
7 Reviews
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Adormidera (2013)
Sadly, not very good
4 November 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Do not let the ratings fool you: this movie is bad. I really hoped it would be even passable, but not really - there are areas where it is OK, the fight scenes are fine, the idea was fine, but then it falls flat on its face in those bits it didn't need to, namely writing and direction.

The story is all over the place. The first part has a completely unattached visit to blacksmith, stapled on to showcase Joseph Calleja - he sings nice, and acts fairly well, in this film the non-actors constantly outperform the actors - but contributes nothing to the story. Also he is the worst blacksmith ever, banging on cold steel with a hammer. This would not matter, if it was not first of a series of weird illogical details, that could easily have been written around. Have him do something else if you do not have means to heat the iron, for example.

The setting is deliberately vague, there is a war on "in the north" and any shot is meticulously avoided that would show where the action takes place: why could it not take place in Malta? Why not show a bit of Malta, even if was not - not that many people would point and go THAT'S MDINA!! As a result the story seems unrooted, and the filming claustrophobic as there are very few far shots, mostly half-closeups. Also the beginning is full of speechifying, especially the (yes, very handsome) main character is made to look in the horizon and spout Wisdom and Philosophical Truth instead of acting like a normal human being. Later on the director has people twitching, and tutting, and more speeches, in places were a simple look would have sufficed and been more natural. Even extras in the market are all super lively, no-one is waiting for his rabbit to be weighed, no, they all gesticulate and haggle.

After rather pointless meandering, the actual plot of the film takes place. This was the better part of the film, and has some reasonably good and natural acting, as well as some fight scenes that are quite good - well done, historical reenactors. The end of the story is quite good too, even if more time could have been used to elaborate, maybe also some foreshadowing? Would have been better use of screen time than the dull speeches at the beginning.
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Beautifully atmospheric crime drama
26 February 2012
I saw this years ago, but it has stayed in my memory better than most films. There is something captivatingly twisted about the atmosphere: it almost plays out like a love triangle between the driver, his son and his estranged wife, the boy's mother. As a bonus there are some hilarious scenes from the B-films the wife supposedly starred in, which still somehow do not distract from the overall dramatic, even melodramatic tone. Though a traditionally done, plot- and character driven film, rather than anything experimental, there is something wonderfully odd underneath the surface; maybe it is the depths of feeling the character's are so desperately trying to hide.
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9 July 2009
This movie had some beautiful locations and scenes, but overall the acting is bad and the story makes no sense: it is full of holes, it goes nowhere except for pointless running around, and the seasons change from early summer to midwinter seemingly overnight: wood anemones are sprouting in the green forest (they bloom in May usually), next morning apparently there is a half a metre-thick layer of snow and all the leaves have fallen from the trees: surely even those not familiar with the Northern seasons would wonder where tons of leaves have suddenly vanished?

Salman Khan acts passably well, but the female lead acts like a catatonic for much of the time, thanfully then being asleep for much of the time after, and there is an unnecessarily comic character popping in and spouting nonsense just as things are otherwise tense.

Songs are nice and dance scenes pretty but both lack energy and emotion. All in all only reason to watch this would be that St Petersburg looks good, as it usually does. The Russian extras do their jobs well, less so the special effects and makeup team...

All in all an avoidable film.
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It is so good I want to hide under the table
21 March 2009
I don't know if you need to be Finnish to understand this, but does the word 'myötähäpeä' translate to English? It is the feeling of being ashamed on someone else's behalf.

I know enough people like this in Finland, who think all the booze that appears within reach MUST be drunk, and also people who can be lead by their nose by their friends like they had no brains (while they do have, even if it at times seems defective).

It also has various scenes of drinking by fireside by a lake, hitchhiking, crummy local halls where bands perform, horrible clothes and suburbia that I (too) vividly remember from my own past... I feel like chewing my arm off but I cannot stop watching.

Compelling stuff indeed.
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The Covenant (2006)
Be bored. Be very bored.
10 March 2009
Dull, predictable with annoying over-hormonal posing teens. Only way you can watch this is a) drunk b) stoned c) make incessant gay jokes about the characters.

I gave it two stars, one because you cannot go lower than 1 and another for the effort from the hair-stylist. Also because it is possible I see a worse film than this (Unliakely, but possible) and what would I rate that then if I gave this one star?

If you liked this film then maybe you should watch Lost Boys, it is a lot more entertaining despite its age. Or watch hairproduct advertisements.
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Dull and pretentious
18 June 2005
This film is supposedly about three young idealistic people, two of whom join the Naxalite movement and blah blah. It is really just another film about some beautiful, rich people trying to decide who they should bed next; the peasants and naxalites and the political struggles of the era merely serve as a picturesque backdrop. Literally, as we don't hear the villagers say a word, never mind learn anyone's name, thus they occupy the same 'role' as the 'natives' in old Hollywood films. The movie is also dull, and the story does not actually get us anywhere - except to various bedrooms. We are apparently supposed to admire the artsiness of it all, which merely means no good song and dance routine, which would not have saved the film of course, but might have at least alleviated the boredom.

My friend Japna was annoyed at the immorality of the whole story, not the bedroom bit but the whole pointlessness of the story. The message seems to be that ideals are not worth pursuing.
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Weird - (if you are Finnish you must see this film)
19 November 2004
Definitely an odd film, it is best to take it as a parody of the spy-film genre: as such it is enjoyable. Michael Caine is mostly sort of half bemused and half confused as the hapless Harry Palmer whose job is drawing him deeper into insanity and mayhem. And implausibility. The culminating scene is, well, pure symphony of the best (read:trash) special effects of the day. The plot is full of twists and double-crosses, and includes a Texan bent on taking over the world (how very now).

If you are Finnish, or have visited Finland, the experience is either heightened or or lowered: Billion Dollar Brain is one of the films where Finland stands as a location-double for the unaccessible Soviet Union. It is hard to concentrate on the plot, when first Helsinki is playing Helsinki, then Porvoo is in Russia, and Riga is again in Helsinki. The border is seemingly in Hameenlinna. One ends up wondering how Harry does not realize his train is going merely back and forth. Location-spotting can keep you amused as well, though.
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