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I thought that Ted Bundy was a U.S. serial killer
1 August 2021
The actor who portrays Bundy, as well as the detectives and other cast, all have obvious U. K. accents. Who was their accent coach? Anne Hathaway? You would think this movie was about Jack the Ripper!

I couldn't watch the entire film. The acting was garbage, or "pure rubbish" as the Brits would say, since this movie seems to be set in Yorkshire, or somewhere else in Great Britain.

Next time, use U. S. actors!!!! Or at least Canadians!
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Overboard (2018)
Painful to watch! I couldn't even get past twenty minutes!
18 July 2020
1987's Overboard was an awesome, funny, and enjoyable movie. Why doesn't Hollywood adhere to the rule "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"??? The acting in this garbage remake of a film is atrocious! I did not even laugh once, and I couldn't make it past twenty minutes. How do I get those twenty minutes of my life back?
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This movie is definitely a 11/10!!!!
10 July 2019
All rock music fans need to watch this. I was laughing so hard, especially at the "Big Bottom" performance scene. I love the flashback scenes to the band's early days too, it reminds me of Led Zeppelin, back when Jimmy Page was in The Yardbirds.
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Scream Queens (2015–2016)
This show is absolutely hilarious and fantastic!!! BRING IT BACK!!!!
16 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Why did they cancel this show? It's off the hook!!! Only this year I began watching it on Netflix. Usually, I do not watch TV shows, but finally I decided to get Netflix. Jamie Lee Curtis is amazing! I love how she parodies her own history as the queen of all "Scream Queens" herself. The dichotomy of her character, Dean Munsch, being a feminist, yet also a promiscuous sex object is absolutely awesome!!!

Kristie Alley was great too, as were Emma Roberts, Billie Lourd, and Abigail Breslin. Same with Lea Michele and Nick Jonas. Oh, and John Stamos and Taylor Lautner! The show parodies so many classics, such as "Heathers", and "Mean Girls", as well as doctor dramas like "E.R.", and "Grey's Anatomy". Not to mention horror classics, such as "Halloween", "A Nightmare on Elm Street", "Friday the 13th", and "Sorority Row", among others. I loved every minute of the show.

Keke Palmer is fabulous as the girl-next-door, and brilliant med student. It was nice to see a black girl who wasn't portrayed as "ghetto" or belligerent. Niecy Nash was hilarious too, especially how her character flawlessly and unrealistically moves up the ranks of law enforcement, from security guard to FBI agent. The break-up scene with Chad was super comical too! Chad is so funny, as the dumb jock/arrogant F-boy, philandering boyfriend.

I could go on and on! This show is wonderful, I hope they bring it back!!!! The 80s music is a nice touch too. I grew up watching horror films, so this show was extra enjoyable to me!
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An absolute treat for fans of whodunits
15 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
"Murder Mystery" is a delight for those who are fans of mystery/detective novels. While the film was predictable for those who are accustomed to reading whodunits, or watching true crime shows, it was quite enjoyable. Sandler and Aniston have great chemistry.

The movie is filled with classic detective novel tropes, such as the wealthy family with skeletons in their closet, the black sheep, the gold-digger wife, the bumbling detective, and the overzealous civilians who end up solving the case. All that was missing was the "secret twin" trope.

As a woman who loves to read mystery novels, I thought it was fun. I've read everything from Wilkie Collins' "The Moonstone", to Sherlock Holmes, to Riley Sager's "Final Girls".

And the ultimate satire is the killer's name, "Le majordome", which is français for "The Butler", which is a play on the board game/movie "Clue", "The Butler did it". It was easy to guess who the killer was early on, but the movie was fantastic still. Sandler's character even mentions the line to Audrey, early in the film, when she is reading a mystery novel on the airplane.
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Capernaum (2018)
An accurate glimpse into the plight of the refugee
4 March 2019
What a truly touching film. I cried incessantly. The story of Zain and his struggle as an abused child living in abject poverty is a must-see for the many spoiled, ungrateful brats residing in North America. And by North America, I mean the continent, not the northern U.S! While people in the U.S., Canada, and other countries complain about trivial things such as not having a brand-new car, children like Zain and his siblings suffer immensely. They do not even have blankets, or their own separate beds. I do not want to give too much away, but I must say that this is a beautiful, profound film. The protagonist forms a close bond with a young woman who is an illegal resident. He is a very sweet, protective little boy with a heart of gold, despite having horrible, negligent parents. Whatever your opinion about refugees and illegal immigration, this movie will tug at the heartstrings.
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Long live the legacy of Freddie Mercury!
16 November 2018
As a life-long fan of classic rock music, I highly anticipated this film, and it did not disappoint! Rami Malek and the other actors gave outstanding performances as the Queen band members. While the film displayed classic Hollywood artistic license by omitting or altering many facts, it still respected FM's legacy. I had to force myself not to sing along with the songs. There were many tearful moments as well. What a fantastic film!
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Compton is back on the map
24 August 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the best movies of 2015, in my humble opinion. Actually, I rarely go to the movies anymore, but I made a huge exception to go see this one. What caught my attention immediately was the ethnic diversity of the audience. I haven't seen that kind of variety since I saw "Rush Hour 3", where half of the movie patrons were black, and the other Asian!! This shows how movies like "Straight Outta Compton" bring people together. It bridges the cultural gap. Middle-class people can catch a glimpse into the lifestyle of a teenager growing up in a low-income neighbourhood where often there aren't a lot of options that don't involve crime and welfare. At the screening I attended, there were a lot of Koreans. I wonder if this has anything to do with the history of poor relations between blacks and Koreans (merchants) in Los Angeles, especially during the Rodney King riots, and the shooting death of Latasha Harlins, who was a young black girl killed by a female Korean store-owner.

"Straight Outta Compton" was an amazing movie to me because I love the group NWA, even though I was still only a little girl when I first listened to their music. I was intrigued by their audacity, failing to give a sh about what anyone thought of them. They were raw and genuine. The actors did a great job of showing this. They interloped into a culture that saw them only as a skin colour, as criminals, as thugs and gang-bangers, and they won so many fans all over the world, of all backgrounds. Even Axl Rose dressed like them.

Little O'Shea did a fabulous job portraying his daddy. I wonder if it ever felt awkward for him. I love how he kept a notebook handy for whenever poetic inspiration hit him.

The concert scenes were outstanding as well. My only complaint is the blatant misogyny, but I did laugh at the word play they used by calling that groupie in the hotel "Felicia" after she performed fellatio on Eazy-E. I read that this was also an allusion to Ice Cube in the movie "Friday".

Great job, I cannot wait until it's out on DVD.
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The funniest mob flick I've ever seen
26 August 2013
I can't get enough of this flick! The first time that I watched it, I was a little girl and I love it even more now as an adult. Okay, so it's not one of Pfeiffer's best movies, but it's still good. A delightful mob satire, it's almost non-stop laughs. Mercedes Ruehl stole the show. She had the best lines, especially during the grocery store scene. She's the generic ball-busting mafia wife with the best one-liners on film since "Dirty Harry". Seriously, I kept on flipping through the flick just to watch the scenes with her over and over again. She's the best! Dean Stockwell is also pretty good in this, a very charming and rakish version of Tony Soprano. And Angela's Caribbean friend was also a nice touch. Watch this movie if you need cheering up!
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Great movie to watch in light of the Paula Deen scandal!
1 July 2013
The use of the n-word is so common today that it's almost mundane. Blacks use it, whites, Asians, Latinos, etc. Have we forgotten that it is one of the most heinous words in the English language? Watch this great movie in order to see how the word is so hurtful and scathing. Both Whoopi Goldberg and Sissy Spacek are beautiful in this film. They are outstanding actors! The bond between their characters predates the bond between Minny Jackson and Celia Foote in "The Help". Everyone should see this. Stop using the n-word, no matter what colour your skin is. The circumstances of this film happened not that long ago; but so many of us don't realize what it's like to not be able to sit where you want on the bus, or to drink from whatever fountain you please (fountains are dirty anyway! I once saw a man in the park let his dog drink from it lol). Please watch this movie so that you can have more compassion for people, no matter what their background!
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MY favourite Giallo
3 March 2013
I love this movie. The first time that I saw it was when I was a little girl, around 9 or 10 years old. The storyline is great: a killer who targets women who have been unfaithful to their husbands. It is unfair that the killer does not target unfaithful men, but hey, this is a giallo after all. It's funny because I am pretty sure that I only like this movie because I watch it in Italian, and that makes it exotic to me. If it were an American movie, I would probably not like it as much. Farley Granger is quite handsome, even more so than in "Strangers On A Train". There is a red herring that I found predictable, but I've been watching horror films for most of my life, so I often guess correctly what's going on. I knew who the killer really was long before it was revealed. I found the ending quite sad though. It would have been nice to have a different outcome. At least this giallo doesn't have the graphic violence that some of it's contemporaries have.
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Ted (2012)
Funny, but overloaded with scatological jokes and other offensive material
3 March 2013
"Ted" most definitely has some laugh out loud moments, and overall I enjoyed it. Sadly though, there is an overabundance of scatological jokes and other offensive material. While I am a woman with a sense of humour, I found a lot of the lines to be outrageously sexist. Of course, I don't take this movie seriously; it's about a talking teddy bear. Still though, I think that Seth McFarlane has gotten a little out of hand. There are some scenes that just made me ask, "WHY? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO CROSS THAT LINE?". Those are scenes that I would skip over if I watched this again. Giovanni Ribisi and the boy who plays his pudgy son are hilarious, with their Kathy Bates in "Misery"-type characters. The sex-scenes leave me perplexed, because I do not understand how those acts are anatomically possible, considering that one participant lacks the body parts necessary to engage in said act. Anyway, this is a great movie to watch when you just wanna chill. But Seth McFarlane has issues.
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