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Not quite the same level as Fury Road
24 May 2024
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This was a really well made adventure. It definitely deserves a 7 but not quite an 8. Almost everything is here from Fury Road. But its missing a few things.

I had fun watching the plot unfold and was genuinely interested for the majority of the lengthy runtime. Anya Taylor-Joy is excellent is so is Chris Hemsworth. But I think the ultra thin cast stops there. And they aren't together a lot so there isn't really any character bonding or chemistry. But the end, everything feels a little broken and disjointed.

But the music was excellent. The strategy. The landscapes. The chases. I really had fun with this though, the action is just as good as Fury Road and I am looking forward to future installments. I think they probably could have skipped this one and just continued the story with Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron.

This gets a very solid 7.5!
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Its all been done before
3 May 2024
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Mulan meets John Wick meets Shrek meets Avatar TLA.

I get the high reviews; good action, gore, sex, stunning visuals and fantastic swordplay. Had this come out 25 years ago then it would be special. But it is a mashup of many projects that came before it with the theme intertwined around a revenge vs honor mission.

There are too many stolen ideas in this show to count. But to name a few? Mizu forges a sword from a space rock, we already saw this done better with Sokka from Avatar. We see a disgraced prince/fighter on a mission to redeem himself by means of capturing/killing the protagonist, this is also from Avatar. We get the annoyingly persistent sidekick/comic relief from Ringo which is almost identical to Donkey following Shrek on his quest. This is basically female John Wick on a revenge mission fighting his way through dozens of goons while respecting a higher organization/control.

Also, some really unnecessary and uncomfortable sex scenes in this show and not necessary nudity.

And I think we can all agree this show gets progressively worse and slower the further along it goes and nearly runs out of steam towards the end. I could tell after 2 episodes where everything was going because its extremely predictable.

7 is the absolute highest score for this overrated show. Then again, its 2023 and finding something original is truly a rare feat indeed.
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Shōgun (2024–2026)
An epic journey, however a little anticlimactic
25 April 2024
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I know not everyone will agree with this opinion but I couldn't help but feel just a little disappointed by the ending of Shogun.

There is no denying the satisfaction of seeing Toranaga's plan come full circle and how he truly was the master strategist behind everything that eventually led to his victory. All of those who played a key role.

I think the main feeling of loss comes from not ever really seeing Torunaga in action. The whole season felt like it was building towards some kind of confrontation that never really happened or at least was shown. Now, please don't misunderstand. I am not asking for an epic battle or even filming of the war itself. But for there to be zero action or suspense in the finale seemed weird to me. We basically just got a narration of how things concluded instead of actually experiencing the conclusion for ourselves.

What if they had taken an extra episode, covering that final month, to see how the tide turns and perhaps show some of the skirmishes leading to the eventual defeat of Ishido.

I think I just really wanted to see Hiroyuki Sanada be a samurai again and be the shogun. He was amazing in his swordplay when he starred in The Last Samurai. I think I wanted to actually see him be Shogun and just never really got to experience that.

Don't get me wrong, it was an excellent show through and through. I just wanted a little more sauce.
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A very enjoyable ride, but a little anticlimactic
25 April 2024
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There is very little about this adventure that wasn't fun and enjoyable to watch. The chemistry between Cavill, Ritchson and the rest of the team is great on screen and makes for some great action sequences. The relaxed arrogance of the team is also pretty funny as they mow down dozens of Nazi's.

The plot of the movie also provides some suspense and thrill, even if it is a bit predictable.

The reason this film didnt earn a higher score is because I dont think the full potential was truly tapped. There isn't really a moment where the team feels tested or even in any real danger of failure. No one from the team is killed or even seriously injured besides a shot to the shoulder. There is no boss battle or satisfying climax. The main villain is easily dispatched by Marjorie. They accomplish their mission without much of a hitch and just kind of get away and are then congratulated and employed by Churchill.

I just think they could have wrapped it up in a little more satisfying way. Or with a little more cost. Unfortunately the box office doesn't seem to be doing too well so building on this and getting a sequel may not be happening.

It truly was a fun ride but left feeling a little disappointed in the finale. I think the cast could be something special with a little better writing that is willing to take a few risks.
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Fallout (2024– )
Not perfect, but very solid all around
14 April 2024
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I actually came in expecting this show to be bad. Honestly, most the trailers I saw looked cringe and poorly put together. Thankfully, those trailers captured a few lesser moments but it didnt hurt the overally quality of the show.

Yes, Lucy can be a bit annoying at times but after a few episodes her character continued to develop and she settled into the role. We also follow Maximus, the Ghoul and Norm. I was interested in each of the side stories that tied everything together.

This is a great and rare example of how a show doesn't have to perfectly follow the games but can still be very good when you strike a good balance between characters, lore and storytelling while still tapping into the things that made it special in the first place. Something the recent Halo show failed miserably at.

They also earn extra points by including dogs as an integral part of the story. After all, it was the thought of dogs being left out of the vaults that pushed Cooper(the ghoul) over the edge and into discovering what Val-tec was really about.

This is a really fun, gory, dark but enjoyable ride. Looking forward to the next season for sure.
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Funnier than expected
10 April 2024
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I finally got around to checking out this classic, 20 years later. And it did not disappoint. It is widely agreed to be one of the best animated series ever created, right up there with Pokemon, TMNT and the other top choices. There are a few things that set this apart, one of which is the humor.

The jokes and writing are genuinely funny and not forced. I wasn't expecting that. So many cartoons, anime and similar stories rely and overdramatic expressions and over the top emotion. So much humor nowadays is forced and manufactured. These faults can be seen in Pokemon, Dragonball Z, and others. After a while, that style is exhausting and annoying and takes away from the overall quality.

Avatar has great character progression, world building, mystery and adventure.
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Invincible: I Thought You Were Stronger (2024)
Season 2, Episode 8
Excellent finale! Not everything has to end in a big brawl
5 April 2024
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I see the complaints about how this finale was lesser than season ones finale. Because there wasn't a big showdown at the end? This episode was filled with well written moments and satisfying payoff after two complete seasons.

We got the big fight at the beginning of the episode with Mark losing it on Angstrom Levy, who turned out to be a formidable foe. We then have him facing the dilemma of who he wants to be and how he wants to defy the things that corrupts so many others.

We also get to see the evolution of Omnimans character and his conversation with Allen. Its all building into an exciting future!

Allen, Mark, Omniman, Eve and the coming war against Viltrimites. There are great things coming in the seasons that follow.
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Friends (1994–2004)
One of the most overrated shows ever
3 April 2024
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This one rivals Seinfeld as one the most overrated and overhyped shows ever made. I will admit, there are some clever moments and some good laughs and its not a bad show by any stretch. But I fail to see what places it above anything else in the similar genre.

I think what draws so many raving reviews is standout performances from Joey, Chandler and Rachel. In my opinion you could lose the other 3, especially Ross. His pouting, horrible acting, unfunny appearances became a complete drag before long. Its no wonder his acting career never took off, he's terrible. Rachel deserved better.

The show just felt pretty repetitive after a while. Feels like 90% of the show takes place in the same two rooms of the giant apartment. I also feel like there aren't very many risks taken. Most of the episodes and plot lines are pretty predictable and unoriginal.

There are redeeming qualities and there are some genuinely funny scenes with Joey and Chandler, but overall this shows falls into the category of mediocre to me.
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Malcolm in the Middle (2000–2006)
One of the best
3 April 2024
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There have been many classic shows over the years in the same genre as Malcolm in the Middle. Family Matters, Full House, Fresh Prince, Drake and Josh, etc. There are a lot of good ones. But I think Malcolm and his family stands above them all. There is something truly special here in the cast and even supporting cast. Not only do you have the hilarious brother trio of Dewey, Malcolm and Reese but you have outstanding performances from Bryan Cranston as Hal and Jane Kaczmarek as Lois. They all knock their performances out of the park and play their roles to excellence.

I think one of the main things that makes this show work is the chemistry between them and the underlying theme of brotherhood and all the crazy things that can happen while growing up. The writers were not afraid to take risks and push the ridiculous button as much as possible. This is one show that induces lots of good laughs and memorable moments that stick in your mind for years. The scene early in the show where Hal and the boys take on some clowns in defense of Lois is one of the best.

Its a shame it only ran for 7 seasons. But I guess its best to end in quality on your own terms rather than stringing it along. Those 7 seasons were special and would be highly enjoyable to just about anyone.
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Samaritan (I) (2022)
I get the complaints, but this is a very solid watch.
25 March 2024
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I think too many people came into this movie expecting to see something else. This is a very grounded, more realistic style superhero movie. Similar to Unbreakable or Glass or even Watchmen. It may be a bit low budget and a bit predictable but it still tells a very good story and is engaging from start to finish.

Many saw the ending twist coming, but it was still a good one. Turned out that everyone thought Samaritan(good guy) survived the early battle. But in fact, it was Nemesis(bad guy) that lived and Samaritan that died many years ago. I think this is a very enjoyable film for anyone who isn't expecting to to be Marvel or DC(that's actually a good thing to get away from that formula). Enjoy it for what it is; as a smaller scale hero/villain story with a satisfying and interesting plot.
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Invincible: It's Not That Simple (2024)
Season 2, Episode 6
Weaker episode, but still solid
25 March 2024
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I have thoroughly enjoyed the quality of this show. It has had an excellent balance of story, world building, action, character progression and the management of multiple plot lines.

I do feel this episode dragged a little. I just don't know that this amount of time dedicated to Mark and Ambers relationship was necessary. We all know Mark ends up with Atom Eve but still.

Also, the story has been unique enough that I haven't really noticed parallels but... a lot of characters really do parallel DC. Omni-Man = evil superman from Viltrim/Krypton. Mark = Supermans son, half human. No Batman parallel because he would have put an end to the nonsense, Darkwing was a batman amateur. Eve = Green Lantern in abilities. Guardians of the Globe = Justice League, etc.

But I think they do enough to separate and tell their own story. I am looking forward to the continued story and to see how it all ends up.
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Halo: Halo (2024)
Season 2, Episode 8
First episode of the entire show to somewhat resemble Halo
21 March 2024
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It took an entire season of nonsense to finally reach some small resemblance of what we know to be Halo. Its obvious they saved half the seasons budget for the final episode and a quarter of it on Master Chief vs Arbiter. But why did we have to kill him off? Lazy and disappointing, he was a great untapped character. After 7 episodes this season of nonsense we finally have Cortana and Chief reunited to take on the mysteries of Halo.

We finally have the first sighting of the Flood, seemingly close to how they should be. Although, how long it took the ship to recognize the parasite was ridiculous but made for good horror. Hilarious how the ship is completely taken over by the Flood but Keyes is still working in the lab. Watching Parangosky die was satisfying, as she was a pretty pathetic and unconvincing villain. But the Mother holding back the Flood for Kwan Ha was stupid...Kai's sacrifice was unnecessary.

It was a fun episode but messy and full of questionable choices. Thankfully we are finally at Halo and hopefully the writers can improve in season 3. IF not, it will likely be the final season.
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Not historically accurate, but still amazes
19 March 2024
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Its been shown that much of the basis and setting in The Last Samurai isn't perfectly accurate. The Japanese government was not hiring Americans to train their armies, among other things. This story is loosely based on the events during that time.

However, if you can accept this; it is still an excellent film and one that can be thoroughly enjoyed. We have a great story here about redemption, struggle, and bravery against all odds, following the life of Captain Algren played by Tom Cruise. He is haunted by how many of the Native Americans were treated and slaughtered and how he was apart of it first hand, following orders. He is faced with the same dilemma when tasked with eliminating the "rogue" Samurai of Japan.

He is captured during an opening battle and over time, in captivity, begins to understand the honorable way of the Samurai. I think the greatest thing this movie accomplished was showing the discipline, dedication and daily striving for perfection that the Japanese culture has fostered. The movie spends a good amount of time showing the daily life and routines during that time.

We get a very sad but moving conclusion as Algren ends up fighting to the death in a final stand to save the samurai. Truly one of the greatest battles in cinema history. We were given an excellent cast surrounding Cruise; Ken Watanabe, Billy Connolly, Hiroyuki Sanada, and even Timothy Spall as Mr. Graham. They all play their parts wonderfully and engage the audience even further.

One of the best movies you'll ever see and one I continue to revisit on a regular basis.
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The Walking Dead (2010–2022)
Classic example of dragging it out
17 March 2024
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I know its already been said, but its true; the first few seasons of this show were amazing and absolutely worth watching for any zombie fan. The characters, setting, development, action, and pacing were all there. There were truly iconic scenes, memorable moments and it really drew in the audience in a special way. I think there was something really good going here, but it didn't take too long for things to start coming off the tracks.

First, the major flaw that became apparent was in the name of the show. The WALKING dead. It didn't take long for the writers to realize there's only so much you can do with zombies that limp along, you almost have to be stupid or REALLY unlucky to get bitten by one. How did walking zombies overrun the country? I'm sorry but it would have been easy for a single squad of Marines to handle, let alone all the toys the military has. Couldn't you just use tanks? In contrast, like Zombieland or Resident Evil, you have fast zombies and variations that are much more deadly and interesting. Because of this, the writers were forced to shift the focus from the zombies to warring groups of surviving people. It quickly became repetitive as Rick and his group began facing one insane group of people after another, eventually leading all the way to Negan. But by then the idea and story was beginning to unravel and lose its luster.

Next, the show began to kill off fan favorites just for shock factor. There is nothing wrong killing off certain characters; just do it the right way. Most of the time, characters were killed off and the only goal was shock and gore. Not really anything special, meaningful or essential to the progression of the show.

Another issue, was how small the scope of the show remained. It was hinted when the group stayed at that underground bunker about the larger scope going on in the world and how the apocalypse became to be. There's nothing wrong with keeping the main focus on the group, but you need to occasionally provide an overhead view the bigger picture so we know what's going on. Every good show, movie and story does this. Walking dead rarely does.

Finally, they drug this out too long. With all the poor decisions made, the worst was dragging this on many more seasons than it should have. Breaking Bad knew their story took 5 seasons. I think the life of walking dead shouldn't have exceeded about 7 seasons. It got stale. It got repetitive. It lost key characters that kept you interested. Unfortunately the wheels fell off but they kept going anyway.

I say watch until you reach Negan, then decide if you wanna keep going. But many people stopped there after they way they disrespected Glen and. Abraham. Honestly, I think that's where the decline of the show truly turned down hard. Killing those two off in that fashion was a mistake.

I will fondly remember the early seasons but will ignore the rest.
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Halo: Thermopylae (2024)
Season 2, Episode 7
Thermopylae? Not even close
14 March 2024
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There is nothing about this episode that resembles Thermopylae except for "Spartans" being sent to their deaths. And they're not even real Spartan's. They are Spartans that you would order on Wish. What have we even accomplished this season? Look back on it; now with one episode remaining. We got to see Reach fall for a few minutes(the lone highlight of the season) and then spent the rest of the season watching Master Chief have a mid life crisis. Total time spent in suit this season? 4 or 5 minutes? That alone is an unforgivable sin. Maybe by the end of the season finale we will be at about 10 minutes in suit.

What even was this episode? A slow, bloated build up to finally reaching the Halo. Are we actually going to get the Flood or are they going to hijack that into something else? The Kwan Ha, Halsey and Keyes scene was beyond cringe. Playing with holographic stars and lining them up to open a door.... really? Only Tony Stark can pull that kind of thing off an look believable.

Ackerson gets casually talked into switching sides? This whole episode was a slog. I am sure the finale will have some payoff with the Chief finally back in action as we reach Halo. But the journey there has been agonizing. Have you enjoyed the journey of this season? What did we actually spend time on? This season was 90% life crisis conversations and 10% solid action and Covenant progression. This is not a recipe for success. They better figure it out in season 3 or this show is over.

Side note: I know everyone harps on the video game loyalists' hate being the problem. But I promise you, if they show was good, they would forgive the differences. Did The Lord of the Rings perfectly follow the books? Not even close. But it succeeded because they still built a solid and exciting story that stood on core of the lore. This does not. It disrespects its own source material in too many unforgivable ways. Its just not a good show.
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Halo: Onyx (2024)
Season 2, Episode 6
the disappointment continues
7 March 2024
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I think the biggest sin this show has committed is the diminishing of Spartans. Master Chief is a bumbling emotional brute, Kai is so easily manipulated and so naïve, Vannaks passing was ridiculous and Riz going into retirement last episode. So sad to see what they have all been reduced to. It would be like having a Batman show where Batman gets caught, doesn't have a good plan, gets all emotional like an immature child. Feels wrong. Master Chief going on his depressed little suicide mission is ridiculous only to get bailed out by Cortana

Then we get to the simulation with Marines that also act like 5 years old's. The banter during the simulation is beyond cringe. Did they just grab 10 random people and throw them in this simulation? And not once during the simulation do you see a single enemy. Cheaply done. Just like keeping Chief out of his armor all the time to save on costs.

I keep coming back because I so badly want this show to be good and so badly want to see Master Chief but instead, when honest with myself, It has been mostly disappointing. Can we please stop with the Makee storyline? And the Kwan storyline? Almost 2 full seasons and we still haven't touched HALOs surface! Such a waste. Barely get to see the Covenant too. Anyone calling this show good is clearly operating on some kind of bias or lack of critical thinking. There's such rich vast potential here that is so wasted.

Really hoping they can get past all this crap and maybe the show can actually be good once we get to the meat of the lore. But right now it sucks. How many people will still be watching by then?
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Foundation (2021– )
A little slow at first, but gets going
6 March 2024
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It is normal for the first season of a massive and complex show to start a little slow. You have to setup the characters, dedicate time to world building and effectively communicate the story setup for the audience. By season 2, you are rewarded by the unfolding of the plot with some well done plot twists.

The cast is very good, led by Jared Harris as Dr. Seldon. The Dawn, Day and Dusk of Empire are also very intriguing and make for a unique but quality villain. There is plenty of mystery, but not overdone. There isn't a ton of action, but there are still plenty of thrilling scenes and sequences. Again, it definitely takes off more in season 2.

If you are a fan of sci-fi adventures and have liked shows like The Expanse, Firefly or others like that; you will enjoy this. I actually think the depth and potential of Foundation is better than The Expanse.

Season 3 has been greenlit and we look forward to the continued adventures.
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Halo: Reach (2024)
Season 2, Episode 4
Such a mixed bag
22 February 2024
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Best episode of the season but that's not saying much. Some of the actions sequences were fun and exciting and it was cool watching silver team fighting together, along with Soren. Even some of the fights without armor were pretty cool. But we all know why they shot it this way, to save money.

That's also why the Covenant is only on screen for about a total of 5 minutes in this episode. And those are the best moments of the episode. Everything else is odd pacing and filler conversation and cliched motivational speeches or random antique shop.

Killing off Captain Keyes so early and in that fashion seems like a mistake to me. He is an iconic character who deserved more time on this show and a better sendoff. Killing off Vannak seemed lazy too, without his armor. Master Chief losing a 1v1 was disappointing too. They really have reduced him in a disrespectful way

This episode is the definition of a mixed bag. Exciting moments weaved with bad choices and disappointment. Makee is such a stupid part of this show... Someone explain to me why they chose to just walk away at the end, because "not yet"? Plot device that's why. Anyone watch Ryan George's Pitch Meetings? He would say they walked away because "so the movie can happen". No logical reason

you really see how amazing this show could be with the right leadership. But unfortunately it is just littered in disappointment. Thank goodness Kwan Ha wasn't in this episode.
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Halo: Visegrad (2024)
Season 2, Episode 3
so disappointing
19 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I can see many of these reviews are right on point. These episodes are terrible and full of empty moments and wasted potential.

Instead of a Spartan team full of brilliant warriors, they are an emotional mess of losers. Its just awful. Master Chief spends the whole episode wandering around like a lost little puppy wondering if his head is okay.

Why are we still spending time on Kwan Ha? You could have left that behind last season but here we are. We waste half the episode following her. I just skipped those parts because we know exactly the cliché role she fills.

At the very end we finally get a small build up to the Covenant threat. But my guess is we will waste most of the rest of the season with minimal Covenant action, just like last season.
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Vinland Saga (2019–2023)
Excellent season 1, but I will stop there
10 February 2024
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Vinland saga season 1 was an epic journey. One full of great moments, epic battles and interesting characters. The "villain" Askelad taking down the mighty Thors and then managing the grieving Thorfin bent on revenge, was an interesting story, with some potential.

In my opinion, Askelad was the best overall and best written character. I found his actions, thoughts and decisions to be interesting and compelling.

But after season 1, I think I will move on. The main original story that had me intrigued is over. Thorfinn is no longer a child, Askelad has been killed off too early and avenging Thors is over. I know they will still pursue his dream of reaching Vinland but for me, the interest is lost.

Killing off Askelad and ending that story felt foolish. It would be like Attack on Titan killing off Levi in season 1. Then you would miss out on 3 more seasons of character arc and development for the price of one epic death scene.

Just didn't seem like the best choice. I'm sure season 2 will still be good but for me the intrigue is over.
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Halo: Sanctuary (2024)
Season 2, Episode 1
8 February 2024
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Why are we focusing so hard on Master Chiefs mental and emotional wellness? I understand this formula can be effective at times in the past. The lost identity/lost memory/sanity/grip on reality has been seen since Jason Bourne, the Matrix and many others.

But with who Master Chief is and the vast lore of Halo, this approach just doesn't fit and so much screen time is wasted on this. Master Chief is the rock. He is the legend. And he has been so disrespectfully reduced here.

Instead of exploring the Covenant, the Flood, or the HALO's, the Spartans; we dabble in all the things fans are NOT here to see and introduce a new bad guy Ackerson that's completely unnecessary! There are plenty of enemies in the Halo universe without needed to create a new one.

We got a few good actions scenes that give the series some hope but they quickly need to change the focus of where this is headed or there will not be enough viewers left for a season 3.
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Halo: Sword (2024)
Season 2, Episode 2
8 February 2024
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Why are we focusing so hard on Master Chiefs mental and emotional wellness? I understand this formula can be effective at times in the past. The lost identity/lost memory/sanity/grip on reality has been seen since Jason Bourne, the Matrix and many others.

But with who Master Chief is and the vast lore of Halo, this approach just doesn't fit and so much screen time is wasted on this. Master Chief is the rock. He is the legend. And he has been so disrespectfully reduced here.

Instead of exploring the Covenant, the Flood, or the HALO's, the Spartans; we dabble in all the things fans are NOT here to see and introduce a new bad guy Ackerson that's completely unnecessary! There are plenty of enemies in the Halo universe without needed to create a new one.

We got a few good actions scenes that give the series some hope but they quickly need to change the focus of where this is headed or there will not be enough viewers left for a season 3.
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House M.D. (2004–2012)
Hugh Laurie at his best, carries this
27 January 2024
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There are many medical mystery style shows running but House stands out as something special and unique. Mainly because Hugh Laurie does an excellent job as the bitter, sarcastic and brilliant Dr. House. Coupled with is friendship with Wilson, that is where the best of this show truly lies.

We are given some excellent stories as House and his team break down different puzzling cases. It is always an interesting journey watching how they navigate their way to saving the patient, ethically or not. These episodes do well in weaving humor, drama and high stakes on a quality level. I would say the only thing that really holds the show back is the often cringe supporting cast and some dialogue. The only two characters you actually need for success are House and Wilson. Everyone else could be replaced and the show would be completely unaffected. Which is exactly what they do halfway through the show, they completely swap out his team for a new one.

However, it is a treat following the character arc of House and his relatable inner struggle. He once summarizes that about reality that "Life IS pain" but after years of struggle and failure, even he is somehow able to face his demons. One of the best medical mystery shows ever made!
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Bodies (2023)
Interesting story filled with plot holes
15 January 2024
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Bodies was an enjoyable ride and does a good job weaving together four different timelines and multiple characters working a parallel mystery. I was genuinely interesting in where everything was going and also finished with a mostly satisfying ending.

However, there are a number of distracting issues with the show. First being, some of the casting choices don't really work in my opinion. Secondly, like most time travel shows or movies, there are too many plot holes and unanswered questions to count. And halfway through I took note of how many poor decisions had to be made by characters to advance the plot. Like a classic horror movie where the characters make do the dumbest things. This show would be better off named "poor decisions".

Despite all that, you also have standout performances from the likes of Jacob Fortune-Lloyd as Whiteman. His story was the most intriguing in my opinion and was the character I found myself rooting the most for. He has the best character arc too. Starting off as more of a villain, willing to do whatever he needed to do to stay ahead, but by the end he comes to truly care about those he has hurt along the way and he changes. And in the end, it is his sacrifice that changes everything for good.

This is definitely worth a one time watch and will be enjoyable for anyone willing to shut their brain off for 8 episodes.
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Attack on Titan (2013–2023)
Never liked anime until AOT and Captain Levi
10 January 2024
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As a fan who was never into any anime before, I was encouraged to give this a try. In short, I am still not an anime fan but AOT is something special and something truly amazing.

Attack on Titan succeeds on nearly every level of story development. You have great characters to root for with great character arcs, you have great villains, awe inspiring action, amazing animation, mystery, bravery, sacrifice, honor, adventure and so on, with a fascinating deeper original story you can truly get lost in.

It is impossible to fully describe everything that deserves mentioning. You have to see it for yourself. However, this show is not for everyone. The action, gore and violence will go beyond the limits of some viewers. There is also a lot of plot, dialogue and conversations that sometimes bog things down. If I had one single critique of this show it would definitely be the inner dialogue/monologue, etc. And sometimes the Japanese just doesn't translate perfectly to English. This doesn't take anything away from the performance though.

I am also thankful for the finale. I can understand why it was disappointing for some. But the more I think about it, its the best way to end it. It did leave me wanting more. And I think they could have given Captain Levi a little more screen time to wrap up his story as well.

All in all, truly one of the greatest adventures I have ever had the pleasure to witness and feel apart of. Thank you to everyone who made this happen. Truly something I will always go back and re-watch and so many memorable moments that to look back on.
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