
3 Reviews
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Poor Things (2023)
7 March 2024
The only people who won't care for this movie are mostly men who cannot face their inner demons and crimes and women who are yet to grow and understand the conceptual social.boundries that our gender has. One thing I must ask and precisely what the movie indicates is that, how in the world is it deemed fine to do some acts on a woman's body but not on a child? What change does some mere years make to a womans psyche thus making her deserving of such foul behaviours from men. Why is it that your hair on the back of your neck raise when you think infact the character is an infant but would be perfectly okay if it were to be an 21-something. You cannot percieve one's innocence just by percieving age, attire or manners. It is a men's world catered only for some's comfort while we try to remain in the game following your rules. Be kind to those poor things as one might say: for you know nothing about what's at stake.
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Disappointing and having to see eye to eye with overnight fans
5 June 2022
I don't see quite what was the reason to film If it wasn't to top what Mandalorian achieved and deliver the quality story telling, familiar scenery, music and sound design that the sequal couldn't pull of on early 2000s? Really did failed to fullfill the expectation they put up. Frustrated both towards the show and the advocating part of the conversation who doesn't really care how truly good or bad the show is, just want to point fingers and call us out as ''not real fans''. The audacity of these people who think they are a part of the fandom are so far gone. These type of franchises are not yours to say that you've became a fan overnight by watching the movies. You can't even comprehend how much time goes into wanting to know every detail and material there are that these ''not real fans'' consume on a daily day basis and how broad their knowledge is, from the camera angles to the lore itself. This type of obsessing over books, comics, movies and games used to be condemned within society just 15 years ago? We were called losers and geeks for just being so. Now they raise from their chairs that they sat on just so they could eat their dinner to some show, to tell me what Star Wars is? Everyone can ''love'' a serie and have fun but not everyone is entitled to say who is not a real fan. You don't always get to have an audiable opinion on everything you watch that is available to you just cause you can. Don't degrade yourself infront of the people who slept and woke up with this lore for over a vicennial.
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A Breath Away (2018)
A wasted potential
18 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The idea itself has so much potential to begin with; doesn't need so many special effects since it's more on the personal side than we are used to and the scenery of Paris under the flood of mist is dreamy. Also having such a heavy gas to be leaked may not be so out of reality I assume. However you will find yourself going mad at some point over how poor reasonings these characters have. The decisions they make to survive over these happenings will frustrate you keeping in mind that the mom claims that she is a scientist! First of all you would thing that the first think the character would do is to go to a pharmacy to get as much as oxygen as he can since thats what seems to keep him alive. But no! He sees a bunch of people going to a place that hasn't been contaminated, doesn't tell how urgent his daughter's condition is and only gets one set of oxygen equipment. After that they come up with the idea that there is a suit that made specially for children that has this condition, even though the mom knows the location perfectly, they both go, spending double amount of oxygen! They try to outrun an aggressive dog that magically hasn't been effected from the gas while there are all kind of vehicles lying around the street. They become seperated at some point and the father sees a protective suit on a dead guy, he stares at it like the next thing is to get it but suprise suprise they find eachother and forget about this other suit that might have saved their life. Fortunately they get their hands on this special suit, still not thinking how the hell the current tubes will be sufficent for them until the end? The door inside the building blows up and burns the father's cordon that goes to the tube and silence! The oxygen tube does not blow up wow! Without the oxygen tube he stays in the building while mom goes out to deliver the suit to their daughter not checking the suite with the possibility that it may have been damaged by the explosion?!? Oh and we see another suit on the shelf, she also does not bring that one to her husband?!?! Shocker. And the film continues with all kinds of nonesense, blowing up such a good story with being undecisive about what to make of it.
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