
12 Reviews
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Trump Did It
10 June 2021
Even if you dont know any of the people who speak during this doco, you can get an idea of what you are in store for by looking at some of the media organisations that are quoted: New York Times, Washington Post, MSNBC, CNN, Daily Kos, The Independent, The Guardian, ABC, BBC, NBC, Fairfax so you can see what this is all about. Well produced but totally and utterly biased.

Problem after problem is presented from wealth equality, racism, climate change, corona virus, privatization of every industry, Islamaphobia, Homophobia but like all of these myopic views, these are all caused by corporations that have a connection to all right wing politics and the culmination of the whole thing gets down to Trump being the anti christ and it is all caused by the middle aged white male.

In the end what started off as having some merit turns into an anti Trump, white superiority rhetoric and little to do with corporations.
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In a word, woeful.
19 April 2021
A two hour plus movie of pure rubbish. When you are cheering for the bad guys to kill everyone sooner than later then it sums up the whole movie. 3 stars purely for the special effects of the AI robots and the concept behind them. There isnt a single character that you could root for. MacDonough in his obligatory evil bad guy with darkness in his heart is now a staple of all his movies. Go watch a doco on the courting dance of the Bolivian Hairy dung beetle for a better 2 hours than this current day tripe.
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Spoiler Alert: It is PURE RUBBISH.
12 April 2021
The best part of the movie was turning it off. What tripe, what a complete waste of 2 plus hours. The cant be a spoiler alert warning as there is nothing to spoile what is already spoilt beyond repair. Typical modern Hollywood rubbish. The only thing missing was the same sex couple that makes up the requirements for a modern movie. Dont bother. Makes Suicide Squad and the umpteen re-writes of Justice League look cinema classics.
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The Mariana Van Zeller Promotion Hour
24 February 2021
Very lightweight stuff and seems to be more about the self promotion of Mariana and her "bravery". Every episode runs along similar format. Lots of close ups, hidden faces, absurd camera angles to build up lots atmosphere. She gets inside access to cartel/counterfieter/scammer/gun runner/sicaro etc but it usually falls down or they dont show then just as she is about to give up, she finds another insider. Fears for her safety, lots of very worried expressions, a threat or two, quickly leave area, then comeback to get right inside organisation. Her contact then tells her his star sign, fave colour, his 750 kills, 10 billion dollar profit etc etc every little secret . Just seems so fake and scripted to a particular audience. Yeah, nah. About the only truth is that if you want to sell drugs/scams/exotic animals/counterfeit money/steroids then you will always have the good old American to fleece.
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Bloodshot (2020)
Typical Vin Diesel Movie
6 September 2020
Action, tech, no plot, pretend humour oh and a little love story thrown in. It is a typical Vin Diesel as all round tough guy who will save the world and get a girl or two. He must not be very well endowed to keep making the same old crap over and over.
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Stuber (2019)
Great harmless fun
29 December 2019
If you are looking for an Apocalypse Now or Shutter Island then you will be disappointed but it is a good harmless fun flick which doesnt take itself seriously. Lots of over the top action, bad guys and fight scenes with some funny lines. There is a great deal of chemistry between Batista and Nanjiani that I would love to see explored further. If you just want something light and breezy then this will scratch that itch. If you want to prove your film intelligence then this is not for you.
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What is this movie trying to focus on?
28 July 2019
I sat down to watch this doco in the hope of finding out more about the hopelessness of keeping our personal data private. What I saw was a politically biased show telling me over and over how bad Trump and his party hoodwinked USA, something we have heard from every Left Wing mouthpiece since their darling lost. Old news.

On top of this, it seemed to be ashow about showing the world what a hero Brittany Kaiser is when in reality, she seems like a real piece of work. It's almost like the the producers had a vested interest in Kaiser.

For the amount of promotion I have seen about The Great Hack on Netflix and other Left leaning media. it is a bitter disappointment.Even the CGI at the beginning is overdone. I guess we can expect Ashley Judd to star as Brittany Kaiser in a future movie...
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The Planets (2019)
15 July 2019
What a fascinating series do far. Brilliant visuals and told by Brian Cox in a way anyone can understand. I have learnt so much I never knew previously and the series creates such an interest that you yearn for more.
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Russian Doll (2019–2022)
STUNNING. Simply beautiful.
6 February 2019
I cannot believe what I have just seen. This is a show you will binge watch simply because you just have to know what happens next. Will it make you laugh? Yes. Will it make you think? Yes. Will you think about it after you have watched it? You bet you will. It is just a magnificent show and rate in my top 10. Just a great story about life, friendship and doing what is right. Fantastic acting by Natasha Lyonne who is also one of the creators, as the sassy, witty but a little hard nosed Nadia and Charlie Barnett as the neorotic, loveable lovelorn loser. The two combine so perfectly with a chemistry like they have starred together many times. Watch it!!!
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Mr Inbetween (2018– )
Great raw Aussie show.!!
27 November 2018
Love this show!! Cannot wait for series 2 and I hope they keep it going for a few more series. It is as true as an Aussie underworld reality as I could imagine. Love the dark humour, the vulgarity yet mateship and looking out for your friends. Yes it is a bit violent but then again, true underworld characters are just that. The lead Ray (Scott Ryan) is easy to like as a loveable blokey bloke Aussie rogue. Very enjoyable.
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Geostorm (2017)
Jim Sturgess is a comedian
16 April 2018
The acting of Jim Sturgess is laughable and inept. He seems to have the exact opposite expression for what the particular scene needs so this then becomes the only interest in this diabolical film. Whoever the casting director was for this film, should never work in cinema again. Every role seems to be completely wrong. The acting, directing, plot all seem like the movie was made to fail. If not for the space special effects, it would be a one. Do yourself a favour and watch paint dry instead.
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Here and Now (2018)
Brainwashing Continues
4 April 2018
Let's see. We have a white liberal activist couple who adopt three children who are Asian, African American, Latino. The Latino is gay, the African American is married to a white guy. The couple also have a biological daughter who is friends with a Muslim youth who likes to dress up in women's clothing. The cross dressing youth also has Iranian parents of which the father is against religion whilst the mother is a practising muslim. The latino also falls on love with a man who also happens to be homeless but lies about his homelessness.

WTF? All we need is to throw is in Facebook, a few Russian hackers and we have the quintessential media production that is prevalent today to ensure that only one message is pushed forward. What could have been an amazing show is ruined by the preaching.
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