
78 Reviews
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Red Dawn (2012)
Oh so bad.....
15 April 2024
This was beyond bad. It was worthless. To start with, what made anyone think that Red Dawn needed a remake? Bad decision #1. The casting was horrendous. Hemsworth and Palicki were the only decent choices. The story, the weapons, the tactics and the battles were all unbelievable. Bad Decision #2. Then they changed the bad guys from China to North Korea and Russia? Talk about bowing to pressure. It should have been China and North Korea together with Iran!!! Bad decision #3. Three was enough. My family put in the original Red Dawn and the kids all agreed that it was a MUCH better movie. Maybe one day Hollyweird will figure it out.
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Road House (2024)
Horrible doesn't come close!
26 March 2024
It looks like the paid raters are in full effect for this movie. Giving this "film" anything above a 5 is a farce! I didn't expect it to be good and I want disappointed. Not one thing about the movie was entertaining. It was just a rehash of the original. I'm sure for someone who never saw the original they may have a different take, but if you haven't seen it, do yourself a HUGE favor and watch the original. Yes, the original wasn't an Oscar winner, but it was fun, had lots of cool action and had a couple of hotties to keep things interesting. This mashed together mess had nothing to offer. Having Jake play the lead was a horrible idea from the start.
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Worst of the MI series
22 March 2024
After a week long MI marathon, 2 is easily the worst. The first three quarters are pretty good and online with what you expect from an MI movie.....but oh, those last 30 minutes are bad. Not sure why the thought John Woo was a good fit, but his complete comic book style unrealistic action is too much to deal with. The motorcycle "dance" and following comedic hand-to-hand combat scene are horrible. It just leaves the viewer with a bad taste in their mouth. Silly is an understatement. It felt like I was watching an old Jackie Chan movie from China. All that was missing was the subtitles! I'm so glad Woo wasn't chosen for any others.
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Tanks! (1998–2005)
Bad, inconsistent and incorrect
16 March 2024
There are so many things to pick at in this series. Where do I start? Not sure how in the world this shows a 9 as its rating. The graphics are horrible and rarely look like the actual tank they're discussing. Then the tanks on the videos are constantly not the one they're discussing. Then add in hordes of bad and incorrect information regarding the tank the episode is supposed to be about and you have a show that should have been great, but ends up not even being decent. If you're looking for a good tank information there other options out there. Don't waste your time with this one. I'm sure their intentions were good but the final product does not deliver.
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Oh, those funny Russians!
28 February 2024
It's always funny to listen to Russian WWII tankers talk about battles. We know for a fact that those guys were bad. Real bad. They had little training and were outmatched by any enemy they faced. But to listen to them go on about their abilities at armored combat almost makes these episodes a comedy. Actual historical documents and reports tell us that, as usual, the Russians won by strength of numbers. They outnumbered the German armor by almost 3 to 1 and the Germans still came close to achieving their goal. It didn't matter how good the Wermacht and Waffen SS tanks were, there were just too few of them.
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Most Propaganda
26 February 2024
This episode was so full of inaccuracies! Even the veterans in the episode are contradicting the narrator. The M18's 76mm could not take out a Panther from the front. What combat action reports tell us actually happened was the M18's used their speed and maneuverability to flank the Panthers and take them out from the sides. Attrition and air support was always on the side of the allies. Bad leadership decisions on the Germans panzer group definitely put them in a bad position that led to the route at Arracourt. I really wish the writers of this show would study some actual history before making some of these episodes. It would make it much more enjoyable.
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Good Episode, but too much bad info!
26 February 2024
This show would have been great if they'd have had more accurate information and less propaganda. The Tiger II was never the spearhead of the German Panzer group. Piper had them at the rear because they were too slow. The Mk IV and Panther would have been the lead elements of his group. It was also well known that allied troops just called every German tank a Tiger. The Scottish guy at LaGleiz was spouting all kinds of inaccuracies. My guess is he is a drinking buddy of one of the production crew. The lack of fuel was barely discussed as the reason for Piper leaving his vehicles behind and acted like it was because of allied armor???? Nice try guys, but this one was a swing and a miss.
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WWII in HD (2009)
Awesome Video but too much false propaganda!
23 February 2024
It was so cool to see video I hadn't seen before, but I was very disappointed that Gary Sinese agreed to narrate this show with all of the obvious propaganda. As a Marine Corps vet and WWII historian, it's always sad to see them publish a story/movie without checking backgrounds and verifying information. It was pretty obvious that Mr Werner was making up most of what he was saying. Thankfully most of the other veterans gave better accounts. I watched it the second time with the sound off and it was much better. We're losing our greatest generation and it's important to make sure we save the truth about them. Semper Fi!
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Complete Miss!
21 November 2023
I really was hoping this was a hidden gem. I was wrong. Bad acting, bad writing, boring story. It's hard to get through the first half hour, let alone the whole movie. There was very little action in it until over half way through the movie and even it couldn't save this dumpster fire. They didn't even bother following actual events! The German units involved in going against the air drops of D-Day were incorrect. Many of the Allie's units involved were incorrect. It was obvious they didn't have a military advisor on site to help with authenticity. Instead, they just made it up as they went. Just not worth your time. Go watch Band of Brothers again and you'll be happy.
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Wunderland (2018)
So much for factual history!
21 November 2023
This movie is bad! It's even worse than the 1960's version of the same story. The environment, tactics and facts of history are completely ignored throughout the movie and it just makes it tough to watch. The acting isn't anything to be proud of either. My guess is that Berenger needed the money. This is such a big, pivotal moment in WWII history, I really wish someone would do it justice. The one redeeming quality of this movie is the reenactors and their equipment. There are Jeeps, M18 Hellcats and M4 Sherman's for the Americans, along with Sdk251 halftracks, Hetzer and CGI King Tigers to keep me watching to the end.
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Rush (1991)
The Reality of Drug Use
16 October 2023
Probably one of the best examples of the real world of drug use, drug sales and the violence that follows them. Easily Jason Patricks best work. Jennifer Jason Leigh does an outstanding job as well. It seems to have gone "under the radar" with Hollyweird and the critics, but is a great movie. It doesn't matter which side of the isle you side with, this movie has content that makes it a must watch. Definitely worth your time and effort to take two hours out of your day and watch it. I've recommended it to several friends and everyone agrees that it's a great movie. If you get a chance, give it a watch!
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Jake never ceases to disappoint
6 October 2023
Another military movie with Jake G and another dud. He just isn't believable as a frontline soldier or Marine. The storyline is decent and believable, but the fight scenes are almost comical. They must have found the best shooting Tali's in the world! Dar Salim does a good job and I liked his character, but it couldn't overshadow Jake's inability to carry a character. Maybe one day the casting teams will figure out there are much better actors out there to play a lead military character. I can think of a couple that could have made this a very good movie. There are much better options out there, so don't waste your time with this one. Semper Fi!
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Example of why NG should stay in country
15 September 2023
While I appreciate the service of the National Guardsmen in this documentary, all it really did was expose how poorly trained and ill equipped they are for actual combat. It also exposed the inability of the government to equip and train actual active duty troops for deployment. We've seen this issue since Vietnam and it continues to be an issue for the US military. If we can't afford to send ONLY active duty troops and Marines to a combat theater, then we shouldn't be sending any armed forces. Our servicemen deserve to be the best trained combatant on the field and to serve beside those with equal or better training.
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Very Disappointing
25 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
They went way off script on this one. By having David being a trained warrior before he fought Goliath, you take away from the miracle that actually happened. David was to become a great warrior and king, but this story is supposed to take place when he was young and inexperienced in combat. They also made Goliath relatively tall, but he wasn't that menacing. The acting was ok, but the leaning away from the Bible just ruined it in my opinion. It's amazing how someone can take a story that was written thousands of years ago for them and mess it up. This is a prime example of that happened. Do yourself a favor and watch some of the other shows that are more accurate.
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According to Jim (2001–2009)
Ruined by bad writing
26 July 2023
This was a fun series to watch for the first 2.5 seasons. Then, as usual, the writers decided to use it as a way to push an agenda. They totally destroyed the show. From the third season on it's tough to watch. It seems every episode has at least one character pushing a liberal agenda and bashing on anyone that doesn't believe in it. I would have thought Belushi would have stood up to the Hollyweird elite, but it seems he to can be bought. If you're going to watch the show, do yourself a favor and stop around episode 10 of season two. Tell yourself Jim and Cheryl live happily ever after and the girls grow up to be happy, healthy adults. Adam finally moves away and leaves the family alone and Dayna finally gets married. The end.
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The Pledge (I) (2001)
Another Bad Ending
18 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was a solid 7, pushing on 8, until the last 15 minutes of the movie. It's as easy to see that the ending was forced due to budget issues. What a waste of three quarters of a story. We were on the edge of our seats and they did a good job of character building and plot twist.

Then....they turn everything upside down at the end. When did Jerry become a psychotic alcoholic???? After all he had done for the mother and daughter l, they just walk away???? Too many unknowns to make for a good ending. It's really sad what they did to this movie. It says it bombed at the cinemas??? That's cause word got out about the ending!
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Shrinking (2023– )
Fun, but with some forced wokism
24 June 2023
This show is good. Very good. The characters, story and casting are spot-on. It's enjoyable to watch and the chemistry between the main characters is awesome. My review would be a 7 or 8 if it weren't for the forced Gay couple in the show. It just doesn't fit. The backstory, friendships and history just don't fit the liberal narrative that's obviously pushed into the show. Other than that it's well worth watching. Without it pushed in there, the show would be amazing. The four main actors are a joy to watch. The writing is amazing as well. We're so ready for season 2!!!! If you're looking for a new show to binge. This is a good one.
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So much inaccuracies!!!
26 May 2023
This should have been a good series but thanks to inaccurate information through each show it's just hard to watch. My guess is that it was written and/or directed by an uneducated Hollywood liberal.

The only good parts of the shows are the interviews with actual veterans. They seem to be the only ones involved in the show that know what the Vietnam War was.

There are so many better series out there, I'd suggest looking to one of those for a more realistic and believable place to get information on Vietnam.

As a Marine Corps veteran, these types of shows just remind me how important talking to actual veterans is to finding truths about our history.
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Moonfall (2022)
Lame Armageddon
12 March 2023
When you order Armageddon on Wish... this is what gets delivered. It's lame...really lame. The amount of campy silliness of this movie just diverts from any story that this movie might have started with. Bad acting, bad storyline, bad cgi all combine to make a movie not worth watching. Do yourself a favor. Rent Armageddon, grab a couple of brews and watch a movie worth watching. You'll thank me later. Otherwise, you're responsible for the giant load of crud you're about to endure. I'm sure someone got paid lots of money to copy the idea from the other "end of the world" movies that are already out there.
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Burn Notice (2007–2013)
Was a 7 until the last two seasons
18 January 2023
The usual case with so many popular shows. They run out of content so they start writing sloppy, reusing the same storyline over and over, trying to push and agenda, etc, etc.

The first three seasons were fun. The action was somewhat believable, the characters were entertaining and you rooted for Michael. But, as the seasons kept going, you saw him doe what he really was....a selfish brat. Anyone that would throw his friends to the wolves over and over just so he could get what he wants stops being the guy to watch pretty fast. Bruce Campbell was the best on the show and by the end he was a whiny little baby. Pretty sad how fast it went bad. Seasons 1 to 5 are worth a watch.
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Great......for the most part
9 August 2022
Very nice seeing the stories that go with the medal. All of the episodes, except the 3rd, focused on the men and their sacrifices. The third episode focused almost entirely on racism. It was a great injustice to a man who served his country honorably. It's sad that they had to infect this series with the liberal agenda. Would have been an easy 9 if not for that episode. Semper Fi!
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Excellent show
6 August 2022
As a former LDS member the history and extremism of this show was spot on. An excellent example of how easy man's religion can overshadow truth.

The wife and I enjoyed it from beginning to end.
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The Gray Man (2022)
It's ok
23 July 2022
Lots of hard-to-follow action and open ended plot points but it was ok. Better than alot of crap Hollyweird puts out these days. Ryan, Ana and Ana-Cat did a great job.
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The Son (2017–2019)
Should have been SO much better.
15 July 2022
The story of Eli as a captured Comanche is the only thing that kept us watching. The liberals in Hollyweird tried real hard to rewrite history in the 1915 storyline. I would have given this a 7-8 if they would have just told a truthful, historical story and left the agenda out.
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The Princess (I) (2022)
Lame girl power crud
4 July 2022
Just more lame girl power bs that we've come to expect from Hollyweird. I'm all for action and fantasy, but believing a 110lb female can fight with a 180lb man and win is ridiculous. I like Joey and Olga as actresses, but this is way below them. Movies are dead.
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