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Yesterday (III) (2019)
Better than Rocketman, Not as good as BoRhap
26 June 2019
Review of 'Yesterday'. Wednesday 26th June, 2019

Well, the first thing to know is that the trailer is full, chock full of red herrings. The film is better, but not what you are lead to believe by the trailer.

The movie is stolen by Kate McKinnon, who is an unknown (on this side of the pond) American, very talented, funny without trying. I do hope to see her in many other parts. I am sure Lily James was paid twice or 10 times what Himesh Patel was paid, and she is perfect in the part, Himesh, a British Indian who appears to have only been in a very popular soap, can sing, act and is self-depreciating. He has great skill with the blank puzzled stare. But the part does not demand much more. He's better when being a schoolteacher. Ed Sheenan is very good as himself, who knew he could act. LOL. There is not enough music, Beatles or other, for this to be called a musical, and lots of people who go to see it hoping to hear a lot of Beatles songs will be very disappointed. However the story is excellent. It moves forward and never misses a beat. Oh, and the ending is very clever, and not what you might expect.
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Yesterday (III) (2019)
Better than Rocketman, not as good as BoRhap. Not enough music, great script.
26 June 2019
Review of 'Yesterday'. Wednesday 26th June, 2019

Well, the first thing to know is that the trailer is full, chock full of red herrings. The film is better, but not what you are lead to believe by the trailer.

The movie is stolen by Kate McKinnon, who is an unknown (on this side of the pond) American, very talented, funny without trying. I do hope to see her in many other parts. I am sure Lily James was paid twice or 10 times what Himesh Patel was paid, and she is perfect in her subdued role, Himesh, a British Indian who appears to have only been in a very popular soap, can sing, act and is self-depreciating. He has great skill with the blank puzzled stare. But the part does not demand much more. He's better when being a schoolteacher. Ed Sheenan is very good as himself, who knew he could act. LOL. There is not enough music, Beatles or other, for this to be called a musical, and lots of people who go to see it hoping to hear a lot of Beatles songs will be very disappointed. However the story is excellent. It moves forward and never misses a beat. Oh, and the ending is very clever, and not what you might expect.
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The Chaperone (2018)
Opening night in Sydney, Australia.
9 April 2019
Saw this last night at the Orpheum in Sydney, Australia, and Ms McGovern (SO THIN!) was there to introduce it! It's a great film about an out-of-left-field topic. Witty, funny and Haley Lu Richards, (Who?) is a major find, perfect in the part. As is Ms McGovern, indeed it is perfectly cast in every part, even the smallest role looks like they belong in the time and place To all the Miranda Otto fans, sorry, she is onscreen for all of 2 minutes, and Blythe Danner for even less, but they add immensely to the texture of the film. This is a film without a message,(well, maybe 'don't wear corsets') with a minor story, and great costumes and it all adds up to WONDERFUL.
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Insanely funny, but you have to know a little history to appreciate it.
4 April 2018
The death of Stalin (Man of Steel) just opened in Sydney, Australia. Now, Australians have there own sense of humour and incline to British humour. Thankfully this film is full of the British kind. That being despite Steve B , an American, upping his acting chops and playing an ensemble role, which I could not imagine any other American comedian condesending to do, let alone do well. Now I confess I knew a bit about this as my father is a Russian speaking journalist. I hope he sees it, but LOL, he would only review it if he was paid for the review. The acting is outstanding. Jason Issacs (Draco''s dad in Harry Potter) is utterly brillant, despite not appearing until halfway thru the film. I've heard a lot, a LOT of really bad things about Beria, and I struggled to see him in any way a comic figure, but Beale hit exactly the right note. The script was probably hilarious to start will, but put it in the hands of these comedians and it doubles in power and story. Certain techniques such as slo-mo introductions to the characters and small case written on screen names, because if you have never heard of 'comrade Kruschev', you are not going to remember the Russian names. and tho' a comedy, it is to the best of my knowledge, fairly accurate in what happened, tho' I did think Beria died in bed with a 15 year old, but that may be prophaganda on the West's part. I suspect that people with no knowledge of the history will take it for fiction. Americans certainly will be confused. How did a man with a Spanish name get to direct this? Were all the Russian directors scared Stalin would rise from the dead and put their names on a list? 2018 is shaping up to be a great year for movies.
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Transferts (2017– )
Weird French speculative fiction.
25 February 2018
I looked this up on SBS steaming as a way of practising French (of which I have a better than working knowledge). It is just enough into the future to be the recognizable present. Indeed a future less changed than in the 20 years since I first used a mobile phone. What makes this a stand out is the ramifications of a world with the ability to transfer bodies and minds. It sets out as a cop story 'historie de flic', but is so much more. Personal and political corruption is widespread, and so is religious, a fact seldom mentioned in modern movies, particularly when the religion is christian. Lots of French sex and nudity, I'm getting too old to be shocked or worse, interested, LOL. But be warned. It is complex, interesting and totally believable, in part because the actors are unknown to us in Australia. If it was Brad Pitt and Angelina or other well known face, this might just be 'science-fiction'. It is so very much more.
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Odd and a tad incomprehensible.
25 January 2018
Saw this at the open air cinema in Sydney and was distracted by fruit bats, the Opera House, the Harbour, police helicopters and fireworks. A very ODD film indeed. I had no expectations as no trailer seen, (Nil publicity here in Australia) but the clothes had to be fabulous and they did not disappoint, even to all that structured underwear, and the seamstresses, in my next life I will be a 'premiere'! i didn't know they existed as a kid, but I would have gone for it! Had I known! Nice clothes and not having to work and being able to buy a house for a thousand pounds and better music, the 50s are so underrated. Odd, from the accents to the unexpected story.....no spoilers here. Just darn weird! The actress Vicky Kreips from Luxenbourg is a find,with perfect English, and English looks, and a believable model, very tall and young (actually 35, looks 20 at most) trying to look old as women did in that era. I think the premise is compromise is needful at all times. I am not sure if I enjoyed it. Carole
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Dunkirk (2017)
The big picture on a personal level.
20 July 2017
All British people know the story of Dunkirk, but few other nationalities may. A written prologue of what happened and why might be useful for other nations. Also, what happened to all the French? It tries to encompass the entire event by telling the story on the land, on the sea, and in the air. All the actors are superb. The sets are amazing. I felt dirty, wet and cold after watching it. As a movie it cannot be faulted, but it is not enough of a documentary for those who don't know the story. Also, I understand that 100s of small boats took part, but only a few are shown. The Spitfires are the real stars of this film. Aerial dogfights have not been seen (outside of star wars) for decades. The Music is annoying and distracts from the 70mm visual action on beaches and in the air. Do see it in 70mm. Take a blanket and a cup of tea.
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Kedi (2016)
Cats as part of the culture of an unknown country
26 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
There are movies out there for all types of people, old, young, romantic, sci-fi, but until now, nothing for cat-lovers. This is so popular in Sydney that I could not get a seat for the first 2 times I wanted to book in. The 3rd session, the next day in the afternoon, was full house, about 40 women and 5 men. Yep, that's the cat lover ratio. Istanbul is a city between East and West, and we see it as a fish eating busy and prosperous city, crowded with humans and cats. The people are just as charming as the cats. The cats eat well and have homes constructed from polystyrene boxes. There are the cat crazy humans and the crazy cats, polite humans and polite cats. This wonderfully shot, from the cat's eye view, documentary is a must see sleeper hit.
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Much more in this portrait than seen.
19 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Sydney Film Festival 2017. Geoffery Rush puts himself in the running for an Oscar with this brilliant portrayal of an irritating genius. Armie Hammer plays his biographer and sitter James Lord, a former spy, (who was 44 at the time, so 30 year old Armie is tad too young.) It is the story of the final portrait painted by the genius Alberto Giocometti in Paris in 1964. It is much, much more than this. A contrast in personalities without conflict. I suspect, if we knew James Lord, we were find that Mr Hammer's performance is spot on, just less spectacular befitting a more amiable personality. It is a quieter, but no less stellar performance. These two play off each other to perfection, and to such an extent that all other characters seem insignificant. Even the usually scene stealing Tony Shalhoub is subdued. The cinematography, giving us a dark and sepia coloured bygone Paris, is quietly perfect in time and place. This talky, quirky film will not be to everybody's taste, but it may gain reluctant converts by word of mouth.

I worried about ticking the 'spoilers' box, because the title 'final portrait' tells it all, and very little.

I would point out that heavy smoker Giocometti (Note: Mr Rush!) died at age 65, his brothers lived to be 89 and 104! Mr Hammer does not smoke, he lights cigarettes, and holds them, fiddles with them, and only once visibly inhales. While Mr Rush goes thru a packet in every scene. Tut-tut!!
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In the Fade (2017)
From nothing: Bad English language title gives no indication of this powerful story.
17 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
The German title 'From nothing' better expressed as The Emptiness. Literally it is 'out of nothing', even that is better.

Diane Kruger pops up in many English Language and French language films, performing competently and never aging, quite in addition to her day job as Muse to Karl Lagerfeldt. Here, speaking German, looking like a tattooed low life, she is Oscar worthy. She doesn't have much to say, but looks say a thousand words. The camera is so reluctant to leave her face. All the other actors, totally unknown to audiences outside Germany, are superb, her husband, and her lawyer as German born Kurds deserve particular mention for believable honest performances. The story is compelling with a slow burn and very plausible set-backs and twists. There is a court scene that it is impossible to look away from. A lack of familiarity with German legal proceedings makes it all the more riveting. The ending is dramatic and European. This film should be up for 'Best Foreign Language film' Oscar. It deserves a wide release in Australia.
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OtherLife (2017)
An Australian movie that is truly world class.
16 June 2017
Otherlife, from a novel, Solitaire, by Kelley Eskridge, which was sold and optioned and rejected, is resurrected and made in Western Australia. It looks expensive, professional and could have been a product of Industrial Light and Magic. The graphics, special effects that do not make you think 'cgi' are so realistic that you need to physically hold onto your seat.

It will be billed as Science Fiction, but really it is Speculative Fiction. In an all too near future, with a 'what if' with some mega modern corporation, were to be stolen, or is it? You are wondering just what is happening, unless you pay close, really close attention. The main premise is just too likely to become a reality in my lifetime. There are 3 premises in this 95 minute film.

The other reason this is a must see film is the chance to spot future and rising stars, more Australian stars, we can never have too many in Australia. Also technical expertise (some of them will be Kiwis, for sure) and directors that are better than good. It is also spoken in dinky di Strine. No fake American or British accents. This film comes together smooth perfection. Best film so far in the Sydney film festival, 2 days to go.
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A quirky true tale
15 June 2017
The West is alive and full of gold. Or iron, or nickel or aluminium, at least in Australia. Kalgoolie is a gold mining town in Western Australia. There are many ore mining towns and they are similar. They are full of men with money. This attracts women who want to relieve them of it. Some offer legal services, I knew 2 Irish girls who did a 3 month stint as nurses in Mount Isa, they never paid for a meal or a drink, and as they were Irish, I'm sure they never had sex. Kalgoolie is a wilder town, as it is not a company town. It is also much older, The Pink House is, has been a brothel since 1902! It could be a sad story, but it is surprisingly uplifting. The owner, whose British accent belies her Aussie birth, and whose looks 20 years younger than she is. There are the girls, BJ who is 43, and whose story takes unexpected twists and turns, and could be sad, and a lesson in life, but is funny and very positive, the cops and the Christians are also putting their 2 cents' worth in. We don't hear from the clients. Or even the ordinary citizens of Kalgoolie nor any medical professionals, who are usually vocal about the risks of sex. So a few gaps in the picture, but this is a very good look at the world's oldest profession over time in the modern world.
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15 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Hilarious but true, as someone has spent the whole of the Royal Easter Show in the Poultry Shed, it is all true, true! This is an affectionate look at chicken love in the US of A. (Not enough Australorps, as an Aussie). So they picked the prettiest, cutest breeds and then found the most obsessed owners, not hard, as all are like this, those who win. The chickens are cute, the people funny, the tightly held cameraman has to be congratulated on getting close to the action, and between the cages. Those chickens have a nice life. Pampered, washed, and manicured, their own homes and lots of outdoor range. Do you eat chicken? Do I eat my kids? Telling. This is a true documentary, not a mockumentary as was 'best of breed'. But you would be forgiven for thinking so. A little more information would be nice. Like an egg takes 21 days to hatch, like all chickens have the same basic genes and all come from one type of wild chicken. Documentaries need to teach us something as well as amuse. This falls a little short in the information supply category. But delightful.
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The emigrant experience reversed.
14 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Best film I've seen (#5) of the Sydney film festival (so far, 7 to go). It's French, it's charming, but it is never a cliché. That's difficult because the world in general has so many preconceptions about France. It's about wine, and Thank You, I learnt a lot. The cinema was full, lots of French people and lots of French speakers, including those, comme moi, who vaguely imagine we speak French. The French wine board missed an opportunity, they could have had a testing in the foyer, and it would have been a sucès folle.

It's a film about family, and how you cannot really know them, no matter how you think you do. It's also about tax and travel, and for all the French people out there, please note: There are NO inheritance taxes in Australia. And it is easy to work for yourself. No permission or paperwork required, just sweat.

That is probably why Jean is growing wine in Australia. He is torn between his life here and his life in Burgundy, and a satisfactory answer is hard to find. It is a chord which every Australian understands (and why this film should get wide release here, please) we all go back to Burgundy or Thessiloniki or Liverpool to find what we left, and for many of us, it turns out to be just not what we remembered for good or bad. The way this is shown, so lightly and, very delicately, is one of several reasons this film is special. The ending is particularly good.
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Madame (I) (2017)
Fails at the final third.
13 June 2017
Rossy de Palma, Toni Collette, Harvey Keitel, Paris....What could go wrong? Well, the story and the ending.

The first two-thirds are hilarious and set the scene (gorgeously) then it falls off a cliff, ceases to be a comedy or even a drama, and for the last third is in search of an ending. The final is unsatisfactory in every respect. This could have been great. What happened? Did somebody snatch the script out of the hands of the author/director and insist someone else write it? Whatever, it does not work. All the actors are brilliant, the Paris is a Paris unseen in previous films. The cinematography is wonderful. The story, like the curate's egg, is good in parts, the first parts...... I was in the 2nd audience to see this at the Sydney Film Festival and the director, Amanda Sthers, gave a Q and A in a charming French accent but she stated that is the ending she wanted. But there was a lot of justification. Coulda been a contender.
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Bonjour Anne would be better.
12 June 2017
I am sure the French Tourist Office paid for this movie. A long homage to French food, and wine, and sensuality, real or imagined. Diane Laine, the lady who impersonates chic-lit for chick flicks, is not stretched, and Alec Baldwin, appears and disappears. Who's the French guy? He's charming and such a walking French cliché, but does not set the world on fire. Sigh, what Maurice Chevalier could have done with the role! It's a lovely road trip with no tension, and wonderful food and flowers. It will be a hit in cold Australia, and even more people will visit France, the world's most popular tourist destination, but a great story, no. Quelle domage!
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Dries (2017)
Another fashion insight, an emerging genre
12 June 2017
I'm a sucker for fashion films, fiction or fact, from the bad, remember 'ready to wear'? to the brilliant 'Dior and me'. I've seen them all. Fashion TV and YouTube catwalk shows...I'm an addict. This is good, but not great. Dries van Noten is polite and as organised as an accountant. His house is beautiful, he loves his better half and his dog. He claims to be about 'the craft' but we never see 'les petites mains' who actually make the clothes, we see a lot of the finished garments on models (Alyssa Sutherland in a 2002 show: As an Aussie, she is a star!) We don't find out what makes Mr van Noten tick, let along create. Nevertheless, this gives you and me an insight into a quiet achiever, with none of the flash and eccentricity of Valantino or Lagerfeld, and Iris Apfel, a wonderful eccentric, gives him credit and validates that modern fashion is a conveyor belt and that designers do better as independents. But I still don't feel I learnt what fires up Dries van Noten.
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Lady Macbeth (2016)
Messes with my mind
12 June 2017
Just saw this at the Sydney Film Festival. I don't think I have seen a film that so messes with my mind or my expectations since John Carpenter's 'The Thing' sometime in the 1980s. (I'm 61). The acting is sparse, the sub-text dense, the costumes, the house in which it all happens (I would have guessed it was a play, not a Russian short story) are so cold and correct and perfectly in period. The lack of music is wonderful! How often are movies ruined by loud, distracting music? This is a horror film. It is billed as a historical drama, but no way, horror all the way, and very cleverly done as you don't realize until you walk out of the cinema. I am still shuddering. A sleeper hit for sure.
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Baywatch (2017)
Do you remember the 80s?
6 June 2017
I'm 60. I remember the original. This is probably the best parody I have ever seen. The characters, the story arcs, and yes, the dick jokes, all send ups of the original. Dwynne is so straight and serious, it's sad, because this is a guy with one of the world's most winning smiles, but by playing it straight, he allows Zac Effron, not a natural comedian, to come off as funnier than his acting suggests. The female villain (villaness?)is not real, or believable and has had a lot of plastic surgery, I wondered for a while if she was a transgender person. (No, she's not, but both her parents are doctors)But were any of the original series' villains believable? This is a film that never takes itself seriously. It's natural audience is teenage males. But it will attract a few seniors who enjoyed the original, and they will have a good laugh, and occasional groan.
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Truly disappointing
12 May 2017
I was really looking forward to this movie, since Prometheus had such possibilities. Even wrote my own scenario. Did Ridley Scott have his arm twisted to come up with something 'commercial'? i.e., that what was successful before. There are twists and twists within twists. The acting works, Ms Waterson, daughter of Sam, is excellent and totally believable in every scene. Fassbinder and some lesser known actors all acquit themselves well. (even Danny McBride, whom I can't abide, dials down the smut and stupidity to play a likable human). It really contains nothing that alien fans have not seen before. Such a lost possibility!
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A very interesting take on history
29 December 2016
I am a 60 year old woman who has never played a video game in her life. However, I am a costume fan, and at this year's Comic Con in Sydney, Australia, there were excellent AC costumes. I am thinking of making one that will convert from Spanish Duchess to Assassin in a moment. That is why I went to the movie. It was first showing in Sydney in the Openair Moonlight Cinema, on the hottest day, 37C/99F, I was peed on by fruit bats and surrounded by couples with kisses and champagne. Men complain about chick's flicks, but I think a lot of the females in the audience were being good sports and seeing it to please their men, unless there's a lot more costumiers out there. With only the vaguest idea of what the storyline is, it's a bit hard to follow. I may have to see it again. Micheal Fassbinder is not my idea of an action hero, one of those intellectual Brit actors. But he carries off the part with thought and action, even a few muscles. The special effects are quite amazing, part drawing, part CGI, always believable locations.(I used to live in Spain and all this looks truly Spanish, there's a lot of spoken Spanish in the movie) I enjoyed it for the costumes, modern ones as well as historical, for a different take on the history I have been taught, for the effects, and the acting. One beef tho' is the unclear sound, whole sentences come out unintelligible. Given the dozen accents in the film, that could be blamed, but Jeremy Irons has never spoken an imperfectly articulated word in his life, and same for Fassbinder in a lower register. But it needs a bit of re dubbing if this is not a technical problem with this print.
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Moana (I) (2016)
A missed opportunity
4 December 2016
This was a charity screening in Sydney, Australia. The Audience was 80% Polynesian, (Australia has a large population of Pacific Islanders and Moari) 10% Asian, as in Chinese and 10% Aussie. I am getting dementia, I have a dozen Hilo Hattie dresses and same Tahitian Pareu and wore a T shirt dress, after noticing all Frangipani (Plumeria) were coming into flower, didn't pick one much less make a lei. I have been looking forward to this film for a year, it was top of my wanna see list. I was disappointed. This is a nice film with good songs, too many in-jokes, and a formulistic storyline. A little thought could have made it one of the great Disney films. Missed Opportunity #1. The short film prior, about the human body was crxx. A total waste of time, and irrelevant to the theme. Pity they couldn't play 'Lava' from Pixar. Missed opportunity #2. A short documentary on the real life Hokulea of the Polynesian voyaging society, a double hull Polynesian ship sailing around the world as we speak, would have been ideal. MO#3 The chance to make Polynesian myths as valid as Greek myths, which they greatly resemble with capricious Gods and unreliable demi-Gods. Oh, I forgot, Hollywood made 'Troy' without Gods, and without reading the Iliad. Sigh. MO#4 The very real art of Herb Kane, whose images that could so easily had been used in the film to lend greater realism and authenticity. MO#5 over the opening or closing titles, instead of shells and flowers, how about an animated map of the great triangle of Polynesia, showing just how far the wayfinders went... AND: Where was Pele? The greatest female God in the pantheon of the Gods, all Gods. A kickass female God if ever there was one. The songs and the singing were great. But the film as a whole was lacking vibe and any sign of originality. Gods forbid! All hail Pele.
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Fans of the book will be disappointed
17 May 2011
I am a fan of the book. Am too old to be a Rpatz fan, LOL. The book has a better beginning and a much better ending. I felt all the voice-over should have been by 'old Jacob'. Some of the changes in dialogue changed the direction of the book. i.e. The book starts, with Jacob stating he was a 23 year-old virgin in 1931 who has no chance with the 4 girls in his class (At Sydney Uni now more than 70% of vet students are girls) The change that after his exam he is going to get her into bed makes him look cocky, not retiring as he is in the book. Still, Rpatz plays him as shy for most of the film. No disagreement with the combination of Uncle Al and August,most outstandingly played by Waltz. He reminded me of a young Christopher Lee with style and menace and a strange charm. (More my age than Rpatz, LOL, in Wikipedia it says he has had 4 wives, I am not alone in noting the charm) The costumes and 'look' are outstanding, perfect 1930s with everybody in a hat and rather worn clothes. It should get an Oscar nomination for costume and cinematography. I was not disappointed in the film, all the errors lay with compression of the story and with changing the dialogue. If I was not such a die hard fan of the book I would have enjoyed it more as a film.
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Your Highness (2011)
True to Shakespeare
17 May 2011
Well, I would not have gone to see this if all the movies I wanted to see had not either been full or meant waiting an hour. I am glad I did, tho' foulmouthed it made me think about how Shakespeare was in the jargon of his times very dirty indeed. Even the US to UK translation is a bit lost. (We don't say beaver in UK/Aus English) It was very funny and I am sure the Great Will would have loved it. Natalie Portman, surely the hardest working actress in Hollywood, manages to be funny by saying the ridiculous with a seriousness that is unbelievable. Danny McBride is of the nudge-nudge school of humour, but surrounded by Franco and Portman who play for straight, this comes off well. Franco did not look well in some scenes.... Good playing by all the Brits involved, made in UK I would think. Toby Jones pops up, has been popping up in movies all my life. Charles Dance played it very straight. And Zooey was perfect, Belladonna and prince Fabious deserve each other. All in all an unexpected belly laugh.
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Australia (2008)
Mills and Boon writ large.
9 December 2008
Could have been worse. Disappointing. Great locations, pity about the story, the dialogue, the cardboard characters, the politics, the excessive, obsessive editing, too loud music, bad ending, the Hollywood producers paws on that I think, the sheer length, Nicole's red weepy eyes, and Hugh Jackman doing the politically correct thing, .....oh dear. It could have been worse. Will someone tie Baz Luhrman up and NOT let him edit his films? He has ruined a good movie twice now. The dialogue was more stilted than 'Star Wars'. In reality, this was in 1939, 'a galaxy far, far away'. The historical 'look' was excellent, the achievement of Baz's missis.

A harlequin romance writ large.

Stick to musicals Baz!
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