
2 Reviews
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Tru Calling (2003–2005)
Is it just me?
3 November 2006
Or anyone else have noticed the fact that first bunch of episodes are inspired too much by 90's flicks?

I mean seriously wife who is trying get someone else to murder his rich husband so she can claim his assets. Med students who are temporarily stopping their hearts to reach memories that are lost; Flatliners. Bunch of college bodies getting together again to reminisce on the old days but are not fully comfortable because they did something in the past, Very Bad Things? Groundhog day is one of my all time favorite movies. Sadly enough the writing staff behind his turd is bunch of lazy bastards who can not come up with their original scripts.

Noble idea totally fubarred in it's execution.
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A missed chance.
29 October 2006
This movie could have been so much more than what it ended up being.

Only scene out of the movie that yanked me in was the Sheikh dancing. Acting just like it was in the series was incredibly wooden. I am Turkish but it saddens me to see how blinded my country men can be. Arts department for the whole movie should be strung from trees especially when I think of the budget they had. Those helmets, Humvee's, weapons, sound effects were a peck less than a disaster.

When you are going to make a movie that will end up accusing people you better sit your ass down and study the hell out of your subject. Authenticity is the key in flicks like this one. If you want to be taken seriously with your subject matter you better put an effort into the realism you want achieve. I will not even start on the plot holes this piece of dog turd had.

On a positive note though this movie had so much potential the issue being told from a Turkish perspective in a well reasoned manner could have helped create a lot of understanding between the peoples involved in the conflict.

I am a film student. I was excited about productions such as Babam Ve Oglum, Hacivat Karagoz, and Gen (haven't seen it but at least they are trying a different genre) but this movie made me doubt the future of the Turkish film sector. I am hoping with every fiber of my being that at some point in my life these big budget movies (for Turkish standards) will end up looking halfway decent. So far they have been a disappointment.

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