
4 Reviews
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Weeds (2005–2012)
The real crime: unfunny.
25 September 2012
The show became increasingly less funny--and the finale barely provided a chuckle. The kids grew up too fast...Shane was just an arrogant douche in the end, and the Silas-deaf girl marriage was a lame attempt at being edgy by doing deaf jokes that were not funny. Bringing back a fringe character like Doug's gay son seemed like a cheap way to just get a gay character on the show. Not bringing back Celia-who was a main nemesis and storyline mainstay for several years-- was a huge oversight and/or slight. I just don't like the direction they took the characters in--but again, the main problem is that a comedy should provide laughs--and "Weeds: The Roach"..get it? The end....did not provide any ha ha. Maybe being stoned would have helped.
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One of the best of the year
14 December 2006
Don't listen to the America-haters here. I despise George Bush and everything about his war. But this film is not about him or his policies. It's about the human spirit. All the bashers of this film fail to see what an amazing recreation of that day this really is. Those who say Stone used stock footage are wrong too. The CGI stuff here looks flawless. I worked at the Trade Center back in the 90s when the first attack took place. Stone and his team did an amazing job of making it all look so real. Details in the mall at the base of the towers, the concourse, and the street scenes all looked so real. Take politics out of your head when you see this and you'll be in awe. Maybe living and working in and around NYC gives you another perspective on this film. Don't forget that this is IMDb,where Scary Movie 3 nearly scores a 6. Listen to the real critics on this one, not to those who can barely write a sentence in intelligible English.
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20 October 2005
I went to the New York City premiere last night and the crowd outside on 42nd street was so psyched and pumped to just catch a glimpse of the stars of this film. After seeing the movie, I can understand why people love this show. The adventures of these two radio guys from NY is quite funny! Crude and silly humor for fans and non-fans alike. Fans of the show will love seeing the antics of the people they wake up with every morning--but you don't have to know much about the show to enjoy the craziness on screen. For your gringo amigos, it is subtitled. Leave the kids at home and laugh, laugh, laugh!!! Strip club and horse scene are a riot!! Loads of sex and innuendo and funnier than many so-called comedies that come out of Hollywood.If you're a prude it's probably too crude for stay home and watch reruns of The Waltons. I bet John-Boy never "helped" a horse!! More Carolina in the sequel please.
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NYPD Blue (1993–2005)
17 February 2005
I've almost never missed an episode of this show during it's entire run. I'm going to miss having a "normal" cop show on the air. Law and Order is too talky and the CSI procedural stuff is just too much of an okay thing. I must say that it's the tiny moments in "Blue" that have the biggest impact on me. The final picture-taking sequence in this week's episode just seemed like two actors (Franz and Clapp) really relishing the joy they've had working with one another all these years. Even though you can see where it seems to be going, I still look forward to spending time with the fictional 15th squad. Currie Graham was a great addition and some unsung players that never get press (Henry Simmons, anyone?)have just made this show so good--and so New York.
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