
13 Reviews
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Hereditary (2018)
Turned off at 20 minutes
5 September 2022
These characters were not believable as people. Has a depressing tone, dull and lifeless, and already so predictable with the way the weird-looking daughter acts, I didn't see myself caring for the mother either. Perhaps they cast the daughter that way to throw you off, but not clever enough... Lost my interest and turned it off after 20 minutes or so. These types of "exorcist" "witch" movies are so overrated. I'm sure the son gets spooked in the middle of class, and the mother floats or crawls up the walls...LOL. My review requires 600 characters. Here's more characters. Don't waste your time. End review.
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Uncharted (2022)
Female characters are weak but tick all the boxes
7 June 2022
Tired of seeing the feminist "strong but heartless" female characters in movies. It's lazy writing, you could just leave out Chloe's character all together and just have it be Sully vs Nate anyway. But no, we *need* a potential love interest, we *need* an edgy yet sexy female villain wearing heels on an airplane. Over it. Women are nothing but cliches in these types of films.

Anyway the movie was adventurous and average but I enjoyed it minus my grievances! The guy cast to play Nate is a little young compared to the game, but he's good at what he does.
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The Graduate (1967)
Overrated drivel
18 April 2021
I had to turn it off halfway. The soundtrack is repetitive and annoying, the characters weren't very believable.
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Chasing Amy (1997)
Way to ruin the only interesting plot point--waste of time!
23 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I had hopes for this film during the first half. About half way in, however, what could have been a phenomenal performance from Joey, ruined all the potential Chasing Amy had by falling into predictable pitfalls. Ben Affleck's character is pathetic, and his acting is so flat it's painful. This movie could have been a film about being gay and not changing for anyone, instead it's a pity party for the heterosexual male who thinks he's owed everything because he loves her.
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Downhill (I) (2020)
I don't get the hate?
17 February 2021
No it's not really a comedy, it has moments...But what it's really about is the struggle of losing your identity to parenting and the pressures of marriage/family. You realize that your spouse won't be perfect, you can both still be insecure and make mistakes, these characters are human and one bad experience could cause you to re-evaluate your relationship. The ending had a good message. I could identify with both Julia and Will's characters. Despite what some might have felt, the movie paints neither as the bad guy. You aren't supposed to love or hate either of them. I thought it was well done. Some just are too biased to see it I guess!
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All Is Bright (2013)
Just because it stars Paul Rudd doesn't mean it's a comedy people
4 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I feel like reviewers aren't rating this as a movie, but rather rating it as a comedy. As a depressive 30-year-old with about an ounce of Christmas spirit, movies like this are much more meaningful to me than the standard Christmas flick. It doesn't need to have Santa's sleigh flying across the sky at the end for it to have an impact. It's realistic for the holidays(and life in general) to sometimes be bleak and gray and a struggle. But the main lead pushed through so he could see his little girl get a piano for Christmas. To me it's a pretty solid drama with light hints of humor sprinkled in, namely from the likeable Paul Rudd.
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If you still enjoy his silly old movies it's worth a watch!
13 October 2020
I think it's cool now to hate on Sandler...He's had his share of crappy movies(That's My Boy, Jack and Jill, Zohan) but this was a good throwback to his Waterboy/Little Nicky persona that was both lovable and dorky. The thermos was a funny running gag, it has a lot of the old gang from other Happy Madison flicks, his characters mother was adorable, I was surprised how much I enjoyed this one. It has a few cringy moments, imo alot of them involve Julie Bowen(sorry Julie) her acting is just so forced and painful. But I think Hubie Halloween was an overall good time!
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Didn't finish the movie
3 February 2019
Had to stop watching halfway into it, the girl who was sleeping with her professor is just unlikable. The girls he dates are not interesting enough to finish this flick. Too bad because Abigail Breslin is the cutest daughter!
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Tusk (I) (2014)
First half works as a dark comedy - better than expected!
5 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't sure what to rate this film. I'd like to rate it higher because the first half was just a great dark comedy thanks to Michael Parks' character, the madman who wants to turn his victim into a walrus. The character's mockery of his victim and the back and forth from comedy to suspense is just brilliantly delivered.

Kevin Smith takes the standard horror cliche, "Unsuspecting fool stumbles into a madman's mansion," and makes it feel fresh. You hate the main character, but find him humorous. There are moments where you feel sorry for him, but then the movie takes you back to comedy. You constantly say to yourself, "this is ridiculous" but I couldn't help watching until the end.

I watched The Human Centipede a few years ago hoping for a monster movie, one that could satisfy my curiosity for body horror but also make me laugh to myself, "this is ridiculous." But as a 20-year-old woman, what started as shock-horror quickly turned into depressing, and I shut it off halfway. I didn't wanna watch people cry in a cage and swallow each other's feces, i wanted what movies like The Fly and The Thing gave us in the 80's-90's. I wanted to be fascinated and entertained! Not being familiar with Smith's work other than Clerks & Clerks II, I worried that this film would only serve to disturb and shock. I worried it would be perverted or gory for the sake of being gory. This film really didn't take anything too far, and at the same time they showed enough to satisfy this curiosity.

The second half, though, really took a direction into comedy/drama. When Johnny Depp's character arrived, I recognized his quirks but didn't realize it was him at first. I felt confused by the obvious change in tone. Despite a few flaws though, the end of the film was wrapped up nicely - sort of a cliche drama, but there was definitely underlying humor in seeing the walrus in captivity(reminds me of the ending of Freaks...but with some added heart.) All-in-all, Tusk was better than I thought it would be. I don't think a movie with such an odd premise has a chance at being a 10/10 comedy or horror, but Kevin Smith somehow made it work in both genres for me.
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Overhyped for it's attempts at being "shocking" or "over-the-top" when it's really just stupid
20 January 2018
The script/acting is cringe-worthy, the music is corny as all hell, Tim Curry is not any kind of sex symbol and I despise my ex-friend for ever having forced me to sit through this drug-induced shitshow.
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Jigsaw (I) (2017)
Not worth the money
20 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Not gonna go into detail because frankly it's not even worth directing. I went into it not expecting very much (since the "final chapter" ended so badly) but wow...who wrote this drivel? The characters are cliches from the get-go, the chick obviously makes it through all the tests, the two characters hunting down "Jigsaw" are uninteresting and poorly written...But all of that aside, I was hoping for entertainment, y'know....Gore? This movie left me so bored. What are the writers doing? Attaching a laser device to some guy's head, that was the big ending? Lasers? Tobin Bell must have rolled his eyes when they called him for this role...he definitely did it for the money, cause this movie was grasping at straws. Sad to see a weak end to the franchise.
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Knock Knock (I) (2015)
Gave this a 5/10 because it made me laugh
29 May 2017
The actresses in this movie are painfully bad. Their characters were written to act as though they were two giggly, obnoxious teenagers who are supposed to be scary in some way...? If I were in Keanu Reeves' position I would've just taken a golf club to their faces. Anyway, the trailer tried to pass this off as a thriller, which it hardly can call itself thrilling. I expected something dark, twisted, one reviewer went as far to call it "morbid" - well it isn't. If you watch it on mute you might manage to find some enjoyment in it, I laughed at the man's reactions cause Keanu Reeves is just entertaining to watch for some reason. He plays "world's greatest dad" and loving husband, who turns into a victim of seduction and mild torture. The ending was very satisfying considering most of the movie has you waiting for something cool to happen. It ends very comically, a part you might want to rewind and watch again. As a whole though, the film is pretty amateur at best.
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New-age ghost movies don't do it for me
1 November 2016
Am i the only one who finds newer "horror" releases to be completely predictable, boring, and the effects unimpressive? We're living in an era where Paranormal Activity(don't get me started) made enough money to make numerous sequels...I've tried seeing some recent films like Mama (okay), The Babadook (decent til the end), Lights Out (actually was decent), and now this, and CGI just makes things NOT scary. Was the film itself nicely done? Yes. I liked the cast, the acting wasn't bad;they actually looked like "real people." But the cliché where the little girl happens to know more than everyone else about the evil spirit, she becomes possessed and it becomes like every other attempt at an exorcism film. Not only are we supposed to fear a child, we are supposed to fear a child that has a liquid-like face that stretches and CGI whited out eyes, she runs along walls (last ten minutes) and says...stuff in other people's voices? I just don't get how this can pass as good. 3/10
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