
36 Reviews
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Wrath of Man (2021)
Has No Soul
5 June 2024
Nothing new to see here. I usually get a reasonable level of enjoyment out of Jason Statham movies, but this one has no particularly likeable characters, just a bunch of stereotypical cops and or tough guys. A dude who is introduced for 5 seconds then gets killed and we are supposed to care. A plot that makes no sense, maybe we are jumping around in time and I am just too dense or don't care enough to follow. I have to admit I am only two thirds of the way through it, but I am about ready to shut lights out and just go to bed.

Thanks again to IMDB for requiring more characters in review than a lot of movies are worth.
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Starts out Strong, But Just Can't Maintain It
25 May 2024
This movie starts out great, with a clever opening and lots of witty references. It stays in this tone for maybe the first third, and you are thinking "another clever movie from the Lego guys".

Then it just sort of loses it's way. The end is all bright lights and music and constant motion and action, and it also seems like they wind up the story about 2/3 of the way through and the tone goes from clever and snarky to care bears let's all love each other and share and get along.

I will admit I am writing this review from an adult perspective, my grandson was mesmerized by all the sound and lights. But Pixar and Lego have shown that you can make a movie that appeals to kids and adults, so I don't think we are setting an unrealistic bar.
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Not Deep, Profound, or Entertaining
24 March 2024
Just because people act differently than normal and talk about profound subjects doesn't make a movie deep or profound. I guess to each their own, but there seems to be a sunset of moviegoers who feel that if a movie doesn't follow a conventional plot and has lots of dialogue talking about subjects which are generally categorized as deep, then the movie must be profound and great cinema. It helps to have a coherent story and characters you care about.

Although I believe this movie was made in the 80s, it very much feels like a 70s piece. No plot to speak of, characters you don't care about, I made it about a third of the way through and gave up. This was on somebody's ten best list, so I tried to watch it. I will add that just because a movie wasn't popular doesn't make it good.
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I Was Ready to be Done with the MCU
5 February 2024
I have seen most, but not all, of the MCU movies since endgame. Many tried to be different or deep, most all failed. Guardians of the Galaxy 3 recaptured all of the magic from the first film and then some. The characters have arc, the love each other, they banter.

The villain is evil and convincing, the story made me laugh a lot,and nearly made me cry several times. Even the characters who weren't my favorites (hello Mantis and Nebula) got to grow and shine in this one.

The flashbacks meshed with the story well, the pace never let up, but there was enough story that the action didn't feel forced like it does in many superhero and action and adventure movies.

I was thoroughly entertained, and as I get older I find fewer and fewer movies that can do that.
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Worthy Follow up to Black Panther
6 February 2023
I know I am in the minority, but Black Panther just kind of left me cold. It seemed like it was more "hey look, we fleshed out the fictional land of Wakanda from the Marvel comics and isn't it really cool?". I know there was as storyline about t'challa and his rival, but I really wasn't feeling it.

Wakanda Forever, more drama, more emotions, villains, easier to root for the "home" team as the whole world, ansa new, powerful villain and people fight against them.

I do admit that the middle is probably longer than it needs to be, but it is a good set up for the rest of the movie. A good ride, after the latest Thor, Dr. Strange, and Black Widow movies I was about ready to give up on Marvel, but Wakanda Forever gives me hope that they can still create a Marvelverse and make a good flick.
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Memory (I) (2022)
Done Before
15 January 2023
Liam Neeson has been playing the same role in similar movies for some time. I usually enjoy them anyway, but this one seemed to be lacking in heart. Hard to care about any of the characters. Usually Neeson himself is a likeable tough guy, but in this one not so much.

The bad guys weren't very interesting or memorable, the plot was same as it always is, and the whole bad memory thing just seemed like it was added to the movie so it could be a little different than all the other Liam Neeson movies where he plays a tough guy. No humor, no family or love interest worth speaking of. I usually don't agree with the critics,but they got this one right.
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Cadillac Man (1990)
Old Time Comedy
4 January 2023
This is a comedy from before the days when comedies had to be raunchier than last year's comedy to be good. Whacky but rapidly moving plotline, I know I am in the minority, but I think it is one of Williams' (and Robbins') best performances. It is somewhat entertaining up until Tim Robbins literally comes busting in, then after that it really moves well. Underated flick, as stated the comedy, while not exactly subtle, is there on very many levels I can appreciate. I think requiring this many words in a review is a little much, I get 300-400 needed, but beyond that many are asking for fluff. There wasn't much fluff in the movie.
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Pleasantly Surprised
13 November 2022
Often Kids movies fall flat for either know ds or adults, or both, which is what makes movies like "Toy Story" so remarkable, as it finds a way to appeal to both. This movie is no Toy Story, but it kept the 5 year old both laughing and interested, and there were a few funny adult moments as well as a cute big red dog. Much better than just something slapped to get her on a premise and hey the kids will laugh. Acting was fine, sure some of it was hokey and contrived, but hey it is a movie about a giant red dog. This character limit is more than a bit much, just adding filler now...

I give it a solid seven, pleasantly surprised.
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Amazing Movie
13 March 2022
I was transfixed from start to finish. Best movie I have seen in some time. Acting is very good, dubbing in English not distracting. The children and adult characters are Interesting. The story is beyond moving. Some scenes definitely not for the faint of heart. Most of the criticism seems to be against the nun's character, given the times, some questions regarding faith from anybody makes sense.

I don't give many movies a ten, I don't think I have ever seen anything quite like this. Simply brilliant.
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4 March 2022
This started out mildly interesting, but the characters with the obsession or "war" over words and pictures or literature vs. Art seemed more than a little contrived, certainly believable as a point of contention,but not so much as something you build your whole life around. Love story was predictable, and the last half of the movie drug out twice as long as it should have.
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The Restaurant (2017– )
Great Show With a Few Flaws
19 December 2021
This was a very entertaining series,the characters evolve as it goes along (though for the most part they don't age over about three decades). I laughed I cried, I cared about what happened to the characters and the various love stories and family dramas were quite moving.

Well acted, while many of the plotlines we're predictable it was in a satisfying way for me. Despite there being hundreds of choices for movies and series these days, it seems like something I really want to watch only comes around once every year or two. It is not Downton Abbey, or Mad Men, but it is well worth a watch, and will probably watch it again in a year or two.
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Lots of Color and Noise No Warmth or Life
6 February 2021
There are many kids movies made so we'll they are enjoyable for adults too. This isn't one of them, lots of action, color, sound and attempts at humor, but very little story, warmth or life. Looks like random stream of noise and color. No, just no.
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The Grinch (2018)
Unexpectedly Good
27 December 2020
This movie was amusing and did a good job of stretching out the original Grinch story to a full length movie. A huge fan of the 1966 Animated movie, and hater of the 2000 debacle, I came in with low expectations. This Grinch has heart and humor, well done.
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Imposters (2017–2018)
Great Entertainment
26 September 2020
Good TV, great Entertainment, with a lovable, ensemble cast that plays well off each other, the characters are better than the story, but the story is interesting too. Will I lie on bed tonight thinking about the significance of the story or characters?, no. Was I thoroughly entertained when watching it?, yes.
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Swing and a Miss
10 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
It is fine for a suspense thriller to lead you in different directions and distract you with subplots. But if well done those subplots fit in to the story, just not the way you think. The ending should tie it all together, "now it all makes sense" sort of thing, not, "half the stuff they showed us at the beginning of the movie is really irrelevant to the plot".

It also sort of straddles unsuccessfully between a murder mystery and a horror flick. Not really succeeding at either.

I watched the movie twice, not remembering much other than it was vaguely disappointing. Watched it again, same. Michelle Pfieffer was marvelous and gets all the limited stars I give this movie.
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Easy 10 Stars
17 April 2020
I am watching this movie again for the I can't even keep track of how many times, though it has been a few years. It still holds up. Outstanding cast, Peck, Heston, Simmons, Ives, Connors, all give outstanding and memorable performances. Perfect score, perfect pace, which is very hard to do in a three hour movie.

If you really look back at the Western genre they made a LOT of very bad to mediocre movies, some good ones, and a very few great ones. This is easily one of the greats, and my favorite Western, in my mind the only serious rival is Unforgiven.

There are certainly worse ways to spend a quiet Sunday afternoon.
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24 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Best racing documentary ever, and I have watched a few, not just about tragedy, also history of the sport, bravery, and massive changes in the ways society has looked at safety and the value of human life over the years.
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Tolkien (2019)
Moving Motion Picture
20 February 2020
If you want Lord of the Rings you will be disappointed. If you want an action adventure movie, same. This is a period English drama, with the usual love story, class differences, private schools, etc. However, it is very well done. And the links and hints of how the LOTR mythology came to be makes it an interesting twist. Starts a little slow, but the end, as well as the tidbits of what came after make it all worth it. Unexpectedly good.
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Time Travel Does Not Work For Logic or Dramatic Purposes (spoilers)
10 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I love science fiction and fantasy, and I have no problem suspending disbelief for purposes of enjoying a good comic book movie, but Endgame just didn't work for me on a couple levels. First, they kill Thanos with little fanfare or drama at what is basically the start of the show. This gets to the whole drama thing, it is all based essentially on a do over, but they try to make it dramatic because they just have "one chance to get it right" yet Cap and Tony screw up and just get a do over. So they are fighting to save the world (or half of it anyway) very dramatic, but if this doesn't work they will just do it over, not very dramatic, they beat Thanos at the beginning, again not very dramatic to fight him again.

Then there is the time travel logic they use to build up the story that doesn't really work either, you can't change the past, you can just create alternative timelines, but the whole stone thing somehow sidesteps this critical rule "as long as they put them back in time. And speaking of putting them back, getting them was a major deal involving the whole squad and a lot of risk. How is returning them so much easier? Black Widow "has to stay dead" yet Gamora, who died under the exact same circumstances/edict comes back no problem. Fat Thor and smart Hulk didn't help matters. Missed Vision too, everybody else could come back, but not the Viz? Screw that, he is the most interesting character on the whole team.

Sorry, don't get all the love, worst Avengers movie yet by far.
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Suicide Squad (2016)
Raised up by low expectations
24 March 2019
I was curious about this movie, but not really excited to see it. Then it got generally bad reviews from critics and viewers alike. Caught on free streaming. Will Smith and Margot Robbie pretty much carry the movie, it is an entertaining romp, the plot makes as much sense as any superhero movie, bad guys were sufficiently creepy. If you were expecting great cinema or deep meaning from this, well, I just don't know what to say.
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No New Ground Covered Here
11 March 2019
This was not only a remake of a particular movie by the same name, it was a remake of a lot of movies telling similar stories. It wasn't quite unwatchable, but nothing about it was particularly moving or compelling. Lady GaGa has a great voice, Bradley Cooper is good looking. We knew all that going in. Even the inestimable Sam Elliott couldn't add much to this wooden, slow moving clunker.
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King Arthur (2004)
This Movie is Fiction Treat it as Such and Enjoy
13 January 2019
I looked at the reviews and most of the negatives seemed to based on it not being true to the legend and or history. The King Aurthur story is a myth, so will never be historically correct, the legend has been made into film many times and this little spin on it is a refreshing change.

Very enjoyable swords and horses/heroes and bad guys action adventure movie. I have watched it several times, it holds up and is well cast. Best of it's type in the last 20 years or so.
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Excalibur (1981)
Excellent Despite Flaws
13 January 2019
This is an atmosphere and story film, the acting leaves a bit to be desired, but the music, the scenery and cinematography, and the story, as well as a fantastic final battle scene, make it highly watchable and unique.

Loved this as a twentysomething, watched it again after 20 years or more and still enjoyed it.
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High Aspirations, Mediocre Execution
21 August 2018
I waited a long time to watch this movie (obviously) I was impressed with what they attempted, but not so much with what was achieved. Obviously was supposed to have big themes and deep meaning, but kind of a schizophrenic mix of film noir, nostalgia, gritty crime drama, golden age comic book flash gordon stuff.

Although it may not seem all that significant the atmosphere seemed all WWII era film noir, yet the jarringly incongruous soundtrack had music from the 60s and seventies. Dr. Manhattan seems like gee whiz fifties atomic age comic book, but then they try to throw him into deep philosophical discussions. None of the superheroes really have any superpowers except Rorsarch has a freaky mask (never explained to my knowledge) and Dr. Manhattan (who is given some backstory).

The old group, the Watchmen, never seemed to really care about each other much, past or present, and none of the characters are really likeable or relateable. Perhaps because the only one we really had any clue about regarding character and motivation was Rorsarch (well played by the way).

The violence often seemed gratuitious and unnecessary to the story. The story, I got the general gist, but would have to watch it again (not likely) to get all the twists and nuances and flashbacks they threw in there.

I slogged through it, but didn't really work for me, too long, needed either a lighter touch or more depth of character.
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Great Movie if You Want to Take a Long Nap and Not Miss Anything
5 August 2018
I was excited when we found this movie available free to stream, good cast, great reviews. I don't usually turn movies off after 10-15 minutes or write reviews of movies I haven't finished, but here I will make an exception. The narrator's voice had some weird, fake accent and was grating, no one said or did a thing to make the characters interesting, just couldn't do it, I checked out with significant other's total agreement.
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