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22 September 2023
A real snooze-fest. I don't mind cutting back on dialogue so long as it can help the movie. However, I go see a movie to escape some reality and it really helps if there is some discussion. But instead of that, the director, et all, is trying to copy the two dopes from Game of Thrones in that they rely too much on facial expressions which really does not tell the audience a thing and it is a terrible way to treat someone who is paying to see this very sad excuse for a movie. Serio9usly the two morons as I call them have set a tread and it is not a good thing.

This cannot be what future movies will do and stupid directors like the moron twins. Dave and Dan, YUKK!!!!!
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Disquiet (2023)
Talk about one of the most distinguished stories ever, if you get it.
17 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This is a very smart way to go about a mix of Dante's Divine comedy. JRM is great as usually and the cast played their parts well. The clue for me was the man Virgil and I knew instantly. I really wish people would check out The Divine Comedy because this movie is a interesting way to tell the same story.

I thought it was interesting the way the patients were all representing, most of the seven deadly sins and how they were all given a chance to do something representational of Dante and gave them characters.

You may want to check out Like Let us Prey (2014) too and people can compare it to that.
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IMO better than TWQ
13 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
It seems that some are comparing TWP to TWQ which hardly seems fair given that they are two different stories. Both were good however TWP is a bit better. From the Pilot episode where there is much hostility between Lizzie and Henry most likely due to their mother's involvement than there own to the fourth so far, it seems to be more historically accurate than the novel. The two actors playing the two leads have a very good chemistry between them as do the rival mothers. Even "enemies" can have great chemistry and I have always liked both Essie Davis and Michelle Fairley, splendid actresses in their own right, and though they do not have a lot of scenes together makes it even more electrifying. The acting is very genuine as it can be very difficult for period films and series and all of them, leading and supporting cast do an excellent job in illustrating how complicated the politics of the time were. However, I must give the most credit to Jodie Comer and Jacob Collins-Levy for their portrayal of Henry and Elizabeth "Lizzie." What I like the most is how both seem to have started out bitter and slowly have developed a mutual respect and liking, caring and a devotion and love of each other and recognizing how both their lives have been manipulated by their mothers and how each have distanced themselves from them and relied on each other. The historical accuracy is excellent so far. Though it was an arranged marriage, historically speaking they were rather devoted to each other and there was a genuine love between them. She was a "dutiful" wife yet Henry did see the wisdom in her because she brought that to his reign which he seemed to value very much. I would recommend this to anyone who is interested in this period in history.
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The Family (I) (2016)
Ridicules nonsense in the pilot (Spoilers if you have not seen the pilot yet)
3 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I thought it seemed as if it was going to be a really descent. A story that people could follow. A family with a mother with political aspirations with the support of her family, until their youngest child disappears and is presumed dead and the case gets "solved" by an ambition officer who railroads a neighbor. Then after 10 years, he returns. Also thought that it would be interesting because it would show the hardships, struggles and obstacles they will face to return as close to the family they were.

It did not give a time-line as to when the mother because mayor so it is possible that she did not run for any office but decided to in lieu of her son's disappearance or it could have been the motivation behind her wanting to be in a position where she can actually help. The double standard is alive and well because if it had been the father who was in office and not the mother, she would not be considered, how did the husband put it? A "machine" and I might add that he is a selfish Pr*ck because his son is not the way he remembers him to be. The father is rather useless and very self serving.

A couple of things did strike me as odd. For instance, the boy was rather calm and did not seem to display any symptoms of PTSD which is something he would have had a least bit of given that it is suggested that he endured years of abuse, physical, sexual and probably psychological to a very big degree. He seemed to adjust to life with his family very quickly.

Another one is that the mother, who is now the mayor of the city, wants to run for governor even though her son and her entire family are going to have a very hard, lengthy healing period. That also strikes me as being very odd to say the least.

Then you have the brother and sister both engulfed in their coping skills one by religion and the other by self medicating. The father, well, no one knows about him because he just seems like a character they put there because they needed a male parental unit.

Now, I think this has to be the biggest, craziest, ridicules and in my view the most unnecessary part of the show: The arresting officer who "solved" the case is in the interrogating room when the father comes in and suddenly they get all twisted around with each other and decide they will have sex in the interrogating room, why? just because. Never mind that the police station does not close and anyone could walk into the interrogation room and get an eye full. But, we also see that she has a bottle of alcohol (guessing again here) in their with her and is gulping it down. I do not even think alcohol is allowed on the premises of a police station except for special occasions where one of them gets a bottle of wine as a gift. I am also pretty sure that she would not be allowed to take it into the interrogation room and start drinking because we do not know if she is on duty or off. If someone knows differently, then please share. I guess they both needed to cope.

Then, it has been suggested that the kid is lying and might be playing some game or is doing something for some unknown person for reasons I cannot imagine, or for kicks and giggles. Of course we also have the ex girlfriend or friend with benefit who is either wanting to be this great investigative journalist who wants to get to the truth of the matter or works at some sleazy rag like TMZ and has to get her jollies from finding out dirt she can use to print in her sad excuse of a paper or magazine or whatever it is.

So, now I do not know if this is worth seeing because of the things I mentioned or if it is worth finding out more. I will rate it, but really, I do not feel I should because I am undecided.
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The Demon Files (2015– )
I guess they let anyone call themselves and "expert"
23 January 2016
I have to say, when I first saw this show, with my mother in fact, after the first 15 minutes we thought it was laughable. We did continue to watch because we were sure that there had to be more to it. Nope, there wasn't. Just some former cop, loud mouth stereotypical New Yorker that makes all Northeasterns hang our heads in embarrassment hoping that no on else watched it and believes we are all the same.

Ralph Sarchie is a freak-a-zoid from everyone's worst zombie nightmare from some messed up parallel universe. He is very loud, boastful and I guess someone told him he was some kind of expert in mythology, theology and would make a good "ghost hunter." I did see Deliver us From Evil and though I found it interesting, there is so much of "THE DEVIL MADE ME DO IT" that someone can take before it starts to sound really fake and phony and you wonder just where the hell they get these people from.

It was not scary, it was STUPID and showed just how little RS knows about, well, everything. Do some research Sarchie, it will do you some good.
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Frankenstein (2004 TV Movie)
Just saw it on Netflix, pretty good
5 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I agree with another review that it should not be based or compared to a movie or motion picture because it was made for television. Some did not care for the ending, but I think it was similar to a pilot in that it was interesting and slowly leads you into the mystery of it and when you think there is an ending in sight, it takes a turn to where you see the detective and the "Monster" together figuring out what to do next.

The characters were good for a possible sequel because let's face it, we do not know everything about a character from one "episode" and people are generally more multi-layered with concerns, cares, problems of their own that cannot be summed up in one TV movie. I think the director and producer were hoping that people would like it enough to want a sequel or a series and today it could have been done given all the 10 episode series that there are now instead of the full series with the 22+ episodes. It would have fit in nicely, however, in 2004 there were not any and the one's that were came from the UK because their series are done that way for most things.

I really liked it a lot. The actors were all good together and played off of each other very well. Vincent Perez and Parker Posey were very good together, the timing was good, the interactions were great and with Vincent Perez being the first of the creations it made me think of how Boris Karloff was about playing the Frankenstein creation. He told his daughter that his "friend" was unique in that only children understood him as not being a villain so much as being someone who did not know things and made big mistakes that were seen as horrible things and in this movie the creation is better than the creator in understanding what it is to be human and understanding the horror of creating something or somethings just because you can and the consequences involved that you can see and those you don't see. I really think this would have been even better if it would have continued on to other TV movies or a series.

Plus, I like a lot of things that Michael Madsen is in. I wonder if he is going to be the "Vincent Price" of this generation. If you do not understand what I mean by that, see biographies and a good one regarding a scandal he was involved with, then you will know.
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