
15 Reviews
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Road House (2024)
Makes the original look like Citizen Kane
5 April 2024
Hollywood insists on remaking anything that had the slightest hint of success and it fails miserably. This is the perfect example. So much money, so many resources, and the end result is absolutely pathetic. The script is so dumb it makes the original road house script look like a Dostoyevsky book. The acting is as good as the script will allow, but the script allows for nothing, it's like a coked up monkey wrote it. So poor Jake Gyllenhaal, that sacrificed a year of his life to prep for this, ends up sounding so dumb and so bland in every line in the film that he will probably have major depression once he watches this garbage. Worst of all is Conor McGregor, who can't act to save his children's lives , and is just his pathetic little self throughout. Absolutely dreadful, avoid this if you think life is too short too waste on garbage entertainment.
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Violent Night (2022)
Good concept, terrible script and execution
29 December 2023
It's always terrible when you see a concept that has potential, but then is destroyed by the script and by the directing. This film is precisely and instance of that. Home Alone has more actual violence than this. Sure, Violent Christmas has violence and gore, but it's not truly violent, because there is nothing at stake, it's empty of thrills and its so incredibly dumbed down and bland that only a very very specific public will find this good. The gore is not shocking at all, the psychological violence is null, and the characters have lines that are trying to pay tribute to Die Hard or Home Alone, but just sound like they were written by a 5 year old. There is good stupid and bad stupid and this is clearly in the bad camp. Good concept, absolutely terrible execution. Makes you wonder if the script is actually good, but then the studio came in and completely destroyed it. This film could easily be PG-13, it doesn't offend or shock anyone more than home alone does. Pathetic waste of money and a good idea.
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The Bear: Fishes (2023)
Season 2, Episode 6
Tv Masterpiece
4 October 2023
Incredible writing, acting, sound design and editing make this episode more intense than any action or horror movie. It's flawless and the way the moments of calm and chaos intertwine is incredible. It completely immersed me in that world from beginning to end. The Bear already had some fantastic episodes, but this one really is the masterpiece - the characters are at their best here, and this really makes you understand where they're coming from and who they are. The casting is excellent as well, and couldn't even recognize Jamie Lee Curtis at the start. Her performance is amazing, though. It's the longest episode of the series so far, but it feels as short as the others because it's so engrossing. One of my favourite tv episodes of all time. This one is one for the books.
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Succession: With Open Eyes (2023)
Season 4, Episode 10
Great, but not the best
31 May 2023
It's a great ending, but it doesn't get there in a smooth, fluid manner as you would have wanted it to. Nowadays the absolute necessity for twists and for keeping people guessing and shocking them makes a lot of scripts not flow properly. In this case, there are many perfect moments in the script, especially the scene when all the siblings finally bond, but the need to constantly keep the audience guessing then leads to a sudden and pretty illogical twist at the end, when Shiv changes her mind. It doesn't make much sense, no matter how envious her character is. It's too sudden, and it seems it's just squished in there on purpose and quite clumsily so there can be a twist. This could have been built up, they could have given us clues and it would have felt more logical and natural, but this need to shock and be unpredictable just leads to moments like this, when things don't flow as naturally as they should and really feel kind of fake. There didn't need to be a twist, we could've gotten to the ending (which is perfect, by the way) in a much more natural, well written and fluid manner. Twists are now just what we expect. It is unexpected to just get there naturally. Shame they did this, the episode would have been a 10 otherwise.
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The Sandman: Playing House (2022)
Season 1, Episode 8
This show is really going down the drain
1 September 2022
This adaptation of "the doll's house" is really a failure. They took an awesome piece of literature and ruined it with bad screenwriting, directing and worst of all with bad casting. The actress the plays Rose Walker is awful, just bland and inexpressive. A bad actress playing such an important character in this story completely ruins it, and things don't really piece themselves together nearly as well as they do in the book. I am amazed Neil Gaiman thinks this is a worthy adaptation. It's quite sad, really. And Morpheus really should be a more distant ethereal being than he is here, he is way too "human".
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The Sandman: The Doll's House (2022)
Season 1, Episode 7
Worst episode so far
30 August 2022
Unity Kincaid is barely mentioned in the show, then here they briefly flash back to episode 1 and expect us to remember her. Does not work, especially for people that aren't familiar with the comic. What also doesn't work is the casting and the acting which are both terrible. The only thing that saves this one is the "collector's convention" bits, which aren't too bad. Rose Walker though is boring, badly cast and badly acted. Doesn't work. Neil Gaiman's input was taken into account when making this show, but maybe they didn't take it into account enough, because the cracks in the storytelling here are very clear.
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House of the Dragon: The Rogue Prince (2022)
Season 1, Episode 2
Really just average
30 August 2022
Overall quite a disappointing episode. Slow moving and filled with uninteresting predictable dialogue, it's saved only by some amazing cinematography and by a slightly more engaging last 10 minutes. But overall the complexity of the plot and characters pales in comparison to the original Game Of Thrones, that did have some amazing books to take good plot and dialogue from. The story from Fire and Blood is here, but in that book there is hardly any dialogue and not that many descriptions, so the base material is not as rich as Game Of Thrones, so they don't have as much to work with and a lot to create. Turns out so far they are not that good at creating good dialogue or engaging likeable characters. We need underdogs like Daenerys, Jon and Tyrion and here we just have some very lukewarm Royal characters that I don't really care much about. Even the young princesses' plight to be heard and respected is really cliche and doesn't resonate. Moana was a much more likeable young princess. Hope they do better in future episodes - I know what's coming and it can be good, but with lacklustre writing and acting it won't reach its potential.
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Good, but no Game Of Thrones ep1
23 August 2022
Very simple story, focused on a few characters. Lacks the intrigue, surprises and complexity of the original. At least so far... looking forward to seeing how it develops, hopefully improves. The main characters have potential, but are too one dimensional so far. Let's see how they develop. Also plenty of violence, but not enough sex. It's like the producers have shied away from it. Maybe they think they will conquer more international non-western audiences that way, or maybe they're just afraid of criticism....
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Point Break (2015)
Weak film that pales in comparison to the original
8 February 2022
Instead of focusing on surf, this one chooses to basically focus on every extreme sport out there. The variety that comes from this does not make up for the terrible dialogue and weak plot that really makes no sense. The characters aren't nearly as charismatic as they were in the 91 version and the way they relate to each other isn't nearly as deep. And you really don't buy why Bodhi and Co. Are committing crimes, it just for make any sense whatsoever. Laughably superficial and generally weak, only some cool action scenes can save it from absolute mediocrity. Still, the fake surfing scenes look like crap and are downriinsulting to anyone that loves surfing. Another lesson on why we should just leave the originals alone and avoid remakes. Especially with weak directors and actors.
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The Witcher: The End's Beginning (2019)
Season 1, Episode 1
Mediocre and dull
9 November 2021
A boring script with dull dialogues, weak casting and acting, unimpressive directing. Failed to grip me all the way through, and I'm a big fan of the games. Witcher III especially is way better written at any point than this episode. Even the side quests in the game are more engaging than any of this. None of it engaged me at all really - even the most dramatic moments failed to elicit any emotions and the main characters, with maybe the exception of the Witcher, were really not very likeable.
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
We need a properly written sequel
6 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This last season was disappointing for all. The characters weee twisted and bent to suit the story's needs, and no one really did what they were supposed to except for a few characters. One of them was Sansa, by far one of the most unlikeable, greedy, annoying characters in the whole show and she ends up being queen of the North which is completely unbelievable. Still, the scenes withJon and Dani are beautiful and dramatic and have quite a lot of power, as does Jon returning to the north. But overall, this is a disappointing and illogical and selfish ending, feeding the writer's desires for the characters and not what they have actually become, which is way beyond what the writers built. And then very quickly and irresponsibly destroyed. Jon needed to get the iron throne, there is zero reason why not. And then he needed to refuse it and go north and feel happy as he does at the end. And Sam needed to be heard at the end - the future for a broken realm would never be to stay as they were, it would be to give voice to the people. But I guess we all need a proper sequel in the end, with good deep writing that brings us the awesome dialogues of when these Hollywood writers had proper source material and with a fair decent ending for the characters that have done something deserve it. Maybe call it the return of the king 😄 but this ending shall not stand, the first 6 seasons were incredible, but you owe us. A lot better than this. #gotsequelenditright.
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Game of Thrones: The Bells (2019)
Season 8, Episode 5
Great directing, terrible screenwriting
5 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
It is amazing how the writing in Game of Thrones lost its way after the show ran out of George RR Martin's source material. This episode and episode 4 are the worst screenplays in the entire show. Illogical decisions, dumbed down dialogue and moments that straight up make no sense - like the fight between Jamie and Euron - make this an appallingly written episode that is all over the place. The characters aren't themselves anymore, they are just doing what they have to do so the show can follow its course, nothing else. How would Jon not do something to stop his own troops? Why would Euron decide to fight Jamie instead of just getting out of Kings Landing? And why would Dani decide to burn all of Kings Landing instead of just taking down Cersei? And how much fire can a dragon breathe anyway? If Drogon could burn all of kings landing just by himself, then why didn't he just burn the entire army of the undead before? Even a dragon has to take a breather... and two dragons couldn't take down Euron'a fleet the first time, but now they can? The writers here just wrote what was convenient to take them where they wanted to go. Benioff and Weiss have written some amazing GOT episodes, but here they were just like a couple of lost children making up a child's story. Their staff writers didn't help either, what a disaster.... Great directing, though, the action and violence is magnificent. And good acting by the actors considering the very disappointing script they were given. Enjoyable to watch just for the spectacle, but if you had been invested in the story it's a huge disappointment. They should do this again properly, maybe in animation and with better writing.
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Terminator was great, T-2 is perfect
9 September 2004
The first terminator was a fantastic science fiction thriller, dark and brutal. Schwarzenneger was merciless, Linda Hamilton was fragile and innocent, and the story was interesting and packed with action and desperation. But in my view, it doesn't come close to this.

This is one of the greatest action/sci-fi movies of all time. Technically, the film is incredible. Everything from the sound to the editing to the special effects is almost flawless - the two terminators look awesome, especially the t-1000. And the action sequences are brilliantly done.

Bur besides being brilliantly done, the action parts also leave you breathless, and that you cannot achieve just through technical perfection. For that, you need the director's awesome vision, and the actor's intense performances.

James Cameron is a genius when it comes to action and sci-fi, as can be seen in Aliens, the Abyss, the Terminator, and a few more. And here he's at his finest. The action is brutal and thrilling to watch, fun and packed with details.

The actors are perfectly cast. Schwarzenneger is a Terminator that is beginning to develop a soul. He's still cold and tough as nails, but no longer merciless. He's as cool as the first terminator, but actually likable this time.

Linda Hamilton is a bit over the top sometimes, but then again her character is supposed to be completely neurotic and paranoid. Furlong is a great actor nowadays, and started off really well here. And Robert Patrick plays an excellent t-1000. Not much depth to the character, but then again this time it's him, not Arnold who's supposed to be the non-stop killing machine, so not much depth required.

And the story... Well, for an action movie, it's brilliant. Imaginative, thrilling, sometimes superficially philosophical, it takes the first movie's ideas and creates one hell of a adventure.

This movie gripped me from beginning to end the first time, and still does after all this time. There's only one word that perfectly describes it: Excellent.

And try and watch the DVD special edition. It's got a lot of character development on it, and some great little details...
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Three Kings (1999)
One of the many excellent movies of 1999
30 August 2004
1999 was truly a year crammed with fantastic movies, three kings being one of them.

Three kings isn't a war movie, at least not in the typical sense. It's more of an action movie charged with intelligent satire. It doesn't pull any punches when it comes to portraying the U.S. government's attitude in the first Iraq war, or even when it shows the half-stupid, half-innocent ignorance of the average U.S. soldier. It manages to make you feel sorry and sympathies for both the American "heroes" and the Iraqi characters. Which is exactly what war's all about - everybody that's fighting it is a victim of something.

This movie is not about acting, not about lengthy dialogues. It's about the story, shot in a frenetic pace, in wonderful, sometimes colourful, sometimes greyish tones, full of great action sequences. But these sequences never are there just for being there, they're truly a part of the story.

The acting is competent and the actors were really well picked. The dialogues are sharp, funny, and to the point. Thanks to them, and to the story, with its political content that rings very true today, and has some haunting premonitions ( "What do you want us to do? Invade Iraq and have another Vietnam?" ), this is not just a guy's movie. It's a movie for anyone who enjoys having a blast at the movies and at the same time leaving them with some food for thought.

The only flaw is the ending, which is too quick, and doesn't really leave you feeling like there was a strong climax. But after the such a great ride, I guess it's not that big a problem.
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Good acting, interesting dialogues, but the story's too simple
29 August 2004
Twin falls is a decent movie altogether. Mike and Mark polish are excellent in the role of the siamese twins, they portray their anguish, their fear of the world, and their love and dependence on each other perfectly. Your really feel sort of intrigued and mystified when you look and listen to these two characters.

Penny is the character that simultaneously keeps them on their feet and breaks them apart. Had to be a woman... Also great acting from the beautiful Michelle Hicks.

The movie poses some interesting questions about relationships, and about depending from one another to the very core.

But it's far from perfect, because, there's really nor much of a story. The story's just a skeleton where the writer and director hang all the dialogue and all their philosophical rethoric. Basically, more things could and should have happened - they would've helped flesh out the characters better than a lot of dialogues... And it wouldn't have made such a slow paced movie... Liked it, but not really my idea of a great movie.
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