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Raven's Home (2017–2023)
Raven's Home is a breath of fresh & familiar air!
22 July 2017
Raven's Home & it's making us 25yrs+ viewers feeling the joy of simpler times! The show is really great & has the same "Friends can be family & stick together" attitude that was captured in That's So Raven! There have been a few reboots recently like this.. Boy Meets World turned Girl Meets World, Full House got Fuller & a lot of grumpy viewers made it clear in the beginning of their runs that they we're total flops. Isn't that the way it goes though? Reboots are basically sequels & they are met with high expectations & a large amount of viewers come in with their minds already made up. I will say that I have enjoyed the other classic family shows gone millennial but both Boy Meets World & Fuller House did have trouble finding solid footing in their first episodes. Raven's Home glides in with ease & works instantly. The writing does not rely on nostalgia so much & dives right into the new story! The show works as both a child's show & a family show! It focuses well on both the new children characters & the adult characters. The show has solid footing and can really stretch it's legs by creating an environment where children & adults can learn valuable lessons on both child & adult levels which places the show in a really valuable class, the all ages family viewing, a fizzling breed of show that needs more of it's kind! Raven's Home is a welcomed breath of fresh & familiar air!!
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Big Little Lies (2017– )
Has kept me captivated!
20 March 2017
I should wait until the finale but I just couldn't because regardless of how it ends it is already an amazing piece as is. Obviously it would be pretty hard to screw it up when you have this kind of talent on & off screen but let's be honest, we've seen that happen before on rare occasion. Everybody involved found a way to create intense drama & suspense but while also keeping this realistic mundane tone too it, by that I mean that it takes a realistic approach in storytelling by keeping the boring day to day aspect "in" instead of over reaching to make its point. I think that is what really pulls you in because its relatable & makes you realize that most of us are living in a crazy melodrama if we only could be a fly on the wall inside the houses of the people we know. Really great job by everyone!
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This live action retelling exceeded my expectations & gave a classic new life!
19 March 2017
As a fan of most Disney films & someone who grew up with the original Beauty & The Beast, I was already going in knowing that I would most likely enjoy the movie. The film did have a lot to live up too as in my opinion it's really the first live action remake of a Disney movie that already has a massive fan base, Cinderella & The Jungle Book had a bit more room to breathe. I wasn't sure about Emma Watson, the CGI or the idea of any tampering with a classic but all of that was quickly demolished as I watched the film in its glory! I really can't think of anything substantial that went wrong with this. It was carefully crafted to lay down an almost word for word, scene by scene remake while also breaking new ground & beefing up the story to make it fresh! I wasn't sure if I would like any new developments, songs, plot twists, etc.. but everything really worked & it worked well! Emma Watson & the entire cast nails their interpretations & the music is on point & amped up to give it a more dramatic flare! The imagery in the film is often breathtaking & the CGI work is crafted wonderfully!

I am sure there are going to be many people that will pick this film apart to within an inch of sanity, let them!! It's their miserable loss. This is a perfect movie for fans who grew up with the original & new audiences alike! It's really one of the most enjoyable times at the movie theater I've had in quite awhile!

GO SEE IT while it's on the big screen!! You really won't regret it! I was very impressed & so we're the group of friends I seen it with!

Also, for those who enjoy 3-D, I did see it in 3-D format & that is also another A+! The 3-D is beautiful & feels natural, not just a film turned into 3-D for 3-D's sake! The 3-D experience here really did take you into the world of Beauty & The Beast!
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It was good! It exceeded my expectations based on reviews.
1 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I've been a fan of the Underworld series since the 1st film, which remains the best one in the series. I was excited to hear the news that "Blood Wars" was coming but I was hesitant seeing that I already have a love hate relationship with the previous films in the series. When reviews started pouring in for "Blood Wars" I lost all interest in going to see it in theaters. I have to say that now that I've seen the film for myself it is nowhere near as bad as many reviews made it out to be, in fact it's one of the better ones in the series. I guess the biggest issue I have with "Blood Wars" is that the film spent too much time on a story that has already been told. The entire story the film told could've been wrapped up in 45 min and then the story of Selene & her daughter could've been wrapped up. I would've also enjoyed if the second half of the film allowed us to see how Selene would handle the role of being an elder.
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A stand out in the Marvel Universe film series!
1 March 2017
I am a big fan of the current Marvel cinematic universe and there isn't much that has been done wrong, at least in my opinion. Before "Doctor Strange" I had really felt that Guardians was the only Marvel movie that really stretched it's legs at fantasy storytelling. Guardians had instantly become my favorite film in the franchise so far & Doctor Strange is now right there along with it! It was visually stunning, I mean the cinematic work here is breathtaking & magical! The fantasy elements to Doctor Strange open up a much needed door into a more paranormal aspects of the Marvel Universe & I hope that we get more stories surrounding Doctor Strange & the magical paranormal world he is a part of!!
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Britney Ever After (2017 TV Movie)
A movie that not only fails Britney, her family & her fans but also decides to fail it's own cast.
21 February 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I have to just say this as a loyal Britney fan. I want to do this in a way that does not disrespect all of the hard work that went into the film or speak negatively about any of the actors who portrayed their roles the best they could. In fact I'll say my positive things first. Natasha Bassett did an amazing job capturing the emotion in the scene where she portrayed Britney backstage at the 2007 VMA's hearing Justin say "tell her I said to break everything". She and the other actors also did a very good job creating the tension behind how bad the situation was when Britney was under Sam Lufti's "care" & a lot of the scenes that followed up to the moment Britney was hospitalized did really show how amazing her parents were basically saving Britney from a situation that was not going to end well. Now let's get to my issues. The movie was marketed, in large part by interviews with Natasha Bassett, as a "love letter" to Britney & an opportunity to show its audience how strong she was/is. Natasha even mentioned in a specific interview how impressed she was with the knowledge that Britney started her career with power by refusing to shoot the labels concept for the Baby One More Time video & creating the concept that went on to be one of the most iconic pop videos in history, obviously that didn't make the cut. As fans we know this & many other things like this & the movie completely FAILED Britney & us fans at telling the real story behind her fame. I think it was really a disgrace at how Britney was portrayed as this emotionally crippled shell of a person who was strung about her career by Larry & everyone around her, it's simply just not true. You guys had a real chance at doing Britney right & instead you followed a narrative that only victimized Britney's image more than the media already has. It was also a creep move to have Natasha put so much emphasis on the recreations of Britney's most iconic moments when you guys knew damn well you didn't do anything of the sort! The way the movie was hyped & described was NOTHING at all what it actually was which just feels like a slimy grab at ratings & a slap in the face to the audience that was tuning in to actually see something substantial. I really just think it's a shame that the creators of this movie & Lifetime didn't take the great opportunity they had to tell a legitimate story about one of pop music's most misunderstood stars. You guys just latched onto the same philosophy that the media took when they disgustingly mishandled Britney in 2005-2008 & did nothing to try & right that wrong. What's worse is that you lead us as an audience to believe that you were actually trying to do Britney & this story justice. Again, I do not want to take away from the actors work, whom I believe had good intentions & could've done the story a good amount of justice given the opportunity. I just can't believe Lifetime, the director & script writers had the audacity to parade this appalling movie to Britney, her family & her fans.
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What!?!? This movie was actually great!
29 January 2017
I'm going to keep this short & sweet. I really do not understand the abundance of negativity that this film received. Everybody has opinions & of course even some of the most treasured films have their naysayers but come on!! This movie doesn't have much wrong with it at all, in fact it nails most of it's necessary components & the comedy really works. There we're a few areas that didn't nail it for me but that is really picking at it. I am even surprised to be saying this but I honestly feel that it's a better film than the original Ghostbusters. If your hell bent on hanging onto it's predecessor so much so that you've made a decision before you've even watched it then this film wasn't for you in the 1st place! If you aren't sure about this one just watch it because it's definitely one of the recent comedies worth your time.
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Fantastic Mystery/Horror!!
10 January 2017
Watching the trailer to this film I already had a good feeling going into it, even though trailers are often misleading. I am a horror movie fan & in recent years truly worthy horror films are few & far between among the many released each year. This film & it's trio main cast brings a very intimate & creepy story worth watching! I can't think of much wrong with it besides a few small things that would lead into spoilers. What the film did right outweighs any small negative opinions. It's creepy mood & suspense is spot on & the uneasy feelings stay throughout. I also found the unraveling of the mystery behind "Jane Doe" engaging & often surprising! This is definitely one of the horror films that hit it's mark!
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Passengers (I) (2016)
Passengers was fantastic!
22 December 2016
Passengers is yet another example as to why you should go see the movies professional critics hate & save your money on the ones they absolutely love. Going to see a movie at the theater is like $30 now for just 2 people & that's without visiting concessions. I don't know about everybody else but if I'm going to spend a few days worth of grocery money for a 2 hour movie experience I'm really hoping not to be bored to tears or looking at the time wondering how much longer it'll be until a movie is over. Passengers just ends up on my very long list, lately, of movies critics tried to bring down that were waves better than the ones they are directing people to see. This movie is visually stunning & the story telling is not only thought provoking but innovative while doing so! It was great to see a story like this one told in a way that didn't spend most of its time trying to dialogue it's way into Oscar nominations. If you are going to venture out to see a movie for the Holidays go see this one!
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Fuller House (2016–2020)
Fuller House is Fun & Warm!
21 December 2016
Anybody that grew up in the 90's was most likely a fan of Full House & if you were one of them then you will love Fuller House! It is the perfect kind of show to watch when you are just vegging out on a Sunday afternoon! The show is light & the nostalgia is bursting, esp in it's 1st season! You will love seeing the band back together in the episodes accompanied by the original adults of Full House! If you are going in as a critic then this probably isn't the show for you & that's a good thing. One of the aspects that I love about the show is that it doesn't try to hard to impress & sticks to it's foundation of being an adorable show! There aren't a lot of family friendly shows on TV anymore with so many of them trying to outdo one another by what boundaries they can push. I really have nothing negative to say other than the fact that Season 2 hits it's mark much better than Season 1. The cast feels more comfortable & scenes aren't as forced. The only episode of Fuller House that struggled for me was it's premiere & by the end of Season 1 it really finds great footing. Season 2 shines brighter with better storytelling & comedy that doesn't rely so much on Full House, fun holiday episodes & deeper plots for the children in the show. I can only hope that the show continues to grow & succeeds with a good amount of seasons!
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