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Shows how ridiculous #metoo was at some cases..and how it was used as a tool for making $$$, for fame or revenge..
16 February 2024
Why do they call them "survivors"?!!.. Did he kill anyone?.. And almost all of the "survivors" as Netflix labels them.., say the same story..

Oh!, he abused me.. but then he called me again, and I went back to his house!.. but he abused me.. but I kept going to his house whenever he called me, for years!.

He was abusing me.. but when he called me for a trip in his private plane, I was at the airport in 30mins!.. He was abusing me, but when he asked me for free vacations I said yes! And went with them!.. He was abusing me..but I also brought and introduced him my sister!..

He was probably indeed a dangerous pervert, as I have heard and read, and a very sick and arrogant individual, but for me the "victims" were not so well..$$$.., at least most of the "survivors" that this "documentary" shows.

Of course this is my opinion.., from what I have seen.

It also shows how #metoo was used by many for money, fame, revenge etc.., which led to its today demise and ridicule..
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Epic!, Magnificent..
21 January 2024
Do yourself a favor.. and for once more IGNORE all the toxic fanboys/girls that have caused so much so many Sagas and Gems.., and watch it..

Stunning visual effects, great atmosphere, sceneries, great action with nice slo-mo scenes, good soundtrack and an interesting fast moving story. Also good performances from most of the cast.

Some new interesting ideas..and characters, very good villains.., and an overall captivating and tense atmosphere of mystery.., sci-fi and fairy tale..

I dare to say that this movie is a successful mix of Dune, Star Wars, 300, and Blade Runner put together, in a very interesting sci-fi mix.. I also liked the Nazi-like.. appearance and colors of the Empire's officers, generals etc. I believe it prepares.. you subconciously.. for how brutal they are..

Can't wait for Part 2!.. hope there will be even a Part 3!..

Thank u Zack Snyder!, (and Netflix..), you're a Genius!..
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RoboCop: Rogue City (2023 Video Game)
Wow! I would buy that for..anything!..
5 December 2023
Really fun and great!

Much better! Than I expected..

I had already played Terminator: Resistance from the same company and I liked it very much..In fact, me and many people consider it the best Terminator game far at least.

I expected Robocop Rogue City to be at about the same level..but I was pleasantly surprised!.. It is even greater! And shows the steady upward path this Studio is going..from Rambo (which I haven't played but read was mediocre..) to the great Terminator Resistance to the magnificent! RoboCop Rogue City!..

The game is a lot of fun..fully loyal to the movies..and situated between RoboCop 2 and 3.. The graphics are really impressive! At some points, with only some faces or explosion effects looking a bit simple.. Unreal Engine in use.

In many places you think you are watching a new Robocop movie..

The music is directly from the official soundtrack of the 1st movie by the Great Basil Poledouris.

I would just like it to be used more often in the game.. since it creates an Epic! Atmosphere.. I would also like it if the great Auto-9 gun used the original sound effects from the movies.. Robocop's voice is Peter Weller's!

The story is simple but ok..with many original characters from the movies used. Your actions and decisions at some points affect the game and how the characters treat you.. There is also the characteristic humour..of the movies throught the game

The fights are great, there is a lot of action and many weapons to use apart from the original Auto-9 which can take many improvements with chips.

The bosses and enemies are all here..from both RoboCop 1 and 2.

Apart from some glitches and few crashes on PS5, which I hope will all be fixed by patches, this game is definitely Recommended!

And a MUST buy for all RoboCop and sci-fi/cyberpunk fans..
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Andor (2022– )
***Andor, The Mandalorian, Rogue One***
24 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The 3 Best (by very far..) of the Disney Star Wars era..

I hope there will be a Season 2, with the same great atmosphere and tone.. and even more serious and mature content!

The visuals were also great, and I'd like to also mention that the music was also very Good! At many points.

It was something like a mix of 80's, Blade Runner, and a tense thriller, as was the entire series.., now that I think about it.

There were 2-3 points in the plot that felt a bit rushed, unjustified and convenient..and I said what? Why?

Like when they escaped from the prison and they didn't kill the superintendent and his colleague but just left them at their command post! And left.. why?..couldn't they then close and lock all the doors, exits etc and call immediately for backup?.. and why they didn't do it?

Also the escape by swimming was a little simplified and were was the empire all this time it took them to swim?.. Didn't they also have heat sensors and cameras when they later searched for them and passed almost above them?..we are in the future! (past)

If it wasn't for these and 2-3 more (minor mostly) plot holes and convenient writing..this series would be worth even a 10/10!..
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Total Cr@p..
24 December 2022
Boring, Bad jokes, Long, Uninteresting, No serious story or logic.. just whatever.., Portman had no real reason to be in it..they just wanted a female thor..because why not.. Also the Guardians of the Galaxy had no real reason to be in it..they just wanted them in for a while..because why not..

Only good things that made it a bit bearable to still watch..were Christian Bale, some great Guns 'N Roses songs and the good CGI.

Waste of 2 precious hours of your life.. They should pay you to watch this.., not the other way round!

Ragnarok had almost the same style but it was quite good.. this one is a total FAIL.. maybe because it tried to have much more from everything..
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RoboCop (1987)
Masterpiece of Masterpieces
2 November 2022
The creators at that time could never imagine that a movie they were making with the name RoboCop.., which was almost cancelled.., would become a huge commercial and critical success, a masterpiece to be taught in movie/cinema schools, one of the best action and sci-fi movies of all time, and one of the Top10 best and most classic movies of a whole decade..

I am truly jealous of younger people who will watch this for the first time!..I wish i was them..

A classic masterpiece on the same level as Aliens, Terminator, Predator, Blade Runner etc.

Filmed in 1987 but still stands perfectly till today.., apart maybe from some vfx scenes of ED-209.
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Day Shift (2022)
It could become a new lighter..Blade like franchise!
28 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
If it wasn't for some annoying plot holes it would be really GOOD!

Much better than expected!, funny, great action scenes, great fighting and shooting scenes, nice sceneries, nice colors, funny dialogues, and almost constant action, not boring at any point.

Also it introduced some fresh and smart things about vampires..

Jamie Foxx, Scott Adkins, Snoop Dog!

In it!

All were very good, especially the fighting scenes with Adkins..

If it wasn't for some plot holes/lazy writing at some points, like why his female neighbor who was watching him suddenly started helping him and fighting the vamps, and how his partner from the company who had his head chopped off..was ressurected..and was just fine again!.. this would be a really good movie!

And could maybe become a new lighter..Blade like franchise!

With many sequels..

I think it deserves at least 1 sequel, hope we get it..
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Dying Light 2: Stay Human (2022 Video Game)
Good, but not as good as the First one.
15 August 2022
PS5 Review.

DL2 is a quite good sequel, it could have been much beter though..

The Graphics are really nice, sound effects are good, although the high altitude wind sounds are very scarce this time.., the music is good ocassionaly, but not as atmospheric and as great it was constantly in the first one.. Also the AI is quite good and smart..

The story is quite a mess with numerous holes.., and with long and boring dialogues.. and the zombies don't play a significant role any more.. especially at just don't feel a serious threat any more..

Generally the game doesn't feel like a sequel of Dying Light 1 but like a different game with some zombies in it.

Also the map wasn't very useful..and maybe they could also add some modern weapons in the game..a few at least.., I don't understand what happened to all the guns!..the zombies ate them?..

The game is generally Good and Recommended, especially if you liked the great First one.
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The Orville (2017–2022)
The Star Trek we Deserved!..
24 July 2022
A MUST for all Star Trek (ST) but also for all Sci-Fi fans as well.

Best Space series of the last years.., along with The Mandalorian and maybe ST Strange New Worlds.

Makes ST Discovery look even more! Ridiculous and bad.

Thank you! For making this and so glad I found this out by luck! On Disney+.

Maybe they should spend a bit more on promoting it and making it more widely known..

If some special effects were a little bit better and some shooting scenes a bit more realistic, it would be almost perfect!..
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It is from Ok to just more but no less either.
24 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Good atmosphere, good CGI, with some exceptions, the pacing and action is ok, the dialogue is ok and young Leia is so sweet!..

Also the tension and agony rises nice, gradually by each episode to a quite good finale.

On the other side, it unfortunately suffers from weak writing at some points and some medium acting.

There are some ridiculous and childish "Disney-style"..moments and ideas that really harm the seriousness of the whole show.. like: Leia's robot has red eyes when it is eyes when it is good..also the spy transponder is so easily visible and removable even by a child.. A whole Destroyer and even more Vader's Destroyer! Cannot destroy a slow cargo spaceship!..chasing it for maybe hours!.. The road is blocked by laser beams and instead of just passing it by the open side..Obi-wan tries to disable the laser beams.. The fake Jedi guy just like that.. decides to help them risking everything.. and without a serious.. explanation for that.

Vader chases Obi-wan for 10 years, but lets him go! Because of a roughly 10-metre long fire in front of him..and just watches him beiing carried away wounded by a slow robot..

This is cheap writing that disrespects the audience..

The show is generally good and worth watching once, but if it didn't have some irritating cheap the above it would have been much better even at the same level as the great Mandalorian..
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Much better! than expected..
14 January 2022
The last Resident Evil films became so bad and boring that I couldn't even finish them. I stopped watching them before the end.

So this new addition-reboot? Was a very pleasant surprise!

Lucky that I finally decided to give it a chance and watched it, although I was already sure.. that it would be really bad!.. But I was wrong..

The atmoshpere is great from the beginning.., it keeps you always tense and wondering what will happen.. They completely simultaneously achieved a 90's, a videogame and a thriller feel to everything.

The music is also nice and the film is as dark and gory as it should be.

Even the duration is ideal, without becoming boring like the last sequels.

Must see if you're a RE fan, and a good film overall, much better than other higher rated.."thrillers".

Hope they make a sequel with the same atmosphere and director.
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Ad Astra (2019)
Tried to be Interstellar 2.. but unfortunately failed..
18 August 2021
Ok, the movie is not bad, but unfortunately it is not great either.

The visuals and the effects are excellent, and some scenes are really wonderful.. The music is ok, and the acting is also fine but not oscar level..

The weak part of the movie is the story.

It is slow at times, boring, confusing at some points and unbelievable, with many things happening that defy the laws of physics or space or just simple logic!..

This movie tried to be a mix Interstellar and a bit of Blade Runner.. but unfortunately failed at both..

Worth watching however, if you have 2 hours to spend.
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Terminator: Resistance (2019 Video Game)
The BEST Terminator game and a very good FPS.
22 February 2021
This is easily the best Terminator game ever, at last a good Terminator game.., and a very good FPS in general.

The atmosphere and action is really superb, and you think that you are watching and actively taking part in the T1 or T2 movies.

The music and sounds are perfect, so 80s.., especially the main menu theme, except for the dialogs which sometimes sound a bit strange and like somebody is just reading them in a room, and the graphics although not top are quite good, with nice colors and sceneries and set you very well in the mood of the after Judgement Day War..

The story is very believable and interesting with plenty of action all the time. The game also has some RPG elements, you collect stuff, improve your weapons, abilities, craft items etc.

Overall a very good action FPS and by far the best Terminator game ever..till now.

Recommended to everyone and STRONGLY recommended to ALL Terminator fans, this is a must have.

I would even say that so far for me the Terminator Universe should comprise only of T1, T2, Terminator Salvation & this game!, Terminator Resistance.
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Pirates (1986)
A Masterpiece
22 February 2021
This is no doubt one of the best pirate movies ever, although it is a comedy/adventure not a pure adventure. Compared to this, Pirates of the Carribean movies look so childish and like fairy tales.

Great humour and dialogs, great sceneries, perfect costumes, and almost everybody's acting is superb. The story is simple to follow and so funny, interesting and full of action and suspense that I really wished this movie was much longer!

Really underrated, especially when it came out, I don't understand why..,I believe it is a MUST SEE for everyone!
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Pearl Harbor (2001)
Multiple love stories with some action scenes in between..
15 September 2020
Pros: Very good special effects that stand the test of time. Nice action scenes. Good acting from some of the cast. Cons: Too long! Mainly focuses on the love stories and the war scenes are something like a break from them..

Overall a quite good movie but not great or something epic! And 3 hours! is too long, maybe the love stories should be a bit shorter eg. 30 minutes shorter in total.
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Good, better than T3, but could have been even better.
23 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Terminator Salvation is a pretty decent film and a much better sequel than T3, which was boring and just a bad copy of the first 2 films.

The visuals are very nice, the atmosphere is good, and the depiction of the future war is very realistic i think. More realistic than the future war scenes in T1 & T2!

Also Bale's acting is good as is everybody else's and the film had some nice new ideas like the submarine command centre and some new types of machines used by Skynet. Also the T-600 was very nice!

I think that the weak point of the film is the story/plot. Yes, it is going to a new direction which is good, it's not another copy of T1 or T2, it feels like a logical continuation of the first 2 films, we are now at the future war against the machines and see what happens there. But overall, it feels like a very good episode of a Terminator series.., not like a sequel of the first movies. We just see how the war is going on, and the only extra thing of interest is the Hybrid Terminator? Half of the movie is about his intentions and if he is good or bad..

I think that a bit more complex story or something more interesting in the story than just a new type of Terminator? again, would have made this movie a worthy sequel of T1 & T2, could have made it the real T3!.
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26 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
They spent so much money on special effects, which by the way were great and maybe the only good thing in this movie, along with some lightsaber fights and Palpatines physical appearance, and they couldn't hire 1-2 good Writers to write a descent script?!.. And maybe a better Director.. Ok..JJ Abrams had a quite difficult task, he took over again, continuing from the mess Rian Johnson created..but he managed to make an even worse! sequel..

In fact, this is the Worst Episode of ALL 9! And far worse! from the LAST JEDI. Yes, after this, the LAST JEDI looks quite good..

Where to start..I don't know :

Palpatine just reappears.., No explanation how. We wasted Snoke, well, let's just bring back Palpatine since we don't have anything else.. And finally who was Snoke? let's just forget him.. What is that thing like a crane holding Palpatine? Is it tube feeding him? Why? No answer at all..

Who were all the others with him in that arena? Siths? Nobody knows.. He fights with Rey and he says I am all the Sith, and Rey says I am all the Jedi..predictable and childish.. How and why? Just because you said it?

He has a new huge! army, No explanation how and from where it was created, and how it can be maintained. It is hidden in a secret space.., how convenient.. And why nobody found this secret space for so many decades? hmm, let's just say because to find it you need two "magic" sithfinders that for all these years nobody found, but we find them easily and immediately..

Leia just dies, in a hurry.., for no important reason.

We killed Solo, Leia, Luke, who do we have, oh! let's bring back Lando Calrissian..

Stormtroopers are worse at aiming than any other sequel!.. They kill almost nobody in the entire movie.. But they are killed with single shots..

And what about the Millenium Falcon. Ok, how old is this spaceship? How many battles has it won!?.. NO tie fighter or other fighter EVER managed to hit this old slow transport spaceship?!..This repeated scene in every sequel, of the Millenium Falcon being chased by Tie-Fighters and winning everytime of course.., has become so boring. Can't you just replace it with some new spaceship? BB-8 was a successful replacement of R2-D2, it's time you did the same for the Millenium Falcon.

Force powers that not even 800 year old Yoda! ever had.. They can even bring back the Dead!!, whenever it's convenient for the story to continue.. Also the Force now kills you!! if you use it for difficult tasks..

What else..hmm.. Horses running on spaceships!!

X-Wing in water for many many years.. but works ok!

Ren's Tie crashes and burns after being hit by Rey's lightsaber, but he comes out walking like nothing happened..

They lose the dagger with the sith writing on it and they decide they have to find it again! to see the writing, nobody thought of taking at least a photo of the writing on it!.. Thankfully C3PO, who doesn't! have a photo of it in his memory!, says he can only translate it..but if he does..he will lose all his memories..

Many unnecessary "jokes", ok not like in the LAST JEDI comedy, but they only destroy the scenes and make them even more childish.

JJ Abrams is known for just copying ideas and scenes from other movies, and although The Force Awakens was almost an 1:1 copy from the NEW HOPE, it was quite good. The Rise of Skywalker is a complete mess. Everybody running, shouting, shooting and saying "jokes" all the time.. but the worst thing is you DON'T CARE. You don't care about anything or anybody in this mess. YOU DON'T CARE anymore even for Luke! when he appears as a force ghost, or for Leia when she just suddenly dies! And everything happening and moving so in a hurry.

JJ Abrams also copied the Anakin vs Obi-wan fight over the lava, and made the Kylo vs Rey fight over water.., but even at this scene you just don't care anymore.. The new characters of this trilogy were so shallow but they made us not care anymore about the old characters as well!..

Even the acting is bad. Even Mark Hammill playing Luke's force ghost now, acts like he is laughing inside his head with all these..and with how they completely destroyed and wasted his character, the most powerful jedi ever..ok this started and happened mainly in the Last Jedi.

I could continue with many more mistakes, plot holes, stupid scenes etc. but I think there is no reason anymore.

The only good movie from this new Trilogy was Episode VII-The Force Awakens, although it was almost a complete copy, but it was good. Episode VIII-The Last Jedi was Mediocre, and Episode IX-The Rise? of Skywalker is a COMPLETE disaster..

The only Good thing about the last two and especially about the Rise of Skywalker is that it makes you now appreciate the Episode I-II-III PREQUELS even more..
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The Predator (2018)
Started Good, then disaster..
8 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The first 30 minutes were quite good. Nice atmosphere, quite interesting story etc.

Then it went completely downhill.. It became something between a bad comedy and a parody movie.. Many unnecessary and bad jokes and the story became stupid, unbelievable, and dull. I think this downhill.. started after the scene where the predator used the hand he cut before, to show the "ok" to the military truck driver. This stupid scene signaled the end.. of the first 30 or so good minutes..and the start of a bad parody movie..

I believe Shane Black wanted to make 2 movies, an action and a comedy one, so since he was only hired to make an action movie, he combined 2 in 1..

Boyd Holbrook was good, the CGI was good except for the spaceships flying scenes, and the pacing was good, it was fast. But the bad story and the many bad "funny" scenes completely destroyed this movie after the first half hour..

As somebody else commented somewhere, Shane Black (Hawkins) wanted revenge for the Predator murdering him in 1987, so 31 years later, he had his revenge killing.. the Predator..
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Very Good but could have been even better..
13 November 2019
I think that the main problem of this movie was that it was restricted by the studio to be no more than 2 hours long! I don't know who and why took such a bad decision!..

You cannot expect to create an EPIC movie, an epic masterpiece.., and restrict it to no more than 2 hours long!, when even simpler movies and stories are longer.

Epic movies like Lord of the Rings were all long, Hobbit movies were long, Star Wars are all long movies, Avengers movies are all long, Pirates of the Carribean, Harry Potters are ALL long.. this is no coincidence..

There are so many characters that appear for the first time, the audience wants to know some more about them.. and how and why they all got together later etc..

The background story of some of the new characters and the whole story of the formation of Justice League and the fight against their primary enemy, is not something you can easily show in less than 2 hours..

2.5+-3 hours i think would give this movie more JUSTICE!..
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OK.. but Could have been better..
13 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If some things were better explained or were different.

eg. How did the Queen inside Ripley also get cloned?! It was a foreign body/object inside her. Also Ripley has memories? Were her memories cloned?! How? or was she told about her previous life?

General Perez acts like a comic book character..facial expressions etc. He destroys the atmosphere of the movie.

Aliens can dodge bullets?! Since when!?.. And in water as well?!

and many other details that finally do harm to a potentially very good sequel.
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Great Movie for ..Kids
23 September 2018
Very good CGI, Nice Sceneries and Colors but apart from these the movie is mediocre to bad.

Long, boring at some times, acting is not so good ,story is a bit messed up with plotholes etc.. The ending however is quite good and unexpected!

Overall a good and fun movie for kids but a boring CGI demonstration.. for adults.

Very Overrated.
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