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The Office (2005–2013)
American version vs. the original
19 July 2007
I want to start off by saying that I have seen both the original UK version and the American version. I have taken care to call it the "original" and not just "the UK version" as to not offend any British readers.

The Office is easily one of the best shows on American television. It has a great mix of comedy and drama, and the acting is extraordinary. The characters are well developed and there are many nuances to each of their personalities that you easily grow to love. The actors do an outstanding acting job both while speaking and while silent. After watching the show I feel connected to the characters, which makes for a very satisfying experience.

Now, I'm not saying I don't like the original version. I think it's quite good, and Ricky Gervais is a comedic genius for coming up with the idea for this show in the first place. However, let's keep in mind that there is somewhat of a cultural gap between the two shows though. I think the UK version is funny, but I'm sure that I'm missing a good portion of the jokes just because I'm not British. It would be impossible to pick up on all the subtleties that make the show so good. In the same way, all the British viewers that trash the American version should take these points into consideration: - You're not American. Perhaps that's why you don't find it funny. In my opinion, Pam and Jim have much better chemistry than Dawn and Tim. I feel like Dwight's interpretation of Gareth's character while very much over the top, is downright hilarious. And Michael Scott, despite being a lighter version of David Brent, has some redeeming moments that don't make him a pure a**hole. I'm sure some viewers would argue otherwise, but this is simply my opinion.

  • Yes, the first season is pretty much a direct copy of the first UK season. I would say that this is a tribute to the original, that it was so good to begin with that the producers felt it needed little adaption for American viewers.

  • In the second season, the show comes into it's own. The season is original and the show's writers really showed their creativity. Also the seasons are much longer and developed. I feel like the original could be extended.

  • Ricky Gervais helped produce some of the episodes in the American version.

  • The show isn't supposed to be an accurate portrayal of an American workplace, just as the British version isn't an accurate portrayal of a British workplace. It is television after all, not real life. The reason we watch television is to get away from reality, is it not?

If you're an American that hasn't seen this show, I encourage you to do so because you're missing out. If you're British and were interested in the show in the first place, I urge you to give it another chance.
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14 October 2006
Before seeing this movie, I had heard and read comments about how the movie is "not a comedy" but I saw the movie anyway. Robin Williams has proved himself as a talented comedic and romantic actor so I figured either way I'd give the movie a chance.

To get to the point, Christopher Walken and Robin Williams could not save this movie. The plot had tremendous potential, but what wasn't advertised in previews was the ridiculous premise on which the movie was actually based. In addition, the movie is not simply a comedy, but more of a drama/thriller (but without the thrills). By midway into the movie, I was hating Robin Williams' character. He had few funny moments reminiscent of his Live of Broadway and other stand-up work. However, those moments were quickly drowned out. His image as a bold, witty political commentator is replaced in most of the movie by that of a weak, insecure man unfit for the presidency. That was not the Robin Williams I went to watch.
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