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Different Neeson film
4 May 2024
After years of making the same type of film, Liam Neeson has finally moved to a different direction. Yes, he's still brandishing a gun and blasting people to pieces, but the storyline is very different from his usual style.

1974 Ireland looks very bleak and old fashioned and, if being honest here, some rural parts still look like that now ! This film certainly isn't one for the Irish tourist board!

The acting was good and it was nice to see the young lad who played Joffrey in GoT have a decent role after the aforementioned show.

The film really shows that anyone can justify to themselves their actions, albeit it bad ones.
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Unbelievable (2019)
Amazing acting
3 April 2024
I have just binge watched this totally gripping drama and thoroughly enjoyed it. The three lead actresses were just fabulous and a special nod to the young actress who played Marie, such a difficult role.

The first episode was a little slow at first, but it quickly gathered pace and I couldn't wait to watch the next episode and then the next. Again, the very last episode was a bit slow but it didn't detract from an excellent storyline. Unfortunately, the treatment of young Marie is a well known scenario and it can only be hoped that lessons have been learned (bearing in mind this is based on true events).
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Neighbours: Episode #1.9014 (2024)
Season 1, Episode 9,014
Amazing acting
28 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Today's episode was just amazing. I didn't expect Krista to lose her baby so watching this play out was really heartbreaking. All the actors concerned were truly amazing, with a special nod to Krista and Paul. Well, Stefan Dennis has proved time and time again what a fantastic actor he is. He has been given some challenging storylines over the years and this was one of his finest performances. Having read a lot of online comments, it seems that the Neighbours writers got this stillbirth storyline spot on, with all the emotional and physical trauma experienced by everyone involved. Bravo Neighbours!
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Poms (2019)
Fabulous film had me in tears
20 March 2024
I just loved this film, which is surprising as I am not really a fan of Diane Keaton . However, the storyline really got to me (maybe it's my advancing years) and I ended up in tears by the end of the film. What resonated with me was how none of the women were 'perfect'. Apart from Keaton, they weren't skinny and were normal OAPs with all the failings old age brings. I loved that this film embraced that, and that a little bit of self belief goes a long way.

Yes, there are some predictable elements, like the bossy boots who thinks she is Queen Bee, the young girl who does good in the end, and the geeky lad, but it was still a thoroughly enjoyable film.
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Poor Things (2023)
Just plain weird
20 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
What a disappointment! After all the hype this film generated, plus all the Oscar wins, we were really keen to watch this. I think we got about 30 minutes in when my husband decided he couldn't watch any more.

I did see it through to the end however. My overall opinion is that it is just plain weird- weird for weird's sake. I wasn't keen on the sets (it's not my style) but I do appreciate their vivacity and creativity. Emma Stone was brilliant (but she is an amazing actress so I wouldn't expect anything less) but even her acting skills couldn't make me like the film. I am in no way a prude, but I found the numerous sex scenes uncomfortable to watch. The ending is quite amusing...
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Damsel (2024)
Great fun for 10 year olds
18 March 2024
I am a big fan of Millie Bobby Brown and Ray Winstone, so I had really high hopes for this film. However, we were left really disappointed. Our overall feeling is that it is a great film for 10 year olds.

It's very stylish and visually stunning but the dialogue was very stilted and sometimes childish. Even Millie enunciated her words so much that it was if she wanted the aforementioned viewers to understand every syllable she spoke! She reminded me of Emma Watson/Hermione in HP and the Philosopher's Stone.

Then there was the over styling of the bad ass Millie, cutting her hair (all done without a mirror in sight!), evenly ripping her dress.... and so it goes on.

As I said, great for kids but not mature adults.
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Shōgun: Anjin (2024)
Season 1, Episode 1
Will it be as good as the original?
3 March 2024
I'm a massive fan of the original Shogun, starring Richard Chamberlain. In fact I watched it last year (2023), so it is very fresh in my mind.

Having seen the trailer, I had high hopes for this series. I think the fight/battle scenes are going to be phenomenal. The sets and costumes are stunning.

However, so far that is all I can see that is better with this remake. It's early days, I know, but the tone of this remake is not as brutal. The original Shogun was very brutal and no-one's sensibilities were spared. For me, this is what made the original so compelling. I also don't like Cosmo as Blackthorne, as I feel he lacks Chamberlain's charisma and good looks. It's early days so I am hoping for a vast improvement!
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This Is Joan Collins (2022 TV Special)
Absolutely fascinating
27 February 2024
I grew up in the Dynasty era Joan Collins and knew very little about her other than her role as Alexis Carrington. 'This Is Joan Collins' gives us a very candid view of this amazing star. No one can deny Joan's stunning beauty and amazing, enviable figure, and this programme is full of films and photos from throughout her life. She is the ultimate superstar!

Joan is an honest narrator and admits to her misdemeanours as well as her successes. She has certainly led a full and exciting life, full of ups and downs. Joan was a revolutionary, standing up for women's rights, getting the wages she was due, standing up to the fat cats in Hollywood.

By the end of this programme, I love our Joanie and I am so pleased she found true love- a love which is reciprocated- with Percy Gibson.
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The Crown: Ritz (2023)
Season 6, Episode 8
Touching and poignant
15 February 2024
Some reviewers have called this episode boring because it focuses on Princess Margaret. I think they forgot that the programme is called The Crown, chronicling Queen Elizabeth II's time during her reign. Princess Margaret was extremely important to the Queen. Along with the Queen Mother, they were a strong unit and shared an incredible bond. For someone with such vivacity, it was very sad to see her health decline. This episode was a lovely trip down memory lane, as well as poignant.

It was a sad time for the Queen as she started to lose people dear to her. Her dear friend Porchey, as well as her beloved sister and mother.

Imelda Staunton has played the Queen brilliantly; her facial expressions (that thing with her mouth) are spot on. Lesley Manville's portrayal of Princess Margaret was also fabulous.
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The Crown: Alma Mater (2023)
Season 6, Episode 7
Absolute drivel
15 February 2024
After a brilliant episode with Ruritania, The Crown has hit an all time low of writing fantasy. Of course, the writers had to make the vast majority of it up, as Prince William's time at St. Andrews was largely private. However, a few details are known, yet the Netflix writers have decided to ignore these and fabricated a whole new narrative.

I particularly hate the way Carol Middleton is portrayed as a manipulative, conniving woman. Really not a nice person, who has orchestrated a set up between Catherine and William. What nonsense!

Probably the only believable part is how Catherine enjoyed a fun Christmas, but William had to listen to Aunt Margaret playing Christmas tunes on the piano!
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Maestro (I) (2023)
Beautifully acted but dull story
12 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Bradley Cooper and Carey Mulligan gave sterling performances, there is no doubting that. The black/white and then colour filming was an interesting aspect.

I knew nothing about Leonard 'Lenny' Bernstein, other than that he wrote the music for West Side Story. By the end of the film, I really didn't know much more! I thought it was going to be a film about him, his life. Unfortunately, all I learnt was that he was gay (or bisexual), married an accomplished actress from Costa Rica whom I believed he loved but was not in love with her. Oh, and he chain smoked. There was no depth or detail to his life, and things were casually mentioned rather than explored. Shame, because it could have been amazing.
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Saltburn (2023)
Bemused by the end!
1 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
After the rave reviews and the fact this film is by the talented Emerald Fennell, I felt compelled to watch Saltburn. My son had warned me that it's a bit 'full on' in places, so I wasn't sure what to expect.

The well known story of poor, ugly student meets rich, aristocratic, drop dead gorgeous student played out with no obvious clues to where it was all heading. The plot takes a turn when privileged Felix realises Ollie has been lying about his family and his life was nothing like he had claimed. Events unfold and by the end of the film we see that Ollie is a nasty piece of work and very manipulative.

A great cast with particular applause going to Rosamund Pike's performance as Elspeth. I was just sad to see that the brilliant Ewen Mitchell had such a small role.

All in all, an entertaining film with a twist at the end. There are some very weird moments (I am thinking of the bath) and Barry Keoghan doesn't mind flashing his twinkie, so I would think twice before watching it with your parents/children!
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Barbarian (2022)
Don't watch any trailers/spoilers!
31 January 2024
This is a fantastic thriller/horror film, which had us gripped and on the edge of our seats. Actually, at first we thought it was your typical mundane, run of the mill scary film , but it suddenly flipped and we were like "what the??...".

It is actually a film of three parts which come together to make a terrific film. I don't want to say too much, as I don't want to give away the plot - hence my review title. I will say that it is well acted and with the addition of Bill Skarsgard, you know you're onto a good thing. Some reviews have commented on the lead character's silly choices, but that makes it more realistic as we don't always act rationally when thrown into a situation.

Bottom line? Ignore the haters. This is a great film which will have you on the edge of your seat!
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Traumatic yet powerful
6 October 2023
I'm from 'down south' so the impact of the Yorkshire did not hit us, as it would have if we lived in that area, but I remember it very well. The Long Shadow is an excellent drama, drawing the viewer in from the onset. There are seven episodes and the first five really concentrate on the the victims' stories, our country's economic woes and the effects they were having on families. Alongside this, we see the police chasing their tails and puffing out their egotistical chests. The attitude towards any of the women made me so angry but, dare I say, really reflect how things were then. How times have changed (although there is still room for improvement!). Technology has come on leaps and bounds, from mobile phones to DNA.

The acting was superb all round. There was no one stand out actor as they were all amazing. There was a touch to the series which was very eerie; when the Ripper is near or a development is made, a clicking noise can be heard (some percussion instrument). Every time I heard it, I got goosebumps and felt tense.

It was interesting to see what happened to some of the people- I always like to see photos of the actual persons. I bawled my eyes out, seeing the little boy all grown up, and his story.

Watch this series and remember that Peter Sutcliffe was an 'ordinary man' who blended in. No horns on his head. No unusual mannerisms. Nothing to make you look twice.
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Outlander: Turning Points (2023)
Season 7, Episode 8
Great ending to the mid season finale
17 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I have really enjoyed season 7 and look forward to its continuation next year as this was a great ending to the mid season finale.

I have read all the books and know that there is an awful lot of detail missing. However, this is to be expected as Diana Gabaldon writes in such great detail it's nigh on impossible to recreate this. Still, there are a lot of genuine facts and it's exciting to see 'real' historical people interwoven into the story.

Once again Sam and Catriona are fabulous in their roles. I'm pretty certain they were genuine tears from Sam when Scotland again; I can relate to that, as I get a swell in my heart when I return to that bonny land. The newbies, Rachel and Denzell have slotted in beautifully and as for William, well that's perfect casting!

Now to the negative points. Whoever is singing the theme tune just murders it. Even my husband commented on how dreadful it is. Please can we go back to the singer in season 1!

1985. I was a teenager and I remember it very well. I know Scotland can be a bit behind in the fashion stakes (I know this for certain because I visited my family in Glasgow every summer and they were never quite there with current trends in London), but whoever was researching fashion and home decor of 1985 was way off the mark. This was the era of New Romantics and Madonna - not 60s hairstyles and 1970s bedding, even in Scotland!
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Heart of Stone (I) (2023)
Not so bad
12 August 2023
The reviews are pretty bad so far, but I totally disagree. I thought this was quite an entertaining film. Yes, plenty of far fetched action, but then what is that great success, James Bond??

The plot is easy to follow, which I like and the storyline is plausible in a James Bond/Mission Impossible kind of way; the only difference being a woman is the action hero. It's a times like this you realise how sexist the world is.

Gal Gadot is perfect for the role. She is so naturally beautiful, it works without having someone caked in makeup/altered by surgery . Ably supported by Jamie Dornan and Sophie Okoneyo this is an action packed romp.
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Another fabulous Abba fest-and then Cher shows up
8 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love Abba's music, I love Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again is another wonderful jaunt through Benny and Bjorn's amazing catalogue of hits.

MM#2 is a brilliant mix of the original cast and the younger versions of themselves, telling Donna's story. Lily James is fabulous as the young Donna and , dare I say it, better at the role than Meryl Streep. She has a great singing voice and really blasts out those hits.

Now I get to the negative. Cher. It's the only reason I have not given the film a higher rating. Cher is totally out of place in the film. From the moment she stepped out of the helicopter, the film took a little turn for the worse. It feels like she was shoehorned in, with a daft storyline and even dafter dance moves (if you can actually call it that). Even the handsome Andy Garcia cannot salvage her lame acting/singing/dancing.
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Enjoyable fun
1 August 2023
This was enjoyable and entertaining throughout. Yes, it's a predictable storyline but it was a fun watch. It is also a great advertisement for Singapore and I have put it on my bucket list! The wealth shown in the film is beyond my comprehension but it was lovely to see a lot of glitz and glam in a world I shall never, thankfully, inhabit.

Henry Golding is a beautiful looking man, so I was quite mesmerised for a lot of the film. Michelle Yeoh is brilliant in everything she does. However, for me the star of the show is Nora Lum. She is hilarious throughout, along with her bizarre nouveau riche family.

I would say this film is realistically worth a 6/10, but given that I smiled throughout I have given it a 7.
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Utterly compelling
31 July 2023
I binge watched this on iPlayer as it was utterly compelling. I had a vague recollection of the incident when it happened, but watching this excellent drama left my head spinning. How could someone be so dreadful to these poor people. If I didn't know it was a true story, I would have thought it to be far fetched and over the top.

It goes without saying what fantastic actors Timothy Spall and Anne Reid are. But hats off to Eanna Hardwicke as the villain of the piece and an extra special mention to Annabel Scholey for an outstanding performance.

I would have given a 10/10 review rating, but the one thing missing was a time scale. It could have taken place over a matter of weeks, months or years.
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Extraction II (2023)
Ridiculous nonsense
10 July 2023
I enjoyed the first film, Extraction, but this beggars belief. The plot is actually ok and everything makes sense and slots in fine. However, by the time I reached the halfway mark I was literally hopping up and down with the ludicrous action. These are supposedly 'professionals', yet every time Chris and his team were shooting their opponents they would waste 10-15 shots/bullets to the kevlar vests only to then realise one shot to the head would be sufficient - EVERY TIME!

I'm not normally picky about such things but this was really winding me up. I really like Chris Hemsworth, but unless you want a sedative, I would forget this film.
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Marie Antoinette: The Slap (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Impressive start
15 March 2023
I thoroughly enjoyed this first episode of Marie Antoinette. Emilia Schule has been perfectly cast as the young Toinette. She is basically a little girl thrown to the wolves at Versailles in an air of hostility, deception and plain nastiness. It's nice to see James Purefoy and Gaia Weiss back on our screens.

I know nothing of Marie Antoinette's story, so any inaccuracies will wash over me. However, I do realise this is a dramatisation and not a documentary.

The costumes are absolutely breathtaking and complement the setting of Versailles and Fontainbleu. I am looking forward to watch the rest of the series and hope that it will maintain its brilliance.
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If you don't understand the multiverse, don't watch it!
14 March 2023
Written post Oscars.

This film had a lot of press pre Oscars, so I made sure I watched it before the awards. I really wanted to like this film. Michelle Yeoh is a superb actress. Jamie Lee Curtis is brilliant. However, this is a multiverse film and if, like me, you don't understand this concept then don't waste your time watching it. I enjoyed the acting. It was superb. It was great to see Short Round all grown up. I understand the bit about love, families, choices. But it was such a disappointment and I was thankful I didn't waste my money seeing it at the cinema. I was bored and couldn't wait for the credits to roll.
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Don't waste your time
6 March 2023
'Orphan' was an amazing film, with a twist I hadn't seen coming. Following that, I had hopes that this prequel might be half way decent. How wrong I was!

For a start, it was filmed far too late (12 years or so) as the actress playing Esther is much too old and any attempt to make the actress look so young was futile. Had they have filmed the prequel following Orphan's success, it would have been so much better.

There is an interesting plot twist which I applaud, and Julia Stiles is brilliant as the mother. However, even Julia Stiles cannot resurrect a duff film.

Don't waste your time on such a daft film...
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Men (2022)
What on earth did I just watch?
31 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love a good horror and the first part of the film was full of suspense. I was literally holding my breath at some points.

On reflection, I really didn't understand what was going on. It was a bit disconcerting seeing Rory Kinnear's todger flying around the screen, and him peering through the window was truly scary. When all the men in the village looked like Mr Kinnear, I thought this was a film about incest in some rural village. I could cope with that. Then the film became super weird and I have absolutely no idea what I was watching . Even after reading other people's reviews, I am still non the wiser.
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The Wonder (I) (2022)
Interesting and terrifying at the same time
13 January 2023
I don't want to give away too much (but that wretched 600 character minimum requirement doesn't help), but this film is one to persevere with. It moves along slowly but pay attention and put subtitles on!

This film is brilliantly acted by Florence Pugh and Kila Lord Cassidy who, despite being so young, really holds her own throughout the film. They are both supported by a good cast, but having some personal experience on the subject, I think the clergy were unbelievably quiet/subdued- particularly as this takes place in 19th century Ireland.

The storyline isn't just about faith vs science, but touches on abuse in many forms. I don't want to give anymore away.

I'll end by saying I wasn't keen on the music or the beginning and end of the film - and I certainly didn't understand why that woman was talking at the end!
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