
33 Reviews
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3 Body Problem (2024– )
Ignorance is bliss
23 March 2024
If you enjoy the series, do NOT read the books. It will forever taint the fondness you have for the adaptation.

If you read the books, be prepared to be disappointed. They've made so much detrimental and unnecessary changes to the source materials often at the spirit and core of the books.

They've truncated a lot of the main characters by merging several characters into one. Naturally, we have the usual hollywood race and gender swap. Some of the roles and plots doesn't appear until the later books all got mashed together in one season and one character.

The worst transgression is: The trilogy was always about the bigger picture and have equal focus on the science and the characters. This adaptation put way too much emphasis on the characters as if it was GOT or the walking dead when it's a completely different theme and scope.

There are already enough complexity in the plot with the science, but they thought it was a good idea to unnecessary add teenage high school like drama to the adaptation.

Take for example, Salazar. One of the worst written character in recent history. Always emotional, to the point of threatening physical violence to one of her friend's jabs. And she was supposed to be a brilliant scientist, just watch her and ask yourself when is the last time you see ANY female scientist irl talk like her and as emotionally unstable as her?

After watching this series I'm convinced D&D is incapable of writing anything good by themselves and only get carried by the works of others with genuine brilliance.
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The Orville: From Unknown Graves (2022)
Season 3, Episode 7
The orville has officially surpassed star trek for me.
14 July 2022
This episode has everything. It was funny in the comedic segments and touching in the dramas.

I still remember season one, alot of the episodes then felt like it was trying too hard and results in it just feeling awkward. This episode however, accomplished the opposite, it was funny without trying and flows very natural. That's my review for the Lamar and Talla storyline.

The kaylon storyline was absolutely amazing!! Starting from exploring the back story and origin of the kaylon race to the romance of clair and isacc, finally ending in a hopeful fateout.

I'm so grateful that series of this quality still exist amongst the in your face agenda pushing entertainment industry.

Thank you Seth Macfarlane.
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The Orville: A Tale of Two Topas (2022)
Season 3, Episode 5
Regardless of you position, you can't deny the artistry.
30 June 2022
Social commentary these days often executed as propaganda and extremely cringe with minimal thoughts and effort that goes into actually telling a good story. Worst is the lack of empathy for the other side.

This episode is the opposite of that. It was a well thought out story, directed impeccably with above average performance by most of the actors. This is the star trek we need. Social commentary that's not cringe like in the actual star trek series they're making now.

Credit to where credit's due. I was never "pro" in the matter and don't think I will ever be because of how obnoxious the activists are in reality (yes, I'm against just because of the activism even though I have nothing against the actual thing). But I'm not so blind to not recognize art when I see it. In the end, it doesn't really matter if you're "for" or "against", this is a damn good episode.
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Halo (2022– )
A labor of hate to the franchise
25 April 2022
Beyond how much of a hate project this is to the original story of the game, one change stand above the rest of just making this an "okay" show to just bad.

That is Kwan.

You can change the story and shift roles around and still produce a good show, marvel does it all the time. But you still need to retain the spirit of a franchise. Imagine if they remake walking dead and now suddenly it's about the zombies and not the people. Or Captain America no longer about freedom but order.

That's what this show did. It not only changed the spirit of the game stories but did it with one of the most odious and unnecessary character of the decade: Kwan. I don't know if they planning to make her into a villain and that's why she's so unlikable but the show would've been much better without her arc.
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Would've been better if they just stuck to horror
1 February 2022
If you like hating on white people and heavy racial theme, then you'll love this series. For me, it's way too agenda driven.

There's a good story here and I find myself enjoying it but only because I was able to skip pass the racial parts. Had it been live and had to be watch from beginning to end I wouldn't have gotten through it.
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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
"You can only go so far without a tribe"
24 January 2022
A lot of people are disappointed because this isn't a story about a load bounty hunter making his way in the galaxy, that story has already been told in The Mandalorian.

This story however, is about a lone wolf building himself back up from the bottom and reinventing himself.

It really speaks to me because like Boba Fett in the series, my life and I suspect lives of many others mirrors that of Boba and went through the same realization as Boba did. There's only so much one can do alone. To succeed, we need alliances.

We often thinks we can do any and everything alone when we're young, but as we fail and go through life, we learn that we need friends and like minded people.

This story is about us, the period of our lives where we mature from the naive young man who thinks he can do everything alone to the man with the wisdom of seeing the value of being part of a tribe.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
One of the series that's worth the netflix subscription
31 December 2021
Lots of heart, respect to original material and character building.

It kept the spirit of the original movies for the old fans and great story for new ones. It's everything a karate kid series should be.
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Succession (2018–2023)
Not bad but overrated AF
15 December 2021
Wobbly camera, scripts written when high, some questionable casting and dialogs.

"So you like to hit above your league" "she's a 10 and you're a......" referring to someone that look like a 6.

It's a scripted show but you can "feel" they're just throwing crap on the wall and see what sticks, it's everywhere!
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Hawkeye (2021)
Inconsequential, unimaginative, boring.
8 December 2021
Take a regular filler episode of any buddy cop show and stretch it out 6 times and you get this series.

The character was dumb to begin with, a "super" hero that use a bow. Now pass the torch to a naive rich fan girl and what do you get? Dumb and annoying.
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
All the females are poorly casted except Rosamund Pike
5 December 2021
I'm not faulting their acting, they just don't have that screen presence and the show was carried by Rosamund Pike herself. This could be an unpopular opinion, but if you look like a normal civilian; DON'T BE AN ACTOR!

Alot of the scenes seems questionably waste of time, eg minutes of sex scene that adds nothing to the story. It could've been a kiss, drop in bed and fade out. 10 seconds scene.

Even with all its flaws, it remains one of the more interesting shows since it's the dry season with nothing better to watch.
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Finch (2021)
The worst thing a movie can be is mediocre
1 December 2021
It's not so bad that it's good and it's not good enough to be good.

It's just there, well acted and directed, nothing you can fault it on technicality as it checked every box. But it's so uninspiring and commit one of the worst sins of movies: it's boring.
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Lost in Space (2018–2021)
Great production value and story
1 December 2021
It's not the original and you'll be disappointed if you're looking for a modern update of an old classic.

However, if you can forget the name and take it on its own merit, then you'll find a very entertaining series.

It's one of the best sci-fi scripted series available and ends in a complete arc without cliffhangers.

Best part of the series for me was the relationship between Will and the Robot. Worst part is the doctor.
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Foundation (2021– )
Not Foundation.
28 November 2021
Review after watching the entire season 1.

What made foundation the book great was the moral of its story was about over coming adversity through brains over brawn. The repeated line and plot of the first story arc in the book was "violence is the last refuge of the incompetent".

Terminus, the planet in the book, was like Tyrion Lanister from GoT. A dwalf trying to make his way in a world of more powerful men than him. It forces him to employ tactics outside of conventions or what other can use. It's what made him interesting and one of my favorite character. Can you imagine if they just wrote him like everyone else, gives him super strength and made him to be just another "hero"? How boring would that be?

What we got in this travesty of an adaptation is Terminus just reacting and taking the path of least resistant where in the book it's proactive. It's nothing new where plots are concern and we've seen it a thousand times in other mediocre works. They changed EVERYTHING from the book. Race was swapped, genders were swapped, worst of all; they changed the moral of the story.

So the question remains: why would the writers and producers of this series saw fit to replace better work with their turd?
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Foundation (2021– )
In name only
4 November 2021
If this was a series by any other name, I probably would have scored it higher. But it took the name of a beloved legendary scifi series and changed it so much that made you wondered if the people responsible even liked the original work to begin with.

I've read the series just recently to refresh my memory and it held up well enough for a mostly faithful adaptation. Maybe the technologies which based entirely on "atomics" can be updated for modern sensibilities.

What the people of this series did however is changed every single thing from the source material, from the story to characters. Naturally, all main characters are played by blacks and all are gender swapped and race swapped. This is no surprised and is today's hollywood that we just have to swallow. But they didn't even follow the story for F sake!

Why not just call it something else? It's not a bad show by itself if only I can stop thinking "this isn't foundation" every few scenes.
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Star Trek: Prodigy (2021–2024)
Great production value marred by childish dialogs and poor writing.
28 October 2021
It's visually great but with unlikable lead and immature story.

The lead was supposed to be a slave but behaves like a regular awkward kid in the class, too cheerful and talk way too much.

It just feels like lost potential. The show could have been clone wars or the bad batch that transcend age demographics, instead they just made another kids show.
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Invasion (2021– )
Do you like your time being wasted? Have I got a series for you!
22 October 2021
So slow it's like watching a snail cross the street. It just droning on and on with boring life of characters you don't cared about and never getting to the point: the invasion!

This is so bad, the people responsible for this warrens your blacklist so you can avoid your time being wasted in the future.
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Electric Dreams (2017–2018)
Moments of brillance marred by narative incoherance.
17 August 2021
It's like the writers had the beginning of a great idea but then don't know how to end it or write a complete story.

The best analogy I can make is: imagine the movie Martian, after he was left on the planet alone and left to die, he suddenly takes off his helmet and was breathing normally, then he was suddenly on the moon. And then the movie ends. With out explaining anything.

There's some interesting plots in some of the episodes but temper your expectation of a satisfactory ending or a coherent story.
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Ends on a cliffhanger
4 June 2021
Did not complete story arc.

You know when a marvel movie ends, it tells a complete story THEN it tease you with after credit scenes of whats to come.

Not this movie, it just ends incomplete.
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M.O.D.O.K. (2021)
Written by people unable to feel embarassed by how bad their work are.
3 June 2021
It's not really for kids and too dumb for adults. Even in a universe of faeries and unicorns, a good story have to be consistent with its settings and have to be at least relatable to people living in reality.

E.g. Why can superman fly? The writers then writes an entire back story explaining this unbelievable feat to what is currently impossible to reality.

Why is modok living like a regular suburb and not get arrested or captured by superheros despite being a super villain? No answer.

Why is he supposed to be a genius and act so dumb? No answer and just bad writing.

This entire series is just poorly written with silly jokes that don't work and gives the feeling the writers were either high or didn't give a crap about their jobs. This is the kind of stuff you write when you're drunk and would never let anyone read because it's so embarrassingly bad.
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Lots of pretentious gimmicks, ends on a cliffhanger.
10 May 2021
Plague with time jump gimmicks like so many netflix series.

Very poor fight choreography and special effects, I'm talking iron fist bad. The general direction of scenes was amateur at best.

Season ends in a cliffhanger. They didn't complete the story arc they started and tease you with whats to come in the next season, they just didn't complete the story arc AT ALL. I guess it's too much to ask for one story arc per season these days.

Overrall rating: meh.
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The Witcher (2019– )
Season 2 dropped the ball hard......
20 December 2019
I don't understand why whoever is in charge of decision making saw fit to change stuff that don't need changing and fix stuff that's not broken.

The witcher is not an obscure series, thanks in part to the games, you can't just steal its name and put whatever you want in it. PEOPLE WILL KNOW! And they will be pissed.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Yennifer and Tris was poorly cast. Her voice is too screechy and ultimately made the character seems too annoying. I always imagine her played by someone like Eva Green, someone with an attractive and eloquent voice and commanding presence. Tris in this series just have zero screen presence.

I don't know if they can recover from this. Dead characters are dead and bad changes are set. It may take a miracle for this series going forward to be good again.
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Ultraman (2019–2023)
Diamond in the rough
5 April 2019
I found the story and writing quite compelling. What this show falters in is its technical execution.

The frame rate is all over the place, sometimes it's smooth and sometimes it's heavy stuttering, since they went the cgi rout I would prefer they just went full 60fps trough out. Some of the scenes also contains noticeable aliasing. The worst of the technical hurdle is the voice acting and lip sync, it's not the worst but leaves much to be desire.

None of these should prevent you from enjoying the show since they can be easily forgiven due to the very good story and writing. Give this show a shot, you will probably enjoy it as much as I did but I expect improvements if they ever do another season.
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One of the greatest manga, cyberpunk, action movies yet.
9 February 2019
Edit. I went to watch it a second time and got an epiphany during the martial art practice scene; the grace and strength of her movement is a celebration of the human body and our ingenuity of pushing the limit that is our form.

Her body maybe entirely machine but her story explores innocence, growth, curiosity, love, determination and will; which celebrates our humanity. It shows us we're more than just flesh and blood. Brought a tear to my eyes.

This movie is so beautiful.

//original review The story is engaging but the true masterpiece is the action and screen play, Alita's action scene got so much attitude that it screams "badass" as loud as a Tarantino movie.

The way wingchun is incorporated into the character is just genius, where other movies hide their flaws in cheap cuts and wonky cameras, you can see every move in crystal clarity.

I've enjoyed everything about this movie and can't wait for a sequel, you probably will too, WATCH THIS MOVIE!!!
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The Orville (2017–2022)
A great sci-fi since star trek
11 January 2019
It was first presented as a comedy but I reckon it's a bate and switch to get the executives green light the project then Seth can do whatever he wants, which is to make his own star trek.

And it works! The episode lean progressively more towards insightful sci-fi than comedy with each episode, this becomes even more evident in season 2. Seth Macfarlane genuinely cares about sci-fi that he went so far as to ask Neil Degrass Tyson for an accurate depiction of the night sky in one of his movies, in this series you can feel it's a labor of love.

Highly recommended for sci-fi fans, not so much for comedy.
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Cohen deserves 10 stars just for keeping a straight face
23 July 2018
I really don't know how anyone can keep up the act when someone had their pants down yelling "usa!!! 'merica" while coming towards you butt first. This is absolute genius! I was laughing so hard my stomach hurts lol.
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