
22 Reviews
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Not As Bad As Critics Are Saying
8 October 2023
The film has all the right elements, however, the pacing, and the lack of real character development, are the real issues here. Also, the possessed child trope has worn itself out. Chris MacNeil and Regan's story are actually more compelling than the possession of the two girls and it should have been explored more and made the focus of the film. No movie can match the brilliance of the 1973 feature and no one should expect it to be. However, audiences should expect to be entertained and due to the aforementioned issues, this rarely materializes. Again, the film is far from awful, just half-baked. I will happily watch a sequel, but I hope they go in a different direction. Perhaps explore Regan's life 50 years post exorcism.
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Man vs. Bee (2022)
This Is Dreadful
25 June 2022
Not sure what Atkinson, or for that matter, Netflix was thinking making this. Like nails on a chalkboard. Unbelievably unfunny and frankly embarrassing.
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Unbelievably Hilarious!
24 June 2022
Mike Judge does it again! Who would have thought that, yet again, a duo like Beavis and Butt-Head would prove to be the perfect team to comment and send up the times we live in? I also have to applaud the animation department. They've brought back the DIY style that gave the original show its charm. The color pallet is also rich and soothing to look at. I'm still in shock over how great this film is. Love live Buffcoat and Beaver!
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The First Lady: See Saw (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
Pfeiffer Delivers An Award-Worthy Performance
18 May 2022
Pfeiffer continues to own this series. Her take on Betty Ford is both heart-breaking and courageous. The subtle nuances and humanity she delivers are captivating. Interest in the life of Betty Ford will undoubtedly skyrocket, and Pfeiffer's delivery will no doubt play a huge part in it.
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Hysterically Funny!
13 May 2022
If you thought there was a chance these guys would mellow with age, you're sadly mistaken. This is probably the edgiest material the Kids have ever done. Fan favorite characters are back along with all-new over-the-top creations. No one does surreal comedy like these guys. If you're not easily offended and won't fall to pieces over politically incorrect humor, this is for you!
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7 May 2022
What was Netflix was thinking? This is one of the worst shows I've ever seen. Mike Myers was a brilliant comedian 30 years ago. "Wayne's World" is without a doubt his best work to date. This, I don't even have the words for. Someone at Netflix needs to be fired and Myers better pray that people forget about or don't see this massive bomb for the sake of his career.
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Pfeiffer Is The Standout
21 April 2022
Viola Davis and Gillian Anderson are doing impersonations more suited for "Saturday Night Live." Michelle Pfeiffer on the other hand humanizes First Lady Betty Ford, an often overlooked historical figure. I happen to agree with critics who've stated that this show would have fared better had the entire spotlight been on Betty Ford.
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The Batman (2022)
"Twilight" Meets "Gotham"
2 March 2022
I'm in agreement with critics who've said that it's visually nice to look at but ultimately hallow when it comes to actual story. Everything from the casting to the costume choices are a complete misfire. This would have worked better as a possible television series for the CW than the big screen. Not worth the money, nor the three excruciating hours.
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Curb Your Enthusiasm: Igor, Gregor, & Timor (2021)
Season 11, Episode 9
Tracey Ullman Continues To Be A Standout
20 December 2021
Absolutely hilarious. Larry has finally met his match! Tracey Ullman as Irma Koskowski has been a revelation. Ullman is absolutely fearless. I need to see the bloopers between David and Ullman now!
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A Christmas Movie That Hits All The Right Notes!
17 December 2021
This was really fun! Will Horton decides to pen a "what if" Christmas movie at the last minute with the help of his husband Sonny. While all the soap drama is still there, the film keeps an upbeat holiday tone. It's very funny, as well as touching, with many twists and turns. Eileen Davidson is also spectacular as Kristen DiMera. Highly recommended!!
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Curb Your Enthusiasm: Irma Kostroski (2021)
Season 11, Episode 7
Tracey Ullman Proves To Be A Brilliant Addition!
9 December 2021
Very, very funny. Richard Lewis's appearance was also very enjoyable. I'm happy to see that this won't be the last time we see Irma Kostroski (Ullman)! This season has gotten better and better!
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She's Still Got It!
28 September 2021
So funny! I found myself howling at the sketches produced for this anniversary special. I can't believe that I stayed up five hours straight watching the entire special way into the wee hours of the morning. It was worth it! Happy birthday, Elvira, you're a national treasure!
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Even Better Than The Main Show
7 September 2021
I wasn't expecting to enjoy this as much as I did. It's a fun, tight little action-adventure series developed exclusively for Peacock bringing together some old and new faces. Peacock may have a hit on their hands. Hopefully it gets future seasons.
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Rugrats (2021– )
An Unnecessary Disaster
19 July 2021
First off, the animation is terrible. The Rugrats should not be in CG animation. It just doesn't work. Second, the voice cast chosen for the adult characters are completely annoying and uninteresting. Third, they're redoing the same storylines that were done thirty years ago. This will go down as one of the most expensive reboot disasters in television history. I went into this with an open mind too.
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French Exit (2020)
An Oscar-worthy Performance From Pfeiffer
11 October 2020
A surreal comedy-drama romp from director Azazel Jacobs.

I had the pleasure of seeing "French Exit" at its New York Film Festival premiere. I wasn't sure what to expect. I was familiar with the best-selling book on which it's based by author Patrick deWitt. I wasn't quite sure how the source material would translate to the big screen but by the end I was blown away. The cast is breathtaking. Pfeiffer gives one of the best performances of her career. You simply can't imagine anyone else playing Francis. Lucas Hedges is also a standout playing Francis' long-suffering son, Malcolm. Actress Valerie Mahaffey is also delightful playing the painfully awkward Mme. Reynard.

I really wish I could have watched it again - something I haven't been able to say about a film in a very long time.
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Mrs. America (2020)
Cate Blanchett and Tracey Ullman Are Standouts
28 April 2020
I can't praise this series enough. The writing, casting, cinematography - perfection! The show is evenhanded in its portrayal of both sides and each woman featured. Blanchett delivers a knockout performance, as does actress Tracey Ullman. It's wonderful to see her in a dramatic role! Not a show to be missed!
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Tracey Ullman's Show (2016–2018)
Absolutely Brilliant!!!
1 October 2019
Tracey has outdone herself yet again. It's no wonder that so many of this show's sketches have gone viral around the world, and even used as a teaching aid in universities. Each season is better than the last!!!
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Tracey Breaks the News (2017–2018)
23 June 2018
Tracey Ullman is back with a vengeance in this new comedy series! Nothing is off-limits, no one is safe! This is arguably the best satirical comedy since "Spitting Image." As many comedians get softer with age, Tracey just gets bolder and edgier. She is, in the words of Dame Judi Dench, a national treasure!
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Tracey Breaks the News (2017–2018)
Sharp and Daring!
5 November 2017
Finally, the return of British satire at its proper pi$$-taking best! Not since "Spitting Image" has a program been so observant and hilarious. No one is safe: liberals, conservatives, not even poor Melaniabot (the Melania Trump robot, created by Russian spies). Only Tracey Ullman could make Theresa May a somewhat sympathetic character with her deer in the headlights persona. Brilliant from start to finish!
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Tracey Ullman's Show: Episode #2.6 (2017)
Season 2, Episode 6
Great finale!
19 March 2017
Warning: Spoilers
First off, Angela Merkel singing "99 Red Balloons" is the most glorious bit ever conceived! The victim-shaming sketch that got global media coverage deserves a BAFTA. The takeoff on Tracey Emin (though they didn't use her name) was spot-on. Nicola Sturgeon torturing a captive Andy Murray with non-stop Bay City Rollers was also hilarious. Kay's sketch was probably the most unexpected. Mother has gone from wicked to pure evil! All in all, just a brilliant send off. Bring on series 3! We need Theresa May given a proper Tracey Ullman send up!
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Bjork delivers a performance so shocking, raw, and breathtaking!
4 October 2008
"Dancer" has to be one of the most emotionally draining films to watch.

I will skip the spoilers.

I stayed clear of viewing the film, fearing that it would be yet another movie tailor-made for a singer who wanted to take a shot at acting, with bells and whistles attached to distract from their poor acting ability.

Nothing could be less true when it comes to "Dancer in the Dark". It's candid-style feel, its silence, demands its performers to fill up the void with their talents. If you can't act, this is NOT the film you would want to take part in. Every fiber of your being is splayed out for audience viewing. Bjork either knew she could do it, or just took a gamble. It payed off enormously for us the audience, and for her.

The story is simple, yet complicated. The characters are gray, but colorful. The film, not classified as a drama, nor a musical, nor a horror film, but somehow it manages to be all three, and balances nicely.

"Dancer" is simply an indescribable movie. Most will skip its classification and instead go straight to notarizing how many nerves it hit in them personally.

How Bjork did not receive an Oscar for her performance, let alone a simple nomination, is blasphemous. "Dancer in the Dark" was ahead of its time, and had it been released now, when independent films are the mainstream, Bjork would have swept the Oscars.

Bjork not only delivered on acting duties but she also delivered the film's soundtrack, and title score, a score that deserves a place right up there with those of "Star Wars" and "E.T." Word of warning: You may feel spent by the time you get to the conclusion of the film. It will stick with you awhile after viewing.
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Give me that necklace!
6 August 2008
The story is simple. You know the characters. While it sticks to Grimm's tale for the majority of its plot, the ending is a bit Disney-fied with the death of the Evil Queen. I mean, they scared the bejesus out of us for an entire hour with the little German dwarfs, why not go all the way and give us the real horror of the Queen's death, putting iron shoes on her and making her dance until she dropped dead? For 1955, it's pretty well filmed, with very nice shots of the natural surroundings.

The US dubbed-version is a thousand times scarier, with its music and menacing voice actors. Even the narrator sounds evil. The German version is very childlike with a sort of playfulness that's seen throughout many of the film's pivotal moments.

I recommend watching both versions to get a good kick out of what the US did to a relatively harmless children's film, (even though the Queen tries to kill her stepdaughter multiple times, of course.) The US-dubbed dialog is taken directly from the German film's script. It has simply been translated.
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