
3 Reviews
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Komodo vs. Cobra (2005 TV Movie)
So bad it was funny
25 July 2006
As a total movie geek with the fortunate job of video store manager, I tend to watch all sorts of movies, from good to very very bad. This was a movie with so many corn-ball lines, cheesy CGI effects and predictable plot points that I ended up laughing extensively before switching it off after 30-40 minutes. The "creature feature" genre of movies has been putting out some pretty awful stuff in recent years (Godzilla 2000 anyone?), but this movie makes me think the creators weren't even trying. It might be worth checking out just for the "make fun of me" potential (count the gunshots!), but I couldn't in good conscience recommend this movie to anyone.
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One of the best low budget 'nudie' movies I've seen!
31 March 2005
For the budget that this movie was made on, the quality of production is astonishingly good! The actors all appear to be having fun making the movie and the crew also have high spirits (as can be seen in the behind the scenes feature); this contributes to a movie that can kick back and have fun. Sure, the story isn't of Memento caliber but it also isn't so tedious that it's unwatchable. Special props go to the Foley team who's sound effects are top notch! From the very first *BOING* I knew this would be an entertaining and lighthearted movie and I wasn't disappointed! If you're looking for a movie that doesn't take itself too seriously, and you don't mind looking at a few (very nice) topless ladies, and you're in the mood to laugh out loud, you could do worse than watching "The Girl Who Shagged Me".
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Catwoman (2004)
In a word, uninspired
18 January 2005
From the first 5 minutes of this film, during which I noticed that the camera never sits still (I challenge you to find a classic still camera shot in the movie), I knew that this was a poorly made and completely run of the mill film. There are some camera angles utilized which would have been more interesting 5 years ago before The Matrix started the trend which countless other films have now copied. The acting is what can be expected by a laughable Academy Award winner, and the writing seems like it was generated by a computer which was fed every Schwarzenegger 1 liner and simply rewrote them. What really makes this movie lame is the expectation that the public (American especially) will be impressed by a CGI superhero leaping about. We _were_ impressed by this when it was done well and they called the movie Spider-Man. The CG effects are not done well, they look overly cartoony and are used far too much; for example whenever there is a fly-by shot of the city a model would have looked a lot better. All in all, there is nothing about this movie worth watching if you are a film fan.. unless of course you are a red-blooded American male, then at least there is Halle Berry ;)
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