
2 Reviews
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The Queen (2006)
a refreshing perspective
30 November 2006
All right, I admit it - I'm an American, and I was totally mystified by the frenzied grief surrounding Diana's death. What did she do for the British public except spend money? How much of a "sacrifice" is it to appear at hospitals and orphanages in finery paid for by the people, and then retreat to a privileged life of clubbing, incredible luxury, numerous extra-marital affairs, and what seems to be eternal "holiday", all at the expense of an incredibly highly taxed public? By now it is obvious that I am not a "Diana-phile." I thought she actually perpetrated an incredible scam on the British public (particulary in the exquisitely acted BBC interview in which she presented herself as heartbroken and lonely), and I was thrilled to see at least an inkling of this sentiment in "The Queen." I am no fan of royalty of any kind, but I thought the British (and in fact the world) public did a great disservice to Elizabeth II by refusing to acknowledge, as was said in the film, "there is a public Diana and a private one, and there is no relationship between the two." There are at least two sides to every story and this is really the first time we've been shown at least a glimpse of the family's side - that Diana was no saint, and that a large part of the family's reaction was dictated by the way they had been bred - to keep a stiff upper lip and not to air one's personal business in public.
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Breezy (1973)
9 November 2006
The only thing that surprises me more than the number of people who liked this movie is that it was directed by Clint Eastwood, whose work I admire immensely. The leads had absolutely no chemistry. Not for a second could I believe that there was anything deeper than lust between them. The story just didn't ring true. Add to that stilted conversation, tons of stereotypes, and an incredibly slow plot that basically leads nowhere, and you've got yourself a real stinker. Kay Lenz's nude scenes might be worthwhile for those seeking some salacious fare, but otherwise this is a colossal waste of time. My thoughts as I watched the movie was that itwould have been better titled "Cheesy."
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