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7th Heaven (1996–2007)
there's no place like 7th heaven
1 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
When I started watching 7th heaven I caught it quite by accident but something made me sit up and take notice. I think the best thing is that it is about a normal family dealing with the ups and downs of life. It also contains life lessons how to treat people , how to make good decisions, how to operate as part of a family. How to make and keep friends etc Spend a little time with the Camdens. Eric is a preacher and responisible for the welfare of his flock. This can sometimes to lead to awkward situations but more often than not is rewarding. His wife Annie is his complement and his support alwas there to turn to.

Their kids Matt,Mary,Lucy,Simon ,ruthie Sam and David are trying hard to find their way in life as they put it as a pk (preachers kid) Matt is studying to be a doctor, Lucy is following in her dads footsteps and is studying to be a minister, Ruthie is still at school but well she knows more about life than grown ups and is a little miss fix it. And simon just wants to make it on his own.Mary has had more than her share of troubles but has overcome them with the help of her loving family and is an air stewardess. The ahole cast really gel together to bring something extra special to the screen

join the Camdens as they experience the trials , joys, tears and blessings of life. There really is no place like 7th heaven.As it says in the theme song

"where can you go when the world don't treat you right, the answer is home that's the one place that you'll find" watch it you'll know what i mean.
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Magnum, P.I. (1980–1988)
The great Thomas Sullivan Magnum.
2 July 2006
Warning: Spoilers
*may contain spoilers*

I vaguely remember watching Magnum as a child and liking it then.

Recently I bought all four available season sets and fell in love with it all over again. What is there not to like? The cast gel together so well Larry Manneti (Orville "rick" wright) is brilliant. Roger E Mosley is TC and John Hillerman is Higgins. Higgins always pretends to be irritated to death by Our Thomas but he does care (honestly) The stories are engaging and I just love tom Sellecks narration. I like the dark overtones of the fact that these Vietnam Vets are still coming to terms with their experiences.

Favourite episode? the season 4 opener "Home from the sea " Magnum is thrown off his surf ski in an accident and forced to endure hours in the water. Cue heartbreaking childhood flashbacks. Will Higgins, TC and Rick get to him in time?. speaking of which all three are getting a funny feeling that something has happened to Magnum.How long can a person tread water for?

"I've got to do this for Dad"

This show had action, Tragedy, Romance, one hunky guy, beautiful scenery,a great cast , humour and a lot of touching moments. One of my favourite shows ever.
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Murder, She Wrote (1984–1996)
why murder she wrote is the tops
3 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
I love a good whodunnit and murder she wrote is top notch at delivering just that but with one big difference. It does it with warmth and feeling. Angela Lasnbury is truly inspirational as Jessica Fletcher the retired school teacher turned novelist with a nose for solving murders. Cabot coves favourite resident usually gets sucked in to situation much to the chagrin of the local sheriff (Tom Bosely and Ron Masak)best friend Dr Seth Hazlitt (William Windom)is never far from her side. There was a touching episode where Seth ate a poisoned apple meant for Jessica and Jessica was truly heartbroken. Thankfuly cabot coves favourite doc recovered and was soon his grumpy self. You know I could see a potential romance there (Jessicas husband Frank fletcher had died) The list of guest stars is impressive too showing what an inspiration this show was.Later seasons move to New York where Jessica teaches at a college but always returned to Cabot cove Maine periodically. The shows heart is as big as dear Jessica's. Catch the re runs.
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Quincy M.E. (1976–1983)
Quincy and why it has a special place in my heart
2 August 2005
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I really don't remember the first time I saw Quincy. I only remember being enchanted by Jack Klugmans real and human portrayal of the Los Angeles county coroner. Quincy's questioning and thorough approach usually spells trouble especially for the long suffering Dr Aston ( John s Ragin) The thing I like about it is that Quincy isn't afraid to stand up and be counted on any issue and against overwhelming odds. Quincy has a warm almost innocent air about him. Holy mackeral he always battles to get what he is looking for and ususaly takes the bull by the horns. Helped by best friend Sam (Robert Ito)the friendship between the two is real warm and touching. The other thing I like is that some of the very serious issues dealt with in the series is balanced out with wonderful humour. It always ends up at Danny's (Val Bisoglio) for an engaging and humorous conclusion. Frank Monighan is played wonderfully by Garry Whalberg and though Quincy's thoroughness is a source of irritation he is always grateful to have Quincy on his side. Sometimes the colleagues have to help each other through personal tragedies such as the episode where Aston loses his much loved niece to alcholism. I cried at the end of that one not least because Aston and his wife are childless and looked on the girl as their own. Quincy as we see time and again although he deals with the real face of feath daily never quite gets used to it and you can see his real puzzlement and anger especially when it's needless. Watch any Quincy episode and you will see that it deals with serious issues in a warmhearted,sincere and real way that no other programme of the type seems to do.
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The A-Team (1983–1987)
the A team "get the jazz" one of the best of the eighties
1 August 2005
"I love It when a plan comes together" the indomitable colonel John Hannibal Smith played brilliantly by the late George peppard "he's on the jazz" leads the A team. Four Vietnam veterans convicted and jailed by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. This one just has everything and stands out as one of the masterpieces of the eighties. The actors who play the four veterans couldn't have been better chosen and gel together wonderfully well. They are almost like a family looking out for one another and sticking together to survive. liutenent Templeton "faceman" Peck is played by Dirk Bennedict to perfection. Handsome and persuasive he is the teams provider and resident ladies man. If the team needs something you can rely on "the faceman" Sergant Bosco Baracus the gentle giant with attitude and a heart of gold. He supprises sometimes with how sensitive he is.

"I love kids"

(Small girl approaches she is lost. B A has been helping a child with his baseball skills turns round and sees small child watching gently picks her up. From bad time on the border)

"hello would you like to be my friend"

The hilarious thing is that poor B A is frightened of flying. The things the team concoct to get him on planes is so funny. They even once tried hypnotism.Just Don't mention "that crazy fool" murdock oops. Mr T was just perfect for the part and plays the part with humour,power and sensitivity.

Speaking of Mr H m Murdock my goodness Dwight shultz plays him to perfection. Quite literally nuts you never know which hairbrained scheme he is going to come up with next. His main occupation seems to be annoying B A. Captain cab and range rider being two of his most hilarious outings. (the taxicab wars and when you coming back range rider 1&2 respectively)

Amy Allyn is the perfect complement. A journalist she is the teams link to the outside world.

The poor hapless colonel Lynch played throughout season one by the brilliant Bill Luckiing. colonel Decker played by Lance Legault doesn't have any better luck and Hannibal being "on the jazz" is cool as a cucumber when they nearly get caught a number of times.The funny thing is that although being a catchphrase Hannibal always does have a plan and it always works. Which is probably why he is as cool as a cucumber when things go wrong a plan for every occasion that man. So you "suckas" all in all a true masterpiece and intelligently done piece of television in my humble opinion.
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The Incredible Hulk (1977 TV Movie)
quite simply the best of the best?
29 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
"Mr McGee don't make me angry you wouldn't like me when I'm angry" those words could be heard in my home every week in the early eighties.However it is only with the benefit of hindsight that I have truly come to appreciate what a great piece of television this really was. Bill Bixby plays Dr David Banner with such pathos that by the end of any episode you care to mention (some especially so) you want to jump through the television and give him a hug.And there is an interesting and Ironic moral to the story. Never let personal tragedies cloud your judgement and rush into something you might later regret. Dr Banner has some major issues after the death of his wife Laura in a fiery car accident from which he was unable to save her. He embarks on a research project that is trying to harness the hidden superhuman strength each one of us supposedly has. With his colleague Elaina Marks who is portrayed brilliantly by Susan Sullivan (Dharma and Greg) they interview test subjects who have demonstrated such strength in times of stress. Frustrated at not being able to find the cause of such great strength it isn't long before he hits on it. Gamma rays from the sun are responsible. Hoping to endow himself with similar strength and determined that the situation that killed Laura will not happen again he uses the Gamma ray machine in the lab. Tragicaly a lab tech has been modifying the equipment and the result? The gamma ray machine is capable of going up to two million units.At first Banner feels no ill effects but later while changing a flat tire in a rainstorm and injuring his hand he becomes the powerful beast "the incredible hulk" as reporter Jack McGee later calls him.Ahh speaking of Jack McGee Who is portrayed so awsomely brilliantly by character actor Jack Colvin.It's his intrepid noseiness that leads to a series of tragic events.

Jack (Holding cast of extremely large footprint found by Dr Banner's burnt out car)your friend would't happen to take a shoe this size" Ealaina; "What is it big foot" Jack;"More like the jolly green giant only I wouldn't call him too jolly" The two scientists try to get David back to normal.And there are some very touching scenes in the lab.

"Were in this together as usual" they try to make it happen again but it isn't until David is asleep and dreaming of the accident with Laura that is does. The inner chamber that David has been in is destroyed and when his noseiness see's David and Elaina leaving the lab he takes his chance and goes to inspect.hearing them come back he hides in a store cupboard where unbeknownst to him flamable substances are stored. When Banner finds him in there a bottle of flamable liquid is knocked over and only viewers know it's Jack that is responsible albeit unwittingly. When the lab explodes David tries to rescue Ealina but the pain and fear trigger a metamorphosis. When Jack McGee sees the hulk carrying a dying Elaina away he quickly jumps to the wrong conclusion and thus David is forced on the run as a fugitive David Banner being believed to have died also in the lab fire. The heartbreaking scenes at the end make clear that this indeed will be a special series.

Elaina;"David I have Loved you for such a long time and I always will" David at Elaina's grave;I love you Elaina and I think you loved me too although you never said it" this wonderful pilot episode paved the way for a fantastic series during which the truth nearly comes out several times.

"hulk breaks las vegas" In which David Banner and Jack McGee nearly come face to face after a telephone conversation "Proof positive" which takes into the mind of Jack McGee and tells of why he is so obsessed, "broken image" in which Bixby does a terrific job playing a dual role as lookalike gangster Mike Cassidy" some of the very best episodes are the ones that dig a little deeper into the souls of the main characters Dr Banner and Jack McGee for example mystery man in which a David Banner suffering with amnesia and face bandaged is forced to work with Jack McGee to survive after they are stranded in the wilderness.

"homecoming"we get to see Davids family and find out a little more about David's tortured past" "The psychic"In which his then wife Brenda Banet stars. We begin to see how haunted he is by the fear the creature may one day kill.

"suicide is not the answer" "This sin't a suicide this is an execution" it's hard to think of a series that displays more skillful acting,hearty pounding action or warmer and clearer emotion. The other Irony being that this man does not want this curse and tries so hard throughout the series to find a cure for his problem while at the same time trying to stay ahead of the indomitable Jack McGee.The only nagging irritation is that Kenneth Johnson was not allowed to work on a series climax that would have straightened everything out but that having been said it's a small niggle at that.I would be hard pressed to find a better series I'm only sorry it took so long to appreciate it.
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Knight Rider (1982–1986)
Knight rider and why it's still a favourite
29 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers

"One man can make a difference Michael" and thus starts Michael Knights mission to erradicate crime and injustice. I loved this series as a child and now in my thirties I believe it still holds up well.The re runs on Bravo that have been playing for so long are proof if any were needed that the popularity of this show is not dimminshing. All the ingredients for a great series are here. Heart pounding action. Warmth and affection between the main characters and you just know from the opening credits "knightrider a shadowy flight into the dangerous world of a man who does not exist" the words at the beginning that one man can make a difference becomes something that is carried throughout the entire series it's Michael's code that he lives by.Helped by Devon (The wonderful Edward Mulhare) Who is almost a father figure to him "Yo Devon" and Bonnie (played by Patricia Mcpherson Rebecca Holden took over as April Curtis in season two only) Ahh! and dare I forget sweet lovable KITT the computer with artificial intelligence but with a heart of gold.And "oh my" what times Michael and KITT have together. The concern KITT has for his master is at times touching and vice versa.Never perhaps better demonstrated than in the episode "junkyard dog" and just watch out cos "man He's after you" if your a bad guy. Michaels anger at the injustices he sees is most clearly seen in the episode "scent of the roses" when tragedy touches him once more he battles depression and Devon's fatherly concern for him is never more so apparent.

"Goliath and Goliath returns"

my favourite two parters.The lovely David Hasselhoff takes on the dual roles of Michael Knight and Garth Knight (son of Wilton Knight the man who saved Michaels life) Watching Michael battling his evil "twin" was awesome stuff.Overall this is one of those shows that get better with age and I will always love Michael Knight.
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Diagnosis Murder (1993–2001)
Why I just love diagnosis murder
25 July 2005
Warning: Spoilers
basically I started watching diagnosis murder on my free afternoons and I just can't get enough. Exciting plot lines and wonderful chemistry between father and son. Dick Van Dyke plays Mark Sloan the doctor with a nose for "diagnosing murder" The difference between this and some other shows it actually has warmth, feeling and don't you just want to be in that house by the beach. The gorgeous Barry Van Dyke (son Of Dick) plays Steve Sloan the warmhearted L,A,P,D Detective. It's a winning combination and it will as far I'm concerned be top of the picks I love it. Some people think it is cheesy. I don't think so at all it is well acted , exciting to watch different every time and the warm friendship between Mark and his son and co workers at community general hospital tug at the heart strings. Amanda Bentley(played by victoria Rowell) is a pathologist at community general.In series one and two the part of Jack stewart was played by Scott baio(happy days)and Norman was played by Michael Tucci(until he suddenly seemed to disappear much to my disappointment)as he made for a refreshing humorous character charlie schlater was a wonderful later addition as Jesse Travis. As Dick Van Dyke became more involved in the producing side of the show

the plot lines became more and more exciting.Episodes such as the one where Mark is frames for a murder after his son steve is criticaly wounded and sentenced to death. Thankfuly that was straightened out. Jesse is also framed for murder in a wonderful two parter where Charlie Schlaters actibg skills really come to the fore. One of my favourites was "sins of the father" 1&2 which was quich exciting and you also get to learn a bit more about the Sloan family history. Cue heart thumping action and unmissable two parters. CAtch this show if you can or it'll be a diagnosis of boredom. Did you know that Barry Van Dykes Son Shane Joined the cast as young medical student Alex. A real family affair
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a beautiful film
19 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
one thing that i must admit to first i am new to the hulk.When i was a child my brother and my dad used to watch it every week while i would run away as fast as i could as soon as i heard the opening theme. Fast forward twenty odd years and i get onto a website about the hulk and start to get interested.I first bought the pilot movie and this movie the death of the incredible hulk.I also have the ultimate collection.The story of David banner is so sad and when watching any episode you want to give him a hug and tell him everything will be alright(the part is played so very well by the lovely late bill bixby)sad to say in this the last installment as it turned out(due to bixby's untimely death)all does not end well and i cried my eyes out as he fell out of the plane crashed to the ground and finally says 'i am free'Before he dies.a lovely series and a wonderful film thanks for the memories.See this film do not miss it.though i too would liked to have seen jack mcgee in it.
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