goes without saying that a city of beautiful women has some nice erotic implications.
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The Hand (1981)
Good hand job
17 April 2014
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I just saw this on my phone and I wanted to comment on the aspect of psyche vs reality. It is really futile to discuss if the hand is "real" because it is not possible obviously for a severed hand to act like that. Having understood that one should think of the psychological aspects of the movie. I think this is a great horror movie but the description of paranoia and delusions is quite weak since we never really get a feeling that Lansdale is suffering very much whereas such mental stated would be extremely unpleasant and not funny. The plot is also extremely predictable whereas an ec horror or twilight zone would have a good twist this movie is really too long and predictable.
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21 (2008)
This movie is awful
12 July 2012
I'm a Danish chess, backgammon and card-player, and I must say I am disgusted by this movie. Not only is the drama very boring and uninteresting but the card parts are also very, very bad. It is like those chess and poker movies where they just didn't bother to make it right. It's like they have thought "the audience is not going to know blackjack anyway, so who cares?" However, if you watch this movie to learn something about cards you are going to be very disappointed. Sure, the guy from "Se7en" is great but, come on, Matt Damon got at lot of things right in the movie "Rounders". This movie "21" gets almost nothing right and there is nothing to be learned from it.
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Very good art-movie
15 June 2012
This movie is visually very impressive. There are nice images, good poetry and stuff. It is really very interesting. In the fantasy genre and without apparent ordinary movie conventions it tries to convey a message of spirituality and does so quite well. To be quite honest, I enjoyed this movie a lot. It is very brave and courageous and deals with hard subjects such as death, for example. Maybe not a movie for everyone but at least I found it very interesting. It is a great pity the majority of Hollywood trained viewers might be unable to appreciate great art like this because it really is very interesting. I recommend this to everyone who is interested in artistic expression in movies.
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Alone in the Dark (2008 Video Game)
Good game but has almost nothing to do with the series
22 May 2012
I have played this for PS3, and it is a good game but it is not a horror game and it has hardly anything to do with the other games in the series. The game from 2001 called The New Nightmare is a great horror game based on the writings of H. P. Lovecraft. This game is just an action game. There is hardly anything that makes it into a horror game. It is hard to understand why they would not try to satisfy the horror fans of the genre. Instead this is more into the action genre. I do not really have much to say other than that. They might as well not have made the game if they did not intend to make a great horror game. Clearly fans of the series are expecting great horror in an Alone in the Dark game.
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