
275 Reviews
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Fair movie with a novel idea
5 June 2024
I'm really surprised I had never heard of this movie when it first came out many, many years ago. Back then I went to see movies 2 or 3 times a week and saw of a lot of weird movies at the time. I just found this movie a few weeks ago and was my first time viewing it. This movie was not all that great and was sort of boring and a little bit shoddy. But did have a certain appeal for the subject matter. It was not quite as horrifying as some reviewers refer to either.

Donald Sutherlad playing the dream sequence Christ role was kind of jarring to me. That phase of the movie kind of slowed it down somewhat. Anyway, it was quite interesting for a one time watch.
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The Thing (1982)
The best
5 May 2024
There isn't much that can be said about this wonderful movie that has not been said thousands of times before - good and bad. It is by far my favorite movie of all time that I can watch over and over again without getting bored at all. . I see something new I missed every time. I hear talk of making a new version called The Thing 2 and hope it comes to fruition. That 2011 re-make was fair but very disappointing compared to this version, which was a re-make all it's own. I really hope they go back to making it with practical effects instead of CGI which sort of ruined the 2011 version. Please bring it on John Carpenter.
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The Fugitive: Approach with Care (1966)
Season 4, Episode 9
Great series
8 April 2024
This was a really good episode of The Fugitive starring Richard Janssen and I thought Denny Miller gave a really realistic performance. The episode was quite engaging and went by very fast and I also enjoyed the episode more than a lot them. Also, there were a lot of familiar faces, and I did not even recognize Dabney Coleman with all that hair - I had to look him up to see who he was. David Janssen really created an iconic character with this great series. I watched this series on first run back in the sixties as a young teen and still enjoy it even more as a grown man. Getting close to the fianl episodes and cannot wait.
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The Twilight Zone: The Grave (1961)
Season 3, Episode 7
Excellent guest stars
2 March 2024
This is a pretty good episode of The Twilight Zone with a stand-out cast . May be the best cast of any episode with Lee Marvin, Lee Van Cleef, James Best, and the great Strother Martin. The plot was a little cheesy with the story raised high with the great cast. I kept waiting to see George Kennedy,, Clint Eastwood, Paul Newman or Eli Wallach to show up on this one. Ha ha. It was very watchable, and I would not mind watching it again. A lot of the Twight Zones were at best mediocre or boring or rather silly, but not this one. The 30 minute show passed by like 10 and had a very spooky twist ending.
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Tombstone (1993)
Not my cup of tea
12 February 2024
I agree with other reviewers that this movie was not all that good. Not real bad but definitely not good. And the dialogue, cheesy at best and a lot of it was things people just not say back then. The topper was when Joesephine asked her friend, when seeing Wyatt for the first time - who is that TALL Drink of Water I really don't think people used that phrase until the 1980s or 1990s. The plot was kinda all over the place and a lot of dull scenes that went nowhere. It was very laborious to sit through even though I'm a fan of Kurt Russell. And Val Kilmer was very evident that he was trying way too hard to be cool. Oh well.
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The Twilight Zone: The Whole Truth (1961)
Season 2, Episode 14
Never again. Fool me once - you know the rest
6 February 2024
WOW. Boy oh boy. I have finally seen the worst episode of The Twilight Zone and possibly the worst show I have seen on National TV.. There was once a game show called You're in the Picture with Jackie Gleason as host. I saw it recently on YT. It was so bad when it aired on TV it got cancelled after ONE episode but I enjoyed that more than this monstrosity. This epiosode must have written and direced by a very young child. A teenager probably could have done better.. It was so bad that words cannot explain how silly and boring it was. It was supposed to be some kind of comedy but I didn't laugh once, I shed a few tears however, over it's badness. Needless to say I'll never watch this one ever again. If I could I would rate it less than zero. I see another reviewer rated this a 10 and saw it very differently than I did. Oh well - to each his own.
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The Fugitive (1963–1967)
Should have been only 30 minutes
1 February 2024
I loved this show as a young teenager. I think it came on at 10pm and at first my parents would not let me stay up that late on a school night. However I could watch the re-runs during summer vacation. I watched a couple of episodes recently form the last season, which was in color. I have to say there wasn't really enough of a p[lot to last the full hour Most shows probably needed to be thirty minutes. I got bored in the last half of the episodes and fell asleep as it came on real late. Now. Anyway my bubble has been busted of a once great show I thought it was. Even the final 2 episodes were a little dull and too long even back then.
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Not good
24 January 2024
I haven't seen every episode of The Twilight Zone and do not remember some of them but so far this is the worst, silliest, and most boring episode I have ever seen. I know there is probably a few more duds that are worse but they will have to go a long way to beat this monstrosity. The best part of this episode was when it came to an end and I didn't have to watch it anymore. If I have to ever watch this again I will have to be paid a small fortune, that's to me how bad it was. I really think ole Rod took a vacation on this one and just wrote something to get by. It was not clever in the least. Most episodes at least have a clever twist but not this one.
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Similar to others
4 January 2024
This episode is very similar to the movies The Thing from Another World the 1982 movie The Thing and also the book Who Goes There in it's plotline. That being the plot of who might be the monster in disguise, and nobody trusts anyone at all and resorting to accusations and violence. I enjoyed this particular episode very much and have watched it twice now. It also stars many familiar actors It also stars Burt Metcalfe before he got to be the top man behind the MASH series. This episode is worth a watch and and better than a lot of episodes which were really duds. The moral at the end is worth the price of admission.
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Jodi Arias trial
22 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I started watching this series a few months ago and have already seen about half of the episodes. The series is very compelling and really gets into the fine details of the crimes and incidents.

I can't wait to see the rest of them. I watched this trial in about 2013 about Jodi Arias, the killer that killed her on and off boyfriend with a knife and a pistol. I have never seen a more bull dogged lawyer than Juan Martinez'. He really ripped the defendant and all the defense people to shreds. His bouts with the Psychiatrist Alyce LaViolette was worth the price of admission alone. I think the trial lasted over 4 months and I watched the whole thing.
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Leave It to Beaver: Wally's Practical Joke (1963)
Season 6, Episode 35
Wally's mean streak
11 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was a pretty good episode. It was fairly funny too. Lumpy puts smoke bombs into Wally and Eddie's car as a practical joke . Eddie and Wally' retaliate .by tying a chain to Lumpy's axle and a nearby tree. When Lumpy tries to leave it yanks the whole axle out of his car. Eddie and Wally are told by Ward and Mr. Rutherford to fix Lumpy's car. They quickly skip to the scene with the car on jack stands or something without showing how it got there which was kind of weird. Eddie and Wally are not mechanics by any means and the repair was very complicated but they get it done without Lumpy's help even though Lumpy is the only one who is sort of a mechanic handy man.
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Leave It to Beaver: More Blessed to Give (1963)
Season 6, Episode 18
First Puppy love
28 October 2023
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This was a pretty good episode of Leave it to Beaver.. Beaver develops a crush on a girl in his class and wins a 14-caret locket at a carnival. Ward and June believe Beaver is too young to have a girlfriend. However, Beaver is in the eighth grade which puts him about 12 or 13 years old. I got my first girlfriend at 13 and my Mom and Dad were perfectly fine with it which makes this episode a little weird. My parents were not slack and a lot like Beaver's parents which makes this episode seem a little more strange to me. I guess times were different back the although I got my first girlfriend around 1964 which ts about the same year this show aired. Oh well.
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Leave It to Beaver: The Late Edition (1962)
Season 6, Episode 4
Could have been better.
18 October 2023
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This episode was rather dull. Not real bad but not that great either. It was rather odd the way everyone called Beaver's paper route as in "paper root" and then later everyone pronounced it like "paper rowt".

I think this happened in another episode which was more of Wally getting a paper route. Really odd how in both episodes they changed the way they pronounced "route" like maybe they filmed the last half of both episodes on a later day. And i agree with other reviewers when they talk about Beaver showing his mean side when he attacks the paper boy who turns out to be a girl. Really an odd episode which I can't recommend.
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Leave It to Beaver: Brother vs. Brother (1962)
Season 5, Episode 31
Beaver FINALLY has a crush
10 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was a welcomed good episode of leave it to Beaver after a few duds. The previous episode was also pretty good too about the Merchant Marines.

A new female classmate comes to his school and Beaver and the girl like each other and start staring and smiling at each other in class. But then the girl meets Wally and forgets all about Beaver. Of course Beaver gets mad at Wally when Wally has not done a thing to lead the girl on. A cute episode about the fickleness of some girls and even some adult women. The grass is sometimes greener on the other side my Mom always said and I have seen that too many times myself.
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Leave It to Beaver: The Younger Brother (1962)
Season 5, Episode 28
Liar, liar, pants on fire Beaver Cleaver
9 October 2023
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OK in my last review I complained about Beaver's proverbial lying. In this episode Beaver gets cut from the basketball team and keeps the fact from his parents because he thinks they will jump on him. Beaver has very understanding parents but the script of beaver thinking his parents are "monsters' Is getting very old. Same old same old over and over and over again.

This show really needed new writers. Before long Beaver will start to believe his own lies and cannot quit lying, even into adult hood. I have seen this happen in real life too. Im really afraid kids watching this show might start to thinking lying is OK. It is definitely bad and not funny at all.
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Leave It to Beaver: Lumpy's Car Trouble (1962)
Season 5, Episode 26
Too much Lying by beaver
6 October 2023
I am really getting tired of Beaver's lying on 90% of the episodes . It was funny the first few times but wore thin fast. I love the Andy Griffith show and can watch the episodes over and over again but not Leave it to Beaver. I think the difference is the Andy Grifith show allowed the cast to sit with the writers and put in their input. One time the writers on The Andy Griffith show wanted Don Knotts say his funny line about Nip It Nip it in the bud in more episodes and Knotts told them it was funny only if used very Sparingly - He was dead right, the writers took his advice. That type of thing didn't happen on LITB.
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Leave It to Beaver: Beaver's Laundry (1962)
Season 5, Episode 25
Beaver the Idiot
5 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Beaver is noy only a proverbial liar but a real dope too. This episode was very poor.,. Beaver lets his friend Richard use the Cleavers washing machine and of course that idiot Beaver lets Richard r talk him into using a whole box of detergent and a whole box of starch. Of course the washing machine spits out suds everywhere and makes a real mess . The only reason I did not give this a one rating was because it had a short scene with Eddie Haskel who always elevates the rating a point or two. 39 episodes per season was a little too much of a problem for the writers to come up with all good episodes.
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Leave It to Beaver: Beaver's Doll Buggy (1961)
Season 4, Episode 38
Buggy wheels
1 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This episode of Leave it to Beaver was OK but sort of bland. Penny, one of Beaver's school mates, give Beaver her old doll buggy so he can take the wheels off to put on his little car he's building. Beaver has to push it home and gets embarrassed doing it and when Gilbert and Richard are about to see him he pushes the doll buggy down a hill and partly into some bushes so they won't see him . Then Gilbert sees the buggy and takes it to his house and Beaver has to come up with a plan to get more wheels.

Not a very funny episode and I've seen a lot better, maybe the next ones will be better I hope.
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Leave It to Beaver: Ward's Golf Clubs (1962)
Season 5, Episode 14
Not the best - not the worst
29 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was a rather silly episode of Leave it to Beaver but not that bad. The part that gets me is when Ward states the newly replaced golf club was his although his old replaced club should have been identified as used which it was. This part was rather silly to me.

I really like most episodes of Leave it to Beaver but this one was rather bland. And of course Beaver tells his usual lies about the golf club and gets Wally to lie for him also which is rather unusual for Wally to lie b because he is usually very truthful and level headed, but not this time. This episode was watchable but not at all memorable.
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Leave It to Beaver: Wally's Track Meet (1961)
Season 4, Episode 18
Good show
6 September 2023
Like I said in my previous post. Most of the time after a couple of duds the writers come with one or two pretty good episodes. This episode was pretty good. I rated it about an 8 and the next episode about a six. Beaver turns out to be the mediator wich is rarely seen. He is usually the one who gets in trouble and lies to cover it up but as the good mediator it was really a stretch for his character.

Anyway this episosde really elevated Lumpy to a good guy after listening to Beave making him connect with his conscience. Nice to see Lumpy Rutherford as a good guy in the end. They need more episodes featuring Lumpy and Eddie.
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Leave It to Beaver: Ward's Millions (1961)
Season 4, Episode 16
Tired of watching duds.
5 September 2023
My, , my , my - after watching 2 or 3 episodes of Leave it to Beaver, that were very good, the writers come up with a pair of duds. It seems like they have an ongoing habit of doing that. This episode and the next on were as flat as a piece of typing paper Almost unwatchable. It really seems like there are not many middle of the road episodes of Leave it ot Beaver - mostly either very good ones or really bad ones. My Tv station is showing two back to back episodes and when they show a pair of duds back to back it is very disappointing. I always think if anyone else catches 2 of these duds for the first time they will never watch the show again and that is sad.
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Dirty Jobs: Lightning Rod Installer (2010)
Season 7, Episode 5
Hard job
4 September 2023
Mike Rowe really shows his lack of intelligence in this episode when checking the lightning rods with a level.

It's hard to describe what he did but he evidently knows nothing about how a level works. He is on a roof and trying to get lightnings rods to face straight up. I've watched tons of Dirty Job episodes and never seen Mike seem this incompetent checking only one side of the rod when he needs to check it all the way around. He winds up inside trying to connect the wires to the wires but it is very hard to do so he just quits which is only the second time I've seen him quit on a job. The other time he quit when window washing a high rise..
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Leave It to Beaver: Teacher's Daughter (1961)
Season 4, Episode 15
Wally mis judges his new teacher
4 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was a very enjoyable episode in my opinion. As i have stated before the episodes of Leave it to Beaver are always elevated a notch or two when they focus on Wally instead of the idiot IQ Beaver. Also,it is elevated when it features Eddie Haskell and Lumpy Rutherford., as this one does. I think this was Wall's first meeting with Julie Foster who became his love interest in later episodes. In the end Lumpy started going out with Julie because he thought her Dad would give him a good grade because her Dad was his teacher and it was very funny when Lumpy got an F from him on a test. Good episode.
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Leave It to Beaver: Beaver and Kenneth (1960)
Season 4, Episode 12
Beaver's school mate tries to buy his friendship
3 September 2023
This was a strange and not very good episode. The boy playing Kenneth only made one appearance on Leave it to Beaver. He was strange looking and kept telling everyone lies, worse than Beaver's lying and that takes a lot to top that. Most of the dialogue in this episode was very weak and some of the characters kept repeating themselves. Seems like this episode was quickly written just to get another episode filmed I usually like to watch most episodes for a second or third time but not this one. It seems like 39 episodes per season was a little bit too many. Maybe about 30-32 would have had better writing.
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Leave It to Beaver: Beaver Becomes a Hero (1960)
Season 4, Episode 3
Goodbye Judy
29 August 2023
This was Jeri Weils last appearance as Judy Hensler. In the original Leave it to Beaver. She played the part in just one episode of The New Leave it to Beaver and was never seen on TV or film again after that. The episode before this one she appeared in before this was in season three and it had been about 4 months since that appearance, and she had really gotten a lot taller and bigger. She had a really big growth spurt and in my opinion I think the powers that be wrote her out of the show because she looked too old to be in the same grade as Beaver, but of course I could be mistaken. They wrote Larry Mondello out about the same time too and replaced him with Gilbert Bates but they didn't replace Judy with anyone. Sad to see her go. She was a good nemesis for Beaver at school - A sort of female Eddie Haskel.
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