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Supernatural: The French Mistake (2011)
Season 6, Episode 15
A Take on Wes Cravens New Nightmare
22 September 2011
Ever see that movie called Wes Cravens New Nightmare. Yeah that one, where Freddy is trying to cross into the real world and the movie is "real life". Well Supernatural takes its own twist and delivers nothing but pure brilliance here. I will not go into details too much on what the plot consists of but I will touch base on the main points.

First off I would like to correct previous reviewers. I have watched the trivia track and listened to the commentary that the 6th season Blu-ray has to offer and I am just going to go over a few corrections. It did not take me the trivia track to tell you that none of the actual "Crew" appears in this. It is Brian Murphey who plays Robert Singer, and even Eric Kripke himself does not make an appearance. They all are hired actors to portray the real life producers and directors. Another correction is you do not actually see Jensen's trailer. The exterior is real but the interior is not his actual trailer. Another thing, You do not actually see Jareds real house. I mean come on, do you think they really are going to show the actors house, THATS JUST STUPID TO THINK SO.

This episode is very creative how the actors parody themselves as staying in character as Dean and Sam. The script is very well written for this episode as is the writing on many others. Like I said, I am not going to ruin anything for those who have not seen it. If you have not seen this episode and are a fan you need to. IT IS THAT SIMPLE
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The Wrestler (2008)
welcome back Mickey Rourke!
7 January 2009
Ladies And Gentlemen..Please welcome Mickey Rourke back to acting. After a 4-5 year hiatus, i believe the last movie he did was either Domino or Sin City.. Mickey Rourke returns from his washed up life and decides to act again. And he returns with the perfect role for him.

The Wrestler starts off showing pictures and background announcements on a match in 1989. It is Madison Square Garden and the place is sold out. You can hear the crowd chanting for Randy, The place is going crazy. 1, 2, 3....and then you are brought to a man sitting in a chair 20 years later. The man is Randy. Randy is now a washed up wrestler. He is now on the Indy Circuit touring with small crowds of maybe 100 seats and working above people just getting into the profession. The other men look up to him, and he is still a role model. The crowd still loves him. He may only make 100 dollars or so for a match on the weekend, but this does not seem to bother him.

After the first 10 or so minutes and the first match, it gets into the real story of the film. Randy's Life. He goes home to a Trailer which is locked because the tenant has not received the rent and Randy ends up sleeping in his van which appears nothing new to him. He has a weekday job of bringing in shipments for a grocery store and he spends all of his money on steroids and a stripper at a club.

This is where i found the movie to get real interesting. The Stripper Cassidy, played by Marisa Tomei, her life seems exactly like Randy's only in a different profession. When we are first introduced to her character she is being shot down by a group or 20 year olds who say they wanted a different girl and she is way to old for them. Randy helps her out and we see the chemistry between the two. She will become an important character throughout the film.

Randy has another match this time it being a Hardcore match. After the hardcore match he has a heart attack where the doctor tells him he can no longer Wrestle. No Longer Wrestle, Are you joking? That is all Randy knows, that is what he lives for. Now it is time to apparently turn his life around. He asks for more hours at the grocery store, His boss tells him all that is open is working at the Deli and he takes it. There are some interesting scenes with him working in the Deli interacting with shoppers. He sees his daughter who he has not seen in ages and tries to rekindle things. The relationship is sort of rekindled and will later become a big part of the ending. I can not really say more about the relationship between Cassidy and Randy and his daughter because they both play a big importance in the end of the film.

THE WRESTLER is only the name of the movie. The movie is not all about that. Do not deny to see this movie because you do not like wrestling. Wrestling is only on screen for maybe 15 minutes. Its about the characters in the film and the way they live their lives. One very short but noted performance came from Evan Rachel Wood, who though only on screen for 10 or so minutes steals the camera when she is on it.

I would give this movie 8 out of 10 It was Solid, i really felt the characters stories and as a wrestler fan, to see some of the tricks and behind the scenes stuff of the movie was interesting. Mickey Rourke does deserve an Oscar Nomination. All the cuts and blood you see in the movie is in fact his. That is how committed to the role he was and to see a real movie directed by Daron Aronofsky where its about the characters and just a life story rather then a movie to mess with your mind. It was a nice break and really enjoyable.

If this movie does come to theatres in our area any time soon i recommend seeing it.
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7 January 2009
"I'll never let go jack, Ill Never Let Go". Those were the last words that Kate Winslet said to Leonardo Di'Caprio just over 10 years ago in the film we all know as Titanic. A film which would be known to almost every human on earth. 10 years later the first words that would rekindle the on screen duo would be "So what do you do?" "Im Studying to be an actress" would be the reply.

Here is my REVOLUTIONARY ROAD review.

First off, REVOLUTIONARY ROAD is not a movie for everyone. The movie is extremely slow and all it does is focus around a married couple living in a suburban community in the 1950's. The movie is directed by Sam Mendes who also directed the Oscar Nominated film American Beauty. My first complaint being that i felt this movie was just a little to much like American Beauty only set in a different time period, but i loved that movie so this was just as good to me. I just wish Sam Mendes could come out of the box a little bit and try something a little broader.

Frank and April Wheeler are both around 30 with two kids who think that they can escape the traps of existence they have chosen. The movie begins with them meeting at a party and then goes straight to the marriage Frank works at a job he hates but continues there because the money is decent. April is an "actress" who believes she is destined for better things. One day April comes up with the idea just to drop everything, move to Paris and live the rest of their lives their. She can work as a Government secretary and Frank can "find himself". April later finds out she is 10 weeks pregnant. Could this stop them from going to Paris? Will they ultimately just be stuck on REVOLUTIONARY ROAD for the rest of their lives while Frank works at his crap poor job? What keeps them together? Is It Love or something else? The story of the characters was absolutely amazing. Some scenes I could not turn away from. I just sat there an gazed in trance at what was going on. The last 30 minutes of the movie really stand out. It was the last 30 minutes that I could not stop thinking about for a day. And the last scene in the movie. It has the Givings (neighbors) talking about Revolutionary Road and the new family that lives on the road. It is a scene that ends the movie perfectly, because it shows what could have been had things gone another way. I can not reveal what i mean by this exactly to those who have not seen the movie. But for those who have, they will know what i am talking about. It basically shows how the wheelers would have been had things gone a different way.

The viewer should know in the first 15 minutes if it is going to be a movie that they should walk out of or stay and see what it has to offer.

The movie is called Revolutionary Road because that is the road that they live on. My thoughts to the reason given for the title is because the movie is not just about Frank and April but about their neighbors and friends. The movie is Extremely realistic to most romances. Being married is not all about the high life. People cheat on each other. People like to try to act like the perfect family around others and then go home and be the exact opposite. That is life. This is what makes the movie brilliant. After viewing the movie i honestly did not know how i felt about it I knew the performances were amazing. All of them I would say Leo delivers the performance of his lifetime, and so does Kate. I really hope that it finally knocks her the Oscar she deserves.

To be honest though, to me the most noted performance of the whole movie is actually by Michael Shannon. Michael having done most villainous roles or quick cameos really puts it all into his character. Michael plays John Givings who is a mathematician and has been hospitalized for insanity due to his genius thoughts and the fact that he says what everyone else wants to. It is his character to me that really opens up the movie and at times will make you laugh and get away from the dark moments surrounding the character. This goes back to the part where I talked about the title coming from the characters. John is the son of a couple that lives on Revolutionary Road and they try to act like they are perfect. They go over Frank and Aprils quite often and never mention their son until he gets out where they must confess that he is not right in the head and then actually have them meet with Frank and April. Later John has a scene with at the dinner table that i think should be remembered for a long time.

The movie is very dark. The moments are dark. It goes deep into relationships and it goes deep into suburban life. This may be why it reminds me so much of American Beauty. The movie was so deep that as said before i did not know how i felt about the movie. I literally was thinking about the events and actions in the movie for the whole next day. I rate this as one of the best movies of 2008. It was so deep and dark.

I give this movie a 9 out of 10. But like i said it is not for everyone. Only for those who are really into the development of characters or deep stories. I guess if you like American Beauty then there is a 80% chance you will like this as well.
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The Secret (2007)
Was Very Surprised!
16 August 2008
I was browsing movies in Wal-Mart and came upon the movie. I saw that David Duchovny was in it and naturally wanted to buy it. I did so and went home and watched the film. I myself am in no way into movies where people switch bodies. Whether it is Freaky Friday, or Its a Boy Girl Thing, Transference movies do not interest me. This is nothing like those. They do not switch bodies, but yet the mothers soul seems to migrate into the daughters.

The story itself i really enjoyed. You have a daughter in her teens rejecting her mother because it is not cool, at times wishing she wasn't her mother. It is when the mother goes into the daughters body that the movie begins to take shape. It was not the performance by David, but yet the performance by Olivia Thirlby that blew me away. This being one of her first movies, i was extremely shocked. She plays the mother/daughter character absolutely amazingly and i was really astonished at the job she was doing.

I recommend this movie. As said before, i myself am not into transference movies, but this one really got to me. I really felt for the characters in this film, and thought it ended quite beautifully. I usually do not write reviews, but i saw this one did not have any, and thought that i would write my own. This may not be the best review, but i am new at it. Please see the movie. It is quite enjoyable for those who give it a try.
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