
12 Reviews
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father and daughter
1 October 2013
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One man and one girl are riding a bike. The man is father and the girl is his daughter. They go to the top of the hill by bicycle. Then, he hugged his daughter many times, and he takes a boat and goes somewhere. The daughter is left behind. After that, the daughter often comes to the top of the hill. Sometimes, she goes there with her friends, her boyfriend, her child. Even if the weather is bad, she goes there. However, her father doesn't return. Over several years, the daughter grows older. She is riding a bike again. Shi is unsteady on her foot. When she arrives at the top of the hill, what will she become.... After I saw this movie, I felt so heavy hearted. This movie shows the relationship between parent and child as very beautiful. The story made a profound impression on me. I recommend this movie to you.
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Lifted (2006)
1 October 2013
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It's night. There is a big UFO and a little house. In the house, a man sleeps well. In the UFO, there are two aliens. One is a leader, another is an apprentices. That alien operates a machine, and tries to draw a man near the UFO. In the UFO, there are several thousand switches. However, the apprentices alien is clumsy to operate. So the man hit his body everywhere by alien's operation, but he never wakes up. Finally, alien can draw a man near the UFO and alien misses the switches. The alien can't succeed. This movie is so fun! The alien is cute! I feel strong affinities with alien. I and the alien must change our irritable character. It is one of the most interesting shorts movie. I really recommend this recommend this movie for everyone.
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Embers (2006)
1 October 2013
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Thre is a cold winter. One woman lives in a small house. She waits her husband. Her husband was conscripted for WWⅡ, so the woman lives alone. Every day, she chops wood, washing and so on. She often sees a nightmare. Her husband is killed by the Japanese army. She is scared by Japanese army's terrible look. She worries about her husband safety. Several days after, her husband comes back home miraculously. She is so happy. However, when she unpacks his bag, she finds a human ear. She feel fear because her husband cut off a human ear and he feels nothing about that. I can feel reality to see that movie, and understand that war changes people's sense of morality. I don't like scary movie, but I recommend it. Because modern people must know about war.
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The Crush (I) (2010)
the crush!
1 October 2013
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There is a little boy. His name is Ardal and he is a schoolboy. Ardal loves his teacher. The teacher's name is Purdy. One day, Ardal presents a toy ring for her. His dream is to marry her. Several days after, when Ardal walks with his mother on the street, the Ardal encounters his teacher and a man. That man is the teacher's betrothed. His name is Pierce. The teacher wears a ring on her left finger. That ring is not Ardal's. Ardal knows his teacher will marry him. The news makes Ardal sad. Then, Aedal thinks. That night, Ardal sees his father hide a pistol in the closet. After the day, Pierce comes to the school, because he goes to meet Ms. Pierce. Before she comes to his car, Ardal challenges him to a pistol duel. Pierce makes fun of Ardal, so he accepts a challenge. Next day, Ardal calls Ms. Purdy and Pierce to the place. Ardal takes out a pistol from his back pack, he points a gun at Pierce. And he says "Say, you won't marry her!!" I think this story is nice. Especially, the boy's pure and simple hearts make me so happy. After I see the movie, I recommend it for my friend.
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Knick Knack (1989)
knick knack
1 October 2013
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This is a toy's story. There are many toys on shelves. One side's toys are meant for summer. There are many toys. Other side's toy is meant for winter. There is only one toy. That is a snow globe. Theis is movie's leading man is a snow man in the snow globe. One day, snow man sees a side of summer toys. One toy which is a woman in a bikini beckons to snowman. The snow man is delighted. He tries to go, but he is covered a glass dome, so he can't. Snow man tries to get out a glass dome. He uses a drill, pliers and a bomb. However, the glass dome never breaks. Finally, snow man fall from the shelves!!.... I think this movie is not as good as expected. This movie designed for children, so it's too simple. I can't recommend it for adult.
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Paperman (2012)
paper plane
1 October 2013
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There are one man and woman in the station. Today is windy. The man has a paper document. A sheet of paper which he has is blown off and that sticks to her face. When he put off the sheet, there is her lipstick mark. He sees the woman. She is so pretty. He wants to talk to her, but she already takes a train. After that, he goes to his office. His work is deskwork. His superior gives him a lot of documents. He is so tired. At that time, he finds the woman in the opposite building. He wants to notice her. Then, he starts to create many paper air plaines, and throws it aiming at her room. He wants to meet her! However, she doesn't notice him. Finally he runs away from the office, he looks for her..... I think this movie is interesting. In fact, it's not realistic, but this is taken by Disney, so I can enjoy an impossible story.
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Gasman (1997)
Christmas story
1 October 2013
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Today is a Christmas day. One little girl dresses up for the party. Her name is Lynee. Her brother plays a toy car. They go to pub by their father. They walk on a railway. Then, they meet one woman. She has 2 kids. One is girl, and one is boy. Her kids are same age as them. Woman leaves their kids with him. All of them go to a party at pub without woman. Father leaves 4 kids alone, father plays game with his friends. At first 4 kids play happily with them. However, Lynee finds that the woman's girl acts all familiar with her dad. Finally, father's girl is angry with the girl.

At first, I can't understand that movie's outline. So I saw this movie two times. I notice that, 4 kids are father's half brother by different mother. That's why Lynee is jealous of her. However, at last scene, Lynee can't throw a stone as her brother. I think she may be feels something same thing for the girl. This movie's theme is a little difficult for me, but story is good. So I recommend it!
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happy lunch date
1 October 2013
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One women is in a station. She looking for a platform, and she's running to go there. Suddenly, she crashes into a black man. Her bags drop on the floor. She doesn't want to man to touch her bags, perhaps because she thinks the man may steal her bags. Sure enough, she missed her train. She is really depressed. After that, she decides to wait for the next train in a cafeteria. She takes a salad from a shelf, and put it on a table. But she forgets to bring a fork, so she stands up and leave her table. When she comes back to the table, a poor black man eats the salad. What will she do? Is that man a bad person? I think this movie show we mustn't be slaves to prejudice. In the beginning of the story, the black people are depicted crudely, so she looks at the black people with prejudiced eyes. But by the end of the story, the heroine notices the black man gentility. I recommend this movie to you.
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1 October 2013
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There is a husband and wife. The husband and wife are different nationality. They are sometimes misunderstood by their Japanese neighbor, because they are an international marriage. The husband is an English teacher. Every day he goes to work and he teaches for kids. However the wife is in the house all day. She looks dead tired. She has a scar on her belly. Maybe she miscarried once. One day, in an English class, one kid of mixed parentage is left in the classroom, because the kid's mother doesn't come to pick up him up. On that day, there is a big train accident in Kamakura. The husband call kid's mother many times, but she doesn't answer. Then, the husband is obliged to back home with the boy. The wife is surprised. But the night, the husband and wife and kid sleep all together in one bed. The couple is so happy. After that, the husband wants to keep the kid.... This movie shows the importance of relationship between people. One kid recovered the relationship between husband and wife.
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our own life
1 October 2013
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There is a man who takes a boat to the city. He looks so happy and he is satisfied with that. One day, one woman who takes a car is interested in his boat. She asks him, and gets a lift in his boat. That boat is a comfortable ride. There is no traffic jam. Many people hear that rumor, and many people arrive to get in his boat. The man is inconvenienced. Finally, the man decides to take action to restore his peaceful commute.

I like his thinking that he doesn't use car or train, and his leisurely living. There are many hasty persons in modern society. I think we need a slow life just as he wants to have.

In conclusion, I place high value on this story. The story tell bus it's a good thing to live our own life.
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Big Fish (2003)
family love
1 October 2013
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There is a one man who names William Bloom. He lives with her wife, Josephine. Will's father, Edward is a good talker. He takes the listeners with him. Will also likes his talk. It's interesting because the story is so fantastic. However, Will gradually notices that father's story is a fiction. At last, Will can't listen his father's story with an open mind. When Will's marriage ceremony are conducted, his father tells a interesting story for an invited guest. That is a Big Fish story. Will expresses his dissatisfaction. Finally, Will gets on badly with his father. One day Will' mother tells Will, his father is sick in bed. This story's fantastic depiction is so good. The scene that Will deals with his father is movingly. This movie is filled with a family love. I recommend it.
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Enchanted (2007)
A fairy tale world
1 October 2013
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There is a lovely princess. Her name is Giselle. She lives in Animation land. One day, she meets prince Edward. She thinks, Edward is a suitable person for her husband. Then, they marry immediately. However,Edward's step mother Narissa doesn't bless their marriage. Because she thinks Giselle may robs Narissa's throne. Then, Narissa uses her magical power, and expels Giselle to New York. Giselle get lost in NewYork. She meets a man who names Robert. He has a daughter who names Morgan. Giselle is helped them. Gradually she falls in love with Robert. I love this movie! Especially, it's interesting that world of animation and actual word are mixed together.Furthermore, songs and dance are good. So we watch as a musical.I recommend it.
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