
8 Reviews
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Predictable and Bad
30 December 2020
This movie sucks. Too long and made no sense. Glad we watched it home instead of spending money in the theater.

Writing a review for movies here is like trying to write a paper in middle school and fulfilling the minimum amount of words to qualify.
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Bird Box (2018)
Everything has Been Done Before
19 January 2019
Watch The Happening and/ or The Road. This movie has been done before.

The only good part of the movie was the birds.
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Mother! (2017)
24 January 2018
I wanted to see this when I saw the preview, last year. Thought it looked interesting. Then Lawrence opened her mouth and tried to get political, so I rated it a 1 star without seeing it.

Then I saw it, and still gave it 1 star. It was a horrible movie. Horrible doesn't even begin to describe it. I understood the premise, but it just sucked.
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Was Excited...Until
17 October 2014
Normally a great soundtrack helps make a movie. I was confused as to why the film makers used songs that were at least 10 years in the making for this film.

Some good editing and little scary. I wasn't scared. Still looking for that super natural movie to keep me up at night.

Must Use More Lines.


Why is there a limit on the number of lines we have to use up?

Twitter programmers should start adopting this rule.

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Good Morning, Miss Bliss (1987–1989)
Same Everything Minus Five Characters
14 July 2007
I always thought that this, "Good Morning, Miss Bliss" was just the original "Saved by the Bell" because everything was the same, high school layout, writing, classrooms, etc. etc. etc...I could go on. You had your first AC Slater; that forgien kid with the jerry curl hair. The yuppie, friend of Zacks with the same big hair as Jessie. The only thing missing was the hot chick; Kelly. But take Hayley Mills thirty years before and she could be a Kelly. (Damn, Hayley Mills was cute back in the day.) Anyways, to me this will always be the original Saved By the Bell. Either way, they are both good shows to fall asleep to take you back to your high school days.
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Frosty (1965)
3 December 2006
I first saw this movie, Morozko, or Father Frost call it what you want, on MST 3000. Of course I laughed because of the comments that Croooow, Tom Servo and Mike said, but this is actually a great movie. It's a great story, maybe the special effects aren't that great but it's very entertaining.

When watching this it kind of brings you to a state of calmness, being relaxed and open.

This reminds of Christmas and the cold weather. Even though the actual title didn't get mentioned until half way through the movie, I recommend it for any Christmas time viewing.
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Jesus Camp (2006)
Eye Opener
21 November 2006
I heard about this documentary on my page. A group had wanted to add me as a friend because I consider myself an Atheist and at times even Agnostic. Anyways, I saw the preview on a myspace page and right after I saw the preview, I went straight to the digital movie store and downloaded it.

It's very very scary and horrible how these kids are brainwashed into believing just one thing is right and all others are absurd. To a certain extent it reminded me of how I grew up in a very small Bible community, Mathews, Va. If you didn't follow what they taught and believed, you were an outcast. I recall from growing up going to Bible School during the Summers at Kingston Parrish right down the street from the Westville Daycare my siblings and I went to, and also where my mother worked.

I keep ranting about how I grew up, but what happened then has opened my eyes and made me believe differently about religion. Little things like having my hair pulled and reprimanded for accidentally telling a four year old there was no Santa, being told to make a crucifix out of used and chewed Popsicle sticks. That to me, wasn't a way that Jesus wanted to be portrayed.

The way she manipulates these kid's into believing what she want's them to believe is insane. Watching this makes me think she is teaching our future murderers, and Jim Jones'.

A great documentary. 10 Stars.
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Phat Beach (1996)
19 August 2006
Many people don't like this movie. To me, it's a classic. Sure, it spawned from the West Coast, and as we all know, everything comes from the West to the East, but this movie is an exception. Nineteen Ninety Six; the year Antichrist Superstar came out. Even though this is a very funny movie and some lines from it will be repeated for years, the wardrobe and music seems to be at least four years behind the original release date. At first viewing, you would think this film was released in 1991 or 1992 considering all the music and styles, but turn the DVD case over and you'll see 1996. I think this is the only exception that the East Coast was WAY ahead of the West Coast.

Overall, a hilarious movie with lines you will repeat over and over again.
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