
11 Reviews
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Clown (2014)
Eli Roth continues being over rated
12 July 2015
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Just finished watching it and as per usual a Eli Roth movie is bad. Great idea's, great trailer but under delivered as per usual. Don't waste your time watching this crap. I will never watch another Eli Roth movie, so bad! There is really not a lot more I can say about how bad this was so I'm just filling the space with words until they say it can be posted. Every movie Roth directed was bad. And don't bring up Hostel because that sucked as well except the last one and that was because Tarrentino helped out. I thought he was pretty good in Inglorious Bastards but that was about it. I can see he has a twisted mind but I don't think he has the capacity to bring it to the screen. Really disappointing.
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All the bad parts of gangster movies.
3 February 2015
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I love trailers. There is nothing like a good trailer to get me excited about a movie. When I watched We Still Kill The Old Way's trailer I thought damn, this is going to be like Snatch but with guys who survived A Long Good Friday. In all honestly it was more like someone took all the worst parts of British gangster movies and put them together in a horrendous package.

Bad accents? Check. Senseless violence? Check. Weird story line? Check. Old guys trying to be bad a**? Double check.

This movie gives me the feeling that is was made because it had to be made not because there was any passion involved at all. It's a pretty cool idea but poorly executed.
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Wish I could take revenge
3 February 2015
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This movie was bad, really really bad. Where the hell was Scorsese? Did they just stick his name in the credits to trick unsuspecting movie goers to go and watch a mediocre movie? Because if they did it definitely worked on me.

The only good thing about this movie is that luckily it is only 90 minutes long. If it was any longer I would have stopped watching.

Even the big twist at the end was boring as hell. I was sitting there waiting for the big climactic finale and then it was just like oh yea, that just happened. Thanks for coming. This is a typical movie where the trailer has the best parts and it only serves to lure you to watch a mediocre film.
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Good date night movie.
3 February 2015
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I watched this movie with my wife and wasn't expecting anything much from it. The only movie I remember seeing Analeigh Tipton in was Crazy, Stupid, Love and Miles Teller I remember from Footloose and Project X. So, going in I knew what I was going to get, pretty girl meets funny guy, drama ensues and then they find each other and live happily ever after. I did however not expect it to come about in the way it did.

From the start Analeigh Tipton was awesome. She was funny, witty, melancholic and likable. You actually want her to get the happy ending and she carried the movie really well. I think most people will relate to the feeling of finishing university and not knowing what direction to go into.

Miles Teller is also evolving into one of my new favorite actors. He is a funny looking funny guy.

I found the whole story kinda sweet. Living in the age of Facebook and Tinder it is a good representation of what the dating world is like. The scenes after the hook up where they steal food and build a fort were pretty cheesy but also enduring. The ending was what I expected but I was never sure that they were going to hook up and even after I'm still not sure but, thats what made it such a cool movie. You never know if it all will work out.
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The Equalizer (2014)
Exactly what I expected.
3 February 2015
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Going in to the Equalizer I was expecting an updated Man on Fire and even though it is not in the same league it was still pretty damn good. Denzel Washington plays the role of quite avenger to perfection. He is one of the few actors I believe can really do this and I would pay to watch him do it.

The Russian villains were outstanding and well cast. Especeally the main bad guy. He was unlikeable and I could not wait for him to reach his demise.

The action sequences in the movie are really well done and the only other movie that gets close in 2014 is John Wick. You feel part of the action and when he starts his timer to see how long it will take him to kick a** I couldn't help but love the character. It's not a question of if he will kill every damn person in the room, more of a question of in what interesting ways can I do it.
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John Wick (2014)
Not great but good.
3 February 2015
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I want to start of by saying I am a big Keanu Reeves fan. He might be one dimensional or whatever but, movies like this fit him like a glove. If you are looking for a shoot em up, kick some a** and o home movie, then this is it. The story was pretty cool and thinking of someone going on a rampage of revenge over a dog was in some way enduring.

The action sequences were outstanding and very well filmed. You really feel part of it and it might just be the best action sequences I saw all year.

So what's wrong with the movie? Not much, it's just not awesome. It's good. I will tell friends to o and see it and I'm sure then you will enjoy it if you like your action movies.
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Killing my childhood one cartoon at a time.
3 February 2015
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This movie is made for 12 year old's. I was expecting so so so much more from Mr. Bay but I got fart jokes that weren't funny, Megan Fox looking like she fell into the ooz, Splinter acting like an weird abusive father and not like a sensei, fight scenes that were out of this world and over the top but still left me just sitting there wondering what the hell was going on and a villain that has Katana hands that he fires and then magnetically recalls them.

I never thought I would say it but the TMNT movies form the 90's were better. Yes, the costumes were tacky and the special effects weren't all that special but it felt like the cartoon I grew up watching after school.

I remember reading that Michael Bay wanted to originally make the turtle from outer space, that movie would have been better.
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Could have been really dark and gritty
1 February 2015
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This movie started out as the run of the mill Neeson action movie. Grissly bad a** with a checkered pass just wants to do good. At first I thought this was just going to be that same old formula and then it took a dark turn which reminded me a hell of a lot of 8mm. The only difference is that where 8mm rode the dark train and wasn't afraid to scare and disgust the hell out of you A Walk Amongst the Tombstones just didn't have the same attitude. The more I think about it the more I struggle to comprehend how they failed to deliver on this movie. You have Eastern European gangsters, you have an ex-cop trying to redeem himself, there are two psychos cutting woman's breasts off with wire and leaving body parts all over town and you even have the token under privileged kid that needs saving. But they didn't push it far enough. It is like somebody wanted to make the movie the way it should have been made, dark, gritty, kinda like you want to look away but you can't, but they weren't allowed to. It feels like they said you can make a bad a** movie but you can't darken the image of Neeson. Witch really is a shame because this could have been pretty darn good if they weren't scared to make it.
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Forgettable Man
1 February 2015
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Brosnan's 007 was one of the best and with every movie he makes, especially a "gritty" spy movie, that is what you are going to expect. Unfortunately November Man does not deliver anything of the sort. Half way through I checked to see the running time and was honestly saddened to see I had another 45 minutes to go. The pacing is off. It feels slow and sluggish at times and things happen exactly when you expect them to happen. Best part of the movie was when Kurylenko hit the assassin following her with a shovel.

It feels as if Brosnan is just going through the motions as he has been on this ride a couple of times before. Kurylenko was not bad and played her role pretty well. Bracey was trying very hard to stay with Brosnan but most scenes he over acted.

The action sequences were pretty good and they saved this movie from a 3 star rating.

I would not recommend this movie to a friend unless I was hoping to loose that friend.
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The Interview (II) (2014)
Franco & Rogan trying their best
1 February 2015
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Comedy is a funny thing. Try to be funny and you fail, miserably. Try not to be and most of the time you are golden. The Interview falls half way between trying to hard and being pretty funny.

Franco played the part of egotistical, moronic, pretty boy leading man really well in relation to the soft spoken, behind the scenes, brains of the outfit Rogan. There were glimpses of Franco's comedic genius at times but I feel he was trying to hard to make it memorable.

Rogan was solid as I felt he was playing the same role he has played since Knocked Up. But again it felt forced.

The Interview would forever be remembered for the whole hacking debacle and I think if that didn't happen the movie would not have been such a big deal. It did however bring the movie to my attention as it made me want to watch it. So, probably job well done there.

The Interview is not Superbad or Pineapple Express. I will not be watching this movie again for years to come and enjoying different aspects of it every time I watch it. Some of it was funny. Randall Park was superb as Kim but it's not going to change my view of this movie.

It seems the bigger the budget gets for Franco and Rogan the less original they get.
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Dracula could have remained Untold
1 February 2015
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Firstly, if you are looking for a accurate historical film this will not be it. Then again, where the legend of Dracula is concerned historical accuracy will be pretty hard to confirm for obvious reasons.

Secondly, the movie. From the outset I was not expecting much of it. As long as no one sparkled I would have been very happy. The CGI was very well done and the idea behind this story was good but, it just felt pointless and it was boring. What frustrated me was the fact that his wife falls of a cliff but she still look pretty good after plummeting for a considerable amount of time. Then, after Vlad goes through the whole ordeal of becoming a vampire to save his son and his fellow country men and he turns these country men into vampires as well he then proceeds to kill them all just to again save his boy. He does this even though at the beginning of the movie Vlad makes a clear point of saying he will do anything to save his countrymen and the people who trust and believe in him. I understand this is supposed to be a hard decision for our boy Vlad to make but thinking about it logically if he just gave up his son as the 1001st child to the Turkish everything would have probably turned out better. His wife would have still been alive, his son would have been educated by one of the most advanced regimes of it's time and he would not have had to kill a generous number of his fellow country men.

If you are a massive fan of the whole Dracula genre than by all means watch the movie and I'm sure it will entertain you. If you are looking for a entertaining movie with a fresh outlook on an old story then I would give it a skip.
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