
6 Reviews
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Pure, over the the top Stiller humor. Think of it as Jock-lander.
18 September 2006
If you like Stiller, you'll love this. I've seen this several times on cable, and I'll watch it again if it is on. (I watch TV in the background while I work at my computer) To me it falls into the category of movies that you can watch piecemeal, pick it up anywhere and just enjoy it scene by scene. It's funny stuff. I don't understand how people try to compare this type of movie to a major drama, or mega action movie. This movie is neither, and those who judge this by those standards are probably the same people that drive a huge SUV by themselves everyday to work, or try to move a mattress by strapping it to the roof of a little compact car. This movie is a cheesy frat humor flic, and hits that target perfectly. By the way, it only cost 30 mil to make, but pulled in four times as much at the box office. That is a good return on investment. Yes, it may seem like an SNL skit, but a really good one, with very good execution, and perfect editing. It's got a good pace to it, and there's little sub-references here and there to keep it interesting. For example, there's a banner that says "Go Balls Deep" over the playing court. Another one is "Deus ex Machina", which is a reference to ancient dramas where something sweeps in and saves the day. In this movie it's a treasure chest full of cash. And of course, William Shatner as a game judge, doing a little 'Kirk' voice style in the locker room. And a cameo by Lance Armstrong giving Vince Vaughn the required "You can do it" speech, except instead, he give him a sarcastic 'I sure you won't regret this for the rest of your life" line. =================Minor Spoiler Below======================

The characters are well cast, and the do the best with what they've got. It goes without saying, that there is a showdown, and the underdog saves the day, get the girls, and the bad guy is sent packing. (That's never happened before...I can't believe I just labeled that as a spoiler)

I liked this movie, I laughed many times, I still laugh when I see it, or remember certain scenes.

This is the a 'Zoolander' for Jocks. Much funnier than Fokkers, or Wedding crashers.

Performance:7 Story:5 Comedy:8 Flow:8

(Flow is a combination editing and pace.)
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Modernized, Urbanized father-son drama, but an unbalanced film
14 March 2006
DiNiro defends his abandoned son. Sooner or later, we all have to stand and face the music. This a depiction of their crossroads, of their choices and consequences: really powerful sh1t. Unfortanately, this is another example of how an out of balance film seems sub-standard, but only because everything else coming out of Hollywood has better production. What's out of balance? you might ask. The acting is excellent, maybe perfect, but there is no Kubrick Factor, there is no memorable music, hurried editing. The old deer hunter pair of DiNiro and Dzundza is still good. McDormand is good. But there's no music! What's missing is dramatic pauses and music. Seems rushed. Real shame this movie and the story it portrays. This could have been so much better. Maybe a classic.

Performance 9 Story 7 score 3 cine 6

The rating scale is my own,... But I think I will continue to use it.

Now that I think of it, in modern dramas there are so many current films that lack these two crucial items; Kubrick and Music. It goes without saying that all modern movies need more development, more patience. Then again, I may be biased and setting the bar too high after watching Clockwork, Godfather, Pulp, Blade Runner, Amadeus, Usual, Apocalypse, Shrek2 and Snatch a hundred times. (Combined...I'm not that sick!)I do believe those are those the most powerful and influential fictional movies I've ever seen. (Schindler, Private Ryan, JFK, don't count...they're docudramas) Maybe I need to get out more often. How do I get to Hollywood?
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True Romance (1993)
If that's true, then tell me, 'Am I Lying?'
9 November 2004
Required viewing. A modern masterpiece. The scene between Christopher Walken and Dennis Hopper is absolutely classic(the last last line is what I quoted in my summary). A 'learn how to be cool' movie. It's funny, thrilling, sarcastic. He's got an imaginary friend...and it's ELVIS! The juice of Tarantino. The birth of Scaggnetti (and Tony Soprano.)

Quotes are all over this flick. 'Do I look like a beautiful blonde with big tits, and a ^$#%#@ that tastes like ice cream?.....then why are you lying to me?" Choose a f$$$ing lane! Don't give me the finger,I 'll have you f###ing killed!"

"I always liked you Clarence...." "The first time you kill somebody, that's hardest one....the second one ain't no f##### mardi gras, but it's still hard. The third level off. ...Now I do do it just to watch there expression change.", James Gandolfini (Pre-Sopranos) showing raw talent as a cold-hearted killer. Brad Pitt hitting the bong and talking to shotgun wielding mafiosos with Soundgarden in the background..."You wanna hit?"....chick-chick(shotguns) "Ok, Well, you go down Santa Clara for a while, then turn left, and keep driving for a while...."

It's true romance... He kills her pimp, and she takes a Royal beating for him. BUT the movies's not over. You have to have pulled some crazy s*** in your life to totally appreciate this movie, but it is awesome.

"When you get out in two years you'll be so in touch with wife needs cuz you'll know what's like to get f##### up the a##!"...Scagnetti

"If it's anything this last week has taught me, is that it's better to have a gun and not need it, than to need a gun and not have it."

"Tell me I'm the dumbest motherf##### you've ever seen, or I'm gonna pump two into your face right now!" ...Clarence

Non-stop action. Ups and downs. Irony, and a realistic ending. Cameos...up and coming actors... it's all here. And most of all, "True Romance", which I believe is a totally accurate title. Absolutely brilliant. A movie you can watch many times.

You have to see this outstanding piece of work.
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Auto Focus (2002)
"I couldn't blame him; men gotta have fun."
9 November 2004
This is a movie about a man's downfall; in this case, sex. I saw this right after 'Requiem for a Dream'(I guess I was in an addictive mood). This is a sad movie, but not on par with 'Requiem'. I never knew the sordid details about 'Col. Hogan', but this movie laid it out for me. The acting is very good. As other's viewers have noticed, the cinematography and music matches the decline of Crane's life. I was very depressed near the end. There is an obvious implication of his friend Carpenter in his murder, and outside of a court of law, many people would believe it. It's like a weak Oliver Stone/JFK, but still believable. Kind of like a required homework assignment that they may never get credit for, yet execute at 100 percent and show their merit. It wasn't a box office movie, but I believe it's worth watching, and it is exemplarary work by the actors. Maybe it needed more supporting character development, maybe longer screen shots.
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Painful to watch, but not because of the horror.
15 September 2004
This goes to show that the number of sequels to a film is proportional to the artistic merit of the first work, and how each sequel gets worse. Alien (the first) was great in many regards. This is supposed to be Aliens 4, maybe? This should not have been released. Really, really bad directing, acting, and script. Wild special effects and OK music is the only reason it isn't a 1 vote. I think it should've been a comedy. The directing is comparable to made-for-TV stuff. Winona Ryder should not be in here. It's like the "Which one doesn't belong" game from Sesame street, and she's the freebie. I wonder if had sex with the Alien? How else would it have been born knowing the English language. I'm telling you, this is one of the worst films in existence.
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Painful to watch, but not because of the horror.
14 September 2004
Really, really bad directing, acting, and script. Wild special effects and OK music is the only reason it isn't a 1 vote. Should've been a comedy. The directing is like made-for-TV stuff. Winona Ryder should not be in here. It's like the "Which one doesn't belong" game from Sesame street, and she's the freebie. Someone else asked if she had sex with the Alien; of course she did, how else would it have been born knowing the English language. I'm telling you, this is one of the worst films in existence.
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