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The Mandalorian: Chapter 22: Guns for Hire (2023)
Season 3, Episode 6
Seems Like a Video Game at this point
7 February 2024
The final two better deliver because the cold, rigid feel of season 1 and 2 that made this show worth watching are starting to fade. Fans didn't ask for cameos nor did the show need them. No criticism towards Lloyd, but at this point, it's becoming filler plots to keep in with their 8 episode practice. Even if Plazir-15 reoccurs later in the show as some sort of aid - the addition of it could have been done far better. In many ways, this episode was cringeworthy at best. With maybe 5 minutes of legitimate plot to show. I certainly hope this sort of filler doesn't resurface in season 4... otherwise I may just give up on the show.
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I Love Lucy: The Sublease (1954)
Season 3, Episode 31
Not one of my favorites but it has its moments.
11 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I think the biggest thing that annoys me about this episode is Fred's character is just way too stingy and also hypocritical.

For the diehard fans out there, in season 2 episode 2 of "The Lucy-Desi Comedy Hour" Fred is met with a similar situation as the Ricardo's where he had the chance to rent out the guesthouse he and Ethel were living in but wanted to make a profit (charge more than what he had been paying - whilst he stays in the Ricardo's home rent-free) and yet he snivels at the Ricardo's trying to make a profit off a sublease in this episode.

It's one of those things that gets under my skin because he sure doesn't mind making extra money when HE can but heaven forbid someone else does.

Outside of the episode has its moments of humor, additional obstacles, and challenges - once again culminating in the wacky ideas conjured up by Lucy.
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ALF: ALF's Special Christmas: Part 1 (1987)
Season 2, Episode 12
A Special Christmas, indeed. (Pt 1 & 2)
22 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
When you have a show centered around a goofy Alien that's always getting into trouble and breaking things, it's hard to imagine that you could put together an episode as sweet, emotional, and touching as this one.

George, an old family-friend of the Tanners has spent the better part of his life helping others out with the love and support of his wife who recently passed away. Unfortunately now that he has lost such a big part of his life with the passing of Margret, he's faced with the challenge of continuing his selfless giving to so many around him or to put an end to such a great journey as the thoughts of taking his own life creep into his mind.

With a momentary conflict between Willy and Alf - Willy says some harsh things towards Alf that puts things into motion as Alf experiences quite the mini-journey of his own. Allowing himself to become a key factor in brightening the lives around him, both at a nearby hospital and on the road that George finds himself on.

Sure, this may not be the classic such as "A Christmas Carol" or have the cinematic presence that other great movies take on - but it's certainly a family-friendly Christmas episode that incorporates the personality of our hairy friend and a subtle reminder of the true importance of the Christmas season.
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A Classic that should never and will never be remade and is certainly not overrated
29 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A movie full of "fencing, fighting, torture, revenge, giants, monsters, chases, escapes... true love... miracles." A feel-good fairytale, unique in certain ways, and wildly popular among many.

A boy who is sick at home is visited by his loving grandfather who brought over book as a gift and proceeds to read it to the grandson in hopes to brighten his gloomy day. The storybook that he reads follows two lovers (Westley & Buttercup), two skilled men (Iñigo and Fezzik), and the conniving Prince Humperdinck with his cynical sidekick, "the six-fingered man", Count Rugen. Westley and Buttercup pursue true love despite the efforts of Humperdinck, Rugen and their cohorts to pull them apart in a scheme that allows the prince to become an evil King who wages war against neighboring kingdoms, such as Guilder.

Obstacles are met, despair feels certain, and death may be close at hand - but the true miracle of it all is how this movie has encapsulated the epitome of "timeless". It's a movie worth watching AT LEAST once with the family and often one that you'll continue to come back to as love, adventure, and even humor are compiled in this classic movie, "The Princess Bride."
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Star Trek: Journey to Babel (1967)
Season 2, Episode 10
One of my Favorites of Kelley
6 June 2022
Complexities from inter-family disagreements and tension between Spock, His father, and Mother (all in the name of Logic) all the way up to the potential for interplanetary war.

Spock has choices to make which both affect his father's life and the lives of millions - choices which cannot be logically blended between the role of 1st officer and son (or so it seems).

And on the biological level is Bones trying to make sense of it all in hopes that the most desirable outcome can be achieved - and done so not without some added humor.

But will 100s of high level delegates survive these complications as they are transported on the Enterprise? And more importantly will Bones finally get the last word in?

That's for you to find out.

Certainly a most-watched episode from this Treky.
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Boy Meets World: Easy Street (1996)
Season 4, Episode 12
Out of the Cold and into the Fire
28 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Another episode where Shawn's character is tested and lessons are learned.

A glimpse at life on "Easy Street" and weighing the cost of those choices and where that road leads. Also another moment where true friendship is shown.

Shawn never had it easy, was never given a break, was always challenged to do more and be more.

And after seeing what hard work was like at life on the docks he saw a shot at life in the fast lane was on the table and he took it for a chance at some quick money and the ability to show generosity towards his friends. It was a chance to get out of the hard work in the cold and easy work in the fire, working for the mob. All that can come at a cost though - but before the deal goes through his friend steps away from his home and time with his family to go out and help Shawn and remind him of the truth and that he's not alone in this.

Another episode to my list of favorites.
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Boy Meets World: Wrong Side of the Tracks (1995)
Season 2, Episode 19
"I think YOU need to think you're alright"
22 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So many great episodes came out of season 2 and 3 as I've mentioned in other reviews - this is one of them.

When you first start off this episode you get irritated because of how people see Shawn - I know it bothered me. But that was the intent - to show that in reality there so many people that think you're different, uncool, or that you don't belong.

But Shawn has so many people in his life that believe otherwise - that are confident that he will be okay and believe in him and the potential he has. Allen encourages Cory to reach out and help Shawn, Cory follows through with that advice, and Turner steps in and reinforces what Cory is trying to say, nevertheless, it's always up to Shawn on whether or not he wants to believe it himself. And the truth is - no mater who you are, where you come from, and what other people try to force on you or say to you (even if it's positive) it's ultimately up to you whether or not you're going to make of your life what you will - no one else can do it for you. You choose you're path. You choose the people you're going to be around, the actions you make, and the life you create.

This episode also reveals a small glimpse of the relationship that Turner and Shawn are going to have in episodes to come and the type of influence that Turner has on Hunter. Shawn has some of the most difficult choices and the hardest background to emerge from but with the people around him - Feeny, Turner, Allen, and even his own dad at certain points - Shawn pushes through and in many cases, later on, becomes more of the mature role models in this show, all while admitting that he doesn't have it all together.

But there is a lot that happens between now and the end result of who Shawn becomes - including the dire episode of "Cult Fiction" where Shawn truly begs the question of who he is, what does he believe in, and "is he truly lost?". This episode is certainly a precursor to that.
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The Vampire Diaries: The Descent (2011)
Season 2, Episode 12
Heart Wrenching (Literally)
9 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
While I'll admit that Rose wasn't involved enough in the show to feel a deeper connection with the character - it's moreso the depth of emotion from Damon that you connect with and the fact that he stepped out of his typical careless mental path and turned on the switch to his feelings.

In all the Chaos that still roams around with werewolves and the plots and plans of others - Damon, handing over the gift of death to Rose, dives into dream manipulation to ease the blow for her as she had been running her whole life to evaid the perceivable wrath of Elijah.

It was at this moment where you begin to see a glimpse of her origination and the longing for her to return there. Damon, while often leading with the demonesque mentality, once again shows the side of compassion in this facet being the dream state as he plunges the stake into Rose's heart ending her physical misery.

And although this doesn't rank among my absolute favorite episodes - it's certainly no slouch and pushes it's way to an 8 in my book.
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Gilmore Girls: Raincoats and Recipes (2004)
Season 4, Episode 22
A title I still don't understand but a title, nevertheless, I will never forget.
22 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This, in my opinion, is the climax - the episode that we had been waiting for. Everything leading up to it and everything that followed it all hinges on this episode.

Rory's love life was always up in the air and even now with the "Year in the Life" we still don't know for sure who it is but Lorelai.... We always knew who it was going to be for Lorelai and sure they break up.... Twice.... But Luke and Lorelai were the Target couple in this series.

Although the show centers the events around a mother and daughter there wasn't one person who wasn't waiting for the episode when Luke and Lorelai would give in to relinquishing all the distractions and excuses in their life to culminate in the pursuit of a relationship between one another.

And to embrace true Gilmore Girls fashion it wouldn't be genuine without some wacky events that surround the kiss, including Kirk running down the Inn stairs in mass hysteria without anything but a pillow covering his johnson. Not to mention the taboo affair that Dean and Rory engage in whilst Lindsay sits at home waiting for her husband, Jason showing up out of the blue, and the quarreling interactions between Richard and Emily.... This episode truly had everything and this comes in number one on my list with "Dear Richard and Emily" making a very close second.

The only bad part about this episode is that... well... I feel as though it kind of when down hill from here on. But again, that's just my opinion. Nevertheless it's a 10/10 in my book when comparing it to all the other episodes.
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Gilmore Girls: Dear Emily and Richard (2003)
Season 3, Episode 13
"Here, Here!!!"
22 July 2021
Raincoats and Recipes will always be my favorite but this episode, in my opinion, is so good it runs a VERY close second.

Sure, Sherrys character can be annoying and the younger "counterparts" of Lorelai and Chris may not exactly match - but it's close enough that you can put that aside and be swept up in the events of the past and be re-energized back to current affairs with another pregnancy in Chris' life.

This one episode bonds the past to the present and enlightens you to a world of Lorelai's youth that, up till now, we had only imagined. Nostalgia at its finest!

Dear Richard and Emily.... A very apropos title for this episode as well.
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