
41 Reviews
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Monkey Man (2024)
If you like quality action with a lot of heart and style, this is a must
2 May 2024
Anytime I see a movie where it is directed by, written by and lead actor are all the same, I see red flags for a terrible movie; this is not the case here, far from it.

I am partial to a vengeance movie, so maybe a little biased here.

I hadn't heard of this movie, so didn't know what to expect, aside from a one liner for the plot.

The style, humour (yes there is a fair bit), heart and action were all on point. Some of the action sequences reminded me of the good old days of fighting, where you actually seem some decent display and not randoms camera cuts.

To sum it up in a short sentence, an Indian John Wick movie, minus all the guns, just more hand to hand combat (which I prefer to be honest).
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Close encounters of the dumbest kind
24 September 2023
The "Horror, sci-fi, thriller" description convinced me to watch this, unfortunately this was not what was delivered.

I enjoyed the lack of a spoken script, wondering what was going on, why and where it was all leading to; No spoilers here, but it all went nowhere, slowly.

If you are expecting a movie that takes you on a journey and leaves you satisfied at the end....... prepare for disappointment!

I can think of similar movies that are far better than this one. Check out a movie called "Stephanie", a great example of how to do a movie like this and leave the viewer satisfied at the end, in fact, wanting more.
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Knock knock. Who's there? Boredom of the apocalypse
24 February 2023
M. Night Shyamalan movies are usually hit and miss, more miss sadly. This one certainly a miss for me.

Really wanted to enjoy this movie as always have been a fan of apocalyptic stories. From the start, you could tell the style was M. Night Shyamalan for sure. It felt a little awkward and uncomfortable as expected, but it was just a bore to watch.

The acting was not great, the story predictable and the family targeted in the movie just brings into question the selection process for the storyline; no spoilers but did make me think that perhaps a hidden meaning that isn't really acceptable in this day and age may have existed here.

Uneventful to watch, didn't get me contemplating anything and could not wait for it to end. For a 100 minute movie, it felt a lot longer and could have spent my time watching any other movie that surely would have been better.

Shortened to 45 minutes, this could have been an acceptable short movie, but felt so dragged out.

Wouldn't recommend if you are looking for horror, mystery or excitement of any kind.
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The Menu (2022)
Not Michelin star
29 January 2023
I had high hopes for this movie, the cast, the trailer and the concept had me intrigued. In my head I set high expectations, these were however not fully met.

Upon watching the movie I didn't lose focus at all, however it did become a little predictable for me ( apart from the stupidity nearing the end of it). No spoilers here, but it went downhill with the conclusion for me. So much more could have been done here to make it more believable. Yes, I know it is fictitious, but a few tweaks could have made it a more satisfying watch overall.

The acting is great and it does take you on an enjoyable ride for the most part. If you are a fan of cookery, quirky and interesting movie ideas that are a break from the norm, then I think you'll enjoy it.
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Do Revenge (2022)
The enemy of my enemy is my friend
16 September 2022
Watched this movie after a recommendation and see it was new.i didn't read anything about it, just knew that it was a story about revenge and more (title gives that away).

I found the casting of this movie to be perfect. Nothing felt like an intentional injection of woke culture, like many movies try to shoehorn it in. Everything felt purposeful and had a meaningful part in the storyline of this movie.

This movie brought back memories of great 80s and 90s movies, accompanied by a great soundtrack (How bizarre by OMC orchestral version is now on my favourites list).

This movie had revenge, comedy and heart. For a nearly 2 hour run-time, it felt like very little time had passed; for me, this is a sign that I thoroughly enjoyed a movie.

Highly recommended if it sounds like a movie that could interest you.
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Parasite (2019)
Didn't live up to the hype
20 July 2022
Finally got around to watching this movie, even though being a long time Korean movie fan.

Unsure how this won an Oscar and has such a high rating. Thought the same with Spirited Away, appears that these movies won Oscars for being different to the Hollywood norm, I think so anyway.

It was a fun watch, but not the best of movies like others would suggest. If you have seen many Korean movies before, you will understand that they don't follow the typical Hollywood formula. Watching this is nothing new and there are far better examples of amazing Korean movies.

Overall, this is worth a watch for sure, but it isn't the best of any genre IMHO.
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An enjoyable jaunt
22 June 2022
Being a long time fan of Sam Rami, this movie didn't fail to deliver. Glad to see him back in the director's seat I can see some being unsure about this movie, especially following on from the Avengers movies, but take it for what it is, a fun filled action movie.

I didn't notice the time go by, which I find is always a good indication of enjoying a movie.

I would say that the need to watch WandaVision is required (Loki series too), otherwise you are left wondering what the Wanda storyline was all about as it was not explained at all really . I have and it certainly helped.

So, if you enjoyed the Marvel series on Disney+ so far, I think you will get more from this movie and enjoy it more too.
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Yeah, it's different from the first. And........
27 December 2020
Seeing lots of reviews like, "so different from the first movie", "not what I expected", all in a negative way. The movie is different from the first, it isn't what I expected, but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Loved the 80s vibe and brought back movies of the first 2 Superman movies. Go into it with an open mind and just enjoy it for what it is, a fun awonder Woman adventure
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Next (2020)
Better than expected
17 November 2020
I was intrigued by the premise, brought back memories of Revolution TV show, albeit very different. If the idea of an AI apocalypse floats your boat, then this could be te show for you. Taking on many ideas of current technology, connectivity through social media, deep fakes, manipulation of the masses and more, all delivered at a pace. 4 episodes in, seems to be gaining momentum, but now discovered it was cancelled after 2 episodes!? Disappointing and a sign of the dwindling attention span of the Millenial/Generation Z - "Immediate satifaction or move on". SIGH!
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Not just for Eurovision fans, but mostly is....
12 July 2020
Always been a fan of Eurovision, the cheesiness, also the good and terrible music. This movie encapsulated much of this and was a decent love story too. Very easy watching movie, I was worried it was going to be too long, but no, just right! Put you feet up, turn the volume up and enjoy.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Certainly one for the fans
22 April 2020
Loved the series. This one is certainly for the next gen and voyager fans. I wanted to recommend this to my partner, however I feel parts of this will be lost on her as she has never watched Star Trek before. Very emotive story line and had me choked up at the end. If you are a Next Gen fan, then I'm sure you will enjoy this ride.
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Ghostbusters (1984)
Stands the test of time! Halloween 2019
31 October 2019
This film has been part of my childhood and still makes me laugh. A true classic of the 80s! For a film of 35 years, the special effects are still great and is film making at its best. Go get her Ray!
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Black Summer: The Stadium (2019)
Season 1, Episode 8
Almost there..... but no
7 May 2019
Gripping enough to have me watch the 8 episodes, but the finale just didn't live up to the build up. One of the most annoying and frustrating parts of the series is to see people armed to the teeth, can hit every part of a zombie, but not their head, even when 2 foot away. Wouldn't mind another season from this, but not sure where it can really go from here without treading on familiar ground again. If you like zombies, you'll enjoy this, but don't expect to be blown away.
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Worse than Blank Panther
14 March 2019
I thought Black Panther was the worst of the MCU movies in the last year, then came Ant-Man and the Wasp and now this one! All of these just feel like fillers and poor ones at that. I was genuinely bored for most of the movie. Let's hope End Game lives up to the hype.
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WOW. No other way to explain it
8 January 2019
A cinematic masterpiece. Just when you thought you were getting tired of superhero movies, this one comes along and redefines how they should be done. Best Spider-man movie yet, probably best superhero movie yet too. My only gripe was the music, all that auto-tune nonsense, but I admit, it fitted the nature of the movie and actually flowed well with the on-sreen action. Do not miss out on this one, especially on the big screen. Well done Sony! Didn't know you had it in you.
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30 minutes too long
7 December 2018
Will be brief. Not as fun as the original, some funny moments (end credits bit probably made me laugh the most) and just a little dull. If the movie has=d a shoter runtime, it probably would have helped it out. Not as bad as a lot of reviews on here, but far better movies out there. Save yourself the money this xmas, go see The Grinch instead.
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Animal World (2018)
Wasted potential
3 July 2018
I really wanted to love this movie, first Chinese movie I have seen in the cinema for years, but ultimately I was let down.

So yeah, the visuals are good, great even! Sadly this is style over substance. It was like mathematics, matrix style in parts (watch it and you will see what I mean). Sadly, I do not speak Chinese, so reading the subs and trying to make sense of the math proved just too confusing in parts. Either way though, wasn't really missing much in terms of a good story.

Could have been so much better, or just completely different and better in all fairness.

Won't be watching it again, but I am interested in watching a sequel, just to see if it gets any better. 5 at best here from me
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Great addition to the franchise
13 June 2018
This is just your classic monster type movie with a bit of heart thrown in too for good measure. I thoroughly enjoyed this and I really wasn't expecting to after some of the poor marketing that had taken place with this movie.

Leaves things with a good setup for another addition to the franchise, so looking forward to see where it goes.

So, if you are a JP/JW fan, enjoy great action, top-notch special effects and just a great all round fun movie, be sure not to miss out on this one
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Skybound (2017)
So bad that it is still bad, but not as bad as it should be
26 May 2018
What to say about this one... The acting was appalling, the script all over the place and the music just comically awful! This is one of those masterpieces of badness.

This film is just plain terrible, but for some reason I was compelled to finish watching it. Not quite in the "so bad it is good" category, but not as bad as it rightly should be.

It is no 2012, Speed or Deep Impact, but it is also only 80 minutes long, so the pain subsides quickly afterwards. If you enjoy cheese and can suffer this, I can think of worse movies you could watch.
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Had to turn it off
25 May 2018
I heard about how bad this movie was, but I wanted to give it a try and see for myself. I managed 45 minutes and turned it off.

I remember at the Oscars when they gate crashed a screening of it during the show, this probably stopped people from walking out of the screening as it couldn't have been the movie keeping them in their seats.

The acting was that of a bad stage play, like they just didn't really care and probably did one take and thought "that'll do". For something of this budget and from Disney, I am shocked. I enjoy a good family movie, but this is just not good. I liked some of the science elements to it, but that isn't what this movie focused on.

Plenty of better family sci-fi movies out there; The Last Mimzy, Flight of the Navigator, Explorers, Titan A.E. to name a few
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Step aside Golden Child
14 May 2018
Found reference to this movie on YouTube and just had to check it out, so glad I did too. So yeah, this movie has some similar aspects to the Golden Child and I am a fan of that movie, but I think this beats it in both comedy and action. If you like great kung fu action with old school Hong Kong/Chinese movie comedy, then this is the movie for you. Please don't miss out on this gem of a movie. I love these types of movies, so for me it's an easy 7.5/10
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Anon (I) (2018)
If Black Mirror made an average episode, this is what it would be
12 May 2018
I was hoping for so much more from this movie as I love sci-fi (especially of a dystopian variety) and the lead cast I am a fan of, but sadly this movie let me down and was just subpar. The story reminds me of a couple of Black Mirror episodes, but these were far superior in story and momentum. So do yourself a favour, check the series out instead of this. If you have seen this and think it is good, then you probably haven't seen Black Mirror before and it'll blow your mind if you did!
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Stephanie (I) (2017)
Glad I gave it a chance
24 April 2018
Being a fan of Anna Torv (Fringe) and not having seen her in anything for a while (also do enjoy a good horror type movie), I decided to give this a go. The acting is great, albeit a very minimal cast. The young girl (Stephanie) carried the film well, with most of the scenes being her on her own. This is a bit of a mix of a movie, with some horror and sci-fi elements, it did kind of remind me of a Fringe event. Not sure why there are some low ratings here, can only assume some people went into this expecting something else. This movie will keep you guessing as to what is going on and doesn't disappoint. So if you like a bit of a break from the norm, give this one a go.
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Knocked it out of the park!!!
29 March 2018
Classic Spielberg material here! If you are a 70s/80s child, this movie was made for you. So many cultural references, some classic storytelling and one of the best cinematic experiences I have had for some years. Don't want to talk about what happens in the movie too much, but vibes of all the classic 80s movies eminate throughout this, though don't think this is all there is. If I try to explain this in movie terms, think The Matrix and Scott Pilgrim, with a heavy mix of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971) (and some classic Back To The Future sound/music bites). This made me smile from ear to ear throughout! Sit back and just enjoy this one for what it is
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I Kill Giants (2017)
Not what I had hoped for, but still decent
28 March 2018
I had hoped for a fantasy adventure here, but it wasn't what I got. Perhaps the title and trailers are misleading, but doesn't make this a bad movie. The cinematography and casting/acting are first class, cannot really fault it. I was hoping for something similar to Labyrinth, but instead got a story of a troubled young girl, flickering between reality and fantasy, all as she dealt with the issues in her life. I can relate to portions of this movie very well, so it certainly tugged on a few heartstrings with me. I would recommend watching this, however it has now made me think I need to watch something like this, but better. A Monster Calls perhaps?
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