
32 Reviews
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The Firm (1993)
I like the movie but I love Gene Hackman's performance
14 May 2024
The movie hits me a little different each time I watch it. The music hits differently, the intensity of the actors faces, the looks like the South; cold and damp. Either it was filmed there or the guys who sat up the shots knew what they were doing.

There are some things I didn't really care much for in the movie. They seem to let him in too quickly on the big secret they are all trying to hide.

But what I really love about the movie is Gene Hackman's performance. If you watch the movie again, just notice how intense and how hard nosed the rest of the actors are. Then compare it to Gene Hackman's mannerisms and aura. Its so good and so effortless.
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The Good Wife (2009–2016)
A Great Find
10 April 2024
This is the type of show that is perfect for streaming. I say that because having to wait a week between episodes would be is that good!!!!

My all time favorite show is The West Wing. I find this show to be in league with TWW. And in some ways it's better.

If you like the first episode, you'll like the 30th episode and you'll like every episode up until about the sixth season. The creative team was starting to run out of steam and it showed in some ways. But a diminished TGW is still very good.

The writing is, well, nimble. You have some bleeped F-bombs. You have plot twists that come out of nowhere that leave your jaw on the floor. You have behavior that makes no sense when it happens but when you see the whole board (to coin a phrase from TWW), it fits perfectly. Then you revel in the reveal astonished that you didn't see it coming.

The forever likable Juliana Margulies is the engine to this show; the writers write perfectly for her. I can't say enough about Kalinda, Diane Lockhart, and David Lee. If you think of the show as a spice rack, all of the flavors are present. The writers are master chefs.

Give it a watch and, again, if you like the first few episodes, you're good up until Season 6.
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NCIS: Chimera (2007)
Season 5, Episode 6
Possibly the Worst NCIS Episode of the Early Seasons
23 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The whole plot was ridiculous to start with. The US Navy has a ship that is recovering a Russian nuke. Why? Nobody really says. Its on the bottom of the ocean. Its not like we need it--we have our own. Its not like the Russians getting the nuke changes the balance of power..they have many more. So the premise is rather ridiculous.

At the end of the episode the Navy blows the ship up to keep the secret of the covert operation. Which begs the question...why did they call NCIS out there to investigate the death on board the ship to start with?

And, are you really going to play the card of the Navy willing to wipe out four special agents for NCIS and whatever Dr. Mallard's rank is to keep this secret?

This is just two of the major WTF? Moments in this episode. Add in Stephen Culp oscillating between a complete A-hole to being a complete cad.... It is unfortunate that the series wasted Culp on such a character; he's a splendid actor.

I'm still lost. What did happen to the crew? I don't think its ever explained. The "I'm just a cook" guy is on the escape boat with the NCIS heroes...but for some reason he's suddenly fine with the whole operation. Don't nuke warheads weigh a lot--they smuggled it off the ship and down a rope ladder to this small vessel?

Its just a mess.
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Gilmore Girls: Bon Voyage (2007)
Season 7, Episode 22
It was a good run but wow.
9 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The build-up was much better than the payoff. Lets get that out of the way. Here is what I liked.

I liked that the Stars Hollow regulars all didn't get their massive life change that happens in alot of series finales. Miss Patty didn't get her career resurrected. Sookie didn't get to be a chef-testant on reality TV. I liked that there was some normalcy in the finale. The scenes between Richard, Emily, and Lorelai were some of the best scenes in the entire series. And the penultimate scene between L&L...masterfully done. Quick; simple, and to the point. They didn't have Luke using 5 syllable words or ham it up too much. Great.

But c'mon. Let me get this straight...the entire town and all of the cast regulars disappear in this secret meeting in the middle of the day and Rory and Lorelai don't notice the complete abandonment of the town? Did they have to do the refusal of the wedding ring in the final episode? Why not give Rory and Logan a happy and ambiguous ending??? There are other moments that made me look sideways at the TV in the final episode but these are on the top of the list.

I would have liked to have seem a lot more girlpower in the final season from Rory at the end--this goes for the last 2 season of her chasing this boy who is so bad to her around. And I kept waiting for the payoff. It never came. Maybe deploy Paris as someone who could essentially cut Logan off at the knees because she "knows" the type better than Rory does.

All in all though...a fine series. As a personal aside, I am a WestWing nut. The series used a lot of the same actors and GG was recommended to me by the podcast The West Wing Weekly. The series was a breath of fresh air and I subscribed to Netflix solely for the purpose of watching GG. Money well spent in my view. I can't wait to see "A year in the life"
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The Real Hunt for Red October (2021 TV Special)
Rather silly
20 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Its a comical conspiracy yarn that fails on every front. Most egregious in it's hilariousness is the innuendo about Tom Clancy's house being between a naval base and the naval academy. It actually was between the two landmarks. Along with about 200,000 other houses and businesses. But somehow Clancy is painted as having special access to state secrets.... As if those who gave him the state secrets would be okay with him publishing it.

The movie takes itself seriously which even makes the film some what more comic in its presentation. What is most hilarious is the portrayal of Tom Clancy sitting at his desk--dark shades on--pecking away on his type writer. You just have to laugh.
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Frasier: Rooms with a View (2002)
Season 10, Episode 8
One of the Best if not The Best
3 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I want to end on a good note reviewing this landmark episode so I will put my hesitation at the outset. I don't know why the clearly skilled directors, lighting professionals, and the other minds at work there can't figure out that not every room is not lit the same way. It looked like TV set of a hospital; not the hospital itself. "throw back" to when Martin was shot?

That being said, this episode was moving, touching, had just the right amount of humor--intelligent humor that I have come to rely on with Frasier.

I found the subsequent episode to be a massive letdown--downright stupid. It was great to see Jane Leeves get a chance to shine as a worried wife. It was good to see some vulnerability instead of the laugh riot it was at times in other episodes of this sitcom.

The serious nature of this episode reminded me a lot of the clock episode on MASH only done more in line with what the sitcom was. Excellent all around!
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The Final Days (1989 TV Movie)
Weird Movie
31 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
What strikes you visually about this movie right off the bat was there really terrible make up. Nobody really looks much like they did at the time. The actor who played Henry Kissinger looks more like the father on the Wonder Years than Kissinger himself. The sets are impressive for a made for TV movie but the quality oscillates wildly between some opulence at Nixon's home in Cali, the residence at the White House, and the really spartan Oval Office. The casting is odd. Although one of the classic "the guy from the thing" actors, Lane Smith as the starring role was a good to see. It sort of reflets the low budget.

I liked the movie. The story telling was weird....there are cutaways to where they suspend a movie and make it more of a first person narrative in the actor's voice. You could picture this movie as a play to where the spotlight stays on one actor as she or he is talking and the rest of the stage goes dark.
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Ted Lasso: Beard After Hours (2021)
Season 2, Episode 9
You could tell this was not a real episode....
27 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
One of the trivia items for this title was that the episode and the Christmas episode were installed to fulfill a 12 show commitment to Apple. The trivia also states that the ratings were not that good for this episode.

I can understand why--it is such a change from the other episodes. But what is also true, at least in my opinion, is that the episode was one of the better Ted Lasso efforts

I won't go too much into the details of the show except to state that the episode did something I wanted the show to do since Coach Beard was introduced in episode one...delve into his character a bit more. They way they did it was hit and miss somewhat.

What sold me was the "hangover" type approach to the episode...anything could literally happen. I'm surprised he didn't wake up with a chicken in his apartment the next morning. The part where he gave the gents a pass to walk onto the AFC Richmond pitch was a nice touch...pretty much the dream of every soccerfan is to walk on the pitch of their team's home stadium. For a small side like Richmond...its sacred ground.
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Not the Movie We Asked For...But Probably the Movie we Deserve.
8 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Have you ever been to Chilis, Applebees, or Pizza Hut and it was better than you thought it was going to be? You get dragged to these places because someone (not you) decided that it was the least risky place to meet another couple. The food comes, and you're dreading it...and then..blammo! The food tastes great.

That is what this movie is. I have to say that a 30+ year gap between the original and the sequel did not promise much to me. I think of the shows that I stopped watching because they were on hiatus during the pandemic and I just couldn't get back into them--I'm looking at you Killing Eve. So 30+ years? I didn't have high expectations. Suffice to say...they were all exceeded.

This sequel catches up to Captian Pete Mitchell (Cruise) who, in the intervening three decades, has accumulated a closet full of accommodations, achievements and feats that were distinguished...distinguished...distinguished (inside joke for those who've seen it). Now, "the enemy" (an enemy nation is never mentioned by name) has built a site to weaponize uranium that is in the bottom of this canyon rimmed with SAMs and only low-altitude fighter jets can fly in under the radar and blow it to smithereens.

The brass want Cruise to train the latest crop of Top Gun graduates to do the mission. So he is given twelve fighter jockeys to mold into a team--this attack has to be done by four aircraft. And the predictable, contrived, and all-too-familiar devices come into play. Cruise meets his team the night before he is introduced to them. In a bar. Where everyone is singing. They embarrass themselves. Even tossing him out of the bar onto the beach. The next morning...The 2nd in command announces him to the class from a podium in front of the twelve aviators. Cruise walks up right through the middle of them just like Kelly McGillis did in the original. The pained expressions of the fighter jocks take place next. There is competition, humiliation, insubordination, passion, a beach scene where they are playing two way football at the same time!!! The brass isn't happy with Maverick, the fighter jocks aren't happy with Maverick...the new Penny (played by Jennifer Connelley) isn't happy with Maverick...

So the mission comes up. The "graduation-cut-short" scene in this film is that the uranium enrichment plant is coming on-line early and the crews have to accelerate their training. The 12 jocks all try to fly a simulated run to knock out the enrichment site but can't get it done. Mav pushes them hard but they are not able to do it....tempers flare and Mav has it out with one of the fighter jocks. And because of this--Mav is grounded by the brass. Huh? Here is where the movie loses what little credibility it had to start with. Apparently the pilot who is distinguished...distinguished...distinguished enough but only got one grade promotion in the last 30 years didn't do anything egregious enough to get grounded. But somehow in this movie, he stepped over the line (where no lives were lost) and got grounded when "the enemy" is about to enrich uranium and destroy the world? Nope.

So, what does Mav do? He, of course, steals a plane and shows that the mission can be done. So what does the brass do? Of course, they name HIM mission lead...the guy they grounded 3 scenes earlier.

The logical fallacies in the move are too numerous to count. For example, the reason four planes have to fly this mission is because they are in pairs. One of the planes points a laser onto a target while the other plane fires the missile. The next pair do the same thing but actually blow up the facility. Somehow, high level bombers couldn't do this? The opening scene in the movie saw Maverick's program being shut down so unmanned drones could be funded. Perhaps they could have done this mission? The pathway they fly down to the uranium enrichment site are lined with SAMs (dozens of them) but "the enemy" didn't think to put SAMS right at the site itself? There are dozens more.

Back to the movie. The rest is predictable so I won't go too much into it. To the shock of no-one, I'm sure, the mission is a success. What happens after the success of the mission though is straight out of Monty Python. Its almost comedic.

The saving grace of this movie are the fighter scenes. They truly are spectacular. I'm sure there was plenty of CGI but, unlike a lot of films, you can't really tell the CGI part. Connelley and Cruise sizzle on the screen. I hope those two make another film together...there is some real chemistry between them.

So I give this movie a 7 out of 10. Much like Chilis, Applebees, and Pizza Hut....sometimes they hit the mark just right. But, in the back of your mind, you know that there is better food down the street.
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Downton Abbey (2010–2015)
I love this show
4 June 2022
If I have one complaint about the show is that everyone on the show--EVERYONE--is so gung ho about minding their own business; and at the same time everyone plays cupid, handicaps someone's chance to marry and what their prospects are. But that adds to the humor. It just gets on the nerves from time to time.

Aside from that one dither...the show satisfies on every level. It's inspiring, entertaining, thought provoking, gives a history lesson from time to time, and of course it really scratches an itch that you didn't know you have.

I can't get enough of this show. My biggest worry is that they re-make it though. It will feel forced.

And just one other thing I have to say.... I love Barrow.
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A Very Good Movie...Fun and Familiar.
11 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I think its a good movie with some obvious flaws. I doubt anyone who has seen any movie between 1970 and 2020 would have a hard time figuring out how this movie was going to end so its not worth going into the details of how the movie ends. You know how it ends...

What I really like about this movie is that the baseball scenes make perfect sense. The Detroit Tigers are playing the New York Yankees at Yankee Stadium. The batting order of the Yankees is not deviated to give us a "Hollywood ending" to where Gus--Costner's nemesis--is the batter at the end of the game who can ruin his life!!! So kudos to the directors for getting it right.

A side note, without giving too much away, there is a code in baseball to when you can do certain things and when you cannot. One of the codes is that you can't bunt during a no-hitter. His nemesis tries this. I would be shocked if there isn't an out-take somewhere where this is discussed (it isn't discussed in the movie) .

The non-baseball scenes are what cause me to not give this movie a 10. There is this montage of questions that are being asked of Costner by his love interest and her daughter as if he didn't have any questions for them or was odd that this scene(s) was in the movie. The timeline seems to be kind of askew. I could never tell when they were in modern time or not. Kelly Preston does a very good job in the movie of being quite believable of wanting a guy but not willing to give up her life to get him. She looks different at different times in the movie. Her daughter was good as well but didn't really seem to "grow" much. She started going to college at some point but had the same hair style and was essentially the same size and hair color/style during the college years as she had the first time we saw her. Everyone aged except her.

Vin Scully and Steve Lyons are excellent in this movie. You get the feeling that Scully didn't need a script; his oratory flowed so naturally. John C. Reiley (sp?) has probably the hardest role in the movie. He had to be present but completely blend into the background. A very young Bryan Cox (Logan Roy from Succession) is in the movie as well.

I enjoyed the movie a great deal. Its a great TNT/TBS movie that would be welcome as a background distraction. See it once every couple of baseball seasons and thats plenty.
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Yuck. Avoid at all costs.
1 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know if it is an "old adage" or not but it is certainly a truth... The first 3 seasons of a Greg Daniels project painful to miss. The last season of a Greg Daniels project are hard to watch. I caught it binging several years after it aired. During my earlier watching of P&R, I admittedly skipped some of the episodes on HULU and am now going back and looking at what I missed so I missed it at first. I wish I would have missed it the second time around. When it first came on, I thought I had dozed off or something and was dreaming. But no.. it was a nightmare. Hey, I know kids, when you run out of story lines just create new ones giving everyone a different job so you don't have that pesky weight of a memory. I won't go into details about the show because I was really too displeased to pay much attention but if you've ever seen the movie, "Confederate States of America" may remember the commercials that were all at once disturbing and saddening. On this parody episode, they aren't exactly as sad or disturbing but they are uncomfortable when the head of the Wamapoke Tribe advertises his casino. Aviod at all cost.
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Enjoyed It
19 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Good to have a film that mirrors some persons real life so well. There are no over-the-top heroic or comedic moments in the film. I wish they would have developed the husband's character a bit more. I think there is a lot to explore in the male psyche of ambivalence. He likes being married but he's in a place mentally to where he doesn't want it to interfere with his life. The lead actress is Finnerty Steeves and I'm looking forward to see if she continues to make movies because I think she has a very watchable quality. I think she was perfect in this role; vulnerable but not a poster of a victim.

Moreover, the film ends like, at least, I hoped it would. Nobody gets a free pass; there is no massive heroic stand by the husband, there is no false notes of what happens "after".

Loved the movie. Great rainy day fare.
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Girls5eva (2021– )
The Quality Is On the Screen
15 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I love this show. Its about a girl group that had one hit twenty years ago and decide to reunite. It doesn't go where you think it is going to least it hasn't through the first nine shows. The journey takes place in a familiar yet alternate universe of influencers, tastemakers, and superficiality that borders on the ridiculous at time. For example, one of the girls in the band signs a 1,000 year contract that has her as a judge on a show called; "American Warrior Singer"...which combines American Ninja Warrior and American Idol, a slot on the Judge Dred House where TV talent show judges all live in a mansion and have pranks played on them...and....the studio owns the rights to her corpse. If I have one complaint is that there is too much comedy in the shows; I'd like to see more meat myself. But some of the jokes just kill me. One of the girls has a piano (that she has given a person's name) that is made of clear acrylic and takes up most of an apartment. She proudly says that it was made by the same people who make the "Realtor of the year awards". Another joke is where one of the girls admits that she works at the Van Nuys airport shooting geese on the runway and she gets "paid by the goose." I lost it when I heard that. What else...Meredith Scardino and Tina Fey are two of the executive producers...there are guest stars in nearly every episode from Wanda Sykes to Jimmy Fallon to Stephen Colbert to Vanessa Williams.... The cast is clearly very talented with Sara Barelles (I gave up trying to spell her name right), Busy Phillips, Paula Pell, and Rene Elise Goldsberry (you may know her as Angelica Schulyer from the original Hamilton cast). Something else I really like (geek wise) is that the Peacock platform allows for a full run of credits to where the graphic designer has her name in the same sized font as Tina Fey and Vanessa Williams. They didn't have to do that. I am hoping for a second season. High marks all around.
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10 December 2021
Didn't think it was that funny. It took forever to get going. Keep in mind, I'm watching this movie for the first time in 2021 and I'm more accustomed to Steve Martin being less of a cad... So maybe his previously seen successes in everything from The Jerk to Father of the Bride to The Only Murderers in the Building have jaundiced my view of his earlier works.
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Columbo: Columbo Likes the Nightlife (2003)
Season 10, Episode 14
11 July 2021
It was a ridiculous episode of a once great show. Two stars is generous....based on Columbo's first examination of the body and the responding PD Sergeant's consternation. I felt bad for Peter Falk.
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The West Wing: Opposition Research (2005)
Season 6, Episode 11
Pilot For Continuation of the West Wing
9 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I would imagine most reading this review have seen the episode so I'm unabashedly including spoilers.

If the series had continued past Santos's Inauguration, this may well have been the pilot episode. Re-watch it and see if you get the same feel that you got when you watched the pilot to the series....

The last scene as Matt and Josh are about to go into the house to do the "grip and grin" have 100% the same feel as the trailing shot after Bartlett yells "Mrs. Landingham...what's next?" in the pilot.
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Columbo: Undercover (1994)
Season 10, Episode 9
28 June 2021
I get what the minds behind Columbo were trying to do (I hope). Change it up a little? Well they changed it. To understand this episode....picture Helen Mirren being a lifeguard on BayWatch. Ms. Mirren is a giant in acting and you COULD cast her as a lifeguard but really...SHOULD you? Peter Falk was probably just cashing checks at this point and that's cool.

I gave it a 2 based on effort alone.

But this is one terrible, terrible.... TERRIBLE...episode of a very good TV show. I'll give you a good example of just how terrible. Columbo changes clothes in the back of a car. And they decided to show the audience his changing clothes. He kisses Tyne Daly...on the lips...someone he literally met 3 minutes before.

Very odd...very strange....very forgettable. I literally felt sad for Falk.
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The Americans: START (2018)
Season 6, Episode 10
Binged the Show--Glad I did. Ending Was Terrible.
1 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Unlike some, I won't rag too much on the show...and I do hate the conclusions that have all of the characters end in neat little bow. But some resolution beyond "they went back to Russia" was to be expected. If you expected some will be disappointed.

And it wasn't so much that they went back to Russia. It was that they walked right though Stan Beeman to do it. Not in some cloak and dagger "Catch Me If You Can"/ Frank Abignale con-job. They just told him...we're leaving. And they left. Boom. Six years of "will he or won't he find out"...down the tubes! He finds out and does...nothing.

The fellow who said it was a big "middle finger" to the loyal viewers was right in this aspect.

Now...what I liked was Paige not going and her going back to the house and pouring a very Russian I'm not sure I bought Paige's transformation to All-American teen age girl to Soviet spy--they didn't seem to show much of what was used to transform her but it was a bit intriguing to see her "grow up"

I liked the series and I liked the characters--I don't always like both. But the ending was disappointing by any reasonable standard. It isn't as if they were trying to do something and failed.... I'm not sure what they were trying to do.
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9 April 2021
As for what showed up on my TV screen, it is hard to find fault with most of it. At every turn, the complexity of the situation is brought to light. The hubris of the American military is examined but so is the hubris of the NVA. Recordings of LBJ (ironically I recall none of Nixon) show that he was a skeptic of the war from the beginning but kept us on the path anyway--incredibly bizarre. What I was also left with was the absolute almost comical errors that were made. Fleeing refugees from South Vietnam cities were bombed by South Vietnam pilots.... The signal to begin evacuating Saigon was supposed to be an announcement on the radio that (this was August) that "The temperature in Saigon is 105 degrees and rising" followed by the playing of White Christmas by Bing Crosby. The disc jockey couldn't find the Bing Crosby he played the version by Tennessee Ernie Ford. Really?

If I have one complaint about the documentary, I think it could have focused more on the stateside turmoil and had one or perhaps even two more episodes about the 1970-1975 portion of the story. What it covered from that time, it covered very well. This is the part that is so "glossed over" in history classes in school. I personally think it should be required viewing for every HS student.
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Diner (1982)
Still Don't Know What This Movie Is About....And That's Okay...Maybe
11 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I sat through this thing....I have no idea what this movie is about. It goes in 15 different directions and appears to be completely superficial. I enjoyed the movie and it made me laugh at times.
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The movie is gorgeous. But I have issues
16 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There is zero chance all of this happened in less than 24 hours...once you get passed that it's a pretty good movie.
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Excellent in every aspect
1 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
There is one major flick flub that is a spoiler. The nature of it is such that it sort of makes me wonder about the authenticity of the entire film. You never see Peter Jenning's face but his voice is in the film filing reports. At about the 1:05 mark, he reports that in the transport of the hostages from the apartment to the bus to the helicopters, it was learned that there were 8 terrorists. At 1:05 he says, "there are only 5 police men (snipers) waiting at Ferstenburck (sp?) airfield. Then literally a minute later when the helicopters take off, Jennings again says that they do not know where the helicopters are going.

Now I understand that you can get audio clips out of sequence but I don't understand how Jennings can first say there are 5 snipers waiting at the airport (and how he would know this intricate detail--the number of snipers???) and then say that he didn't know where they were going.

I can only conclude that someone impersonated his voice for one or both of the sound bytes.

There may be a logical explanation for this but if there is not immediately apparent.

As for the other 99.5% of the documentary, loved every bit of it. The build up was logical and well paced. You're not thrown right into the action, characters are developed in terms of the hostages. They don't delve too much into the terrorist's families but the plight of Palestine and it's people was discussed.

The documentary does get to the attack at the 20 minute mark. It is revealed that the East Germans provided logistical support to the terrorist. At about the 25 minute mark, you get a taste of just how nakedly chaotic it was. Nobody knew how many hostages there were. Nobody knew how many terrorists there were. Later it was highlighted that the press reports--newspapers--said that all hostages were safe.

As for production values, a red digital clock highlighted what time it was during the day when major events came and went. I think they could have used some more diagrams detailing how they moved from the apartment to the bus; the bus to the helicopter and the helicopter to the airfield.

At 1:30, the documentary is pretty short. I think they could have pushed it a bit further. As with other documentaries there was an epilogue that tied up some loose ends. One glaring loose end that still remains (maybe for good reason) is this: What would happen in 2021, 2022, 2024 if there was some sort of major disruption by criminals at the Olympics. In the documentary, a lot is made of the bizarre (in my view) decisions to continue events, decisions to pause the games after pressure was exerted, and then resume the events after the gunfight at the airport was over. I would imagine that the International Olympic Committee has a plan in place to not repeat this sort of thing.

I am both happy and a little melancholy that they didn't turn it into a "E True Hollywood Story" where they talk to random celebrities about the attack. But I think they could have used some heft in the area of 'What does this say about the Olympic ideal?'. Jennings was still alive at the time it was released; as was Jim McKay. They would have more altitude than someone like Bob Costas or Tom Brokaw.

Aside from the continuity issues, I highly rate this documentary. I wish that the director would do similar projects for subsequent terrorist attacks.
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Succession (2018–2023)
I don't get the Accolades
4 September 2020
None of the characters are likable by the audience which is fine. But they are not likable to each other either. I'm on episode 2.2 right now and I don't think I'll finish this season. To avoid spoilers, I won't go into the details but just when you find someone to root for...they disappoint you on every they manage, how they interact, how they conduct themselves.
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Skyscraper (2018)
Fun but dumb
18 May 2020
At some point The Rock's ability to carry this film. It happens early on. The silly story line and goofy action sequences drown his magnetism.
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