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Suicide Squad (2016)
Suicide Squad was a fun movie with a messy way of telling the storyline
6 August 2016
First of all, this movie does not deserve the reviews they have been getting from the critics. I mean 27% ?! That's too harsh to judge on a decent comic book film. Yes there are some flaws, but throughout the entire movie, it was very fun. These characters are just hilarious and they crack up jokes throughout the entire movie. Margot Robbie was brilliant as Harley Quinn, Will Smith was fun and spectacular as Deadshot, and Jai Courtney was actually really funny as Captain Boomerang. Also, Jared Leto was also good as the Joker, although I prefer Heath Ledger's by a mile. Not only the performances from these people, but the story was not bad (except for the villain). The story gave them backgrounds and show the viewers who these characters are and I thought Deadshot's flashback was the best because it shows his love for his family, which brings to one of the best scene of the movie including Batman. Finally, the action sequence were mostly great, and the soundtrack of this movie are just brilliant.

Although the movie was fun, the telling of the story was not good. It was a mess. The Joker was there (who we originally thought was the main villain), and the suicide squad itself, the flashbacks, the main villain Enchantress, and scenes with Batman and one of the justice league characters. It was too much to be shown into one entire movie. The Joker did not have to be in that movie, as well as Batman. But these are the things people want to see so they did put them in the movie. And WOW ! Enchantress was horrifying in this film. She was half stripper half evil... I don't even know. And Killer Croc was just useless.

After all, the overall storyline of Suicide Squad was good, but because the writer includes these people who just do not fit in the movie, it makes the telling messy and cramped together. But hey, I had fun. It was certainly better than BvS in my opinion. This movie gets a C+.
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"The Legend of Tarzan" did not reach the expectations.
3 July 2016

I loved the Tarzan movie made by Disney. I have watched it over and over again and will still watch it again because it's a fantastic film. That movie was full of fun and represent the big theme about family. Also, that movie was not complicated at all. When I was a kid, I have always loved Tarzan and the Disney's Tarzan for me, was my favorite Disney film of all time. The soundtrack was also exceptional by Phil Collins.

To be honest, I had really high expectations for this movie since the casts are pretty good and the director is known for some of the best harry potter movies. Wow. When I came out of the theater, it did not reach my expectations at all.

So this movie doesn't have any connection with the original Disney Tarzan. In fact, none of the story or the background past of Tarzan is the same as the Disney's Tarzan. So if you expect to see a young Tarzan growing up, you will be upset, although they did show some flashbacks about Tarzan's past. But this Tarzan has actually grown up and he wanted to help Congo. So Tarzan and Jane went to Congo with Dr. Williams (Sam L Jackson) to defeat Christoph Waltz. That's basically the plot.

The movie wasn't all bad. There are some good parts of it, such as Alexander Skarsgard who plays Tarzan. He did pretty well as he put in work for 9 months to become Tarzan, so he really did put in work for this role. He's an enormous guy and fit Tarzan. I also thought Margot Robbie did fine as Jane. She wasn't all fantastic, but she's just a supporting role of the movie. The flashbacks were also great. But the most fun character was Sam L. Jackson's. God he was hilarious and lively.

The bad parts of the movie is basically the plot, the directing, and the villain. The plot included so many things happening that some of them are so irrelevant. The only good part was the 3rd act, which is the only "Tarzan" part of the movie. The 1st and 2nd were just leading up to it. If the Trailer showed mostly part of "Tarzan", then the rest of the movie is expected to be based on Tarzan in the jungle with the gorillas, but it's not. It was an adult Tarzan with Jane. The build up was so slow. The directing was also not that good. The slow motions just don't work. Only a few does, but there are lots of them. The CGI was poor. I mean it was so noticeable, but the parts when Tarzan swing from trees to trees were handled well. Lastly, Christoph Waltz was just...well... Christoph Waltz. He played this villain like he played any other villains.

The movie was supposed to be fun, but they really make it more dramatic than fun. This was not the Tarzan I expected, and Disney's Tarzan is much better than this one. But although it was just alright, as a big fan of Tarzan, I will give props for making a live action Tarzan movie. This movie will get a 7.3/10. Go see it guys, but if you haven't seen Finding Dory, I suggest to watch that first and then watch this. Peace !
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Game of Thrones: The Winds of Winter (2016)
Season 6, Episode 10
King in the North
26 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"The Winds of Winter" is a fantastic finale to end season 6. This finale was much better than the other seasons as it is composed of so much big events that we all have been waiting for the past 6 seasons. It's a new beginning to what we all wanted. But, there are things that needs to be discussed...

The episode begins very slow, with a strange music in King's Landing. Sadly, Cersei has planned to use wildfire to blow everyone up at the meeting to spare Lancel's life. Everyone died (Including Margaery and High Sparrow), which led to the death of Tommen as he jumped off his room. This was actually a great climax to a new beginning as Cersei later on becomes the Queen as she inherited the Iron Throne. I really liked the idea of this because the show will not be going anywhere if Tommen rules as we all know that the High Sparrow controls Tommen by giving out his "Gods" believe. Margaery, on the other hand, will be truly missed because he realized of how stupid it was and how she was acting all this time toward high sparrow. But, the only flaws in King's Landing was the build up, which took up 25 min of the finale. It was very slow paced and a bit confusing for the first 10 minutes until Cersei's plan is revealed that she's using wildfire.

We then have Jon, and the banishment of Melisandre. Wow... Liam Cunningham (Davos) really had me in tears as he shone when giving a speech about Shireen. We can truly sense his anger, and he'd kill Melisandre in a heartbeat. He loved Shireen and when he said that it gave me chills. Later on in Winterfell, Jon had a meeting with the other kings. And you know what, IT'S ANOTHER GREAT PERFORMANCE BY LADY MORMONT. YES. That girl is a rising star you see. Her acting is EXCEPTIONAL. Remember her name, Elizabeth Barrett. She gave one of the best scenes in today's Finale. And then, the moment we have been waiting for. Drum roll please....... Jon is finally The King in the North (That's right Petyr. You can F**k off now).

Once again, Bronn was hilarious and very2 pleased to see him with Jamie, but Arya, which was totally unexpected, gave another brilliant surprise to the viewers when she was actually the "pretty girl" and took Walder Frey's name off her list (She killed him). I hope she ended up meeting the hound again as Jamie went back to King's Landing.

Okay this is the controversial one. Dorne. I thought they handled Dorne really well in the Finale because of Margaery's grandmother there and another surprising character, Varys. It was actually pretty good as the 3 girls were told to shut up by the grandmother.

Daenery's broke up with Daario, which was very heartbreaking, but then she assigned Tyrion into Hand of the Queen, which I was pleased to see. Although I hoped the best for Daario and how he will fight for Meereen. Daenerys then closest us the show as he squad up with Tyrion, God knows how many ships, and Varys. This meant that she made an alliance with House Dorne and House Tyrell.

But the biggest reveal was R + L =J. Yes, the fans' theory of Jon's parents. They revealed that the theory was actually true and how Lyanna and Rhaegar had Jon, but Lyanna died when giving birth to Jon, and how Ned had to take care of Jon. This scene was perfect. Nothing could be done any better.

Nevertheless, "The Winds of Winter" was an exceptional finale as winter is here. As perfect as I wanted it to be, there are a bit of flaws which was the pacing of King's Landing scene, but that won't really matter because the episode ran for 70 min long. Although they did not show any White Walkers, I suggest that episode would be the set up for next season as they battle the white walkers in the Great War. But, we don't know anything about next season which is why Im freaking excited. This finale deserved a 9.8/10. Near Perfection.

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Game of Thrones: Battle of the Bastards (2016)
Season 6, Episode 9
The Starks send their regards
19 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Guys, as you all know, Hardhome is a masterpiece in every single way. The battle, the angle of the cameras, the fights, the screenplay, and every little detail. Well guess what? This episode tops it. It's not just an "episode", but it's the best episode that has appeared on television (or HBO) thus far in history. WOW.

The set up of the battle was beautiful. Davos founding Shireen's doll, and the conversation Jon and Mellisandre had, and even the hilarious conversation between Tormund and Davos. But, the conversation between Jon and Sansa is very important due to their difference of opinion. But the climax hit when Rickon was shot by Ramsay. I thought that he was saved to be honest but that's why the director had done it again. It was a misdirection for most of us viewers but Rickon did die and that was when Jon had the anger to fight.

The battle was brutal, violence, intense, and gory. It was perfect. There has not been any war movie that I have seen that has top that scene. And yes, it was better than Braveheart or Troy (my favorite medieval movie of all time). I was shaking the entire hour of this episode. It was again a MASTERPIECE.

When Sansa brought the cavalry, AND I LITERALLY MEANT SHE BROUGHT A F**KING CAVALRY. IT WAS F**KING AWESOME. My days, I thought Jon was done. I thought he has lost the battle because you know Game of Thrones can kill Jon for the second time, but there will be no point on reviving him. So Sansa. She came, she saw, and she conquered. I love her character. (But I hope Little Finger doesn't turn on her)

Not to leave out Daenerys' part of this episode, which was totally badass and awesome by the way. It was also cool to see her and Tyrion work together, and for a moment I thought she had something going on with Yara (Hey you know what I mean).

Nevertheless, not a single episode of any show has top this episode, and it tops Hardhome, which was a masterpiece. This is the reason Game of Thrones is the best on show TV now because no other shows can be even close to top it.

"Battle of the Bastards" will get a rating of 11/10. It's more than just a masterpiece.
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James Wan has proved himself again as The Conjuring 2 outshone the first one
14 June 2016

Wow. Trust me guys, this movie is extremely good. The casting is perfect. The storyline is very very good, and as a 'Horror' movie, it's very very scary. This movie has everything really. But more importantly, James Wan has proved us again that he's the best horror movie director today. The Conjuring 2 and Insidious 1 are the two scariest horror movies that actually have a great plot in both that I have ever experienced in the 21st Century.

I looked at every single details in this movie and it is f**king flawless. The casting of Janet (Madison Wolfe) is brilliant. This is her biggest performance ever in a movie and she is fantastic. She is a star, and throughout this movie, she really shines. The music is fantastic. It's very very old schooled. One scene involving a music will warmth your heart. It teared me up a little bit, and if you have watched it, you know which one I'm talking about. But my God, the music, the setting, and all of these little details supported how the movie feels like we're watching a 1977 movie. Most of all, James Wan directed it perfectly.

For once in a horror movie, it actually have stories. I mean the other horror movies are just there to grab people's money. Paranormal Activity is an example. This movie involved a family, the power of love, religion, and supporting one another until the end. This movie contained messages and there are themes. There's a difference between a 'horror' movie involving killings and deaths and blood, and a true horror film involving a story based on a true story and a very good plot and characters.

Finally, Patrick Wilson. I love this man. He is truly perfect for Horror movies as he has starred in Insidious and Conjuring (Both the most successful horror films directed by James Wan), and he made that character alive in this one.

There is one 'Con' about this one and it really doesn't affect how the viewers see it but I just need to point it out. The ending made the 'true story' into a fantasy really as it involved the power of love and a happy end. But really, the ending was good in my opinion, but it just doesn't seem real at all, but do not let this ending be an excused to not watch the movie because you will miss out.

If you love movies, this is a fantastic horror film. If you love horror films, this is a must watch. Overall, this movie deserves a 9.4/10. Thanks for reading the review guys, and if you like it, hit the yes button.
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Game of Thrones: No One (2016)
Season 6, Episode 8
"No One" is great, although not even close to being spectacular like the last two season's episode 8.
12 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I expected better for the 8th episode of the Game of Thrones. Usually, episode 8 is one of the best episodes of the season. For example, Hardhome and Red Viper vs The Mountain. Those were emotional, intriguing, and fantastic writing. Hardhome made season 5 great even though the rest of the season was not that interesting. But you get the gist.

In this episode, I did not feel that exquisite typical Game of Thrones episode 8. There were so many things that we missed because of sloppy writing.

For example, the death of Blackfish, which was one of the most badass character just died without being shown fighting. He was one of the most admirable character showing his dedication to the castle and how he'll die for it. (Or they might lie to Jamie about his death, which is why we didn't see his death, or probably just sloppy writing; we don't know)

Next, Waif. I hated her and I wanted to see her died in the hands of Arya, meaning being shown on screen. The fact that she died off screen shows how this whole Arya with (No One) eventually led to nowhere. She's still Arya Stark but only became stronger, but the anger was not shown. The fact that she mastered her skills of fighting without seeing was not shown but we did find the result, which was a relief.

Finally, what in the bloody seven kingdom is Tommen doing.

But there are of course some pros: + Hound is back with the team + Arya is alive after a moment of intense chasing which was pretty awesome + Daenerys is back + Tyrion joking around with wine + Hound's badass kill streak + Mountain ripping head off + Pod and Bronn + Jamie and Brienn

Overall, 8.2/10. I thought things were going to go down in this episode, but sadly, there were barely any actions and is nothing compared to Hardhome or Red Viper vs Mountain.
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Me Before You (2016)
It was good, but wasn't as great as the book.
3 June 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie isn't about the normal love stories, although it includes some clichés, but overall it was good. The storyline is amazing, and people would love this movie. This movie contained a strong message to all people as well, and the ending, although unexpected, was dedicated to the message of the movie.

Now the casting. I thought that Emilia Clarke tried too hard in this movie, and when she laugh or cry, it almost seems that it's fake. But her character is the most likable out of all in the film. Sam Claflin was decent as Will Traynor. Steve Peacocke was alright as Nathan, although his accent seemed hard to understand at first for myself and some viewers. The rest of the casting was not that important because it was basically revolved around those three characters.

Book Viewers. Honestly, this movie kept up with the book, although they missed out on a lot of things. They took out huge parts of the book, and that's why the movie doesn't care about characters such as Camilla, Thomas, and Katrina, etc. It's like they don't exist in the movie. Viewers who do not read the book will not know who Thomas is to the family and why Katrina is so important to Louisa's life. They also do not include Will's sister. Patrick was literally no one in the movie. He's Louisa's boyfriend in the movie and that's it. They didn't explain why Louisa dated him for years and how he was before he became that selfish prick.

So overall, the movie get a B- . It was not as good as I expected, but it's worth the money and time to watch it. P.S. If you're a crier, bring some tissues cause this movie is a tear jerker.
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Before We Go (I) (2014)
A little adventure that will warmth your heart.
22 July 2015
Chris Evans and Alice Eve played such emotional, brave, and lovely characters in this movie. The movie is not the kind of romance that shows to have a marriage of happily forever after, but instead it shows the deepest life moments in such a few hours. Chris' acting was great and Alice's was good, but not so great since she had to use her American accent. The movie is also the first movie to be directed by Chris Evans, which is pretty cool to see. But to be honest, Before We Go is such a beautiful movie. It's very realistic to me, and it brought a message for me that one can actually love more than one person in this world. People of all ages are recommended to see this, and not only girls, but also some of the guys who are into these kinds of movies. Trust me guys, this little adventure will surely pleased the money you spend to watch this movie and at the end of the day, you will not be disappointed.

This is my first time reviewing and I hope it helps people out. Thanks for reading the review and Peace !
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