
13 Reviews
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May December (2023)
Hits a little too close to home
11 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
69/100 !!! Just realized I was directed by Todd Haynes in Dark Waters! Lol that's insane. He personally told me I was doing a great job in my stand alone scene. I was eating cold ass fries, walking down the street. Cut my scene though, so that's cool 😅 My mom's still in it though in the background when car is driving down road.

Really uncomfortable, disturbing, & quite frankly disgusting. But ig that was the point. Also made me angry that women rapists still get to live semi-"normal" lives, only in prison for a decade or so, and can even profit off their crimes. DISGUSTING.

But ima go ahead and assume this hits me harder bc I'm a male victim of sexual assault from an older female too. Not like in this movie but it resonates nonetheless.

But the performances were top notch from the 3 main leads. Especially Natalie Portman and Charles Melton. Which his performance, and the reviews about his performance has even raised an awareness in myself that I probably wouldn't have thought on my own. He still has a child-like innocence to when the abuse happened to him, and I see certain aspects of that in my own life, as I was about 8 when it first happened to me, up until like mid-teens.. And was also in his boat where I thought I was "in control"; that I could give consent and "wanted it". It makes me sick thinking about it and the conflicting feelings from those thoughts. But yeah, his performance seems to be spot on.

And the campiness is only there to add to the discomfort. It's purposefully added, bc you know deep down a movie with this sort of story shouldn't have that effect or feeling. And at the start of the film it's fine, until the big reveal and all of a sudden you subconsciously think back on it and it turns your stomach. Actually, sorta like how I think back on when I was abused. Okay, so this film also seems to be a reflection on any victims. For us to better understand what happened to us and to better understand our selves.

So maybe instead of a 66/100, I give it a 69, for being a sort of therapy after the fact.
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25 March 2023
10/10. 100/100 Only a few films I can call Masterpieces, even my 10/10s or 5/5 stars, I don't typically depict as masterpieces, but this one definitely IS. In every aspect.

The gun-fu, choreography, fighting, stunts, and action in general. The acting, story was the best of the franchise, and the directing. The cinematography and overall feel of the film. And even other aspects that I would consider at least near masterpiece parts that make the whole, such as the score.

And watching with an audience made it even better. The reactions to the scenes and the visceral action sequences that took place, made them all the better. Laughing with an audience at perfectly timed comedic moments, and hearing some comments about what's happening on screen; something about a relaxed, chill, and engaging audience just ties a movie together in a nice little bow. The perfect experience one such as myself absolutely LOVES about going to the theater. And it reminds me of one of the main reasons why I go.

If you get the chance to watch this film at a theater, DO IT. Especially one with a decent amount of audience members. It's a damn good experience that one should NOT miss out on.
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Babylon (I) (2022)
9/10. 98/100
28 December 2022
You imbeciles don't understand it bc you're not of high Art, nor probably wanted (or want) to be a part of the film industry; but this film was made for me. Made for people like me. This movie made me fall in love with film all over again! I was tearing up from joy of the industry. What it's done in the past, and what it has to offer for the future.

It was damn near immaculate. The non-story is untraditional but who cares? Linear storytelling gets boring. Sure, it didn't do it as well as Quentin Tarantino does, but it's still done well enough. The acting, the high art, choreography, writing, score, etc. This film is pretty much a masterpiece.
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Terrifier 2 (2022)
Gonna be Iconic
16 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
7/10. 73/100 Would have maybe been an 8 or close to it if there wasn't as much of certain weird stuff in it, and if there wasn't as much bad acting. Especially with the mom, terrible acting.

The lead was good thank God though, and the vibe, atmosphere, the kills, and Art the Clown, all are pretty damn good. It's a good, fun, and terrifying time.

Just remember decades from now when I said this was gonna be a cult classic, especially Art the Clown as a slasher/horror icon.

Finally another potential classic horror villain to come in the decades. Not up there with Michael Meyers and Jason Vorhees per say, but maybe close to Ghostface or surpassing the one in "I Know What You Did Last Summer".
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Could have been Better
15 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
7/10. 76/100

This show coulda been better but the writers messed it up in the last couple of episodes. Especially with who the Killer is and the ending itself. Like really? Margot is the killer? And there's no true reason for it besides being in love with Allison/Lennon and wanting her to admit that she was actually Allison? What? That's goofy really. And with the ending, even worse. Why would Allison help the serial killer maniac, and put the person who she "loves" behind bars for the rest of his life? There's no motive or reason for this at all. She was just stabbed by her, knows she killed or helped kill those other people and "friends" of hers, and she just tells the police that it was Dylan? What? That's maddening. No reason to do that. What? Maybe to help keep her identity secret but that's not even a clear motive. At that point it wouldn't matter. Plus, for all she knew in the moment, was that she was just gonna die anyways so it wouldn't have even mattered. So truly, what was the reason? None. Other than the writers being crappy ones and wanting an "unconventional ending".

Which they could have achieved with just making the main character of Allison the killer. They already were going in that route anyways. They ended up portraying her as worse of a person than we initially thought when it showed her seeing her sister on the road, and actively pushing down on the gas harder and hitting her; killing her. It wasn't an accident at all. (Side note; did Lennon also kill herself? Bc she saw the vehicle and started running towards it in the middle of the road.. this was unclear really). So, in theory that could have made her actually the killer, playing everyone. Or, with what she said to Dylan that she didn't know what the truth was, maybe at this point in time she had remembered a fugue moment (of her activity running her sister over), and maybe realizing she had black outs or something like this. The first one maybe starting from that night she hit her sister and part of the reason why she told everyone she was Lennon. Meaning in reality, there was just Allison - aware, Allison acting like Lennon - aware, and Allison thinking she IS Lennon but unaware, and almost as if she were possessed by her. (Maybe they make it unclear, or they do at the end when they already show a supernatural element with Riley being alive still somehow??) And this could be the "unconventional ending" they were going for but making a little more sense. She coulda been the serial killer and part of the harassment on the phone would be from her unaware Lennon self, set on timers and maybe mixed with delusions. Killing the group and others to keep the secret and to also punish them for killing her - "Lennon" even though in reality she's Allison. But this version of herself actually thinks herself as Lennon. Like she attained DID, dissociative identity disorder.

I digress, other than the ending and the killer, the show was pretty good. Most to all of the kills were pretty good, and same as the acting. Especially with Madison Iseman's. She was acting like two different twins, Allison and Lennon, and also as Allison acting like Lennon, which she did phenomenally. But like I said, the killer, the ending, and the motives behind certain things were to unclear or made zero sense, which took away from the overall show by quite a bit. It could have been better.
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Wolfblood (2012–2017)
27 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS Maddy (Aimee) leaves after only 2 seasons to further her education with college. I got 3 episodes into season 3, and by everything that was happening and everything being said, I had to see for myself, if her character was coming back or not. And of course not.

I can't watch this show anymore, it hurts too much. I don't understand how or why it does, but it does. Not to mention, I also find out the other main characters leave as well after season 3. So why even watch? I can't waste my time like that, especially since it hurts and I keep longing for Maddy.

Her character could have easily came back and all, and the show would have continued and been as good if not better in the later seasons. That's what makes it worse. Why couldn't she had just waited a couple years to go to college? Finish this show and then get to that. Her leaving literally ruined the show, especially the future of it at least (seasons 3-5). Causing the other main actors to leave as well bc it just wasn't the same without her. I wish they made her sign a contract at the start, or that she just wanted to continue the series period.
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You (2018–2024)
For Season 3 only: (SPOILERS!)
8 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
8/10. 80/100 SPOILERS!

Coulda been far better if they let them bask in their marriage. We didn't need marriagel problems of this nature, we wanted to see the psychological problems and trauma of 2 sick people being married and actually enjoying each other. Working together. It's a show about murder, stalking, and the insanity of it all. And besides, other than the outrageous stuff these psychos did, let's be real; we all wanted to see them be psychos TOGETHER. Not against each other. Showing more of Joe trying to help Love's killer instinct and vice versa. Her helping with his stalking nature. Stuff like that.

It would have been so much better if they were together and enjoyed each other; worked together even. Maybe he does get infatuated with Natalie and all that stuff still happens to do with her and her death. But then, the 2 stay together and rekindle everything. And throughout the whole season you're not just in Joe's head, but Love's as well. They have to deal with covering up that murder, maybe another or so Bc of Love or something. And that's the whole dynamic of the show. That woulda been much better. That's what I originally thought season 3 was about before watching this whole series. Ending it where they might have to fake their death's and move on Bc of too many killings or something. Being too close to getting caught. That would have been a much better season.
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7 June 2021
6/10. 69/100 It would have been better if it made more sense, the ending wasn't bad or as bad, and/or if the last 30-45 minutes were done differently. By either a descent to big margin it should have been different. The first 2 acts were pretty damn good though. Pretty conflicted. Would have given it about a 7/10, or 75/100.
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Cruella (2021)
5 June 2021
9/10. 92/100.

This really surprised me. I thought that it might be good and most people I know were just brushing it off, but I did NOT expect it to be THIS good. Emma Stone is such an amazing actress and now Cruella might go down in my top 30-20 favorite characters, and top 10 favorite villains. Oh, and it is pretty reminiscent of Devil Wears Prada mixed with Joker.
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Trinkets (2019–2020)
77/100. Why only 2 seasons!?
31 March 2021
I think they should do 3-4 seasons at least. I don't understand why they would only do 2 seasons. It was a pretty good show with great characters and great chemistry. It was fun to watch.

It's not the greatest by any means, and I would have rather it been more about the stealing; like how they do in the first episode, but it was still good and fun. It has decent to good reviews, I don't really understand. They could have waited to so the ending until the 3rd or 4th season at least. Which the ending is good enough but still.

Could have been a better show if they had decided to continue it. They still could, but it would be a little awkward to keep it going considering the ending.
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The real scam is the way the government & education system is:
26 March 2021
The real scam here is the way the government and educational system is. Rick Singer made a "side door" to get students into these colleges, and he actually did. He gave "donations" (bribes) to individuals and/or individuals groups or parts of the colleges. So, he and an individual got the money. The government did NOT. And the college did NOT or made far less than usual. That is the only reason why what he did was deemed "illegal".

Colleges have a "back door" where students can MOST LIKELY get in for really expensive "donations" (bribes). But because the "donations" are 5-20 million, and because the government and the college itself gets this money, it's deemed "legal". Of course. The government and education system is a big old con in itself.

Just glad that the "criminals" got little to no jail time for trying to put their children in a "prestigious" college.
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Riverdale (2017–2023)
95/100 for season 4 only (actually 99/100)
26 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Overall I give about a 100/100

Why do audience hate this show? The whole feel of this is to combine Noir Who-Donut movies and shows, mixed with soap opera, and Archie Comics, and I think it does this good, mostly. And the dialogue is perfect. It's not supposed to feel too too real or it would be far more boring, trust me. And it's not supposed to feel like a Quentin Tarantino film or show or anything like this. The writing, feeling, and dialogue is actually all really good. Not perfect but great. That's why it has good critic reviews. Now for audience reviews? Idk clearly these vibes I've explained aren't what 15-25 year olds are okay with nor have any nostalgia about. I'm 21 but a film buff so I know and understand it all. Also, normally critics and audience have a far different approach to story telling and entertainment except for on the rare occasions with things such as The Godfather.

(SPOILERS!) What should have happened:

It does or doesn't show the trigger words that make people go crazy, and doesn't show any scenes for Jugheads "death" until it happens. Maybe only 1 or 2.

Then, during the episode it happens, it only shows Betty going in the woods with that one girl talking, but doesn't show her talking about the trigger word. Then, it cuts to Betty looking angry, evil, and pissed at Jughead and "kills" him. It shows V and Archie showing up and shows more scenes of Betty telling them how to hide the bodies and such. It doesn't show her half brother helping and skips those parts and he never tells them what to do when it does show him helping in later episodes.

Throughout the next few episodes it has the audience believing Betty went full dark and killed Jughead and that she's trying to have her friends stay quite about it, with creepy possible "threats" (out of context like a couple they did) and such.

Then, when they finally show Jughead alive and go through how it happened and all that, it shows basically the same stuff except that the girl tries to use a trigger word to make Betty kill Jughead, but it doesn't work. And the plan was to let the Stonies think it worked as they watch her kill him. She knows they're watching, and thinks they might be watching in secret throughout the other episodes which is why they do acting and stuff too, but it doesn't show her explaining this until after we find out he's alive. And the whole scam was to prove they were trying to get Betty to do this, as well as take them all down for the missing 4.

I think this would have brought more attention to Betty's dark side and if she's pretending in scenes before and after. When did she go full dark? Did she go full dark? Make audience fully believe in Jughead's death, and so on. It would have been better. I mean do it better and cleaner than how I've said it here, but yeah.

But also what took a bit away from the show for me, was the feeling. It felt almost as if it were a whole different show, and has a weird dreary feeling that I've never felt before. Which it was good and bad at places. This was with the tone, story, choices of the story, and character choices.

Like Betty and Archie cheating and not telling V and Jughead. That was definitely out of place and almost forced. If they were to do the whole Jughead death better like my idea possibly, and either left out the cheating or did that arch better, this could have been my favorite season. Also, also, I want to see Betty go fully dark at least once!

(After all 7 Seasons)

Idk why ppl hate this show so much. It's so whimsy, mysterious, fun, etc. It has so much going for it and goes bonkers and has fun. It's pretty serious but not to an extent it gets bogged down. It pokes fun at itself and so on. All like what "Supernatural" does. Which is also my favorite show of all time. This would be at number 2. And so much of Betty & Jughead reminded me of myself and my relationship with my first love. Parts of them that I resonate with so much, and even a tiny bit of Archie and Veronica (especially season 7 V). It all unfolds perfectly to be my 2nd fav show of all time.
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The Witcher (2019– )
Season 1: 9/10. 97/100
21 December 2019
Main problem is that the passing of so much time and other events which also leads to another small problem, only 8 episodes. Needs more! I hope the rest of the seasons have around 20 episodes each.
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